Police raid home of couple who raised $400K for homeless Marine veteran

| September 7, 2018

Well, well, well,  it looks like our favorite little swindlers had some visitors.


Police raided a New Jersey couple’s home and hauled away a new BMW on Thursday after a homeless veteran accused them of helping themselves to some of the $400,000 in online donations they supposedly raised to help him start a new life.

Citing “enormous public interest” in the case, county prosecutor Scott Coffina confirmed in a Facebook post that Mark D’Amico and Katelyn McClure are under investigation, though no charges have been filed.

It was the latest twist in a onetime feel-good story about Johnny Bobbitt, who spent his last $20 to buy gas for McClure when she became stranded on a highway in Philadelphia last year, and the couple who found 14,000 people online who were so touched by his kindness that they donated to a fund to help him start a new life.

I wonder what they might have found.

Category: Politics

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Wilted Willy

Have we verified this guy is a real vet?



According to this Marine Corps Times article, Johnny Bobbitt, Jr. never finished his first enlistment:


Wilted Willy

Thanks for the info Pat!

Comm Center Rat

He wore the USMC uniform for 14 months active duty so I think he’s a veteran but not one eligible for VA benefits since he didn’t serve two years minimum. No combat service or deployment time. No info about injury, disease, or disqualifying medical conditions. No info on the characterization of his discharge as an E-1. Bobbitt was awarded the National Defense Service Medal participation award. It seems a Go Fraud Me campaign will be his best chance at survival in the City of Brotherly Love.


Failure to adapt?


John Bobbitt? Another dickless wonder perhaps


Or pissed hot.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Given his “Recreational Pharmaceuticals Hobby” my bet is that he pissed hot.


I thought the VA requirement was at least 90 days?


The title of the article in the link below is misleading.

In reality, Johnny Bobbitt, Jr.will receive an amount equal to the balance of the funds he did not get from the online.

“Johnny Bobbitt will get his full $400,000, GoFundMe says”


“GoFundMe and Cozen O’Connor, the Philadelphia law firm representing Bobbitt, announced Thursday evening in a joint statement that he will receive an amount equal to the balance of the funds he did not get from the online fund-raiser set up for him in November.”


Minus a hefty legal fee no doubt.

MSG Eric

It’s public relations 101. Gofundme will cover the 400K because they’ll make 40 million because of the publicity and people wanting to use it more as a donation capacity.

A Proud Infidel®™

Methinks this is only gonna get crazier, I’m a-gonna go make some popcorn…

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Make me a bucket, too!

I’ll bring some beer. Name your poison.


Just send me a message when Katelyn has become so desperate she’s resorted to doing porn.

Lurker Curt



But would IDC SARC hit it?

And where has he been of late?


Detailed news Video on Officials removing the couple’s BMW and bags of evidence from their New Jersey home:



In this Video from the Today show, the Couple speaks out after they were accused of stealing from Johnny Bobbitt, Jr:



Good job another Pat. For those who looked at this particular video, when it’s done let it roll a few seconds. There are three more immediate follow ups which prove the couple are both liars. I rather doubt if Mason was wrong in an earlier post. I too will look forward to Katelyn getting in to porn. Probably start a new genre of new and improved porn at that…to be known as Homeless Porn. Most scenes will be filmed under bridges and along railroad tracks where homeless camp. First movie will be titled, “Under the Amtrak Bridges, Where Johnny Pays $20 To Get Screwed Over”.

Thanks again Another Pat for sharing what may easily have been missed on national television.


Thank You, Jarhead!

Check out the text that Mark D’Amico sent to Johnny Bobbitt, Jr. AFTER the Today Show interview (getting rid of their lawyers and settling the dispute out of court..unbelivable)..:



I think I’ll go back to foraging on the forest floor for mushrooms… after I get done laughing.

If they embezzled all that cash, don’t they have to pay taxes on it? Doesn’t matter that it was meant as charitable donations, if they took it for personal use, it’s income.

MSG Eric

Even if Bobbit gets it he’ll have to pay taxes on it too. After the lawyer gets his cut, John will probably just about get the 20 bucks back he gave her initially. Maybe a enough for another couple shots of heroin.

Butt Sponge

What’s up with that guys haircut? Did he ask for the “Bob’s Big Boy” special?


Wow, looks like this thing spun out of control!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

How old was her original vehicle that it didn’t have a gas gauge?

How in the fuck in the year 2018 do you run out of fucking gasoline for your suburban transportation?

Were they so poor that she had no cell phone reception on a highway in New Jersey??? I get cell phone reception sailing in the ocean off the coast of Jersey….I find it amazing she didn’t call her idiot husband or check her gas gauge or whatever…

Like I’ve said earlier, fine these two dipshits and give the homeless guy his 400k and pick up what’s left when the dumb bastard ODs in a week…

Losers abound in this tale of good and bad samaritans…..


“give the homeless guy his 400k and pick up what’s left when the dumb bastard ODs in a week…”

It would be ironic if Bobbitt DID overdose…and then his Mother sues everyone for letting her son die by them “enabling” his behavior/poor choice in life..

In the back of my mind, since Bobbitt was giving money to his family (probably his Mother), have this feeling they/she might have had an influence on him receiving the remainding $$$ from the GO Fund Me account…

What a circus.


Is it just me, or does anyone else want to see everyone involved in this 3-ring shitshow burn?


“I wonder what they might have found.” Liquor, lingerie, condoms, s@x toys, hot tub, lights, action, cameras, DVD Burners, and a book on bad haircuts. Well,,, just….Damn. As stated before, can’t make this stuff up.


Ten or so days ago when this first became an item, I said the tin cup people expected a few hundred bucks and they could deal with handing over that amount to him. They knew he would have it up his arm within 48 hours. Then the dam broke and I mean the bucks came flowing in and they said no way we’re giving this doper half a mil or whatever. They figured no way he would ever know how much was involved. And then the public got wind of it, the lawers got involved, the cops showed up, cars were being towed. If I were these people, I’d sit down with him, both lawers and figure it out, write a check for that amount and walk out the door. He probably can’t cash a check b/c he has no ID. His fucking problem. Whatever money he gets will be up his arm within a week unless he ODs before that time frame. What a damn mess. A doper, two possible crooks, two (xxxx) lawers, the “I feel your pain” media and a cast of characters. Write a check and be done with this loser. He couldn’t finish an enlistment; how can he manage his life? He can’t. Wonder if he ever got his 1999 PoS Ford Ranger. Guy gets half a mil and his dream vehicle is a $4000 PoS truck. Bwhaaaa

2/17 Air Cav

“Is it just me, or does anyone else want to see everyone involved in this 3-ring shitshow burn?” NHSparky

You got your wish. Police now contend that the trio were in cahoots. Fancy that: a conspiracy to defraud. Suckers gotta suck.


So…am guessing that if found guilty, all three will have to repay MORE than $400K…


JTB and others brought this up today on the Thursday Morning Feel Good Stories post. Thank You, 2/17th Air Cav for sharing.

AW1Ed, Ex-PH2, Dave, thebesig, Ex-os2, Hondo..can anyone please provide an update post on this story today for comments? Thank You!

2/17 Air Cav

“JTB and others brought this up today on the Thursday Morning Feel Good Stories post.” Guess what I didn’t read? I’ll give you three tries.

