Doxing Boy Update

| October 5, 2018

cosko doxer

Former Democratic aide Jackson Cosko was arrested on charges of allegedly posting GOP senators’ private information online, known as “doxing,” made his first court appearance on Thursday.

Cosko, 27, appeared in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia a day after being arrested for “doxxing” GOP senators on Wikipedia.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia announced that Cosko has been charged with five federal offenses, including making public restricted personal information; making threats in interstate commerce; unauthorized access of a government computer; identity theft; and witness tampering.

He is also charged with two D.C. offenses: Second-degree burglary, which carries up to 15 years in prison, and unlawful entry, which carries up to 6 months in prison.

Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson ordered that Cosko be held in detention pending a hearing set for Oct. 9.

Its all fun and games until that bitch “Accountability” shows up in the form of a District of Columbia Magistrate with zero sense of humor. The entire article can be viewed at The Hill

But wait there’s more-

Fox News has uncovered two social media accounts that supposedly belong to Cosko. One account, @TrundleDaGreat, which has not been active since October 2, is linked to Cosko’s personal email account. Cosko was arrested on October 3.

The other one, named “Radical Ed” is linked to an email account – – that sent a threatening email to another staffer who confronted Cosko after catching him in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., using an unauthorized login, according to Capitol Police.

“If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials,” read the threatening email allegedly sent by Cosko.

The social media account tweeted Graham’s personal information, though without the address, in reply to Move On, a progressive advocacy group that also tweeted Graham’s office phone number.

This explains the witness tampering charge, a Federal offense. As I understand it, a Federal beef has no parole, but may take time off for “exemplary behavior,” whatever that entails. Read the article in its entirety Here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics

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Lurker Curt

I think Tiny and the crew are gonna like him…

2/17 Air Cav

Tiny and the crew don’t pay. Pencilneck isn’t accustomed to that.


I’d wager that one night in a cell with ‘Tiny’ and Bubba promising to do the ‘Hokey Pokey’ on him will have that little leftist partisan brat crying for a deal. I wonder whose names he’ll drop?

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how well Bubba, Thor, Julio and :Tiny Tyrone” are gonna break him in before he becomes communal cell block property?


In Canada, he would also have to fear Chief Hung-like-Bear!


They will love that fruitcake in the joint! bubba, thor et all, here he comes lol

A Proud Infidel®™️

I wonder if they’ve made him play “Pick Up The Soap” yet?


That’s “Mr. Tiny”… especially to Soy Boy when he shows up at the cell block.


At least they will be respecting his Soy-boy wishes….vegan lube! (Margarine packets)


He’ll be known as the “Crisco Kid” by the guys at the Prison Commissary when they are done with him

Hack Stone

His cell mates will enjoy those Cosko samples.

Combat Historian

This is D.C. we’re talking about; they’re gonna have fun with this ‘lil white boy…

charles w

Wait till he meets the Tossed Salad Man.

Doc Savage

Damn…..get that girl a sammich…..she looks emaciated.

2/17 Air Cav

Bet they had to use zip ties on him. Standard cuffs wouldn’t work.

Doc Savage

Bread ties. 🙂


closet whacker


Little faggot needs to meet a brass knuckled amateur dentist.

Green Thumb


I got nothing.

A Proud Infidel®™

“In need of an appointment with a brass-knuckles Amateur Dentist”, I motion for that to be added to CHipNASA’s Continent of Insults®™!




I was on travel for a few days.
Yep, nailed it. I’m adding that to the Continent of Insults®™


dayum that boy needs to lay off the soy, enjoy prison.


If he ain’t swishing now, he will be when he gets out.

That guy is in for a real eye opening experience. And he brought it on himself.

Deplorable B Woodman

Not “swishing”. More like “whooshing”.


Queefing while sashaying down the cell block

A Proud Infidel®™

He may be a Tight End right now, but he’ll be a Wide Receiver in NO time flat!


Little twit just couldn’t help himself. Legality didn’t matter. Manners didn’t matter. Good sense certainly didn’t enter the picture for him. All he cared about was what HE wanted.

