Packages sent to Joe Biden, Robert De Niro match other suspicious packages
The packages addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden and Robert De Niro were found Thursday.
A suspicious package found Thursday at the building housing Robert De Niro’s office in downtown Manhattan and another addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden discovered in Delaware are similar to the pipe bombs found a day earlier sent to political and media figures, according to law enforcement officials.
The package addressed to Biden was discovered at a postal facility in New Castle, Delaware, officials said. They suspected Wednesday that the package was somewhere within the postal system.
Source: Packages sent to Joe Biden, Robert De Niro match other suspicious packages
Category: Liberals suck, Politics
It’s all Trump’s fault. CNNPC says so.
What’s the “PC” stand for? Propaganda Corp?
NPC…the latest and most sure fire way to piss off a TARDO.
A HS friend of mine, who by all accounts is a damn genius, falls into that trap. He’s a good guy, but prattles on about the left talking points without ever really thinking about what he’s saying.
Propaganda Corp would also work. But as Sparky said, it’s a new, hilarious meme.
I knew from looking at the news yesterday that CNN was in fact already blaming Trump. I had no idea how whole hog they’d go. Here’s a nice opinion piece on the topic.
According to the Fake News Media:
– Some nut job lib shoots up a Congressional softball practice = That’s a lone lunatic. Nothing to see here.
– Guy repeatedly rams his truck into a Fox TV station and throwing pamphlets = This has nothing to do with the anti-Fox establishment media and Democratic party. Nothing to see here.
– Ricin mailed to Trump and others = There’s no relation to us calling him worse than Hitler, saying he’s destroying the world, or suggesting that his judicial nominees will start the wholesale slaughter of women and minorities. Nothing to see here.
– Black Lives Matter “protestor” shoots and kills five Dallas police officers = No blame for Obama and his race baiting, divisive tactics. Nothing to see here.
But some Democrats get pipe bomb-like items sent to them and it’s Trump’s fault alone, like he sent them himself, and it’s worse than the assassination of Lincoln. Couldn’t make that up. But here we are.
The LSM, including the lying Daily Mail, are calling the perpetrator “the MAGA bomber” in all their headlines. Tell me this isn’t an agitprop operation.
I agree , another false flag by the dumocraps! Biden and DeNiro both got a package containing used condoms, with assembly instructions lol 😉
I think it’s too early to tell who’s behind it or what their motivation. I think both sides certainly have their share of fring elements capable of these kinds of acts. It’s. Messed up place we are iin in this country. We start to look at and judge others. Soley on political leanings and not as Americans with a constitutional right to differ. Forgetting that they are people first. And certainly no one has the right to threaten or intimidate lives ever esp over political leanings.
This is the best comment I’ve seen on this issue.
Where is “like” button now?
Exactly. This isn’t a liberal/conservative issue and the writer of this article should honestly be ashamed for framing it like that, as well as writing it away as a liberal act of buffoonery. Whoever is doing this, they’re NOT dicking around.
But, But, But, I believe it is a liberal act of buffoonery. Yes they are dicking around…for the attention. What is this “ashamed” concept you speak of?
If they weren’t “dicking around”, the “bombs” would have detonated when they were opened. Who sends someone a bomb through the mail, with a timer as the detonator?
The most telling thing about this is that not a single “bomb” went off.
I suspect we will find the “bombs” didn’t even have workable detonators.
Actually, it does sound like they’re “dicking around.”
Regardless of who’s doing it, they need to be caught quickly, tried fairly, then buried under the jail.
I call bulshit on your statement and high horse you rode in.
This is clearly a lefty issue. They are the ones resisting, lying, chasing people out of restaurants, shooting our representatives, killing our cops, breaking windows and planning even worst.
None of this crap happened when Obama was elected.
So eat a dick before you blame both sides.
I was addressing No Cedo Phelio.
Sounds like just before the Supreme Court swearing in, the this happened 36 years ago sexual harrasment peeps came out of the woodwork. Nov. elections coming up in a couple of weeks. Hmmmmmmmmm. I agree with you Dave about the attention getting idea and right before the elections as mentioned above.
“You talkin’ to me?”
De Niro as Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver (1976)
I don’t worry about getting bombed…
Certainly seem like amateurish devices; almost as if they were designed to look dangerous but not BE dangerous. Plus, the addressing on the packages is conspicuously incomplete, as if they were meant to be identified easily. Are they coming from a rightist idiot? A leftist conspirator? Who knows… but whoever is sending them needs a very long sentence.
