Is it time to expand the definition of ‘veteran?’
A certain Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld thinks we are being too restrictive with who earns the title “Veteran”.
I have long thought, though, about whom our country includes in its socially-constructed category of “veteran.” Currently, that classification remains limited to those honorably serving in our armed forces. And yes, this service and this profession has traditionally been determined by our society as honorable and noble work.
Why, though, have we circumscribed the parameters of “veteran”? Why have we so limited its definition?
Thinking can be hard … for some. I have thoughts all the time.
Can we as a nation begin now to consider expanding the category of “veteran” to include the diplomats and the mediators, those working in conflict resolution, and activists dedicated to preventing wars and to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun? What about the practitioners of non-violent resistance in the face of tyranny and oppression?
Individuals who stand up and put their lives on the line to defend our country from threats to our national security, as those in our nation’s military do, are true patriots and veterans. But true patriots and veterans are also those who speak out, stand up, and put their lives on the line by actively advocating for justice, freedom, and liberty through peaceful means.
Looking over the history of humanity, it is apparent that tyranny could only be countered through the raising of arms. On numerous occasions, however, diplomacy has been successful, and at other times, it should have been used more extensively before rushing to war.
It is unacceptable when one’s love of country is called into question when advocating for peaceful means of conflict resolution. It is also an act of patriotism to keep our brave troops out of harm’s way, and to work to create conditions and understanding that ultimately make war less likely.
Keep your heads people, this Peace craze will blow over. You can enjoy the entire article HERE.
Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck
“It is unacceptable when one’s love of country is called into question when advocating for peaceful means of conflict resolution.”
Oh, FFS…
There ain’t enough coffee and cigarettes in the whole hep world to digest the stupidity contained in the Doctor’s contorted logic.
Further stupidity:
“The fulcrum on which the foundation of this [white male warhawk/hero] narrative rests represents an important, though incomplete, story primarily about white male leaders with armed conflict as the organizing principle.”
Riiiight. I was never taught about Crispus Attucks, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, Tuskegee Airmen, GEN Colin Powell…
Sh*t on me all you’d like, leave my country’s history alone.
“The fulcrum on which the foundation of this narrative rests represents an important, though incomplete, story primarily about white male leaders with armed conflict as the organizing principle.”
This is an ideological point. These people believe only white pipple fight wars of aggression and expansion.
I am sure they have found a way to blame whitey for Genghis Teh Kahn and all the empires of antiquity and Medievil like Sumeria, Babylon, Assyria, Achaemenids, Sasanians, Safavids, Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Almohads, Mamluk, Seljuk, Ottoman, Songhai, Mali, Mughal, Bengal, Mutapa, Great Zimbabwe, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc……….
Please just dump a bucket of cold water on his head and tell him to shut up. He’s allowed to run his idiotic claptrap because of people who put their lives on the line to protect his right to be a public fool.
Just tell him to shut up. Please. I don’t want my lunch spoiled.
Is it Blumenthal or Bloomidiot? You serve, you are a veteran, you don’t, you aren’t shyt!
I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and suggest that the “good Dr.” resides in a state which has recently legalized the use of “Mary Jane”…. just saying
Couldn’t be the clown is NOT a veteran but a wanna bee? Just didn’t have the guts?
One of those who says “I thought about serving in the military, but…”
“activists dedicated to preventing wars and to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun? What about the practitioners of non-violent resistance in the face of tyranny and oppression?”
They already have a name… they are generally called “dickheads”.
The “practitioners of non-violetn resistance in the face of tyranny and opprssion” are dead.
There are millions of them, buried in mass graves. 12 of them were senior officers in the Russian Army. Stalin had them executed after they dug their own graves. Those were found near St. Petersburg.
Any questions?
“activists dedicated to preventing wars and to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun”
That means Jane Fonda can now be called a veteran in this guy’s mind.
I’m sure she’ll be happy to final get the recognition.
