Navy Ensign Sarah Mitchell dies in Red Sea operations

| July 10, 2018

VT Woody sends us the sad news that US Navy Ensign Sarah Mitchell was killed while involved in small boat operations in the Red Sea;

A Sailor assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109) died from injuries sustained while conducting small boat training July 8.

Ensign Sarah Mitchell, 23, of Feasterville, Pennsylvania, was medically
evacuated to a hospital in Aqaba, Jordan, and was pronounced dead at 12:45
p.m., local time.

From USNI;

Mitchell graduated from Virginia Tech in May of 2017 and reported to the destroyer on June 5, 2017, according to her biography.

Dunham is currently assigned to the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group and departed its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on June 2. The ship transited the Suez Canal on June 28 and entered the Red Sea. Earlier this month, the ship conducted operations with the Egyptian Navy.

Training for war can be as deadly as war. Be safe out there.

Category: Navy

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May God bless her soul and comfort her loved ones.
She’s another representation of what is good in America.


Promising career cut short.
Rest in peace Ensign.


That’s a damn shame. Perfect proof that freedom is NOT free. Rest in peace Ma’am…we have the watch.


Prayers up, ma’am.


Looks like she was married. Prayers out to her family. RIP maa’am

2/17 Air Cav

I was just thinking about these non-combat losses the other day and, to me, there is no difference between a service member who dies in training and one who dies in combat. That one’s family receives the service member’s Purple Heart and there is none for the family of the other is neither here nor there, at least to me. Both were serving our country when their lives were lost and the families grieve no more for one than the other.

Green Thumb

Rest well, Ensign.

Commissioner Wretched

Rest in peace, Ensign Mitchell.

Wilted Willy

May God be with you and your family during this tragic time. Our prayers are with you Ensign. May God bless your soul.


Lord have mercy.


Rest in peace Ensign.


Fair winds and following seas Ensign, gone too soon. May God watch over your family!


RIP, Ensign Mitchell.

Just shows how dangerous the military service can be even when nobody is shooting at you.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I offer my Condolances Ensign Mitchell

RGR 4-78

Rest in Peace.


Rest in Peace, Lady Warrior. I am humbled by your sacrifice.


Ensign Sarah Mitchell, Thank You for my freedom, but I’m very sorry it cost You Your Life.


Fair winds and following seas, Ensign Mitchell.


Much too soon and too young. Rest in peace, ENS Mitchell.

Guy Calce

Very sorry and sad To hear about this trajic accident.
May God be with Her.

Guy Calce Cdr.Nlcc.


Rest in Peace, Ensign.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Rest In Peace Ensign Mitchell, you were taken from us far too soon.