Regardless of their political leanings, whatever terrorist azzhole did this needs to be slammed – and slammed hard. As in a decade plus hard time hard.
It appears to be a domestic terrorist attack involving functional pipe bombs that were properly and effectively screened. A few months ago, pipe bombs were sent to regular people and they injured or killed them. As everyone here knows, the goal of terrorists is often to scare or intimidate for whatever political purposes. So just because the recipients have screeners, it does not take away from the intent of the sender. This one just feels different because regular people are not affected.
As for the intent, I’m surprised you are buying into the false flag narrative. That’s some Ron Paul/Info Wars-level bull in my opinion. In my experience, this is likely what it looks like–a loon who hates the left/CNN, etc. For every lefty loon, there is a righty loon.
I’m sorry, how did you come to the conclusion that these were “functional”? All of the bombs failed to function, including the one that was placed in Soros mailbox so nobody screened that one nor the one that was delivered to CNN. That’s some major league fucking amateur shit. Almost as if they were designed not to work.
Based on news reports and law enforcement statements, they are essentially crude pipe bombs (aren’t most pipe bombs crude?). Pipe bombs sometimes explode and are relatively easy to build. So yes, this may in fact be amateur hour. But you are so quick to absolve the righty loons that it makes me think you are just saying what you want to believe. Categorizing this as “liberals suck” simply reminds me of all the other InfoWars level false flag crud out there.
You seem stuck on info wars dude. I have no love for Alex Jones. But you’re just as guilty of your own confirmation bias. You’re quick to absolve the left so we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we.
Terrorists suck!
But if the terrorist is terrorizing for the benefit of the libtards, then they are a liberal terrorist. If they are terrorizing for the benefit of the righty loons, then they are a righty loon terrorist.
Whatever “side” they take, they aren’t neutral and they have an intent attached to their shitty actions.
Numerous reports that the devices were not wired/fused/primed.
-none- functioned, including the one -opened- at Soros’ house.
100% dud on 6+ is kinda indicative of either lack of access to the Internet, or lack of boom-intent.
I hope they catch this cretin before he either ups his game or changes his mind.
The packages shown on the news so far, suggest someone read the “how to spot a mail bomb” poster, and used it as a checklist.
Yep. You would think one may have detonated by now. Glad they haven’t, but if that was the intent, it is likely one would have blown by now.
I guess that makes me a conspiracist? Almost like believing the Clinton campaign paid for the Trump dossier…..
“For every lefty loon, there is a righty loon.”
It’s probably more like 2.3 lefty loons to every 1 righty loon. But they all suck equally.
The difference might be due to visibility.
The righty loons tend to disappear to a shack in the woods and avoid human contact.
The lefty loons literally scream at the sky, organize marches and rallies, and bang and claw the the doors to the SCOTUS.
Last time I checked, Ted Kaczynski was a lefty loon.
They’re not hard and fast rules. 🙂 There are plenty of right wing sky screamers, for example Alex Jones.
Jones doesn’t scream at the sky. He flogs his conspiracy stories on air to
make money.
I think that it would be a good idea to remember that “alt-right” and “white supremacists” are also socialists and anarchists so we might be looking at an antifa type from any number of fringe anarchy groups.
Then again, it could be some older person who has just had enough and can’t take anymore…LOL
Lol, yeah I’m sure the proud boys and KKK are all for the government takeover of private functions and redistributing wealth to poor people. Continuously parroting that lie doesn’t make it any truer.
The BNP in the UK does support welfare for all, providing they are native Brits.
I thought that anarchists are extreme far right?
I can go to the nearest OTB spot and put some money on this, if you like. I’d say it’s someone on the lefthand side of the fence trying to make it look like the opposition’s doing it. Or maybe it’s some disgruntled groundhog doing it.
I still can’t understand the narrow focus and idiocy that produces this kind of thinking, i.e., “Hey, maybe they’ll be stupid enough to try to set this thing off.”
IMPO, since the Lefterds are currently the more destructive bunch, especially with the midterms so close, it’s aimed at scaring people out of voting. So go vote now if you don’t want to wait until 11/6.
P.S. DeNiro, for Pete’s sake???? That is clearly lack of intellect in picking that dork as a target.
