Blast from the Past – Gregory Isaac Tambone; Phony Veteran

| December 12, 2018

During last week’s “contest” for this week’s Blast From the Past, Gregory Isaac Tambone, phony veteran, competed well to be this week’s “winner”. In fact, he came over here last week on the original post Jonn did on him.

We were so “impressed” by his efforts that his “selection” to be this week’s “winner” was unanimous.

As a recap, he has a record involving law enforcement. He was accused of firing a weapon at someone, as well as being involved with a home invasion robbery. A woman in the same car as him was accused of wearing a stolen necklace taken during the robbery.

But wait! There’s more!

He was accused of raping a woman in Utah. Law enforcement arrested him in Florida, leading to a chain of events that’d get him sent back to Utah to face the music.

In his bio, he claimed that armed men chased him in a chase that ended in a firefight outside a gas station. Well, police reports disagree with that claim. He does admit to serving prison time, but he spins it away as something that involved the government… He made a deal with the government and his prison sentence was reduced.

He claims that he was accused of sending guys to the hospital with permanent damage, but was determined to be acting in self-defense. According to those who have seen his arrest records, he has felony convictions under his belt. If his account was anything like his gas station shootout claim, then this would be another fabrication.

He talks about his rape accusation, and claims that a check showed that there was no evidence of a violent encounter, and that the person that accused him of rape recanted her claims. Now, if charges weren’t filed, but were later filed despite “lack of evidence”, this leaves one to ponder.

I’m sorry, but charging him, then setting a high amount of bail, doesn’t sound like a case that “lacks of evidence”. If it remains unknown if this was a legitimate mistake on Utah’s part, then Gregory Tambone would fight these charges in court.

He goes on to rant about there being no evidence of the crimes that he committed. Yet, he admits to being “unruly” when he was younger, and for being expelled from school. This establishes a track record of someone who would rather do what he wants to do instead of what he’s supposed to do…. Laws, and what’s customary, be damned.

Bottom line, he’s spinning his actual run in with the law into a tall tale about the government singling him out for “persecution”, to the point that he had to leave the country and seek asylum elsewhere… Ergo, these charges are “false flags” by a government out to get him.

Well, true to his constantly exercising poor judgement, he came back here and attempted to argue against the facts levied against him:

Originally posted by Greg Tambone:

Recoil magazine published that my company was veteran owned and operated (without contacting me first) because at that time I was completely “dark” with nothing in my name and my company was technically owned and operated by veterans of the US Military.

I have never made false claims of any kind which can easily be verified with about 5 minutes of investigation. I don’t know if this post is some sort of personal vendetta or not, but I do know it’s nothing more than defamation and slander.

When challenged to address where he felt the documentation on him was wrong, he replied with this:

Originally posted by Greg Tambone:

Apparently this is an entire website where people who wish they could have done something other people claim to have done expose the people making said false claims in blogs. The false claim is that I’ve ever made false claims. If you wants a compilation of facts here you go:

The link he left lead back to his “about” page, where he tries to spin his criminal record, and talk about his other “accomplishments”. His bio page contradicts what others say about him elsewhere. His page wasn’t a compilation of facts, but spin and distortion of the facts.

Then, when ChipNASA reminded him of what he could do if he thought that Jonn and the site had it wrong about him, Gregory Tambone argued that he wasn’t the “lawer” type. He also talked about how his life is something that we “dreamed about” while hunting for stolen valor:

Originally posted by Greg Tambone:

Chip, glad you are getting some enjoyment from this sir. It’s immediately apparent that you are of the keyboard warrior persuasion. Having a popular following as well as haters to boot I’m familiar with your type. The type that gets their enjoyment in life from online crap talk and instigation of people they would never confront in the real world. That being said, I am not that type, and yes my record speaks for itself. The violent felonies I’ve been charged with and then acquitted of after surviving multiple assasination attempts is the stuff that guys like you dream about while “stolen valor hunting” and trolling. Therefore I’ll end the discussion with this, I see that you’ve redacted this article to make it look less like slander. I’m not going to sue you. At the end of the day the only thing this does is drive people to my website who immediately realize that I’m the real deal and then buy some of my equipment. So thank you. Please post more hate, and make sure you spell my name right. Bone out.

