Sully, President Bush’s service dog, trains for work at Walter Reed
George H.W. Bush’s service dog Sully recognized for his service.
By Nicole Darrah | Fox News
Sully, former President George H.W. Bush’s service dog, has temporarily moved back to his birthplace before he heads to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center next year.
The 2-year-old service dog, who captured Americans’ hearts after the 41st president died late last month, was welcomed back with open arms and a round of applause by America’s VetDogs on Wednesday.
“We’re very honored that we had the opportunity over the course of the last six or seven months to work with former President George H.W. Bush,” John Miller, president and CEO of the organization, said at a press event in Long Island, New York.
Miller said that Bush and his family, along with their team, “were first class in every way and worked very hard with us to make sure that Sully … served the president the best he could.”
Sully’s final trainer and service dog program manager, Valerie Cramer, said she was the one who received the call from Bush’s team in April inquiring about a service dog for the onetime president.
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When Bush died, “it was his wish that Sully serve other veterans,” she said. Bush’s wish will be granted sometime around February, when Sully will provide animal-assisted intervention at the military medical center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Sully will visit with injured veterans and help to provide comfort during rehabilitation sessions, Cramer said. “He will be fulfilling President Bush’s request.”
Several labs have been family members at la Casa de AW1Ed. They are friendly, loyal, playful, and don’t be fooled by that somewhat goofy personality; they are one of the smartest of the working breeds. What a great gesture of 41 and family. I can’t think of a better place for Sully to be.
Read the article in its entirety at: Fox News
Category: Support the troops, Veteran Health Care, Walter Reed
Damn, that’s perfect! I was actually wondering where that pooch would end up-to-date great to see he will continue his mission!
Stoopid auto suggest…
It can be a real Mother Forklift from time to time!
I miss my Chessies.
Maybe this Spring I will get to raise another.
Sully looks happy. Ever notice how posers dogs look sad?
Remember Banks … he has a dog now:
His dog wears digital and has nameplates.
Maybe that pasty fuckface needs a repeat exposure on TAH, I hereby make an official motion for it! At the same time I pity that poor dog and detest how Gregory Banks is using him for further scamming!
API, your request has been forwarded to TAH’s elite Blast From the Past (BFTP) team for consideration and possible inclusion on the BFTP docket. Thank you for your suggestion.
Yeah, he is a special case.
I’m a beleiver that among certain beeds they prefer to have a job/mission and labs are amongst those breed.
My current German Shepherd is feom working lines. If anyone is out in the yard he has to be there to keep an eye on them.
Good boy!
the goodest boy
Many years ago, my sister had a 4-H project doing early-stage training of guide dog puppies for blind people. This was mostly simple stuff such as Canine 101 sit-stay-down-heel-come-fetch lessons for about 18 months. At the time, the guide dog organization used three breeds: German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Labrador Retrievers. Which breed a blind person was assigned was usually based on the age of the blind person. Labradors tended to go to the active young while Goldens went to the older and less active. The Shepherds filled in the middle.
Something curious was that when a litter of puppies was born, each dog was assigned a name having the same initial letter. Something like Barry, Bella, Boomer, Bravo, Bridget, and so forth. Which meant that a couple of blind people meeting years later could recognize if their dogs were siblings.
These were excellent dogs, and it was sometimes not easy to turn them back in when they were ready for advanced training. Still, there were rare circumstances where a puppy trainer might end up with one on a permanent basis. Sometimes, the best-of-the-best of the dogs were set aside for breeding stock.
Another way was if the dog flunked out of advanced training. This could happen for a variety of minor reasons. A common one was that most dogs don’t like to pick up metal. It’s one of the reasons, among others, why we tend to play fetch with tennis balls and not, say, hand grenades. But for a guide dog, picking up metal is a necessary skill just in case, for example, a blind guy drops his house keys.
One of my Golden’s was a DEA drop-out- his ‘alert’ wasn’t active enough or some such. “Tracer” came to us from my wife’s hospital co-worker who had the new child, small apartment, large dog problem.
My sons just had to see if Tracer still had the chops, and without my knowledge stashed some weed in the house. Took him about 20 seconds to find it.
From then on, when when one of their sketchier acquaintances came by, it was, “Come on in. Tracer is REALLY going to like you!”
Bush(41) was indeed a good man, a fine leader, and a class act.
Screw you Ross Perot.
I concur on both parts of what you said and we have Ross Perot to thank for “Blowjob Willie” Clinton being re-elected as well!
Expect in 2020 -major- financing of the Libertarian candidate, and at least one -independant- neverTrump.
Expect also some heavy-duty squashing of Left third-party Green/Socialist candidates, including -lots- of concessions to far-left causes internal to the DemSoc party.
Libertarians are fucking morons and a complete waste of a potential vote for a Republican. If you’re a Conservative, but vote Libertarian because you want legal weed, then FUCK YOU.
Awww….he looks just like my beloved 14yo mutt, Bobo.