No, Threats Don’t Work Very Well

| September 17, 2018

The dirty tricks of the leftreds never stop, do they?

Sen. Susan Collins’ (R-ME) office issued a statement to Breitbart News rebuking threats and other attempts to bully her into opposing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Last month, progressive activist Ady Barkan pledged to make a $1.3 million donation to Sen. Collins’ 2020 opponent if the Republican senator decides to vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. The Maine senator has faced increasing threats as she continues her vetting process to decide if she will support Kavanaugh.

Annie Clark, Collins’ spokeswoman, told Breitbart News that Sen. Collins will make her decision independent of threats or attempts to bribe her with donations.

Clark said in a statement:  Bribery will not work on Senator Collins. Extortion will not work on Senator Collins. And anybody who thinks these tactics would work on Senator Collins, obviously doesn’t know her. This crowdfunded money to pressure her is based on a quid pro quo — you vote the way we want and we will keep more than a million dollars away from your opponent — vote against us and we give her the money. It is basically a bribe.

At the link, the full article includes some of the heinous threats toward Sen. Collins as well as providing us with the information that some blighted idiot sent 3,000 coathangers to Sen. Collins’s office, implying that women would again have to resort to back alley abortions, which says that Roe v. Wade will automatically be overturned if Kavanaugh is on the bench.  It hasn’t been overturned in 50+ years, but it’s telling that a bunch of those moronic bitches dressed up in costumes from The Handmaid’s Tale and picketed Collins’ office. It means that those imbeciles know nothing about Atwood’s intent, nor do they understand the meaning of that story, which she self-published in the 1970s.

The more they rattle their gourds, the more people will lose sympathy for them.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

It never ends.


Is that the leftist scum or the dumocrap scum? it’s hard to tell anymore, but one thing is for sure, anyone with honor, decency, morality, and integrity WILL NOT VOTE DUMOCRAP….EVER!


Probably set up by Suzie’s team to give her an out.
Now she has to dance to a new tune with the latest accusation against Kavanaugh.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, the latest is that more than 5 years ago–no 10 years ago–make that 15–no 20–no. Wait. It was 25 years ago, that 17-year-old Kavanaugh groped a 15-year old girl at a party, while reportedly under the influence of alcohol. That and it is reported that he wet his bed when he was two should bring him down.

2/17 Air Cav

It was 35, not 25, years ago. As he climbed the judicial ladder, his alleged victim sat silent. As confirmation hearings were pending, his alleged victim sat silent. As confirmation hearings were held, his alleged victim sat silent. Now that his confirmation is assured, she gets a pang of conscience and stands up. Give me an ever-lovin’ break. Couldn’t they find someone to say he was caught cheating on his kindergarten shoe-tying test?


Certainly would explain a lot.

And pretty much destroy whatever credibility this woman has left.


Up till then I was totally on board with the story about not knowing where she was, how she got there, why she was there and yet perfect recollection of an attempted sexual assault and who but two conservatives could be at fault?

Seemed legit.


Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

How does the timing of that litigation line up with the supposed counseling notes?

2/17 Air Cav

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Bwahahahahahaah. Inadvertently? In other words, she knew that if she died, that he didn’t mean it. And, she says, “he was trying to attack me….” Trying? Either he attacked her or he didn’t. There’s no trying…

For more than a dozen years, Kavanaugh has been a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals judge. I guess that job wasn’t high enough up on the food chain for her to have come forward sooner. Cripes.


At least they filled in (name) before publishing, this time around.


This woman is a life long progtard and a Trump hater/Hildabot. She signed a letter to Congress or whatever virulently opposed to Trump’s illegal alien policies/actions. Many of the students that have taken her courses rate her as “awful” and claim she is untruthful and vindictive. She is also a cheapskate, as she only donated $35.00 to Bernie’s campaign.


The first time she said anything about this was 2012. Why is that significant? Because that’s the year Kavanaugh was mentioned as a potential SCOTUS pick for Romney.



Gibb’s Rule #39.


I’ve also read that her supposed psychotherapist’s supposed contemporaneous notes of her session in 2012 don’t mention Kavanaugh as her attacker. Likely she planned to name whomever a President Romney nominated to Court. Gee, wonder where she got the idea. Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill, anyone?

