Atlanta Braves fan steps up

| May 29, 2018

According to WSB-TV, an Atlanta Braves fan held an umbrella over a JROTC cadet while that student was honoring POWs and MIAs;

The image was taken during the recognition of the POW-MIA Chair of Honor in the third inning at Suntrust Park. The chair sits empty to help people remember that even though our soldiers who were prisoners of war or declared missing in action are not here, there is still a space for them.

During the ceremony, a Parkview High School U.S. Marine Corps JROTC member stood next to the chair in the rain. A fan wearing a red raincoat opened his umbrella and held it above the student to protect him from the rain.

Thanks to Claymore for the tip.

Category: We Remember

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A relatively small gesture, and it means so very much. Perhaps not as much to the young man being shielded from the rain as for the rest of us.


“Almost” as good as USMC Staff Sgt. Tim Chambers (Ret.) who held a 4-hour salute for the duration of the Rolling Thunder demonstration in Washington, D.C. for the last 15 years.

My first trip to DC on Sunday the 27th for other more personal reasons.


Beats the hell out of the Marine holding the umbrella for that pussy obama!!

2/17 Air Cav

Out-f’n-standing! I remember when a certain former office holder had a Marine serve as umbrella bearer. This–this is right and good.

cc senor

Roger that.


If memory serves, he had giant ears and looked like a wimp.

This? Damn righteous moment.


His wrist were too weak to hold his own umbrella. Might snap in the wind.


The impact of the rain would bruise him.


Bravo Zulu, Braves fan!

Doc Savage

This gives me hope for our young generation…



Anybody else have a flashback of that gnarly wet wool feeling?

Doc Savage

That wet dog smell….*sigh*

cc senor

Now that comment brought back memories of the post theater at Graf filled with GIs wearing wet OGs. God, what a smell.


I always hated that drip of cold water coming off the back of your jacket and straight down the back of the leg.


On a hike, the skies opened. Water pouring out of a faucet full tilt. Took 8.5 minutes to get soaked to the skin. Every flea in the county jumped onto my boots and went home with me, and the rain didn’t stop until I got home.

Why is it that rain always drips down your back into just that one spot? It’s like a funnel.


Now that’s how it’s done, America. Respect on Memorial Day.

The Other Whitey

The people of this great nation know what is right. This is a fine example. Another is the high school softball game played in Fresno, California the other day, which made the news when an announcement that the National Anthem would not be played was met with boos, then everyone in the stands stood, removed their hats, and sang it themselves, while both teams faced the Flag and showed appropriate respect.

Those who seek to destroy America from within are not succeeding,


I saw that too. Made me smile. ‘merica!

2/17 Air Cav

There are two Americas, the one that is selfless, resilient, strong, and decent and the other one, which is none of those things. When H. “Wide Load” Clinton said recently she fears for our democracy, that we are in crisis, she was doubtless referring to that second America.


Wait. What? A white man helping a black man? To his own detriment? With no expectations of payback?

This is not the America that BLM, obama, Hillary, the fake legacy news media and the democrat party shout at me on a daily basis…


Well done gentlemen. The young Cadet and the fan.


Well…. Americans doing it right.

Who knew?

Green Thumb


Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

If it ain’t raining, we ain’t training!