This will end up being like one of the fake hate crimes that gets reported for days on end and then when the truth comes out you get the page 32 of the NYT retraction and real story. FFS they put a stupid right wing meme sticker on the CCN “pipe bomb”. If it was a functional pipe bomb exactly who was supposed to see it considering the intent of a bomb is to actually blow up? I’m no Alex Jones guy but the whole thing smacks of phoniness.
you mean like the church burning rampage in 2008/9?
Front page news until it turned out to be some half crazed non-white.
Poor guy could taste the color purple he had been untreated for so long.
The bottom line is that events almost never align perfectly with any narrative so when they do, caveat emptor.
What church burning?
And – as we are now seeing – the whole thing IS phoniness personified. Apparently, the “bombs” are duds, not the real thing. I’d guess it was all meant to provide panic-stricken fodder for the lameass lefterd media to salivate over for at least a week, while they hoped it really IS The Big One, so that they could have a mass funeral and Gonzo of the Reddened Eyes could weep alligator or manatee tears at the event.
If it weren’t so stupid, it might be funny. Unfortunately, all reports of suspicious “stuffs” have to be taken seriously, because the one that is not taken seriously will likely be The Big One.
DeNiro has been very colorfully outspoken in his criticism of the president. So he’d be a logical target (one of many) if a terrorist was looking to terrorize prominent critics of the president.
Did someone let Bill Clinton out of the harem?
Well, I criticize dTrump all the time and no one has sent me any pipe bombs. I’m sad.
In our current political climate where you have a president who constantly says somewhat unpresidential sounding narratives and exclamations while the opposition party blames him for everything ugly in the nation and promoting incivility at every level of discourse the less mentally capable components of the left and the right tend to distort what they are hearing and take action based on the distortions.
Antifa blocks roads and burns cars and destroys businesses, some KKK guy drives into a crowd, Antifa and the Proud Boys fight in the streets, a lunatic tries to kill a bunch of Senators playing baseball, somebody beats up Rand Paul (okay he might have had that coming for a variety of reasons), the left chases people out of restaurants and screams in the hallways like spoiled children….and now this latest act of ugliness.
Once upon a time we had a saying about cooler heads prevailing in moments of stress and discord. Today there are no cooler heads, everyone is acting like a hair triggered hot head…
Trump was a bit more subdued in has latest crowd event, perhaps he will become the cooler head that dampens the over heated fringe loons.
No. Everyone is NOT acting like hair triggered hot heats. It would all be over if the right were as nuts as the left has become simply because the right is better armed.
Be this lunatic on the left, the right, or apolitical makes absolutely no difference to me. A proper investigation should lead to and neutralize the threat, whoever it might be.
All that said, however, with the only calls for violence coming from those on the left, common sense says that it is more likely that it is one of them that pulled this stunt.
The left is certainly the larger issue and aggressor here, but the assclowns of the proud boys and the kkk are clearly more prevalent on the streets today than 4 years ago…
There are few clean hands, the left is inciting violence and they are getting it. These things always escalate though and the kind of people drawn to violence need little encouragement from their side of the aisle to get out and commit that violence.
I am not suggesting anything about who or what is behind this, it all seems very fortuitous for the left to be victimized just before election day. I won’t be surprised if it’s some pissed off Bernie boi behind the whole affair…especially as it seems there is little danger of any of these things actually firing.
Would it be wrong of me to hope the hotheads, both left and right, meet somewhere like Death Valley and just have it out until they’re all gone?
That reminds me of a story. An Israeli rabbi was asked what he thought of the Iran-Iraq war. He said, “I wish both sides mazal tov!”
a KKK guy driving into a crowd did not happen. As it turns out, the guy was not involved in the protests directly and was fleeing an antifadiot who had a rifle and was targeting him.
Of course, that fits no narrative so you have to go to the court records to find out the dude admits to shooting at the driver…
Thanks for the clarification, had we an edit mode I would remove that particular component of my post.
For your penance, you will buff the floors this weekend, giving Yef a break. 😀
Got a source for that? Here’s a link to the court documents, and it clearly states he did attend the Unite the Right rally and makes no mention of being shot at:
If attendance equates to support of something, does that mean that the media is now all supportive of Trump?
Ret_25X said the guy was not involved in the protests directly – but the court records say he was:
My question was in response to your statement “clearly states he did attend the Unite the Right rally” which I took to mean that attending something alone proves supporting whatever. If that’s not what you meant, you should have been more clear in you statement. It should not be required that we do additional research in an attempt to figure out what you are trying to say.
So, is your answer to my question a yes or a no? You might want to think about that just in case you accidently find yourself somewhere one day.
