Da Stoopid Is Strong With This One
I though I had seen everything. Everything. Every dogboned thing. But I was wrong. You have to read this article* yourself to get the full effect.
It’s clear to me now. I can’t even go to the store to get radishes, lemons and ice cream without taking along Cobra Bubbles or some version of him.
I have truly seen everything.
*N.B.: Kid admitted to it. Thanks to AW1Ed for the story.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime
I carry when I’m out and when in Walmart and other stores, I’m people watching to stay left of bang.
Based upon her account, which she posted on social media, I would say that she’s crazier than shit. It reads like very bad fiction.
Nah, Ex-PH2, you don’t need Bubbles. Just get a Donk. (smile)
Nah. I’d rather have Cobra Bubbles. He’s much more impressive than that short man.
I carry, very well concealed but with ready access, everywhere. Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.
And if you read the lefty media, there are no good guys with guns.
Too bad he didn’t ‘make a grab for his knife’ 😉 resulting in a thoroughly ventilated would-be rapist.