“Can we as a nation begin now to consider expanding the category of “veteran” to include the diplomats and the mediators, those working in conflict resolution, and activists dedicated to preventing wars and to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun?”
No. Next question.
This so called Doctor must mean hanoi jane would be a Veteran…
Hanoi jane ????
Over mine and a shitload of other “REAL” Veterans dead bodies…
The mental gymnastics the author engaged in are nothing less than Rube Goldberg level….this is nothing more than a blatant attempt to make inclusive of what is legitimately an exclusive group of people.
Feeling left out is sad; but feeling left out because of the choice you made not to include yourself in this exclusive group is a choice.
Everyone wants to be a veteran until you have to do the shit and make the sacrifices required to become a veteran.
Typical communist college BULLSHYT!
“But take a few moments to consider those fighting a cultural and figurative civil war to reduce the violence and injustice….”
No. Anything else?
I’m not sure you understand the dedication it takes to take a day off of work, from making soy lattes or asking ‘would you like fries with that’, to wrap ones’ face in a red or black bandanna, to burn trash cans and cars, the sacrifice the SJW to use a hammer to smash the windows of patriarchal big banks that Obama (peace be upon him) had to create, you know, to be fair.
The paper cuts from ripping up signs of the conservative opposition…
The horror. the. horror.
You assume they have jobs. That’s nice of you. You do know that jobs are part of the patriarchy and must be abolished.
You hurt my feelings by being right.
If I’m a SJW, does that rate a Purple Heart?
No. You get a puppy, play-doh, and a safe space. Here’s your onesie and hot cocoa.
I want a puppy
Sorry. Your feelings matter, unless you are a white man.
None of you have feelings that matter. You are intact male hominids and must be abolished!
Where’s my binkie?
Hahaha. She called you all Homos.
No, no. I said ‘hominids’, not ‘homos’. Hominids are bipedal and upright with opposable thumbs and big brains, a strong sense of who/what they are, and creative instincts that allow them to invent new toys and stuff.
‘Homos’ are confused about their own plumbing and where it belongs, as well as how to use it.
I feel left out and demand you all act like I’ve been on this thread the whole time.
I read this thread so therefore I practically contributed to the conversation.
If you disagree then obviously you are part of the problem. Schedule my march for noonish when I’m at my most empowered, please.
There’s one side fighting a figurative civil war, the other side is busy working their asses off to support the fucking layabouts….
I’ve got my money on the side that knows how to grow it’s own food, survive without electricity, can navigate without a GPS and use a compass and most importantly, knows how to use a gun and has stashed a lot of ammo. I think that the side that thinks it will be won with a witty twitter response is in trouble.
Yeh, maybe the ignorant a.h. wants antifa included and maybe the scum tearing down confederate statues or the a.h.’s threatening politicians and the President?
“I embrace democratic socialism & here’s why you should too.” That’s not from his silly article. It’s from his tweety bird page. He really needs to fix those teeth of his. Is there acid and a yellowing agent in sperm?
Yup. Look closely at Stormy Daniel’s face. Millions of unborn children have died on it.
Hahahaha talk about your sloppy thousandths….
Stormy Daniels has been on more wieners than Heinz Ketchup and French’s Mustard put together!
You should check out all the comments on his Facebook page lol.
Ph-k dumocrapic socialism….this is a REPUBLIC you brain dead a.h. professor!
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of veteran
1a: a former member of the armed forces
b: an old soldier of long service
2: a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill (such as politics or the arts)
Synonyms: doyen, old hand, old-timer, stager, vet, warhorse
Antonyms: beginner, colt, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot
You forgot “FNG” as an antonym.
For the record: that means “Fresh New Guy/Gal”.
There are other definitions, of course. (smle)
…and the term “New Meat”
Take it up with the folks at Merriam Webster. Those do seem like worthwhile additions to the synonyms. They can be used when TAH publishes it’s own dictionary. 🙂
or antonyms…
I’m still partial to “nub”, although apparently it’s taboo to use that word on the boats anymore, lest some nub get all butthurt and go sad panda.