This is an example of projecting his traits to those that he talked about. The reality is that he envies us for our experiences. He claims to be a survivor of multiple attempts to assassinate him, that he had been a political prisoner, and that he is doing stuff that we fantasize about.

Without real military experience, he doesn’t know that a lot of our experiences is pretty much mundane. That the high-speed military thriller stuff that one would see in many movies, or read about in many books, are included in the novel to add suspense and excitement.

Gregory Tambone appears to want people to believe that he is living that “high-speed low drag” kind of life romanticized in these novels.

He claims to have been acquitted of those felonies, but others elsewhere are claiming that he is still a felon.

In this post, Gregory Tambone beats his chest:

Originally posted by Greg Tambone:

Haters come with the territory when you’re an industry leader. It’s sad to see these kind of people pushing the agenda of tyranny and supporting the stripping of individual freedoms but most know I’m not the type to sue. For every person who wants to try and drag my name down there’s a thousand supporters of the good fight. Here’s what they don’t want you to know:

He consistently leaves a link to his bio page, showing his opinion, and spin, of the results of his consistently making poor decisions in life. It makes one wonder if “Bone Tactical” was based on a nickname that he may have had, “Bonehead”… As opposed to the apparent play on the last syllable of his last name… Thus “giving him” the “last laugh”.

It’s easier to make one’s run in with the law and one’s convictions in court, sound like a “vendetta”… As if these charges were drummed up to destroy someone who is “going against the grain”. His, “What they don’t want you to know” remark looks like an attempt to play the “This is a conspiracy, they’re hiding things” card.

The reality is that “they”, whoever “they” are, are more interested in the facts. “They” know that his bio page is an exercise of ego enhancement.

On April 29, 2018, Frankie Cee nailed Gregory Tambone as someone that shifts the blame. If you’ve read his bio page, you’d see him shift the blame, instead of accepting responsibility for his acts. His conduct, on the original thread, speaks volumes about this observation:

Originally posted by Frankie Cee:

Gregory Tambone, is a regular “it was them, not me” kind of guy, isn’t he? He holds the gun, shoots someone, takes a plea, and it is someone else’s fault. He has a story about consensual sex, but is charged with rape. And that mother, that manic depressive mother. Dang President Trump, can’t you do an Obama and pardon the felon?

There’s a complaint board thread on him here.

Here’s what Jonn said:

Someone sent us their work on this Gregory Issac Tambone fellow. He’s the owner of Bone Tactical which sells edged weapons and does security work and training. The industry thinks that Bone Tactical is a veteran-owned business;

Mr Tambone has a past that would preclude any military service. For example he was arrested in Florida in 2005;

Oquine Joseph, 20, was a passenger in the car that authorities say was driven by Gregory Tambone, who is accused of shooting Brent Sielaff, 24, at the Shell station in the 5300 block of U.S. 41. The home-invasion robbery happened in the 2800 block of 51st Avenue Terrace West.

A person who saw the shooting recognized that a woman in the shooter’s car was wearing a necklace stolen during the robbery, according to sheriff’s reports. Joseph said he was with Sielaff, 18, and his friends during the robbery, authorities said.

Ten years later, he was charged with rape in Salt Lake City;

A bouncer at a Salt Lake City bar charged in 2016 with raping a woman has been arrested in Florida and returned to Utah.

Gregory Tambone, 31, of Bradenton, Florida, was charged with rape, a first-degree felony, in April of 2016. He used to work as a bouncer at The Hotel, 155 W. 200 South.

In August of 2015, a woman said “she and some friends were out celebrating at a local bar” when “she went to The Hotel bar where she met with defendant Gregory I. Tambone where he works as a bouncer,” according to charging documents.

The two had met a month earlier and exchanged numbers, the charges state.

“As she was leaving the bar, Tambone asked (her) if she wanted a private tour of the building before she left,” according to court documents.

When they got to an upper level, Tambone removed the woman’s clothes “and forced her to engage in sexual intercourse with him” despite multiple pleas from the woman of “stop” and “no,” the charges state.

An arrest warrant for Tambone was issued on April 25, 2016. His initial appearance in court in Salt Lake was scheduled for Tuesday.

The National Personnel Records Center says “Who?”

