President Bush Tries Again to Convince Democrats That We Are at War.
President Bush compared Congress’ Democratic leaders Thursday with people who ignored the rise of Lenin and Hitler early in the last century, saying “the world paid a terrible price” then and risks similar consequences for inaction today.
Bush accused Congress of stalling important pieces of the fight to prevent new terrorist attacks by: dragging out and possibly jeopardizing confirmation of Michael Mukasey as attorney general, a key part of his national security team; failing to act on a bill governing eavesdropping on terrorist suspects; and moving too slowly to approve spending measures for the Iraq war, Pentagon and veterans programs.
“Unfortunately, on too many issues, some in Congress are behaving as if America is not at war,” Bush said during a speech at the Heritage Foundation. “This is no time for Congress to weaken the Department of Justice by denying it a strong and effective leader. … It’s no time for Congress to weaken our ability to intercept information from terrorists about potential attacks on the United States of America. And this is no time for Congress to hold back vital funding for our troops as they fight al-Qaida terrorists and radicals in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
Sadly, they still won’t get it. It is childish, really, to not believe something, because to do so would force you to change your position on it. The Democrats, by being so enamored of polling, (kook) bloggers and mostly the vast sums of money churned up by liberal 527’s such as MoveOn.Org, have ceased any actual work in favor of the pretense of work and the idea that their ideas, (global warming, open borders, free this, free that) will make the world better. Well folks, I hate to tell you, but The Road to Hell was paved with good intentions. 9-11 came about because while Al Qaeda was at war with us, we refused to acknowledge it. Clinton’s handling of the Khobar Towers, the 93 WTC bombing and other acts of terrorism as criminal acts rather than as the acts of war that they are weakened the country. From the Church Commission to Gorelick’s wall, the democratic party has continually weakened the United States’ ability to defend ourselves and our allies. I can only hope the voters figure this out before it is too late.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War
“Never tie your ego to your position.” -Colin Powell
Sadly, many Dem ‘leaders’ have tied their egos, political fortunes, and party strategy to losing the war, and making damn sure President Bush takes the fall.
Hardly an American strategy, if you ask me.