Even though you refuse to answer simple questions posed to you I will answer your question to me anyway. No, I don’t want to argue a position on a case cited by someone else. I didn’t offer an opinion on it above nor shall I offer one now. Just wondered how far you were willing to carry that premise of yours. Looks like we will never know. Color me shocked. (Not.)
So what you’re saying is that despite the thread of comments, you’re asking a completely unconnected and theoretical question of whether attendance to something equates support of it? That’s an odd thing to ask in the midst of a discussion, and the answer is obviously no.
But, you know, if you’re following the thread of the discussion where we were talking about a KKK guy driving into a crowd, and then Ret_25X says, and I quote, “As it turns out, the guy was not involved in the protests directly…”, and the very court documents he mentions actually say the opposite of that, then yes, in this case, his attendance was in support of the rally.
Y’all like to count that one freak, but memory hole the guy who shot several republican congresscritters. And a whole bunch of Lefties with real blood and body counts.
It’s those blackheads blocking traffic and hauling folks out of their cars, correct? Not guys in MAGA hats. The ones that argue about how Communist we need to be.
You folks seem to not want to talk about the increasingly out-of-control mobs pushing Left. That requires either active stupidity or active collaboration.
Better rein those mobs in. They day your opponents go as violent as the left, the corpses will be piled up like cords of wood.
The Left likes violence, but tends to be half-assed about it. The right is -good- at it, but astonishingly self restrained. If they were as violent as claimed, there wouldn’t – be- a Left.
Last chance for sanity, folks.
I’m not sure who ‘y’all’ refers to here, or ‘you folks’ for that matter, as I’m not a ‘Leftie’ or a liberal or a Democrat or whatever other label you want to use. Nor was I putting Rep Scalise’s shooting down a ‘memory hole’ – VOV had talked about the asshole who ran over the woman, Ret_25X made a false claim about him, I simply showed it was false. VOV’s pointed out assholes on both sides and I didn’t disagree – you’d think maybe that’d imply some agreement, no? I can dislike the Antifa idiots and the white nationalists. It’s pretty easy, in fact.
But hey, if you want to entertain tough-guy fantasies of a glorious Right rising up and putting down a violent Left that, for the most part, isn’t violent, by all means, go nuts. You’re entitled to your fantasies. Just don’t get violent on people just because of their political affiliation. Because when you do that, you join the assholes.
Thankfully, most people realize these idiots are a minority on both sides, and can get along fine with fellow Americans despite political differences.
‘not a leftie’ or a liberal –
No, LC, but you ARE afflicted/infected with verbal diarrhea. Try cutting your output into fourths and go with ONE of those.
Silly, isn’t it? Imagine asking a specific question of an individual and expecting a substantive answer. Rather explains why nobody takes you very seriously around here, LC.
Here’s how it works to sane minds: 2 + 2 = 4. No theory involved, and it matters not at all if someone else in the room is discussing orange sherbet.
Some dumbass, attention whore, wanna be chickenshit terrorist. Ain’t gonna do nothing but drive up the price of black powder more, and make it harder to get. Leftie, rightie,middie, innie, outie whatever, anyone with half a brain should know that a “high profile target” such the ones the devices were mailed to would have multiple layers of handlers before the mail gets to them. That’s even if the packages make it past the highly suspicious Postal employees. Who or whatever is doing this crap needs to be caught and prosecuted most severely, in a highly public manner. IMHO one reason we’re having so much stupid stuff going on is there is no swift and sure public punishment. No matter the “crime”, it takes years for the trial, slap on the wrist sentence, and decades for a death penalty. I am a firm believer in a fair trial, and equal justice under the law, but when there is no doubt of the guilt, bring the hammer down hard.
Proper pipe bombs don’t have wires connected to both ends. That’s dumb.
You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.
‘Hoax Devices’ are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the ‘bomber’ are and ‘who benefits?’
Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it’s a ‘bomb.’ This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.”
From a former BDO on the CNN “pipe bomb”
You might be right, but I don’t think it’s clear yet whether the bombs were functional or not. Yes, there’s some uncertainty about the initiator, and conflicting information on whether they’re using metal pipes or PVC. If PVC, combined with the apparent use of sulfur and glass, as opposed to nails / beads, could be aimed at defeating metal detectors, … or it could just be an amateur attempt based on what somebody had in abundance.
There’s also the issue of weigh, where if they’re under 6 ounces, they can be dropped off anywhere without interacting with a postal employee… but then again, the stamps on the CNN package don’t look voided, so who the hell knows what’s going on there. Oversight? Hand delivery?
