Costa Fotopoulos’ Memorial Day

| May 29, 2018

Costa Fotopoulos, AKA CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS, last known to live in Flushing, New York, born 11/24/1967, was enjoying himself on the social media yesterday. For clarification, there is no record of his service;

Category: Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects, Valor Vultures

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Doc Savage

Welcome to the internet, you steaming bucket of asschum….you are about to become famous in a way you didn’t expect.


Could Costas be trolling and his son used account? Nah, this guy is a dipshit.

He deleted his shit, because he is a typical coward.


I like how Lowe’s responded. This guy is a total jackass. Hope he meets some real 82nd vets. The ones I know don’t take too kindly to fakers.


Shit, Dip, one each. Enjoy your Internet fame, Costa Fotopoulos.


My favorite word to describe an asshole is…yes, you guessed it – – ASSHOLE!


Constantinos Fotopoulos, welcome to google infamy! In seconds, your name will be synonymous with the terms shitbag, poser, valor thief, and asshole! Costa Fotopoulos, this prize entitles you to a liefetime of explaining your douchebaggery to friends, family, employers, and future employers! Enjoy your fame, an there’s no need to thank us, you’ve earned it!

Your friends at TAH. We’re here for you.


Add to that, CHEAP, scumbag, low life, pond scum,, PATHETIC ASSHOLE!


CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.

Welcome to your new Google fame, Costa. The interwebs are forever.

Mark Lauer

CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.

Didn’t want to make a comment. Just wanted to lend an extra hand; the more, the merrier.


I’m sorry guys, I don’t have my reading glasses.

Did you say the following?

CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.

Just checking!


Yes. What they said was, in fact, that-

CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.


Freaking awesome!!

CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.

Plagiarism at it’s very best!


What did you say about CONSTANTINOS. FOTOPOULOS? I couldn’t read it?
Please refresh my memory. Thank you.


Dammit I said (lol)…

CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.

Is that entirely clear?


Are you saying that
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS uses a fake DD 214 to get veteran’s discounts.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS wears an unearned 82nd Airborne ball cap to cage drinks at bars.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS never served in the US Military.


“Plagiarism at it’s very best!”

The sincerest form of flattery.


USMC Steve

Several of those things he does are criminal fraud at the least. Any way of putting the local gendarmerie on his ass for it?

A Proud Infidel®™

I HEREBY make an Official Motion for Costa Fotopoulos, AKA CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS to receive The Official TAH Mountain of Insults®™, FUCK HIM to death up the ass sideways with ten miles of rusty, tangled concertina wire wrapped in asbestos soaked in diarrhea and nuclear waste garnished with broken glass followed by an isopropyl alcohol enema.

Doc Savage

I second.


We have a motion and we have a second. That meets TAH Robert’s Rules….and away we goooooo The Continent of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Costa “Constant Fuckup” Fotopoulos NOT a Veteran, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for abortion, This twat waffle is dumber than a bucket of goat piss, I pray thou shalt be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou creature of the pit!, If you are married, The only thing your wife wants for Christmas is a folded flag, Dick Swallowing Jerk Wad Spooge Sampling cum gobbling parasitic infection bunghole tonguer, Klootviool, should be ass raped and tea-bagged, at the same time, by a Rabid Rhinoceros, you were the kid that had to sit alone at lunchtime, you’re the afterbirth that slithered… Read more »