Oh, and it comes out that she scrubbed and deleted all her internet footprint/postings and hired a Hildabot attorney back in early August, when she claims she wanted to remain anonymous. And DiFi has had her “anonymous” letter since July. Yeah, right! Nothing suspicious here.

USMC Steve

As far as I am concerned, given the socialist democrats handing Slick Willy the serial rapist a free ride, there are NO valid sex scandals or accusations any more deserving of any interest. And Kavanaugh should advise the fake accuser libtard that if she cannot prove it to legal standards, the bitch gets sued until he owns her eyeballs. The only plausible reason for such slander is to prevent him from getting on that bench, so it is indeed intended to be malicious.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Their “Lion of the Senate” left a woman to die while he went home, showered, and called his legal counsel…those fuckers set a pretty low bar when it comes to the treatment of women by men they admire.

A drunken 17 year old teenager trying and failing to cop a feel under a shirt hardly moves the needle on the meter in comparison. If that even actually happened.


I would ask her if it was over the bra or under. Every teenage boy is awaiting the answer.


I guess, if you can believe a lying, communist college prof that enjoyed it so much it took the whore 30 years to report it? I don’t think so! And if the phony pig wine stain (feinstein) has anything to do with it, you know its BULLSHYT imho!

E4 Mafia For Life.

Is it too late to use the coat hangars on the Leftards?
Post natal abortion?


I fully support 4th term abortions.


I guess you will have to argue that one with God when you see him…he DOESN’T LIKE people killing his babies!

2/17 Air Cav

It is quite crass to refer to these offers as bribes when we all know that there is a more gentile and socially acceptable description to describe these donations. We refer to them as special interest support, usually from PACs and delivered to candidates’ designees by registered lobbyists and other bag men.

2/17 Air Cav

‘description FOR these donations.’ Arggghhhh.

Jon The Mechanic

And while this is happening, Keith Ellison is STILL a public official.


To be fair, if his accused has a video of the incident she should release it. She comes off as an angry ex alleging all kinds of hard evidence without providing it.

And I hate Ellison.


Buying elections or the threat of supporting an opponent is nothing new. There was a time when it didn’t work so well and such tactics made the news as reprehensible. While I hope and feel sure Collins will not be swayed, many would be.

What happened to the term ‘Statesman’? They are dead and gone I fear.


Sadly, phrases like “the Senator from GM” or “an honest politician is one who stays bought” are in far more common usage.


“Collins will not be swayed”

No need to. She checks the wind and sways with it. What’s best for her dictates her vote. The other distinguished Maine Senator Hangus King already declared his automatic no vote. Former Govnah. Says he’s independent and caucases with the Dems.
Got his start with PBS. His son is on the PUC and rubber stamps windmill projects.

Slow Joe

I don’t know about the book, but the TV show The Handmaid’s Tale seems very lefty to me.


Drain the swamp. Drain the swamp again. Keep draining the swamp til it stays drained. They are all democans and republicats. They have NO shame, there are NO ethics. The “Loin of the Senate”. Yep, and he was just one of a very long, long,long, line of POSs that should have been in prison, or better yet, executed, for what he did. Each and every one of us would still be making gravel out of boulders if we did just 1/10th of what these people have been caught doing. Wonder what we haven’t caught them at? Grrrrrrrrrr


Exactly, banish them all


It’s been said here and elsewhere before when the left disagrees with me, it’s a difference of opinion, when I disagree with them, I’m literally worse than Hitler.

Both sides throw the over the top “if this law passes, the US will no longer exist as we know it” kind of BS, but the left (in particular the last few years) has gone way over on the hyperbole. If Trump is elected, babies will die, if Kavanaugh is confirmed then women will be subjugated like slaves, blah, blah. It’s so over the top dramatic that it’d be laughable if people didn’t actually believe this shit.


Heard on XM during the drive home that the Dems now are saying if Kavanaugh is confirmed by the Senate, as soon as they get the seats in Congress they’ll try to impeach him. The House needs only a simple majority to impeach.