Somebody apparently held him responsible for something or his employment would not have been terminated. Didn’t matter. What HE wanted is all he cared about, and the rest of us are supposed to agree with him because that is what HE wants.

Idiot. His delusions don’t matter to the rest of us. He is probably shocked, but may never grasp that simple reality.

2/17 Air Cav

There’s nothing like the simple and harsh reality of a cavity search. He’s in jail. He is being held over. He is dining on baloney. He doesn’t get to use a cell phone or pc. And, tomorrow, Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation will occur. He’s had a bad week, I’d say.


He may have to share a toilet with OTHERS (the horror) and pee in front of police officers.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’ll likely have to squat over a can and cough in front of Police officers as well, his days of getting nice warm enemas from his Mommy before bedtime are OVER, he’a got Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny Tyrone” for a while!!! He could likely get even skinnier from having to give up portions of his meals in order to “buy protection” from fellow inmates!


The Social Justice Howler Monkeys (h/t Nicki) will soon have him up as their poster child for #resistance or some other silly shit. His “use by” date will be coming up very quickly. See also “Ford, Christine”, “Manning, Bradley”, and “Sheehan, Cindy”.

Hack Stone

It’s called Bradley Manning Syndrome. If you don’t get your way, with the appropriate level attention, throw a hissy fit.


Is it just me or does anyone else think his tie should be tightened up a bit until his eyes look like this?

Am I wrong to think this way? (grin)

2/17 Air Cav

My thinking, also wrong, is that each of his fingers should be hacked off with a rusty axe. He can keep his thumbs.


Sky: I’m thinking those will be his eyes when he finally gets to meet the men of his dreams: Mr. Tiny and the entire MS13 gang.

I despise little entitled trash such as him. He finally found that the law does apply to the dummycrats also.

I hope he gets the max, both in terms of prison sentence and the attention of the Mexican Mafia.

Maybe Maxine Waters can mail him a file.


She needs to join him.


HMC Ret, too bad we can’t just mail Maxine to him a as welcoming gift when he (hopefully) gets jail time.

Two birds with one stone sorta thing.


Maxine is so dumb if she did send him a file it would be a manila folder…

Forest Green

Time off for “exemplary behavior”.

Does that mean not clenching when Tiny and crew use his ass for a mixing bowl?

Forest Green

Actually, he sounds like he would roll big time for a deal. Maybe we’ll find out all the collusion that went on behind the scenes.


We can only hope…

BlueCord Dad

I guess he figures the Dimocrat White Knights will ride to his rescue…not
Enjoy your life in the, you’ll pardon my expression “pokey”..


Yep. He’ll be writing entirely new lyrics for the old song ‘The Hokey Pokey.’

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66, ARNG 75-77

Oh Well!!!!


I can’t see this fruitcake going more than a few days w/o sharing an intimate dinner with his boyfriend. He’ll spill the beans at the first promise of a deal that doesn’t involve him being boned every day for years. Screw you, asshole.

A Proud Infidel®™️

That’s IF they haven’t broken him already!

Green Thumb

Fucking Rent Boy.

A Proud Infidel®™

If he isn’t already walking around holding some other Inmate’s pocket turned inside out!


What was that…? Actions have consequences, or something like that?

Yeah, don’t they?

I hope he cries crocodile tears at the realization that jail is a real thing and that he committed a crime… or something.

Consequences. Yeah.

The Other Whitey

Little bastard looks like he’s trying to pass for Justin Trudeau.


They belong together, don’t they? In the same place, with angry polar bears around them.


He doesn’t look THAT gay for fucks sake! 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

Not yet, I wonder if Bubba, Thor, Julio and/or “Tiny Tyrone” have got him swish-walking around their cell block yet?


At first he was surprised at the “act of kindness” when Bubba offered to “push in his stool” at mealtime in lockup.

About now he’s probably wishing he had invested in those “Progressive Butt Plugs” he saw and bookmarked on Amazon.

Black Bart


I personally like how his lawyer said their client is ‘innocent until proven guilty’…. From the looks of it, Squeky did not feel that way about Judge Kavanaugh…… just sayin’….


This guy should buy stock in Depend maker Kimberly-Clark cuz after his bid that o-ring is gonna leak.
How hard is it not to be an a**hole?

