Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 10, 2018


So are Latino cops racists now?


Since you did something in the past, you get a pass

Rare sanity?

…says the protectors of stupid.

In case you forgot….Russia.

Blue Wave = Ty-D-Bol

Don’t be a Schiff-head

Betsy DeVos….child trafficker!!

In order to save democracy, you have to be a violent asshole

International businessman knows nothing about trade, by DU does. Ok.

Please tell me one of you did this…

They won’t have Russia to kick around anymore

Yeah. Ignore the problem. That’ll work.

On the brink of fascism because of cable

The smell of vinegar and water through your tv set!

Who else was proud of murdering innocents?

Disagree with the mob and the mob ruins you

Midwestern values

Would it be racist to say that the natives are restless?

And what do these urban centers have in common?

Communism lite

The Snowflake Gazette

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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2/17 Air Cav

This week’s lead belongs to David Hogg (Misfire.) He tweeted something about the NRA. Hogg knows what he’s talking about. He is worldly wise and so very, very bright. The best example I can offer that captures his special insights and qualities is this quote, from a video interview of him:

“When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”

Brilliant. Makes me wonder why his college applications were rejected.


I’m sure his parents are so proud.


I’m sure his parents wrote that line and spoon-fed it to him. The narrative must be supported!


DU – hypocrisy at it’s finest. But, of course, they think it is fine when they are doing it. Because … Trump. Or cops. Or ozone. Something today, something else next week.


I really wish I had thought to change the DU Wiki page that was the best one to read this week.


I saw the all time best description of socialism at PowerLine yesterday, from the mind of John Hinderaker. It explains to a tee why leftists are hypocritical to the core, doing themselves what they hate about everyone else:

“I think the leaders of the socialist movement are perfectly well aware that the inevitable result of socialism is tyranny and mass poverty. But for them, this isn’t a bug, it is a feature. In fact, it is the whole point. Socialism is now, and always has been, a pretext under which power-mad psychopaths seize power and terrorize their fellow humans.”

It really explains everything. Why do leftists not care that minimum wage doesn’t help the bottom rung? See above. Why do leftists hate the idea that the working man can opt out of union membership? See above. Why do leftists emphasize “tearing babies from mothers” when most of the children are unaccompanied teenagers? See above.

It’s not about help. It never is or was. It is always about power. Everybody on the right needs to understand that.


The acquisition and maintenance of power. That’s what it has always been about, and still is. Socialism/communism/humanism/whatever is simply the vehicle to get there. Bad people will use any tactic to acquire and maintain power. Yes, they realize that the use of force is necessary as is removing the means for all us surfs to defend aginst that force.

So much for liberty and varying opinons.


And they more they divide us, the easier it is for them to use whatever “other” group to instill fear and win elections as only they can fix the problems they created.

Divide by race, by education level, by religion, by income, and now basic political ideology (you don’t agree with me?, then you’re evil).


My favorite line of the day is about how the Republicans pursued impeachment of Clinton when there was no reason to….uh, guys, Clinton was found guilty of lying under oath about it. Nice try…


Was also promptly dis-barred after leaving office. It takes quite a bit for a lawyer to be dis-barred. But his confirmed crimes were “just sex” while Trump’s obviously over the top locker room talk is evidence of his being a serial rapist.


I always wondered what would have happened if Ol’ Bill, when first accused of boinking the intern, would’ve just said “Hell yeah I hit it, that girl could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch!” Imagine the looks on the faces of the press corps.


But Bill would say that depends upon what the meaning of “hit it” is, as technically speaking, he never hit it-he just had her go “downtown” on him and he used her to flavor his seegars.


I have observed disbarment cases for many years. In most states, absent conviction of a felony, it is difficult to get crooked lawers disbarred. Remember the long and winding road it took Commiefornia to disbar ol’ Bernutz. And he helped make it happen with his insane behavior before the State Bar Court.


Their lack of understanding that a deficit by definition means you’re losing money really explains their fiscal policy positions so well. I might have to bookmark that as an example.

All this talk of a lack of civility and justifications for it is humorous. I think the left is being petty and tyrannical in their personal attacks, and especially attacks on family. It’s repugnant and will only serve to alienate people. However, politics has been a dirty business since the founding of the republic. For Christ’s sake, in 1804 we had a sitting vice president engage in a duel with a former secretary of the treasury! A sitting vice president shot and killed, quite publicly, a political opponent (who in all fairness had literally asked for it). We’ve never had much civility.

So if they cut off coverage of Trump’s rallies, if he’s really as evil as they expect, couldn’t he just preempt all broadcast TV every week or so and pontificate live from the Oval Office?

As for that last article where the snowflake laments the cops not finding the guy writing her letters? The one she posted has no criminal acts. Wishing someone dead is not a crime. Neither is writing people who write opinion pieces in the newspaper. Seems to me you invite discourse by your writings. Just because your vitriol is published doesn’t make it any more righteous.


LOL what a fucking nut house.

“There might be a federal crime about sending hate mail.”



I’m cleaning my tiny house. I can gain a little enthusiasm for it by reminding myself that every one of the DUers think “other” should do everything for them, especially Millennials and their ilk. They are still complaining 18 months later about losing the election and about Putin Trump. And Millennials are all awash in the idea that socialism is the way to go. Scathing article in this morning’s newspaper about their stupidity.

I’m going back to cleaning my little house as soon as I have some itty bitty nuncheon. My kitchen is much more pleasant now, but I need a new 3-drawer cabinet because the old one is a piece of junk.

Claymore, thank you for your patience and stamina in reviewing that bunch of loons.


I have to add that the Wiki article about DU is too funny for words. Wish I’d thought about doing that.


Love ya, Claymore!


Seems that DU has posted a guard on Wikipedia. I did a little experiment, changed a couple words. It was fixed in less than a minute.


Okay, that’s hilarious!


Interesting how the carefully clipped video starts with the cop pulling his gun. Wonder what happened before that?

Love the picture of Maxine Water moving American auto production to Canada. I guess they missed the irony.

Also learned that Minnesota has an incestuous progressive female Somali immigrant Democrat as a state rep. The things you learn…


I’m in Minnesota and this is the first I’ve heard of this. How is this not national news now that she’s a major party candidate for federal office?

UFB now that I read a bit about it. I thought Ellison was a terrible human being, but this one is worse!