They also had a small clock, apparently wired up – was this to detonate at a specific time that wasn’t reached, or just a decoy to be more ‘bomb-like’ in appearance?
The FBI surely knows a hell of a lot more than the public, and in an abundance of caution they’re treating all of them as legitimate, as they should. And hopefully they’ll catch the perpetrator soon. Then we’ll know a lot more.
Concur. As in all investigations, rule nothing out initially. One of the keys is, as noted before, what are the motives of the bomber and who benefits? Isn’t Bill Ayers still running around free? Or maybe it’s the next George Metesky.
That bomb looked like “Clock Boy” made it.
Seriously. That shit was a Wiley Coyote-esque contraption at best. Only thing missing was a giant ACME sign on it. Notice none of these devices were reported as being disarmed or having to have been taken out and blown up by EOD? Big giant red flag right there. I’m betting none of these were actual working IED’s but a completely ridiculous ploy by some lefty to paint the right as “violent”. I might be wrong and we’ll find out it’s some Alex Jones infowars weirdo in his mommy’s basement but I wouldn’t bet on that.
Here’s my “conspiracy theory”. This is likely an individual who was sick and tired of the leaders of the Democratic Party not speaking for them. They are probably a militant Democrat who feels the party has lost it’s way and thought this was the best way to fix that.
It doesn’t matter which party the individual or individuals are affiliated with in the long run, what does matter is that there are individuals willing to do harm and planned a terrorist attack. The media should be focusing on that and stop putting a blame game on who’s party is involved. Once they find the individual/individuals they should find out the reason and then move on.
Until then the media will continue it’s own theories and say that is the reason, no ifs, and or buts about it.
This is why I don’t care to hear from either side anymore.
Looking at the pictures and x-rays of the bombs and reading about how they were constructed leads me to believe that these were not truly explosive devises designed to kill or maim, but rather to frighten and to create headlines. They appear to not contain the necessary ingredients to cause an explosion.
One or more contained sulphur along with glass shards.
Sulphur alone won’t ignite by itself, because the oxygen in the air isn’t sufficient for the sulphur to catch fire. An oxidizer is added such as potassium chlorate. When the red phosphorus catches fire by friction it in turn sets potassium chlorate on fire. The oxygen released when potassium chlorate burns in turn sets the sulphur on fire. Think of the reaction when striking a match.
The “bomb” headline on most news outlets seems to be used to direct the act as a “right-wing wackjob” with no proof offered.
I agree with Hondo and others here. There is no need for anyone to do this crap, and if caught, they should be severely punished.
Just my opinion.
Maybe a former EOD person can check in on this.
To find the guilty party look to those who have the most to gain.
Midterm elections, inert I.E.D’s, sympathy vote, blame Trump & His supporters, opportunity to promote Leftist agenda, talking points & virtue signalling in the M.S.M = a Leftist &/or Democrat.
Like the Lefty’s say around here…. “What ever it takes”.
“Almost as if they were designed not to work”
My first impression. They are too clever by half. Reminds me of “clock boy”.
I’ll take leftist college professor for eight hundred Alex.
What he said.
Clock Boy is back and madder than ever.
it’s going to come out as either a really disgruntled Republican or a really disgruntled Democrat did this. i am leaning towards the democrats for 3 reasons. 1st they didn’t go off. 2nd we are 12 days away from election day and after seeing what they were willing to do over Kavanaugh i could see them doing something like this to get sympathy. 3d this is inline with something ANTIFA would do
I can remember my grandfather talking about why he left Germany in 1938, he was scared of the Brown shirts with good reason. I am beginning to think of the Dems along those lines, at least the mouthpieces that speak for them….
Never discount the possibility of option 3:
“Bughouse nuts”
There are some deeply troubled folks out there.
Everything I have seen so far points to either bughouse nuts or willful stupid.
Or both.
One of the thing I was taught in my C.I. classes when investigating something like this is: who benefits? I am not a conspiracy nut by any means but looking at the packaging, they all appear to come from the same person/group. As of my last reading it appears there have been 10 total of these packages delivered to various places. Either this dude/group is so incompetent that they mailed TEN bombs and NONE of them explode? Or did they loosely put them together to resemble bombs to draw attention/sympathy? Timing, as always is a subjective thing. That’s just my set of pennies. YMMV
Mailing bombs is mailing bombs. Illegal; just as if you sold fake drugs…. Illegal, motive doesn’t matter.