“Liberalism is a form of mental illness,” says the wise Dr. Michael Savage.
This dickhead professor proves his point.
It is the marxist way, to destroy anything and everything that they perceive to be an impediment to Progress. So-called educators, like this guy, use their classrooms to peddle their pap and, if their goals were ever achieved, would be the first to be purged in a sudden and irreversible way. Why? Because they are the instruments of change who influence young minds and once the New Order arrives, these same instruments are dangerous.
It’s all great stuff, to be an academic pulling in the bucks for decrying the system that allows for one to buy pussy hats, a 10-speed bike for tooling around campus, the artsy apartment in the old mill, not to mention that Prius and the travel weekends for commie coffee klatches…until the soldiers of the New Order pull you out of your bed, push you outside, and shoot you dead.
Yes! ^^^This^^^
The New Order: Day #1
“Your name?”
“Blumenfeld…and, comrade, I’d like to say that…”
“What is your trade?”
“Trade? You mean job skill? Oh. I’m a university professor.”
“University professor? Empty your pockets and get on that truck over there.”
“I’m Che Guevara, and I approve this message”
Air Cav, when you’re tallying the benefits of being a university professor, please don’t forget the sabbatical years. Take a whole year off, with pay and benefits, to explore your field of study. 🙄
History has proved you right over and over….but these idiots can’t read or can’t comprehend that they are hanging themselves!
“But true patriots and veterans are also those who speak out, stand up, and put their lives on the line by actively advocating for justice, freedom, and liberty through peaceful means”
No, they aren’t. Those are called demonstrators, troublemakers and social justice warriors. Next….
If it’s through “peaceful means”, then they really aren’t putting their lives on the line, are they?
I see what he means: A weekend deployment to D.C. for a protest is the equivalent of some years of military service. The D.C. metro is pure hell.
Peacenics, war protesters, draft dodgers, Hanoi jane.
This is going to be a large group of “veterans”.
Now there’s an idea…a granite monument of helmeted Hanoi Jane sitting atop an enemy gun. Push the black button and you can hear her 1972 propaganda radio broadcast to the. Push the red button and the recorded chant of “Hell no, we won’t go” sounds from a speaker. And every Saturday, beginning on Memorial Day, a John Kerry look-a-like will re-enact the tossing of medals over a mock-up of the White House fence while a live orchestra plays the Internationale.
“…radio broadcast to the North Vietnamese.”
Build it in the Arizona desert, when janie dies she can be buried on the back side of the monument, that way the cacti planted on her grave can remain well watered.
Negative RGR 4-78, our desert is full. And cacti do not do well in a saline environment. May I suggest somewhere in the death vally region. She needs to stay in California.
Death Valley sounds good.
Side benefit; we might lose some lefties to their pilgrimage to her statue.
Only if there is some cover uprange…
No thanks, not arizona, we don’t want the desert polluted!!
“I bring you peace in our time”, said Neville Chamberlin, not too long before Hitler rolled his tanks into the Sudetenland.
It was peaceful right up until Hitler started invading places. 😉 Appeasement is a fool’s errand.
“An Appeaser is one who feeds the Crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” – Sir Winston Churchill
I think bombs were falling around his plane as Chamberlin was landing. What a tremendous fool.
The “DR” gives the game away by asking if the “socially constructed” definition is in need of change.
See what it did there? By asserting that the definition of veteran is a socially constructed artifact, then we can simply socially construct a new artifact that may include those who are not objectively veterans, but don’t want to feel bad for their choices.
When you see a problem statement that includes the concept of “social construction” you are seeing an emotional argument design to absolve themselves from blame or responsibility for their own actions and in so doing, deligitimize the actions of those who choose the hard right over the easy wrong as they have. In other words, it is the argument of a child.
