Blast From the Past: Gregory Charles Banks, the phony just passing through

| December 26, 2018

This week’s BFTP spotlight goes to Gregory Charles Banks aka “Egregious Greg”. The original post is located here: Gregory Charles Banks, the phony just passing through  which amassed over 829 comments, and a cool “Wanted” poster was also made for Gregory here: Wanted: Gregory Banks. Greg also made it to the Shitbag Sixteen during the 2014 Blue Falcon Stolen Valor Tournament. Just another phony with the response of “Who dat?” from the NPRC.


Jonn’s original post:

So one of our readers is a Mason up in Connecticut and this dude passes through his lodge on the way back from his combat assignments. Sometimes he’s in ACUs, other times he’s wearing his blues, like in the picture above. Of course, he’s Special Forces (isn’t everyone, these days) and in addition to his duties as an Army officer, he’s also a counselor with two offices. The man is a freakin’ machine.

Gregory Banks Counselor

Well, he didn’t turn up in any of my databases, but, you know, he’s probably so secret squirrel that he wouldn’t, but CID can’t find him either. Nor can NPRC;

Gregory Banks FOIA

We’re told that his lodge just threw him a big celebration for his recent award of the Bronze Star Medal so obviously, he loves attention – so here is all of the attention you could ever want, Greg-baby. It looks to me like he stole a midget’s jacket.

Added; more pics;


Banks, Greg C.

I emailed these pictures to our counselor friend, Greg Charles Banks and asked if these are not him in the photos, and he hasn’t answered back. I guess he’s going with “identity theft” as an explanation.

OK, I just got an email from him and he admits that this is him in this picture taken at the lodge not wearing the uniform;

Banks at the Lodge2

I don’t know, you judge.

Gregory Banks comparison photo

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Past Posers, Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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If Bill O’Reilly had a twin …


I had to bring up two instances of the post to compare pics, and yes, I think that is him in the lodge in civvies. Back row on the right.

What the significance is escapes me, though. Unless he’s showing he isn’t a valor thief all the time.



What a piece of utter trash. Reinforces that a lot of people in the mental health field are themselves suffering from mental health issues.

TAH wasn’t towards the top of the Google list when I checked yesterday. So maybe we can do something for him on that.


Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.



I read back:

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.

Copy all, AW1 out.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Mason says:
December 26, 2018 at 1:46 pm
What a piece of utter trash. Reinforces that a lot of people in the mental health field are themselves suffering from mental health issues.

TAH wasn’t towards the top of the Google list when I checked yesterday. So maybe we can do something for him on that.


Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.

Jeff LPH3 Copy


One of my best friends at college became a psychiatrist. He is a total mess, lost his license to practice, and he has threatened suicide multiple times when he was drunk.

A Proud Infidel®™

ROGER, I copy:

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.



WTF is on his right collar where the “U.S.” brass should be?

What is going on with the badges on his left pocket strap? Their alignment and spacing in janky as hell and what is that base in the center above the button?


*pocket flap

MI Ranger

He Has a 75th Ranger Regiment Scroll on his left pocket, and a 1st Special Forces Former War Time Service Badge on his left pocket with a 75th Ranger Regiment Regimental affiliation badge above his unit awards. However, no short or long tabs on his left pocket…just a bunch of ladder rungs on his marksmanship badge. Lights not good, and since officers don’t wear marksmanship badges maybe they are Therapist Counselling specialties? I guess Regiment is really hard up for couples therapy docs and waved the Ranger School requirement while he was there and earned his Infantry Cord… maybe while he was providing therapy to the bayonet dummy.


*what is that badge in the center?



I think that’s the “hold my beer” badge.

As in: “I bet you can’t make a retired Master Chief in New York City come completely uncunted on you.”

…puts badge on pocket flap…


I just wonder if the lodges are full of valor thieves since these guys seem to pass for years, are given honors, and rise to leadership positions wearing uniforms like this at events.

A Proud Infidel®™️

No, Freemason Lodges are NOT full of Valor Thieves, it’s quite the opposite. I sincerely wonder just what con games Gregory Banks is playing to ingratiate himself?


*pocket flap

Dennis - not chevy

Markmanship badge on an Officer’s uniform? I thought it was traditional that Army Officers do not wear them. Is this a sure and easy sign of a phony?


No. There is nothing in the regulation that prohibits officers from wearing them.