Additionally, the real false flag op is the mas migration of persons from central America literally 3 weeks before an election. I very rarely see anyone call that out. anywho, as I posted below, prosecute to the full extent; no matter which fuckhead did it.
The big question is, which democrat didn’t get their bomb yet? The ones who didn’t get one will feel left out. We don’t need that.
Coumo tried to claim he got one.
He didn’t
Hahaha, I saw that. Fuckin’ Cuomo just begging to be relevant outside his NYC limousine liberal bubble. It’s his version of #metoo.
Where was Dick Blumenthal during all of this?
Could be a citation or medal soon to be added to his substantial existing rack. /s
Under his desk.
With a full stapler and three hole punch.
Did some one mention a stapler?
“They took away our staplers in Macho Grande. Not to mention our move to the basement. To this day I have a drinking problem.”
charles w 24 Oct 2018
(That’s so funny I cut it out and saved it.)
still making me laugh! Hell, I needed it. Even prouder cause it was on my comment thread.
Glad to make you laugh. Seriously, no one knows staplers better than my beloved Signal Corps.
Prosecute to the full extent of the law; no matter whom it is.
Ya, I didn’t think I was alone.
see a like minded soul!
I have to go along with Candace. There are more important things to do than to waste time trying to scare some looney-tune Democraps who want to be the center of attention all the time.
So I’m going to blame this on Nanny P, since her mind wanders anyway and she probably can’t even remember what she had for breakfast this year.
IMHO Miss Owens is absolutely spot on!
Read these two paragraphs below from the Fox News article:
“Crudely Made Package Bombs Will Provide Treasure Trove of Evidence That Will Be Used To Catch Culprit Experts”
“There’s DNA that can be recovered from the device,” Ryan Morris, founder of Tripwire Operation Group, a company that provides explosives training to law enforcement and military officials, told Fox News.”
“Morris said that investigators will likely be able to take DNA from the fingerprints found on the tape as well as the saliva from the postage stamps.”
Could have sworn that all US Postal Stamps are now self-adhesive…so how can one get saliva from those stamps?
Am I missing something that Morris said?
2002 Article:
2015 article:
Indeed, if you look at the stamps on the package pictured on some news sites; they are forever stamps, which are self ad-adhesive.
That is what I thought.
Wonder about the age of Ryan Morris or his Company, Tripwire Operation Group, based on his statement of finding saliva on those stamps.
Some people still lick them anyway.
Windows too.
I’m not a Crime Scene Investigator, and I don’t play one on TV, but I have watched hours of people doing that… so take this for what it’s worth.
Saliva on stamps would not be the only way to transfer DNA to the bombs, or the packages. Just touching them with bare skin has the potential to transfer skin cells, which can be detected and matched to a real person.
Or at least that’s what I learned from Abby and Special Agent Gibbs on NCIS.
They can potentially get surface or touch DNA. It’s a relatively new technique, within the last decade. Obviously not as good as blood, saliva, or hair.
Use electrical tape, without ever touching the sticky side.
it’s called touch dna, you leave your dna on everything you touch and the forensic folks can get it from skin cells left on the packages
It is not self evident to me that this was terrorism. It may prove later, once the culprit is caught, to have been but, right now, it is not at all clear exactly what sort of political aim is in play. The fact that Democratic Socialists were targeted tells me nothing in itself. As for the wider affects of terrorism, anyone you know scared? The hallmark of terrorism on the grander scale is its indiscriminate victim making. This bomber, if anything, is a failed assassin. He also is a lousy bomb maker. It would have taken five minutes on algore’s invention to learn how to make an effective kablooie. I’m looking forward to seeing whodunit.
Also – black powder is NOT the best media for an explosive. Modern smokeless powder is pound for pound more powerful, and easier to ignite than black powder. Smaller grains make it easier to pack more in a smaller space, and it is as readily available (though maybe a bit pricier – but not much) as black powder.
I don’t know if this argues for the intentionally non-functional or the built-by-an-ignorant-slut theory. Just thought it was significant.
That is all.
The Unabomber devised a way to significantly increase a blast’s force w/o increasing the amt of explosive. What he did was never shared with the public. I like it that way. What’s more half or more of the bombs that lunatic created were not mailed. He was meticulous and thorough in everything he did. In fact, he was never caught, in a sense. It was his brother and sister in law who recognized his writings and named him to the FBI.