This is the left today. A pathetic movement of children screaming that it is “their” turn and every one else is “evil”.
“This is the left today. A pathetic movement of children screaming that it is “their” turn and every one else is “evil”.”
my household six says I am not always “tactful” enough.
Yeah, about that….
The only ‘artifact’ here is my patience.
You had some? I envy you that. I was never issued any. I could have been, but the f’n line was too long.
They’ve been doing this with terms for a long time. Like assault weapon. If it doesn’t fit their narrative and purpose they’ll do anything in their power to change it to make it so.
You guys are reading too much into this.
He just wants his free meal at Golden Corral on November 11th. 😀
Blumenfuck wants himself and other SJWs to be officially designated as “Veterans” because they want themselves some of that free VA medical care because their precious obamacare insurance plans turned out to be turd vaporware, and they want to get on the 9/11 GI Bill so they can get free degrees majoring in “Gender Dystopianism” and a bountiful stipend to boot on the backs of the American Taxpayer…
Would that degree come with a minor degree in Women’s Studies? That’s the up and coming must have degree for future fast-food workers. They will blame their failure on ‘da man who don’t feel their pain.
Someone tell me, please just where would someone work who had degrees in Women’s Studies or Gender Dystopianism or some equally bull shitty degree? All I can come up with is maybe, just maybe, public relations or feel good bullshitter at a major organization.
Starbucks is the first place I can think of.
Working as a staffer for a Democrat politician is another.
Sorry, Dave. The chances of my following a link over to are about the same as my chances of getting a hot date with Kate Moss…
I’ll just leave this here. A slight difference of opinion.
Sam could not do his act these days. Was a funny dude.
Luckily we do NOT need a change to the definition of “BS Artist” and “Loon.”
He’s not a real doctor, it’s only an Ed.D, not even a Ph.D.
More proof that nature abhors a vacuum and editors abhor a blank page, and they will fill it with anything.
geezuz…here we go again…let’s just go ahead and insult a wide swathe of people that have nothing to do with this. 🙂
Why not do it with “Veteran”?
They have already done it with “Hero”.
“…to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun…”
Ummm… well, ummm…. if this idiot ever steps outside his office door, I hope he doesn’t trip over his own stupidity about real history. There has not been a time in REAL history when there was NOT warfare going on some place, either as territory expansion and acquisition by some greed-driven bunch, or as a means of acquiring breeding rights and loot. The Middle East, for example, is currently in the midst of warfare that has been going on since before Santorini exploded and wiped out Minoan (Cretan) civilization. In fact, it’s safe to say that warfare in the Middle East goes back something like 10,000 years into the PAST, probably further. And it’s all about acquisition of territory and breeding females.
He’s an idiot. Give him a bunch of coupons for Starbucks and tell him to shut up and not discuss things that are so far out of his league, he isn’t even visible in the subject under discussion.
Did you give the government permission to make you die for your country? No? Then get the fuck out of here. You are not a veteran.
This reminds me of an argument I had with a dependent that they were just as much veterans as their AD sponsor. Do other people make sacrifices, yes…does that make them veterans…no.
Yes, I saw those toads. Got nothing against dependpotomus or the fact that they got free health care and I was the one giving it to them. But don’t even think you will have head of the line privileges over an active duty member, in or out of uniform. And don’t tell me you are as important as the active duty member humping a 90 pound ruck in 100 degrees or the Sailor putting in 18-20 hour days, EVERYDAY. You’re a civilian, plain and simple and I will treat you with tremendous respect, but don’t try to pull some bull shit over on me. Some tried. Not a fucking one was successful. I despise people with an entitlement mentality who have done nothing to earn it.
Jeezuz… dicklomats and stank ass hippies “veterans”?
Not no, but HELL FUCKING NO!
