Strasbourg Christmas Market Shooting: Three Dead, 12 Injured

| December 12, 2018

strasbourg shooting
Three were killed and 12 injured in a shooting in the vicinity of the Christmas Market in the historic French city of Strasbourg Tuesday evening.
By: Joshua Caplan and Oliver Lane

The Associated Press reports of the latest on this ongoing hunt for the suspected Strasbourg attacker:

“A senior French government official says that five people have been detained as police hunt for the man who attacked the Strasbourg Christmas market, but the gunman remains at large.

Laurent Nunez, secretary of state for the interior ministry, said Wednesday on France-Inter radio that the attacker could have fled to neighboring Germany.

He said that three people were killed and 13 injured, eight of them seriously. He denied reports of a police intervention at the city’s famed cathedral but said the search for the attacker is constantly evolving.

Nunez said the assailant had been identified as a suspected extremist during his past stays in prison but said the motive for the attack remains unclear. A terrorism investigation was opened.”

Aspects of Tuesday’s attack bear more than a passing resemblance to the 2016 Berlin Christmas market attack. The killer, a known radical named Anis Amri was under police surveillance only “sporadically“. After that attack, which saw 12 killed and maimed 100 at Berlin’s Christmas Market, Amri was able to escape police. He was fianlly shot dead in Italy.

So here we go again, a known extremist murdering and maiming innocents at a Christmas festival shouting “Allahu Akbar” during his murderous spree. If these potential terrorists are known, why have they not been deported to somewhere hot and sandy, with a name that ends with -stan?

The entire debacle may be read here at Breitbart News.

Category: Government Incompetence, Terror War

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FAKE NEWS!!! Everybody knows mass shootings ONLY happen the U.S./sarc

Former 13D

“….Cherif Chekatt, 29, who was known to be part of radicalized networks in his native Strasbourg, is a “repeat offender” and “delinquent” who served time in French and German prisons…”

A Proud Infidel®™

Let me guess, and Amish Anarchist? That shit’s not supposed to happen in Europe, their strict Gun Laws are supposed to prevent that from happening!


Since this is Strasbourg which is in Southeastern France I would have guessed a Calvinist extremist from Geneva, that hot-bed of heresy.


Sadly, there’s a fair chance that this terrorist a-hole wasn’t deported because he’s a French citizen.

At one time (pre-1960), for a time Algeria was a department of France. It’s entirely possible that this radical a-hole is the offspring of some who came from Algeria during or shortly after the Algerian War and settled in France.

I frankly hope the bastard is located, resists arrest, and is taken into custody after he no longer requires oxygen.


He was born in Strasbourg. Crimanl record dating back to when he was 10 years olds and crimes in three countries. The Religon of Piece!

5th/77th FA

Had to be a Lutheran. Just wanted to nail an edict to the Church door….and join the choir.


I found a Geutenberg bible in an antique store in Worms GE, but some guy named Martin Luther had scribbled all over the margins so I didn’t buy it.


Transsexual transvestite from Transylvania?


Cheif, isn’t that a Sweet Transvestite from Transylvania? Because they are the worst!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I thought it was a Sweet Transvestite Transsexual from Transylvania?


“…just a Sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania”

“…Let’s do the Time Warp again…..”


Must we think about ANY of the possibilities?? 😉


Every time this happens, the euros always know exactly who did it. Because he was under surveillance. Instead of waiting for the mutt to do something, grab him!

Sorry, this is what you get from letting the Imams into your prisons and into your communities. Every Christmas it is the same thing.

Here is a plan, all the people you are watching who are extremists, pull them in form questioning, spitting on the sidewalk, speaking Macaroons name in vain. Keep them there until after new years and then have them shot whilst escaping.

But our Euro Cousins are not going to. They will probably ban all Christmas Celebrations in the future so that they won’t “provoke” the monsters in their midst. Good luck in Eurostan.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

^^^^ My sentiments exactly.

I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that one possible reason most European countries don’t do anything (in spite of having credible information) to known threats (who eventually become suspects) is because they don’t want to upset the muzzie communities that are slowly taking over their countries.

Christmas isn’t quite here yet, and New Year celebrations will follow. I suspect one or two more incidents will happen before they will start to take notice.

The Other Whitey

I’m thinking there’s a “pressure cooker” effect going on. Look at the yellow vest riots. Sure, the brownshirts tried to co-opt it, but it remains predominantly a popular thing amongst regular French folks, and there have been multiple instances of French riot cops refusing orders to suppress the crowd and instead removing their helmets in a show of solidarity while they stand back. Seems to me like the French population is getting tired of the “New Europe” shit, with the terror attacks, no-go zones, insane taxes, and EU bullshit. It’s only a matter of time before they go “Old Europe” again, with pogroms, guillotines, and other fun activities. That’s gonna be messy.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Talking about guillotines, Marie A. says to Louie-Well it looks it’s going to be a double header today as they walked down to the guillotine.


TOW, there was a video from twitter that showed French Firefighters doing an about face in front of visiting dignitaries and marching off. Then formed up behind a sign I could not see. The “Diginitaries” were not happy and you could see them “Explaining” it to the Fire Commander. This was right after their first set of protests.

There had been talk that Macaroon was going to call out troops last week. Guess that didn’t happen. Imagine the higher ups telling the troops to smoke check the protesters? I could see French Troops shooting their officers. They would have to call in the Legion. Which they can’t, legally.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think you’re headline is wrong, it should read:

France Celebrates Diversity By Welcoming Muslims To Christmas Market in Strasbourg.


Spot on VOV.

2/17 Air Cav

“The entire nation stands in solidarity with the victims and their families of Strasbourg.” President Macaroni.

I have no idea what that means.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It means “we all know I’m powerless to effect any real change here, so I’ll say something that appears sentimental and empathetic”

Meanwhile the shitbags who did this keep planning more attacks safe in the knowledge that their unarmed victims stand little chance of actually stopping an attack in process.


You forgot to add, because we know where the next attack will happen. So, get with the program peasants or we will unleash our Brute Squad!


I think it translates to English as “The entire nation stands in solidarity as victims.”


I think that’s French for “thoughts and prayers.” 😉


My take: identify an extreamist raghead and either a) air drop him, sans chute, into a ‘stan, or b) guillotine him/her on the spot.

The Other Whitey

Reinstate the Knights Templar.


I’m not a religious man, but I’d sign up. Sounds fun, how’s the pay?


All I have to say is that I’m so glad Sarkozy pulled the French out of Afghanistan in order to appease the Muslims. That Sarkozy guy was a deep thinker.

Combat Historian

I visited Strasbourg a number of times when I was stationed in Heidelberg GER in the late ’90s. Good Alsatian cuisine and nice shopping in the market district. Now’s probably a good time to stay from these big cities, French AND German…

Combat Historian

“…Now’s probably a good time to stay AWAY from these big cities, French AND German…”

2/17 Air Cav

But…but…but…the shooter was inside a “security bubble,” a place made so secure by the gov’t that everyone within it is safe. Well, butter me a croissant and call me froggy! He burst the bubble!

Prior Service

I was at the Strasbourg Christmas market a couple of weeks ago. The “security bubble” was a couple of complacent French police that barely looked into the top of my wife’s backpack. I commented on it at the time; it was trouble waiting to happen. This attack will buy heightened awareness for a week or so before the apathy kicks in again. I’ve been to several Christmas markets this year in France and Germany and have yet to see sufficient security anywhere. (By sufficient, I mean even minimally alert/aware and present for duty.)