Ohio Blue Tip stick matches.
The blue tip is a contact explosive.
Muzzle load a BB gun with one and you will understand.
The rest of the match is slow burning trash but useable as filler.
The trademark “strike anywhere” printed on the box is a double entendre.
BP will explode when ignited, even unconfined. It is a true low explosive
Modern smokeless powder -cannot- explode unconfined, in modest quantities. It is a deflagrant/propellant.
Thus the vastly different shipping and storage rules.
Those properties are -really- important to improvised mayhem. Most folks haven’t a clue.
I beg differ that “black powder will explode when ignited, even if unconfined.” If that statement were true there would be thousands of civil war reenactors killed or maimed over the past 45 years. Black must be confined to have explosive force, unlike detonated C-4, which requires no container. Also, try firing a double charged .45 Long Colt round and tell me smokeless powder can’t be explosive.
Black burns when not contained… hot and fast, but is a burn. If you burn a large quantity you may find the immediate vicinity uncomfortable since the heat and flash quickly expand. And if you can double load a .45 Colt with black, you’re a better man than I. That hull barely holds 35 grains – 70-80 requires a case like .45-70.
Reading comprehension can be your friend. I said “smokeless powder” re the double charge cuz the OP implied it could not be explosive. One cannot double charge black powder cartridges because the case must be fully filled so that the seated bullet slightly compresses it.
Have fired literally thousands of rounds of Black powder, blanks and live rounds, rifle, pistol, tube arty, over the last 40 + years. We were getting a good quality Goex in different grain size for 2.50-3.50 USD. Caps were 18-20 per K. Now a days, case lots of Elephant Brand is USD 16 +, in case lots of 25lbs, and caps are 10-15 per 100. The big jump in powder pricing started with the Okla bombing; also the hassle of ATF regs, shipping, haz mat fees ect. Caps went sky high cause you know, they could charge whatever price the market would bear. Am certified as a State and National Park Service handler of Black powder, it can ruin your day. Unless this damn fool has been sitting on this powder for 20+ years; This idiot better run fast, run far, and sing like a canary when he’s caught. They will trace where it came from and probably who and when it was bought. BP has a lower ignition point than gasoline. Have dealt with ATF in the past. They have absolutely ZERO sense of humor, and an ass load of buddies to help them chase every lead they get. McVeigh and Unabomber taught them a lot.
Except, at least two of the so-called bombs don’t have any black powder in them or any blasting caps or other detonation mechanism. The two we have seen photos of are obvious fakes meant to look like bombs. The one with the small digital clock taped to it doesn’t even have a timer function. This appears to a massive hoax and media stunt likely perpetrated by a lefty or a looney. Anyone wonder why Bernie Sanders didn’t get a package. I’m thinking the offender is a Bernie Bro.
Roger all that. When it first broke, I’m thinking dumbass attention whore thinking they gonna get away with something, and if caught, still skate cause they weren’t “real.” If there is any black powder at all in any of these devices, ATF will be on their ass.
IMO, these fake bombs are more than likely in one way or another linked to the still active old hippies of the Weather Underground seeking to re-live their “Glory Days”. Namely; Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, or other past members of that bunch of radical leftist.
They just can’t imagine their whole life’s work has been for naught.
And in an interview in 2008, aging Bill Ayers states…. “…”Yeah we did some foolish things. I can’t quite imagine putting a bomb in a building today, but the way things are in the world, I can’t imagine entirely dismissing the possibility either. What if the government is killing a bunch of innocent people and just won’t listen? And knowing now that trying to make a better life can lead to the guillotine, and the gulag, I still can’t imagine a fully human world without utopian dreams.”
Great minds, and all that? We are likely not the only ones whose first thoughts were, “They’re back!” Likely improved a bit by 21st century technology, but with their same old anarchistic longings.
Anyone who would want to kill Joe Biden has no sense of humor. I think I’ll visit DU to get a rational perspective on this matter.
That didn’t take long. A guy named louis c, who has a Union Yes! thingy implores his fellow DUers, “MAGA Bomber. Please, all of us. Please refer to this terrorist as the MAGA Bomber.” See how rational those folks are? Not at all like you maniacs.
The facebook page Occupy Democrats is the same way.
At least these this post didn’t get “Blown” out of proportion without any real “explosive” comments.
The Punmaster is Back!
Good one! 🤗
Thank you Pat but Ex beat me out on her apple post.
I have all the evidence.
The clock on those PVC ‘pipe bombs’ has been identified.
