Idiot Spew Alert
This falls into this time-honored category:
STULTUS EST SICUT STULTUS FACIT (Stupid is as stupid does)
The headline reads: “Naked Sailor at Busch Gardens parking lot arrested for assaulting police officer”.
Well, but he was intoxicated with illegal drugs and alcohol, and he was buck naked, too, so there’s that. He was stationed at Norfolk, a member of the crew of the G.W. Bush.
I’m sure the sailor will get some quality down time now. No explanation for his stripping off was included, but one can speculate, of course. Might have been attacked by bees, which would explain his going past full potato right to rhinestones. I’m sure that when he was trying to get into a stranger’s car, he was simply hoping someone could take him to a clothing resale shop. So where was his wallet?
He now has five pending arrest warrants.
And I can’t go any further without failing out of my chair, laughing and scaring the cat. I cannot recall any incident of this kind when I was in the Navy, but it was perhaps a more polite period in society back then. That could account for it.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
So is it Bush’s fault? (Echoes of 2009-2017)
He holding a crossing the line ceremony.
All Hail Neptune!
Pending warrants? Oh, he’s in the hospital for being on bad drugs.
Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and drugs can make you stupid. Q.E.D.
I’m not even mad. That’s impressive.
Damn, sure hope he had one hell of a good time while he was having it!
There’s an old saying in Tennessee……I know it’s in Texas but probably Tennessee, that says ‘Got naked and tripped balls once” shame on, shame on you
Just wait till you get the USS Trump…..would it be painted Cheeto orange?
One day too, I’m sure we will have HMCS Trudeau. It would have gender neutral heads and messdecks and include a ‘Safe Space’ fore n’ aft on every deck for a quick cry.
I think the Chair Force has a ribbon for that.
𝙒𝙖𝙨 a Navy sailor. The door will not hit him in the ass on the way out.
“going past full potato right to rhinestones”
Like a rhinestone cowboy…..
I had a Soldier in the early 2000’s get drunk, work on his car, spill oil on himself, take off his cloths, then decide to go to the bar across from the apartment complex before going to clean up. The bar would not serve him (no shoes, no shirt of course) police were called, and apparently it is very hard to restrain a naked oil covered specialist.
The next day I am getting chewed out by the division CSM for not putting in my safety brief to not get naked, cover yourself in oil, and fight with the cops
“Yes Sergeant Major, I’m a bad NCO”
That should have directly followed the ‘Dont Stare at The Sun’ and ‘Employees must Wipe Ass’ briefs