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Category: Past Posers

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Green Thumb

This dude needs a cold steel beatdown.


No, Greggy, we have no desire to do what you’ve done.

We like not needing a drawstring to pull our sphincter closed when we take a dump.

Combat Historian

Just your usual felonious scumbag who blames everyone else for his own problems and failures…

Green Thumb

A truly “Phildoesque” dude indeed.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see he’s wearing some kind of vest while holding a pistol and a rifle in front of an SUV full of bimbos, is he going for the Tactical Pimp look?


Can only speak for myself, but I have NEVER aspired to felonious behavior of any sort. And I can see nothing about him to envy. Good grief! Make false claims, lie about just about anything, and have multiple arrests for all sorts of violent crimes? Nope, none of that is stuff I want.

It was rather stupid of him to volunteer to be a blast from the past. It’s almost as if he hasn’t had enough attention lately and just couldn’t help himself.


He didn’t exactly “volunteer” OWB. He attracted the eye of the entire BFTP team last Wednesday by jumping in and commenting on the post. Sort of a self-inflicted wound, so he can’t claim we went looking specifically for him.


Uh-huh, Ed. That was my point exactly. You didn’t go looking for him – he volunteered when he commented.

“Hey! Look at meeeeeeeeee!!” Isn’t that what you heard, too?


Since you put it that way, sure.


I once considered committing some felonies but decided I wouldn’t like the life of a politician.


He’s just like every career criminal I’ve ever dealt with. Everything is someone else’s fault and he’s narcissistic. I’ve often wondered, when they close their eyes at night and they’re alone with their thoughts, if they realize on some level what they are or if they have managed to believe their bs.

Bonehead you’re a depredating species that brings no good to this world or those around you. You’re stealing from what has often been adolescent boys who were on the verge of adulthood and never had the opportunity to enjoy it.


At his age, if he hasn’t grown up and become a man yet, he never will.


Jack Azz


That’s a lot of hardware for a felon to have on his person. Lots of bored hookers, too.


what ever happened to him? did he do jail time or did he skip the country? his web site is still up so i am guessing not…


Looks like GREGORY TAMBONE enjoys F”Fisting Friday’s” at Brucies Bath House (Entrance in the Rear), between his “fluffing” sessions as a Junior Assistant Associate Towel Boy.


He’s known as Rusty Trombone at Brucie’s.


It is widely known in scientific and medical circles that you can’t trust a person whose neck is sizably larger than ones head.

That is all.



He is from France. He would like to consume fried chicken embryos.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gregory Isaac Tambone CLAIMS that he was singled out for “persecution”, does that mean I was “persecuted” for three months at Fort Lost-in-the-woods by TRADOC? Gregory Isaac Tambone has a cute “Tactical Pimp” look in that last photo, it has all the aura of a non-accomplisher full of anger wanting to impress people like a Rookie Mall Cop trying to look intimidating to teenie-boppers!

5th/77th FA

….”I was completely dark”…. Yeah, that’s what happens when you stick your head up your ass.

Gregory Tambone, stolen valor, lying POSer, never a veteran, never a decent human being, but always good for a Google hit on the prime example of a $h^t Sundae.

5th/77th FA

Honored. Where is ChipNASA when we need him?


Hey guys,
I’m back. I was out a couple of days and yeah, I’ll certainly add that to the The Continent of Insults®™


Never met an excuse he didn’t latch on to. He’s a professional loser, blaming others for his obvious failures in life. He’s young so maybe he can square away his life and be a productive member of society.



So… is that US flag on his ‘high-speed tactical vest’ upside-down? Obvious signs of a dedicated veteran.


Yes, it is …

It is widely done this way by “completely dark” operatives. The move is designed not to draw attention to yourself.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

An upside down flag means that someone or something is in distress. Maybe he is in distress. What kind of handgun is he holding?


I can’t tell. Appears to have a suppressor attached tho. Wonder if he also has the obligatory tax stamp in his name for it? Pondering mind gonna ponder…


The National Personnel Records Center says “Who?”

Who? Bwahahahaha

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He’s listed as a 26 year old Junior on the football team in 2013 at U of North Alabama…

He claims to have been targeted at age 18 by a massive criminal organization in that gas station shootout in 2005 for assassination. Who wants to assassinate a 19 year old former ward of the state?