Link :
No alarm function.
False Flag.
So because someone attached random crap to a rudimentary pipe bomb, you automatically deem it to be a false flag? The white powder also was inert, as it is in most other cases, so all those are false flag too? I remember when everyone here used to be really tough on Gordon Duff and all his false flag shenanigans, but here we are.
What’s clear is that whoever sent them is either a retarded 9-year old or someone who had no intention of doing physical harm. If the latter, then it’s a nut who thinks this is helping somebody in some way. And that’s about it. We’ll all find out soon enough. Dope probably mailed them from one or two post offices within 24 hrs and is on 33 different videos.
The lesson from the recent bombings 8n Austin, TX was that you didn’t have to blow anyone up to bring a city to a standstill. Whole neighborhoods were evacuated because of a random cardboard box “found” on the side of the road. I’m sure that aspiring terrorists gleaned a lot of Intel from the response to the Austin bombings and the resulting hysteria.
Either the guy did -not- intend violent harm, or we need a new word for “stupid”.
I am reasonably certain, based on the presented info that these were -intentionally “hoax bombs”.
Thus certainly a “false” bomber. As to motive, I set my default opinion to “nuts” for cases like this until otherwise shown.
This one is going to be caught, and fast.
-unless- it really is a “false flag”. The construction and packaging should be overflowing with evidence (prints, DNA, etc) unless built in a clean room and injected into the shipping firm from a closed container.
I used to work in a clean room. We worked class 100 and had final assembly in class 10. We could get to class 1 if we had to.
We still found specks of dandruff or skin on the glass occasionally. Humans are amazingly prone to shedding stuff.
That didn’t take long. Someone is in custody in South Florida.
I think everyone in South Florida has been in custody at one time or another.
The voter registration record system will probably collapse when his name is released. Everyone will be want to know if he is a registered Republican. Then all of social media will be inundated with searches for anything about him and his views. There will be about 200 newsies at or near his home interviewing anyone who might know him. School yearbooks will be obtained and, after a day or so, the initial profiles of him will be revised when it is learned that the MAGA sign was installed after his arrest and interviewees that were quoted about his pro-Trump views and racist proclamations were actually phoned in from out of state and the number traces to a Berkeley exchange.
My guess is that LE had their suspect a day or so ago and were busily obtaining shit that the newsies would have ruined if LE had moved sooner.
“My guess is that LE had their suspect a day or so ago..”
Yep. You nailed it according to Fox News.
Briefing is @1430 Hours.
Gonna be interesting…
Guy is a nutjob. Pics of his van show every visible window covered with stickers.
When domestic terror attacks occur, the media go out of their way to avoid referring to the terrorist as a Muslim and are careful not to make any connection to Islam. The emphasis is placed on the individual, not his religion. Of course, it’s silly b/c the one common thread among most terrorists is that they share a religion and invoke the name of Allah as they do their murderous deed. When it comes to a political party in the US, none espouses violence or encourages its members to use violence. Nevertheless, if it turns out that the New York/Florida nutjob is a registered Republican, we will never hear the end of it from the media. Every report will describe the nutjob as a Trump supporter or MAGA-hat wearer or Republican. Bet the house on it.
His name is Cesar Sayoc.
Yes, he is a registered Republican:
(1) Cesar Altieri Sayoc. Sayoc is 54 years old and is a resident of Aventura, Florida. Sayoc is originally from the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York.
(2). Sayoc Is a Registered Republican; His Family Was Involved in Fighting the Communist Party in the Philippines.
(3) Sayoc Was Charged With Making a Bomb Threat in 2002.
(4) On his LinkedIn profile, Sayoc calls himself a promoter, booking agent and choreographer of a male stripping show as well as burlesque shows in the Miami-area. Sayoc says that he graduated from Brevard College, N.C./Univ of N.C. at Charlotte.” Sayoc says he attained a Bachelor of Arts in numerous subjects as well as studying veterinary medicine. Sayoc writes on that profile that it was his dream to become a “horse doctor.”
“Cesar Sayoc, 56, a registered Republican from South Florida….” USA Today
These “threats” are about as believable as a ten-fingered Shop teacher.
This sort of thing wouldn’t happen if this country had sensible explosive device laws.
I hear ya. Stump removal was as easy as picking up a stick of dynamite and a cap at the local store on a Saturday morning.
Nowadays you need permits and a contractor to dig tha damn thing out.
Seems the crazies were few and far between also.