Hack Stone

Maybe the Democrat Party can put a few bucks in his commissary account so that he can buy a few tubes of I Can’t Believe It’s Not KY Jelly.


I read a story where he threatened to expose the names of children if someone reported him to the police. If true I bet the guards will be on a long coffee break when the lads decide to make Doxy their bitch.

I hope Doxy isn’t Vegan because he is going to have a lot of meat in his mouth.

Deplorable B Woodman

Meet the newest employee of the BTJT Deli, serving the finest in prison cuisine, Tube Steaks smothered in underwear, nut butter and man meat mayo


Wherever this toad is right now, I guarantee it’s in a corner with his back against the wall. Just get it over with, pussy, it’s gonna happen. Do what you usually do under these circumstances: relax and enjoy it.


He identified himself in an email as a mid-level staffer. Mid-level? This guy is lower than snail shit in the greater scheme of things. He fetches coffee for the coffee fetcher.


You spelled “feltches” wrong.

Slow Joe

“We all make mistakes”


Somehow this classic from Classy Freddie Blassie is apropos….


Man…this dude makes “Boy George” look macho.


I hate that shirt collar. Looks like something out of “The Flying Nun”.


You guys are missing the real point here. He’s going to get a federal-level conviction, which means that he will have to do as he’s told, period. No more of his freewheeling don’t care who gets hurt, as long as it ain’t him stuff. If he doesn’t do as he’s told, he will not only not get the “good boy” time off award, he might get extra time.

Think how abhorrent it must be to someone who has never, ever had to face the consequences of being an asshole and trying to destroy other people’s lives, to have to do exactly as he is told or get penalized for it. Those people in federal prisons aren’t just street criminals. They are considerably nastier. I think he will have the living S – – T pounded out of him in the first day because he’s a weakling and looks it. If he lasts 15 years, he will be an old, old man when he leaves prison and no one will hire him to do anything, period.

He can starve to death, for all I care. He is a prime example of his generation’s spoiled 3YO brats in adult bodies who think the world owes them a living when it does not.

I hope to see more like this jackass arrested before too long, especially those who get paid to commit violent acts. This is so wrong of me to say this, but I’m hoping to see lefterd demonstrators sprayed with firehoses in the depths of midwinter in the near future.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself hope they make an example out of him, that MIGHT wake some of those little shits up to reality, others will wake up as soon as they try their shit in Red State America and get shot to shit!


I’m kind of hoping he ends up in some max security place like the federal prison at Beaumont, TX. Read up on that. It is freaking scary. It might scare him straight.

The Stranger

Nope, Terre Haute. I know a guy who was a “Corrections Officer” there and he flat out told me that the inmates run that joint. That is not a place you want to be. He wouldn’t last out his first day there.


Gee, between the thugs and gangbangers at Beaumont and the thugs and murderous slime at Terre Haute, there are so many, many choices for this boynotaman.
I wonder if he’d even survive a week at Menard.
Oh, who cares. 15 years in a federal lockup will be good for him, won’t it? How about Riker’s Island?

Stephen McCartney

Pajama boy ? Wait..better do a trannie check..we may have missed that thus far. “junk absence ALERT

CAPT Bones USN (ret)


Doc Bones, your name struck a chord in the deep recesses of what remains of my old brain so I Googled your name and found your TWS autobiography. Sure enough, you were the command surgeon for the brand new MARSOC the Corps was standing up back in 2006 at Camp Lejeune. I called on your offices in that old administrative building and remember you introduced me to another physician who was the son of a former Corps commandant, Krulak, I think, which would have made him a grandson of the Brute. Am I correct?

Funny how the memory works sometimes.


Talk about a ‘pencil neck’…

You could snap his neck with a thumb and a pinkie finger…

I’ve seen ‘bobble head’ dolls with a stiffer neck than this pu$$y…


How else is he supposed to reach the leaves at the top of the tree?

Hack Stone

If he makes bail, the Democrat Party may invite him to a 02:00 picnic at Fort Marcy Park. The first rule of the Democrat Party is that you don’t talk about the Democrat Party. The second rule of the Democrat Party is that underlings are expendable, see Vince Foster and Seth Rich.