Friday morning feel good stories.

| September 7, 2018

From Lincoln, IL

A woman chased an intruder out of her home by firing a gun when he broke in.  Lincoln police are searching for the suspect who damaged a vehicle and threw a brick through the front window of a home in the 1200 block of Short 11th St. early Thursday morning.

Police said the suspect tried to force the door open to the house.  The female homeowner who was legally armed with a pistol yelled to the person that she had a gun.

The person continued to try and get in.  The woman fired the gun to stop the person from getting inside.  Officers said there is no indication the suspect was wounded. The fled on foot.

From Denver, CO

Suspected thief in Colorado drops gun, loses pants in botched robbery

A suspect was left running from an e-cigarette shop in Colorado with his pants falling down after what police are calling a botched robbery.  Security camera footage shows a man walking into the store on Sept. 2 and attempting to take out what police later said was a replica handgun. But it ends up flying over the counter instead.  “The BB gun, with the orange tip removed, fell onto the floor where the clerk grabs it,” Aurora police said in a Facebook post.

Police released the video in hopes of identifying the suspect and arresting him.  The owner of the store told the Denver Post he was surprised by the footage.  “I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of an armed robbery, but the guy really does belong in the ‘world’s dumbest criminals,’” Chris Burgess said. “He needs to find a new career.”  He added store policy is to give suspected armed robbers “whatever they want.” He said in this situation, the clerk reacted appropriately.  Officers obtained the replica gun in question and say they’re hoping to obtain fingerprints from it to help in the investigation.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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A story from my hometown! Was the suspect from the Lyle, Lingle, or Benedict families? Was he a Last Chance College student (Lincoln College)? Perhaps a visiting gentleman from our finer small towns like New Holland or Middletown?

Also, will the clown car known as the Lincoln Police Department solve this crime or will it become just another bungled shit show? I’m betting on a fine no-no performance from the LPD…no arrests, no convictions. They are exceptional.

And people wonder why I never went back….


Wilted Willy

My former home town as well! Glad I haven’t been back…….


You from Lincoln, IL?

Deplorable B Woodman

A day without DOTs or DRTs. Ah, well, not everyday can start perfectly. There’s always tomorrow.


Guy can’t even hold up his pants let alone a store.

Joe Williams

Why try lifting prints from the BB gun when the LEOs have both on the countertops ? Joe


Love how calm and collected the clerk is!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Well, at least he didn’t get caught with his pants down.


Good one! I needed a laugh. Thanks.


Here, hold my gun and watch this.