That bio reads like an old school dime store thriller.


More like a Penthouse Forum article… “I know this is going to sound crazy, but…”


It’s the weekend. Maybe you can get a cheap flight back to the U.S. for the holidays!!
We know some folks that would *LOVE* to see you. They also have gifts.
Silver Bracelets.

“Ho Ho Ho Motherfucker.”

Greg Tambone

Enough is enough. I have numerously explained the mistruths and outlight lies posted here by you idiots but I can’t seem to get through your moronic skulls. This is the final warning to remove the rampant libel on this website before my attorneys are forced to issue an order to shit it down. You have until 1500 pacific time to remove all content related to the lies about me or else you will have consequences.


In order to claim libel you have to prove that we intentionally or recklessly lied, Greggy.

There are no lies here about you, so this post will stand as is.

Don’t be a stranger, Greg. We all enjoy these comments from our Stolen Valor alumni.

A Proud Infidel®™️

OOOOOHHH, another lawer threat? OH GEE WHIZ!! Gregory Tambone, do you have any idea how much lawer threats get laughed at here on TAH? Google be with you Gregory Tambone, it increases every time you resurrect this thread!

5th/77th FA

Oh noooooo. Incoming lawer. Do I need to be skeerred? After all, I had called for the deployment of the Continents of Insults for this twerp. I have also seconded a call and voted an “aye” for another deployment. Even more skeerry my latest insult to him is now part of the Continent of Insults! (I am ever so honored)

What to do what to do? Oh I know. Google hit for you.

Greg Tambone, valor thief, why don’t you go back to operating dark and stick your head back up your ass.


Perhaps he meant 15:00 pacific time on the 17th, since his posting time would have only allowed the site 38 minutes to take action. Since he is obviously very knowledgeable about the law (and every other subject) I’m sure he would have realized that such a short amount of time was not realistic. Oh, and Mr. Boney, I spent a few years working and playing in the same areas of Honduras where you are currently living out your delusional business/lifestyle. I’m certain it is only a matter of time before some of the locals start to sniff you out for what you are. I know the police in the region can be a bit inefficient at their jobs, but even they will eventually take note of your goings-on and stop by to check out the gringo that is carrying around firearms and gathering up the local ladies with tales of daring-do and (more likely) bottles of ponche. Or perhaps you’ll be foolish enough to drive up to Tegucigalpa and make a scene there as you seem to lack any measure of professional discretion which is what is truly needed for those working in the field of security. At that point you will once again find yourself needing to once again fabricate a new background. Perhaps something involving some fanciful international syndicate which somehow mysteriously tracked you to the backwoods of Honduras? That would be sufficiently mysterious and obviously force you to flee the country (as opposed to just being an idiot that lied a lot and broke the law). If I may be so bold, I would recommend that you include some type of alien connection for your next fabrication… perhaps the international syndicate was only able to track you due to a homing device which had been installed in your *ahem* inter-gluteal cleft by their compatriot aliens since you are obviously the mythical chosen one that will one day topple the Trispacial Interplannetary Totalitarian Supremacy. Yes, Mr. Boney, only someone as screwed up as you can spoil TITS. P.S. currently 13:07 pacific… only about 2 more hours before you’ll… Read more »


I was onboard with this at first, but after doing a little research you’re starting to sound like a bunch of butthurt liberals. Lets remember what Jonn wanted from his page, and it’s damn sure not a bunch of dick measuring with shady mercs. Spewing plenty of hate but I can’t find one place where this guy claimed to be a vet… what’s the real story here? In fact, I watched a few of his videos on YouTube where he claimed NOT to be a vet. He def seems like the type to not keep his opinion to himself, so who did he piss off an how?


So what you’re saying is, you’re employed by Gregory Tambone, or more likely, you ARE Gregory Tambone.


today must be “stupid Wednesday” on TAH. We have a trifecta of stupid cupcakes!

Here we have the perfect representative of the stupid cupcake tribe. A person who calls themselves “oathkeeper” to ensure we all know that there is no integrity or honor to be found with this persona or person.

I’m sure you did not intend to prove you are stupid Mr. Oathkeeper, sir, but you see…stupid is as stupid does.