you should get dorked in the squeakhole with the Barbed Cock of Satan, toadstool slime-inhaling dick-drizzling sludge, putrid barrel of fermenting manatee prostatic fluid, prodigious jenkem huffer, You’re a dirty coffee mug on a Monday morning filled to the brim with steaming frothy panther piss, Asparagus-dick, as fucked up as an opossum eating shit out of a hairbrush, Champion Jailhouse Baloney Pony Rider, You’re dumber than snake mittens, Wooden dildo, assplow, Piss Whistle, moron, Poodle Raper, cunt fart, Prevaricating orally diarrhetic sphincter mouth, lintlicker, Wino sphincter/ballsack coinesseur, Cock Bagel and Dick Doughnut, Stronzo, Pie-Faced Crotch Pheasant, Road apple, Mule muffins, Buffalo bagels, Beaver biscuits, pony pucks & Pigeon pellets (Shout out to M*A*S*H Col. Potter) , Straight Up Stupid Motherfucker, manpleaser, this buttmunch needs to eat out the rotten asshole of a road-killed skunk, baby unit, one eyed snake charmer, People like this make me wanna hatefuck a dumpster, on fire and then give sloppy seconds to a menstruating porcupine , Shit-Slot Cosmonaut, Proper Daft Cunt, you thought you had a hair on your dick until it peed, zombies would take one look at you and walk the other direction, Do you know who has more friends and is more popular than you? The Shit Pool at Kandahar Airfield Afghanistan, he has less brains than a bony eared assfish if he thought he would continue to get away with his bullshit, Fair suck of the sav, is so unimaginably and extraordinarily vapid and mindlessly stupid that he could get lost in an elevator, Meretricious, you’ll never be the man your mother is, Odious Twonk, he is just a rock with lips rocking the dick head look, likes to suck the turds out of rabid dogs bungholes, He looks like the kind of guy that really needs to take a bath…with a toaster. baby cave, analconda, Grade A chode yodeler, tittilating scrotalator pole smoker, Vaginal Sand Fairy, Drollenpijper, wide open mouth pivot man in a circle jerk, feral abacus, leg humper, You look like you were conceived through anal, meadow muffin, ax wound drippings, you’re such a loser, when you spank… Read more »


you’re lucky we don’t dress you up in drag, drop your ass off somewhere in the Middle East and let an entire battalion of ISIS soldiers and supporters butt rape you until you’re turned inside out, remember that story in the news a while back about a guy that was arrested for fucking his girlfriend’s dog that had been dead for a few days, in front of a daycare center? Yeah, you’re worse than that guy, you make child rape and crib death seem funny, you are such a fuckgasim, you’d leave Don Rickles speechless, you could make Goodwill, the Salvation Army and the Red Cross give you the finger, You make your own Mother cry on Mother’s Day, you’re the reason proctologists are a thing, seeing you frolicking around in all your finery makes me understand why Abba wrote the song Dancing Queen, I’d rather watch AFRTS than see this guy’s shit on the Internet, if you were a planet, you’d be Uranus, YOU are the reason monkeys throw poop, you stupid toilet mint licker, Hitler wishes he had you as a mentor because now he feels like a failure, Ball Basting Boy Wondor, What an oily little meatgazer, planetary level atomic flaming douchebag, Santorium, lying shitbag wanna-be fucknozzle cleaner, Impacted breaching turtle head, Rumpleforeskin, fuckstain skidmark on the underwear of life, anal bum cover (LOL SNL Jeopardy), taint cookie, Mr. Men’s Room Wide Stance toe tappingglory hole hero, Fartleberry, Some NCO Should have beat you within an inch of your life, insult to humanity, I hope his ego hits the floor like a turd from a tall cows ass, shit-filled meatsack, masturbates to videos of Jar-Jar Binks, YOU’RE THE REASON ALIENS COME TO EARTH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND STICK THINGS UP OUR ASSES BECAUSE EVEN ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS CAN’T FIGURE YOUR SHIT OUT, walking shart shooter, minge, moldy dingleberry on a roadkill swamp rat’s ass, test subject for Preparations A thru G, Remedy critch, Gnard gargling queefsquirt, I heard you were created via frozen embryo, you must have thawed, what’s gross, a truckload of dead babies,… Read more »

Doc Savage

Oh….thats gonna sting the ‘ol sphincter ring.


Eric (the OC Tanker)

Damm, I had to ‘steal’ that. Some of it sounded like something I harvested from the Castle Argg many years age.

That’s gona leave a mark!

Deplorable B Woodman

(assumes position of parade rest, and radio silence).


I’ll look as see. I may already have something similar but if it’s not too repetitive, I’ll add

(Edit) OK I had everything but “post birth” so I added that.

Ron McCauley

You are very talented. If they ever remake “Full Metal Jacket”, you need to write the Drill Sergeant’s lines.


Don’t hold back, tell us exactly how you feel! 🙂



Enjoy your newly found Internet fame, asshole!


This guy is obviously oblivious to the fact that he just admitted, in writing, to having committed a Federal crime (18 USC 498).

Sadly, unless the US Attorney for his area decides to make an example of him, he’ll probably get away with it. (He might get away with it in any case even if the US Attorney went after him, but I’d still love to see him spend at least 10x of the amount of his ill-gotten “veteran discounts” in legal fees to keep his butt out of jail.)