Guys, you’re forgetting this guy marched against the Vietnam War, his words not mine. That’s basically the same as fighting in Vietnam right? We need to get him a vest and a dog, maybe a Navy Seal hat with a big ol trident? Anyway, here’s his facebook page. He’s doubled down on the stupid and is getting tore up in the comments. Its good for a laugh.
That’s a no from me, hard pass and thank you for playing.
There’s an entire system set up to give people the title of “veteran” that want it. Just sign up!
I’ll give public service outside the military their due. Cops, firefighters, even teachers all give of themselves for the greater good. I absolutely hate it and start to gag when I hear someone thank a politician for thier “public service.” If your job requires no actual work and comes with good pay, a staff, great benefits, and a retirement plan, then it’s not service.
There is one essential diference between all of those jobs and the military, however.
If a civilian doesn’t like their job or their boss, or policy, he/she can give notice and quit – or just leave. Any consequences will be economic.
Members of the military don’t have that option. Quit while in uniform, and you risk going to jail – or during wartime, you risk your life.
Very true. Along those lines, we literally signed away many of our constitutional rights.
And to defend that Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
As a wise old Chief once said to me, “We defend freedom, we don’t get to practice it!”
What about it poodle barbers and cat bathers?
So, after reading Dr. Blumenfeld’s piece of literary shit, I thought to myself, “If that isn’t Marxist dialectic, I don’t know what is.” I checked out Dr. Blumenfeld’s LinkedIn page, and I saw
* summary: Social Justice Educator
* Ed.D., Social Justice Education
* Associate Professor of Multicultural and International Curriculum Studies & Queer Studies
Yup, a Marxist who got a doctoral degree in Useless.
A Marxist that is “sensitive”… how fucking sweet.
I expected at the beginning of Obama’s first term for him to present medals to draft resistors and deserters who went to Sweden and other countries. Especially after seeing a article on the web explaining how going to Canada as a draft resistor was as bad as going to Vietnam as a member of the military.At that time the Obama party wasn’t as crazy as it is now.
Snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
This incompetent windowlicker can go back to his “doctoral” studies of how to jerk himself off with appropriated titles somewhere else.
Maybe Russia?
Nope. Try Venezuela.
Venezuela it is. He can even award himself medals for meritorious windowlicking!
I think we should extend the status of veteran to the mailman who delivers the draft notice. Doing otherwise would be contrary to the noble intent of our Founding Fathers. I’m certain that was their intent but was somehow overlooked in the final draft of the Constitution. We now have the opportunity to correct that egregious oversight.
Better yet, why doesn’t he just go fuck himself. I’m pretty sure I know what a veteran is, and it isn’t included in any of his bullshit ideas. What a moron.
I won’t blow over until I’m gone.
I just hope it doesn’t get any worse before I’m gone.
The definition of “Veteran” should not be changed, unless you wish to delineate one as a “Combat Veteran”.
You spit on me when I came home. You walked on my flag. You laughed because my friends and brothers came home draped in that flag. You praised Hanoi Jane. You tear down monuments to my ancestors because you don’t like being reminded of my country’s history, you want to destroy the constitution of this great country, and then you have the fucking nerve to want to be called a veteran. I have more respect for the fire ants in my yard than I ever will have for you and your ilk.
What is agender?
Stepping out the door at O’Dark Thirty in full Battle Rattle. Yes, standing outside McDonald’s waving a sign demanding $15hr or writing angry blog posts is exactly the same thing.
Wanna know why Veterans are given special treatment ???
Read the following…
With the Old Breed on Peleliu and Okinawa, written by E.F. Sledge, also known as “Sledgehammer” and is the book the mini series from HBO, The Pacific was written about.
The book describes horrors beyond anyone’s description while holding the line at “The Shuri Castle”.
My God, there is nothing written that can compare to it…
What those men stood up to and stood in, gives a whole new meaning to the word Duty, Honor, Country…
To all you Marines, Thank you for what you do, what you did and what your successor’s will be doing…