It is customary that they don’t.

I assumed as an enlisted person that it was because most officers are not expert marksman and junior soldiers would find that lack of proficiency as indicative of competence.

Since becoming an officer I think it is exactly what that professional norm exists. Officers are expected to be at least as proficient and competent in soldier skills as their most junior subordinates.

NCOs serve as mentors on soldiering for junior officers so nobody expects a junior officer to be as competent as senior NCOs but they expect them to be more competent and junior soldiers.

Wearing the badges breaks a norm that appears to be designed to provide cover for fellow officers so not to shame them for a not excelling at a skill that is generally not regarded as a necessary priority for being an effective officer.


Well, no. The reason is because officers are presumed to be able to qualify at the range. Although, I bet you wore one.

Snappy Dan

I remember in the IOBC advance course in 1988 the head of the infantry school wanted the expert rifle for graduation
That’s was hilarious bc most couldn’t shoot.
Never went through bc u wouldn’t have .graduates


“The reason is officers are presumed to qualify at range.”

Nothing in the regulation makes that claim.

It is what some officers claim is the reason but we know it to be false since offficers fail to qualify often.

NCOs are presumed to qualify at range as well yet they wear their marksmsmship badges.


I only met two officers who could not at least qualify with a weapon…both were AG types.

Now, PT tests on the other hand….


In over fifteen years of service (ROTC, AD, and reserve components), I never saw or heard of any officer wearing a three or four ladder marksmanship badge. On AD I never saw any officer wear any marksmanship badge whatever.


Yes, it is traditional. And as usual, Cunthulu has imagined a prog reason which is consistent with his disordered thinking and value system.

Dennis - not chevy

I wonder if the rungs are:
floor buffer
world of warcraft


Quite likely, if they have rungs for those. I also love how he is claiming to be a Special Forces officer but is wearing the Blue Rope of Doom (for infantry only). Another interesting point, he is wearing a Good Conduct Medal in his ribbon rack, something that is never awarded to officers, because we are presumed to have “good conduct” without needing a ribbon for it.


Can’t speak for the nautically challenged branches rgr769, but Mustang Officers in the Navy/Marines wear their good cookie if so awarded during Enlisted service.

Exception to the rule?


No; Army officers with prior enlisted service continue wear any GCM(s) awarded during their enlisted time. Pretty sure the same is true for USMC and USAF officers with prior enlisted time as well.


Getting too far into retirement to speak to current regs, but in the past, O’s wearing previously earned E awards was allowed but not required in USAF. (Have no independent recollection which awards were required to be worn, but will always remember a guy around 1980 being reluctant to put on his ribbon rack for an official pic. He was an E-8 at the time and didn’t discuss his Silver Star and didn’t want it known that he had earned one, among other impressive awards. A class act indeed.)

MI Ranger

Hondo is correct. Officers with previous enlisted service wear their Good Conduct Medals and NCO Professional Development Ribbons they earned. However, since his Ranks boards (on shoulder) are not Infantry Blue he would no longer be authorized to wear the Infantry Cord (of Doom a rgr769 refers to it as). I believe 18 series are still authorized to wear it. Same goes for the CIB, he would have had to earn it while an Infantry Officer or Enlisted. There is an exception where a non-infantry Soldier assigned to an Infantry Unit can be awarded the CIB for exceptional service performed as an Infantryman (i.e. Takes charge of a unit and leads them out of a bad situation), and can be authorized to wear the CIB, but not the Cord (or disks). Haven’t heard of it since Vietnam though.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Gregory Banks is listed as a CHAPLAIN in his Lodge, what were they smoking when they elected him to that chair? I’ve seen some get suspended or expelled from Lodges for less!!!

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!

A Proud Infidel®™️

P. S. Commo checks are appreciated!


Southwestern TAH division sends:

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!

A Proud Infidel®™

Gregory Banks is listed as a CHAPLAIN in his Lodge, what were they smoking when they elected him to that chair? I’ve seen some get suspended or expelled from Lodges for less!!!

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!


R 262240Z DEC 2018
Gregory Banks is listed as a CHAPLAIN in his Lodge, what were they smoking when they elected him to that chair? I’ve seen some get suspended or expelled from Lodges for less!!!

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!