2/17 Air Cav

Based upon what? He’s likely had quite a few romps between 17 and marriage. Is he supposed to recall one chick, one time, who didn’t put out? Hell, it was 35 years ago. She’s full of shit…and seeing a shrink…and a lefty…and waited much too long to say anything. I say do what Kavanaugh didn’t: f her. Thank you.


Let’s don’t forget that the stupid lefty scrunt says she has contracted the feared PTS of D from the fabricated or embellished incident of low those 35 years ago. She also claims it ruined her life. Just think what she could have accomplished in addition to those three degrees she has (including a PHD) and a sinecure of a teaching job that likely nets her a six figure salary to go with that of her engineering degreed husband.


Also, I love how her story is that she went into a house with 4 drunk young men she couldn’t have known very well, when she was 15 or 16 years old. She doesn’t remember where and when it happened or who else was there except Kavanaugh and his buddy who already said it didn’t happen before she came forward. Sure, I believe she is telling the truth, just like the time Billy Jeff told us on national TV he never “had sex with that woman” and shook his finger in our faces. I wonder if she’ll sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury just like Monica did swearing nothing ever happened that could put Billy’s spooge on her blue dress.

2/17 Air Cav

It can’t be proved and it can’t be disproved 35 years after the fact. That’s awfully convenient for the accuser. It’s a last-ditch effort to smear Kavanaugh. I wonder who is coaching her. This is bound to get much more interesting. So many people believed Tawana Brawley. So many believed that the Duke lacrosse team brutally sexually assaulted a woman. So many believed Rolling Stone’s account of a rape and cover-up at the U of VA. All stirred protests, attacks on the accused..and all were false w/o a scintilla of truth. Throw the Kavanaugh attack story on the pile and light it.


They tried borking Kavanaugh, now they’re using the Clarence Thomas playbook. It didn’t work on Thomas, here’s hoping they tell the Dems to F*** off, and confirm the guy, just to give those jerks a big middle finger.


Why, a 35+ year accusation of sexual assault, of course. Damn Cav, don’t shoot the messenger- the whole thing reeks of political bullshit, and is impossible to prove or disprove.

But this is all the Dems have left, and they’re going to play it to the hilt. Anything to delay the Senate confirmation until after the mid-term elections.


They can stick impeachment up their ass, bubba the perverted pedophile was impeached, what happened to that? NOTHING!


“Did I leave anything out?”

Did you have a boyfriend or girlfriend at the time of the alledged incident?
Were you sexually active with him/her?
What was his/her full name?

No need to answer. The questions alone will do the trick.


Jesus said it best to those lowlifes that are either trying to dig something up or creating crap out of thin air…..”let him who is without sin, cast the first stone”! How many leftists/dumocraps could stand this kind of scruting over their past escapades?


COMMON SENSE: Now that Christine Blazey Ford has come forward, some interesting things about her are beginning to surface. Knowing this would happen, perhaps it’s the real reason why Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) kept these allegations secret since July. Here is what we now know that we didn’t just a few hours ago:
1) The brother of Christine Blazey Ford worked for Fusion GPS. Wow, what a coincidence.

2) Martha G. Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh, was a Maryland district judge in 1996. She was the judge in a foreclosure case in which Christine Blasey Ford’s parents were the defendants. Martha Kavanaugh ruled against the parents of Christine Blasey Ford in the foreclosure case. Could there be residual resentment?

3) Ford’s lawyer is a big Democrat donor who was involved in the Clinton / Paula Jones case.

4) Christine Blazey Ford is a far left professor and an open-borders activist who has signed anti-Trump immigration letters.

5) She also deleted her social media accounts just before coming forward. I don’t blame her for that, but what would her posts reveal?

6) An “online professor rating site” has numerous reviews by from her students. Some say that they think she’s crazy, and they were actually scared by her behavior.

There will be much more to come—trust me on that.


Just wait. Trump is almost certain to get one more SCOTUS pick, and some of the most likely to exit the Court are reliably Left

You ain’t seen nuthin yet!

A Proud Infidel®™

Likely Ruth Bader Ginsburg once she stops getting blood transfusions from Keith Richards!


I would donate a couple C notes to the campaign of the Republican congresscritter that publicly calls for Ellison and his accuser to also be testifying at Monday’s Kavanaugh circus.

Sadly, my money is safe.