Update: Former Navy Sailor Suspected of Sending Ricin-Laced Packages
Answering the mail for ChipNASA.
Packages with suspicious substances — at least two of which tested positive for ricin — sent to the Pentagon, White House and Sen. Ted Cruz’s office in Texas this week were part of a coordinated effort by a former Navy sailor, officials told Fox News.
Investigators said one of the envelopes, addressed to Defense Secretary James Mattis or the Navy’s top officer, Adm. John Richardson, contained a return address leading them to believe it came from the sailor, whose name has not been disclosed.
Officials say a tip from the White House led the Pentagon to discover the two packages sent to the Pentagon.
Both initially tested positive for ricin but are now in the hands of the FBI for further testing.
The packages never made their way into the Pentagon, but were flagged in a mail delivery building next door on Monday, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to Fox News.
Seems the envelopes contained Ricin seeds, not the refined lethal powder, but still enough to be detected. I think our mystery ‘former sailor’ missed Terror Mailing 101, the part where it’s not considered good practice to include a return address with the surprise package.
The entire article can be viewed Here.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Wasn’t me…only thing I learned to make was Crystal Meth. Gotta pay those student loans off early somehow. I use 3 eyed ravens for deliveries anyway.
I looked up how to make that crap on the internet. Good grief, you have to be on it to try and make it
Authorities immediately ruled out Dallas Wittgenfeld as a suspect, since they knew he could not afford three postage stamps.
Hack, just saw him coming from behind the Circle K, so he probably made just about enough for three stamps.
From a Circle Jerk?
He put his return address on it? That doesn’t sound right. What kind of a moron would do that? Unless he wants to be caught, which with the media attention this will get might have been his end game.
He’s been identified on other websites:
Google for some crazy stuff.
It appears the culprit is from Logan, Utah. He shoulda made a trip to Florence, CO and paid a visit to the Unibomber to get some pointers on the use of the US Mail to commit crime.
This is the most excitement Logan has had since Jack Ford’s dad became president by default and USU was ass-deep in secret service agents.
The word is out on unclass side:
Basically … CooCoo for CoCo Puffs with a spattering of unresolved childhood and daddy issues … and unsubstantiated bed wetting history.
Well, it wasn’t me.
I’d only send chocolate chip cookies made with extra vanilla and dark brown sugar and they would disappear into the hazmat suits before anyone else got them.
Oooo. Where do I sign up to be the cookie checker guy??
If you have a signif other who can cook, I will post the recipe on TAH in the near future. That way, there will be no possibility of any stale cookies ending up in the trash.
My wife is an excellent cook. Mrs Deplorable is why I have gained over 20 pounds since retirement. I will be looking forward to your chocolate chip cookie recipe to copy and give to her. Thank you in advance.
Now that’s a mailing list I wouldn’t mind being on. If you have any extra, you can send them my way Ex.
Yeah … probably:
Definatley not:
Could be:
Better not be:
All I know is, it ain’t me!
RP is a strong one here.
You forgot us HM’s, Master Chief…
I have been cared for by HM’s. I owe my health and sanity to a few.
This pug was no HM.
And I did not need to reflect that fact.
Sorry Master Chief, Allen is a former damage control fireman apprentice. Can’t blame the twidgets for this. He did skyrocket to E-2 though.
Hate to bust your chops, but word has it he was an HT. Made it to HT3 but pulled a dumbass.
I got nuthin’ other than wondering if he’s seeking to be the next Bradley Manning?
I could accomplish that with a pair of rusty scissors.
The clown is Bernathian-level nuts. Check out what’s on this link about him, including his attempt to extract cyanide from apple seeds using an hydraulic press.
I said that the suspects would be a nut job or antifa. Nut job it is.
Can’t it be both?
Is there a difference?
Sends letter with return address on it. Just wow, I mean WOW! One of the first lessons I learned in the military was how to CYA. It wasn’t spoken nor taught to me in any manner. I merely learned by the observation of others to always, COVER YOUR ASS! At all times and for every scenario. I guessed this clown missed Intro To CYA 101.
And yet the CBS babe this morning praised the amazingly quick work to identify the guy.
Four year E-2 at discharge (like we haven’t ever heard that before)
Will not add to his notoriety by listing his name, but the official Whiz Wheel™® FBBSDC*(H/T to Hondo) score is 460.
*Full Blown Bat-Scheiss Drooling Crazy
Off topic: A staffer for Rep Sheila Jackson Lee has been arrested, and charged w/ releasing the personal info of Republican Senators.
I had heard it was a staffer for Mad Max, but SJL is almost as satisfying.
Not a surprise there, as stupid as she is, ya gotta figure her staffers aren’t much smarter..
Now its very own post.
Could it be that someone else mailed the letter in with the guys return address on it or are they 100% sure that that is the guy that flunked envelope addressing 101. I haven’t been following the story so that’s why I commented that maybe it was another person that mailed it in.
What a pussy…Also harassed a female veteran online…
Oh, that is so last Tuesday…
A turd chaser.
“He was assigned to the combat support ships USS Detroit and USS Supply and his awards include two Navy “E” Ribbons, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon.”
With such an impressive military history, he’s no doubt a thoroughly dangerous man.
Oct ’02, weren’t most still on stop loss? A 4 year E-2 probably doesn’t rate being kept around no matter the national emergency underway.
Even as highly decorated as he is.
Doubtless he’s improved that rack with a CAR, Purple Heart, and a Sliver Star w/V.
[quote] … and a Silver Star w/V. [/quote]
I was under the impression that the Silver Star didn’t gat a “V” for Valor since it could only be awarded for Valor in Combat.
Where as the Bronze Star can be a NON-Combat or Combat award depending if it includes the “V” for Valor.
You are correct, dd, the Silver Star is the 3rd highest award for valor, and needs no “V” device. I threw that up to highlight some of the shenanigans past posers have committed.
Waiting for some to accurately describe him as “moderately decorated”.
I don’t think there is anything called a “ricin seed”. Ricin is made from the beans of Castor.
I’ve seen both bean and seed referenced; not being a botanist I went with seed.
I thought the beans were the seeds..
Musical fruit
-especially- castor beans…..
Dullass would send a can of Castor Motor Oil.
[…] Psychological Disorders, Genital Self-Esteem, & The New Red Guard This Ain’t Hell: Update – Former Sailor Suspected Of Mailing Ricin Packages, also, President Trump Donates Salary For Veteran Entrepreneurship Victory Girls: Kelley Paul […]