A Proud Infidel®™

Message received, that is correct:

Gregory Banks is listed as a CHAPLAIN in his Lodge, what were they smoking when they elected him to that chair? I’ve seen some get suspended or expelled from Lodges for less!!!

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!


A Proud Infidel®™


Gregory Banks is listed as a CHAPLAIN in his Lodge, what were they smoking when they elected him to that chair? I’ve seen some get suspended or expelled from Lodges for less!!!

Gregory Banks LIED about serving in the US Army.
Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!

Good copy,



Gregory Banks should off himself.
Just do it outside so you don’t leave a big mess, thanks bud.
He, the fake-ass SF Solider counselor from Connecticut known as Greg Banks, ain’t worth the lint from that costume of a uniform he wears.
Hey, Greg-y-poo, $20 to your NoK if I can watch you run into traffic, blindfolded.
Think about it.


I thought that name was somewhat familiar. But there are so many phonies… and so little time….

Looks like the therd is hinning out. (Misspellings on purpose this time.)

A Proud Infidel®™️

I make an Official Motion for Gregory Banks to receive The Official TAH Continent of Insults®™️.



Josey Wales

Gregory Banks – *PTUI*



This clown had many issues then and apparently still has not resolved them all, if he has resolved any of them.

Not into Masonry, but if someone can get the skinny on why this guy remains with them it would be appreciated. Revolting. Have had dealings with several Lodges over the years and a few active members. Can see none of them putting up with this sort of behavior. Or maybe that is the rule and my limited experience is with the only ones with their heads screwed on straight.

Is there a children’s hospital at all close to this fellow?? The possibilities are chilling.

Remember the young lad he used as his personal cabana boy/housekeeper/receptionist/whatever? There was some illegal/abusive/unethical going on there as well.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Gregory Banks lists “Child and Adolescent”, “Trauma and PTSD” and “Family Systems Issues” as his Specialties, the more I look at him, the more gargantuan scumbag I think he is, thus I motioned for Gregory Banks to receive The Official TAH Continent of Insults®™️!


“Is there a children’s hospital at all close to this fellow”

Excellent point. The shit sundae beneath.


Another outstanding “winner” from TAH’s elite BFTP team- BZ guys!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66,

AW1Ed says:
December 26, 2018 at 3:20 pm
I read back:

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.

Copy all, AW1 out.
Copy all, Jeff LPH3 out

A Proud Infidel®™

Message received:

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not in the US Army.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a commissioned officer nor a major in the US Army.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a combat veteran.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut was not awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, or any other medals, awards, or decorations.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran of the US Army Rangers or Special Forces.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is not a veteran at all.

Greg Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut is a valor thief.

Gregory Banks, licensed therapist and counselor in Connecticut, due to his lying casts doubt on his ability to provide adequate counseling to those in need, since he claims a PTSD specialty.

How copy,


Comm Center Rat

Will somebody in the mental health community please get this Licensed Professional Counselor some professional counseling!

Green Thumb

That’s the part I really remember about this loser.

Access to patients. Dangerous.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Gregory Banks is a Psychological and Financial Predator at THE very least!

Combat Historian

Has greggy boi been playing dress-up again?


So the Masons didn’t give him the boot after all?


A Proud Infidel®™️

My question is that if he lives in Connecticut, why does he belong to a Lodge in Massachusetts? Connecticut has plenty of Lodges!


Doesn’t want the competition from Blumenthal.


Just think what this twatwaffle could’ve done with all the money he spent putting together that phony uniform (speaking as an O4 with 33 years, it’s EXPENSIVE. Especially when you start adding all the 27 pieces of flair).

He could’ve bought a gym membership for 2 years (or more if he went to Planet Fitness)

He could’ve donated the money to an organization that trains service animals for actual veterans.

He could’ve just not been a douche.

A Proud Infidel®™

I truly think that Gregory Banks truly has some deep-seated complex from an earlier time in his life that makes him seek any validation that he can no matter what it takes. He falsely claimed to have been a US Army Officer, in Special Forces no less, which was clearly proven false. HE IS STILL a Member of a Freemason Lodge which still has him sitting in an Office Chair and I’ve seen Masons get Suspended or Expelled for less. Gregory Banks touts himself as a Counselor which really makes me think he is ONE sick puppy, given what he claims as his specialties, I DO NOT think he should be left alone around vulnerable Women and Children!


