Shields Will Be Broken!

| October 24, 2018

There I was, at the front of the line, back to back with SGT Rock and Doc Savage, putting together arms and armor for a mighty battle, when it occurred to me, as the Puzzled Leader of and Chief Cook for this loosely knit band of tramps, humans, humanoids, and various Space Alien species, that I had no pep talk at the ready. No rousing oration to stir the blood. No ‘we who are about to die’ sort of thing. So I had to put down the sword polish and go and consult with the best pep speechifiers I could find, which took a bit of time, time travel and digging.

There is, of course, the internet in addition to the videos available, both of which make the job of cobbling a pep talk together so much easier. But does it answer that question: what stirs the blood?

We have bits and bobs of Patton’s actual speech, in various videos. This one isn’t too bad:

Then there’s Marco D’Aviano’s speech on the hill in ‘Day of  the Siege’, a so-so movie about the Siege of Vienna. The movie itself is crunchingly slow and sometimes silly, but the delivery of speech by F. Murray Abraham as the monk D’Aviano is stirring, with the Polish King Jan Sobieski and his Winged Hussars attacking the Turks at the end of it:

Theoden, King of Rohan and the Riddermark, made a rousing battle speech at the Pelennor Fields outside Minas Tirith:

Aragorn made another speech at the Black Gate, just before Sauron (who was afraid of Morgoth, who was afraid of the Balrogs) disintegrated when the One Ring melted.

Crassus wanted to know who Spartacus was. He sorely underestimated the people he faced, misunderstood what it takes to truly lead people, and was assassinated by the Parthians when he also underestimated the desert of the Middle East and the pure skill and will power of the Parthian army.

And in the end, everyone was Spartacus:

So just what is it that stirs your slow blood and sends chills down your spine?

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Link fest

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Henry V, St Crispen Day Speech:

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66, ARNG 75-77

I thought corey booker coined the word Spartacus.


Corey Booker reminds me of another kind of historical figure, one with boots with points at the end, with bells on those points, as well as a hat with points on it, with bells on those points.

5th/77th FA

“The rear areas of those other people hold stocks of red beans, sausage w cornbread, apple pie w vanilla bean ice cream. There’s also maple bacon cookies.” Grog and cigars after supper. Taking of prisoners not allowed.


I dunno. Bill Pullman’s speech in Independence Day is always enough to make me want to run through a brick wall though. The St. Crispin’s day speech in Henry V is always a tear jerker too.


I dunno. Bill Pullman’s speech in Independence Day is always enough to make me want to run through a brick wall though. The St. Crispin’s day speech in Henry V is always a tear jerker too. Oh, and Rocky Balboa at the end of Rocky Balboa, “the Last Round”. I’m a grown man and that shit still had me in tears.

Lurker Curt

That big speech in Braveheart where he finishes with “…they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!”

Damn, every time with the chills.


“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

Can’t believe nobody mentioned that yet.


George Washington speech to the troops: “Gentlemen,” said Washington, “you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country.”

Doc Savage

Someone call me?


chooee lee

So I said to King Leonidas, we can do this.


Short, but to the point.

“Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”

Sergeant Major Daniel Joseph “Dan” Daly to the men in his company, prior to charging the Germans during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I.


I don’t remember who it was, but a commander once gave this rousing speech to us;

“get on the objective and get jiggy wid it”

I could not have said it better myself…LOL

Of course, he was not the smartest officer I ever supported…but he had a way with words.


I saw President Reagan in Raleigh at Reynolds Colesium in ‘85 or ‘86. I remember little of what he said, but I remember wanting to bang my sword on my shield.


And every great speech requires a great musical score…..

Like The Lord of the Rings, the last stand of the Rohirrim and of course the fall of Saruman thank you Frodo !!!!!

From my newest favorite musical composition geniuses…