Wednesday morning feel good stories.

| October 24, 2018

From Washington D.C.

A man who kicked his way through two plexiglass doors at the Fox 5 television station in Northwest Washington

was shot and wounded by a security guard Monday afternoon, D.C. police said.

Police identified the man as George Odemns, 38, and said he has no fixed address. Odemns was admitted to George Washington University Hospital in critical but stable condition, and he was charged with second-degree burglary, police said.

News media have been on higher alert after a gunman walked into the Annapolis office of the Capital Gazette news­papers in June and killed five staff members.

Police said Odemns was not armed.

Video from two surveillance cameras, aired by Fox 5 News, showed the man wearing a red hooded sweatshirt walking up to the door, turning his back to the door and with one hard kick knocking out a panel that appears to be plexiglass. Police said the incident happened at 3 p.m.

The intruder then entered a small vestibule and began kicking a second door opening to the lobby, the surveillance video shows. After five kicks, he was able to pull down the plexiglass from the second door. He then climbed through the door and into the lobby of the longtime WTTG offices at 5151 Wisconsin Ave. NW.

Police Cmdr. Melvin Gresham declined to describe what happened next between the intruder and the security guard or whether she exchanged words with the man or used any less-than-lethal weapons. The security guard fired once and hit the man in the upper torso, Gresham said.

Court records show that Odemns has filed more than two dozen federal lawsuits in recent years alleging that he is being controlled by a microchip planted in his head. All have been dismissed.

In 2014, Odemns sued Fox 5 in D.C. Superior Court, also claiming that the station controlled him with an “illegal nano-chip” and seeking $100 billion in damages.

In November, records show that Odemns was placed under emergency psychiatric care in the District after emailing death threats to D.C. police and the D.C. Office of Human Resources and threatening a federal judge who had dismissed one of his suits. In addition, he was involuntarily committed in 2015, court records show.

Odemns was charged with murder in the District in 2002, but court records indicate that the charge was dismissed soon after he was arrested.

From Lancaster, PA

One of two robbery suspects was shot during an attempted robbery at Smithgall’s Pharmacy on Tuesday afternoon, according to a releasefrom Lancaster Police Public Information Officer Lt. Bill Hickey.

The first dispatch went out around 2:40 p.m., for a robbery in progress at the pharmacy at 536 West Lemon Street, Hickey said. Former Lancaster Mayor Charlie Smithgall owns and runs the pharmacy.

While officers were en route, dispatchers received information that an armed suspect was shot by a clerk, police said.

Police found the suspect suffering from a gunshot wound outside the business, but still close to the scene, Hickey said. The man had multiple gunshot wounds, and was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Police did not have an update on the condition of the suspect at the time of their release.

Hickey said the second suspect was a man dressed in black who fled the scene in an unknown direction.

Inside the pharmacy, police spoke with witnesses who confirmed both suspects fled and that the shots were fired as one of the suspects.

A handgun that was possessed by a suspect was recovered at the scene, as well as the handgun used by the clerk, police said.

Officers and detectives are canvassing the area for evidence, witness, and any surveillance video that could have caught something.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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5th/77th FA

Carry concealed, carry everywhere, carry a throw down back up, you know; just because.


A throwdown is kind of like the old “if you shoot them outside drag the body inside”… a GREAT way to accumulate multiple charges like obstructing, tampering with a crime scene, and really hard scrutiny from the DA. Plus if it comes to a jury, you will instantly have zero credibility. If you have the ability to carry a throwdown, you’re better off with a real backup gun.


Why would I want a “throw down?” To accomplish what?? Been in neighborhoods (at a much younger age) where a back up was nice. But a throw down? Giving another weapon to the streets, if some thug picks it up, makes no sense.

2/17 Air Cav

He’s not serious. If he were, he would:

1) Not say so; and

2) Suggest a toy gun (“Hey, it looked real to me, officer!”)


Aw. A toy gun. Now there’s an idea.

5th/77th FA

Thought maybe the /s/ button was obvious. My bad. Also forgot the other obvious. Aim center mass, between sternum and belt buckle. Using dum dum, hollow point, or wad cutter rounds. Not only will it incapacitate and eventually kill, it will hurt real bad in the mean time. Wake up people, it’s better to be judged by twelve, than toted by six.


‘sOK. Thanks for the clarification. In case anybody is still out there looking for things to misinterpret, that should do it.


Is a dum dum round the opposite of a smart bomb?

5th/77th FA

^snicker^ Nah man, it’s the original double tap for fixin’ stupid people, like dumazz..BANG dumazz..BANG


Dumb bomb or retarded bomb.


I’m confused. Are there more twits loose because it’s the full Hunter’s Moon and Hallowe’en is less than a week away?

Or did that silly witch’s silly spell in NYC get befogged and spread itself to nutballs in general?

J.R. Johnson

I think it is the latter. We need to file a law suit against those silly witches for maybe $100 billion, because it made us catch the PTSD having to defend against these befogged individuals!


If only the Moon had delayed the Full Moon stage until Hallowe’en….

Only $100 billion? Make that $175 billion and I’m in!

Deplorable B Woodman

Wounded? Only wounded? O!demns!

Hack Stone

A mentally unstable man known for filing frivolous lawsuits. Hack wonders if he can properly read an airplane fuel gauge.


I hear he’s 6 feet under now-a-days…


Boomtown Rats said it best….

The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload
And nobody’s gonna go to school today
She’s going to make them stay at home
And daddy doesn’t understand it
He always said she was as good as gold
And he can see no reason
‘Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be sure

Oh, oh, oh tell me why
I don’t like Mondays

Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays

Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down


I too am controlled by a chip… they call it PRINGLE!

5th/77th FA

Cheeto, crunchy or puffed


“Police identified the man as George Odemns, 38, and said he has no fixed address.”

Problem solved.