Put another way, some people are so starved for attention that negative attention seems better to them than no attention. Yes, such folks are sick, sometimes very sick. Greg appears to be one of those sick people.


If laughter is the best medicine, Gregory Charles Banks’s Army career must be curing the world.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, he scared the crap out of the toilet.

Gregory Charles Banks’s family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick.

Gregory Charles Banks’s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, when his mom dropped him off at school she got a fine for littering.

The only way Gregory Charles Banks will ever get laid is if he crawls up a chicken’s ass and wait.

Brains aren’t everything. In Gregory Charles Banks’s case, they’re nothing.

If stupid were a crime, Gregory Charles Banks get a life sentence.

Gregory Charles Banks needs to keep rolling your eyes, perhaps you’ll find a brain back there.

Gregory Charles Banks is the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.

Gregory Charles Bank’s house is so dirty you have to wipe your feet before you go outside.

A Proud Infidel®™

Roger, I copy:

If laughter is the best medicine, Gregory Charles Banks’s Army career must be curing the world.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, he scared the crap out of the toilet.

Gregory Charles Banks’s family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick.

Gregory Charles Banks’s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, when his mom dropped him off at school she got a fine for littering.

The only way Gregory Charles Banks will ever get laid is if he crawls up a chicken’s ass and wait.

Brains aren’t everything. In Gregory Charles Banks’s case, they’re nothing.

If stupid were a crime, Gregory Charles Banks get a life sentence.

Gregory Charles Banks needs to keep rolling your eyes, perhaps you’ll find a brain back there.

Gregory Charles Banks is the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.

Gregory Charles Bank’s house is so dirty you have to wipe your feet before you go outside.




Good copy on the following:

If laughter is the best medicine, Gregory Charles Banks’s Army career must be curing the world.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, he scared the crap out of the toilet.

Gregory Charles Banks’s family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick.

Gregory Charles Banks’s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

Gregory Charles Banks is so ugly, when his mom dropped him off at school she got a fine for littering.

The only way Gregory Charles Banks will ever get laid is if he crawls up a chicken’s ass and wait.

Brains aren’t everything. In Gregory Charles Banks’s case, they’re nothing.

If stupid were a crime, Gregory Charles Banks get a life sentence.

Gregory Charles Banks needs to keep rolling your eyes, perhaps you’ll find a brain back there.

Gregory Charles Banks is the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.

Gregory Charles Bank’s house is so dirty you have to wipe your feet before you go outside.


Main Control to Bridge, message garbled, repeat back for clarity:

Gregory Banks wore a US Army ASU Uniform to Lodge full of decorations HE NEVER received.
Gregory Banks also offers therapy with his dog which I pity.
Gregory Banks posted an ad for his therapy service with a picture of his dog wearing military camo.
Gregory Banks is obviously continuing his con games.
Gregory Banks has yet to truly repent by fessing up that he so blatantly lied about his past,
Gregory Banks is a proven liar, so how can he be even remotely trusted as a Counselor?
Gregory Banks made it on the news as a known poser and never talked to any reporters IIRC.
Gregory Banks is obviously an attention whore.
Gregory Banks needs to be exposed as often as possible.
Gregory Banks ought to offer up why he did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it.
Gregory Banks is IMHO a sniveling lowlife.
Gregory Banks ought to get some attention from his State Licensing Board or Bureau.
Gregory Banks needs all of the SV exposure he can get.
Gregory Banks needs to have this and past posts on him shown to The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Gregory Banks is an insult to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
May The Power of Google®™️ be strong with your Stolen Valor Gregory Banks, the Internet is forever!



A few things left out above:

1. The 18 year old Marine Corpes Cabana Boy and how he pretended to be a lawyer and extort $500 from me for the safe return of uniforms and medals.

2. The mother who threatened to sue TAH, Jonn and me for exposing her little boy.

3. The complaint made to DHS about me because I used the words “nuclear option, silver bullet and burning house” in a blog. Apparently, they were feared by those words.

4. The above was sanctioned by State of Connecticut and lost his national certification in large part due to the work of Jonn and I.

5. Connecticut Stolen Valor Law proponents used this case in arguing and passing the law.

6. The above is still selling services associated with PTSD, veterans and has a therapy dog all blinged out in digitals.

7. The Stolen Valor Community is closely monitoring his activities through open sourced intel streams and local reporting.