Weekend Open Thread

| October 5, 2018

Just finishing up a 2+ week “double up-and-back” road trip to help out a relative. So today’s WOT article will be a short one.

It’s MLB playoff time. The Cubs and the Rockies played one helluva great wild-card game this week; the Yankees and the Athletics also played, albeit their game was more one-sided. So given the timing this article from a couple of years ago just seems apropos.

Fair warning: if you read it, I’d recommend having a tissue handy. Or maybe several.

Yeah, the article’s from ESPN. But even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.

Enjoy the WOT, and have a great weekend.


Postscript: FWIW, the author of the linked article, Tom Friend, has written a book covering the subject in more detail. It was released this week; it might be worth checking out.

Category: Baseball, Open thread

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Hi guys.

My dad passed away Friday evening.

The family was here and we were all there for him at the end.

The nation lost a veteran today. He served in the aerospace defense command of the USAF 54-57 on long island at Roslyn Air Station. Later he got called up for duty during the Cuban crisis.

Going through the stuff accumulated during his 83 years…found his original 214 along with all of the correspondence and orders for the Cuban crisis call up. That alone was an amazing find.

Please keep my family in prayer and thoughts this week as they work through grief and getting mom ready for life without dad. After 59 years together, she has a real transition to navigate.


Praying for peace my friend.