I wonder if he has a cousin named Steve Polychronopolis?

WARNING: Linked video is the original album version and is HIGHLY NSFW or around prudes, clergy, and children.

The Stranger

Awesome, Hondo. Adam Sandler back when he was funny!


Lowes always wants to see my CAC card.

Much harder to forge.

SSG Kane

Its funny. I was at Home Depot and tried to use my CAC and the cashier told me that wasn’t a valid military ID.

So my wife pulls out her dependent ID, which is black and white and makes her look like a Russian crime boss and the cashier tells me “Now, that’s a military ID” and gave her the discount.

Marine 0331

LOL. Same thing happened to me a few years ago at Home Depot. I showed the cashier my red ID card which “expired” in 1987 when I completed my 2 year inactive part of my enlistment. The poor girl said, “well it’s expired. It expired way back in 1987.” My wife had had enough at that point by then and said, “well no shit honey, it expired because he completed his enlistment, which is what makes him a veteran and not active duty.”


Used to be the same for me as well, but they changed it up about a year ago to where it’s all linked to your MyLowes Reward Account number. I just scan my card now for any discount. Wouldn’t be a bad idea for all of the Lowe’s in the greater NYC area to get his ugly mug postered across Customer Service desks to know he’s a fraud though.

This guy is just a living example of a much needed Darwin Award recipient, if there ever was one in my book.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I’m not entitled to sign up and use VA services, so I brought my Navy and NYARNG DD 214’s over to office depot when I retired back in 2007 and had the DD’S shrunk down to business card size and laminated back to back. I use the card when I go to Home depot or Lowes where it is accepted plus other proof of service where stores honor the card.


A DD214 doesn’t mean anything, buttwipe? To those who honestly obtained one, it means honesty, integrity, duty and devotion to country. To smegma such as you it may mean nothing, but you’ve shown your colors and, sir, you are about to become internet famous beyond your wildest dreams. Pull your shit around an honorable member of the military and your may find that fake 214 shoved up your ass. You are the moral equivalent of pond scum. Enjoy your discount, douche.


The DD214 doesn’t mean anything to this piece of shyt that didn’t/doesn’t have the guts to earn one! But to those of us that did, you damned right IT MEANS SOMETHING!


He’s got a very punchable face.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


His profile pic almost looks like he’s daring someone to knock that smug goofy smile off his face.


Oh. My. God.
Look kids! The stupidest man on the internets!!!
But for real, either his account was hacked/left open and f’ed with OR he’s seriously the DUMBEST MF that ever twitted.
-grabs popcorn and a seat-

The Stranger

Hey, is that caramel popcorn you got there?


Dunno, can’t taste anything but scotch.
I’ll share tho, neat or one cube?

The Stranger

Neat, please!


Single malt?

BlueCord Dad
Couldn’t have said it better myself…


Well Costa, you’re a cocksucking, ass licking piece of shit if I ever saw one. Why don’t you do what you do every other day of the year and go in men’s john and suck dicks for drinks. You worthless son of a bitch, you!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS blows winos behind bus stops every chance he gets in order to get spare change for MD 20/20, Night Train, T-bird OR Cisco.

Combat Historian

The douche is a Jill Stein supporter; nuff said…

A Proud Infidel®™

I heartily encourage The Fine People of TAH®™ to call for a Commo Check on this:

According to Official Records, CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS HAS NEVER served in the US Military.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS brags about getting a Military Discount VIA FRAUD with a fake DD214.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS dances like a gay male pole dancer at The Blue Oyster while bragging about his Stolen Valor.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like the type of creeper that cruises highway rest areas looking for a date in a windowless van.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS is a dildoheaded COWARD who needs to be left alone in a room full of REAL Veterans who have done time in a Combat Zone.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS should have stayed a cumstain on the back seat upholstery on the back seat of a rusted out Rambler on $1 night at a run down drive in theater.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS is a bedwetting booger-munching POS.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS is less worthy of respect than a fresh dog turd on a sidewalk.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS was likely the result of a cheap date in a rent-by-the-hour motel room sans contraception.
Hey CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS, SHIT IN your Momma and Daddy’s faces for even conceiving you!
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like someone who sniffs the toilet seats in highway rest areas for sexual stimulation.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like someone who would be rejected from even being hired as a shopping mall rent-a-fuzz.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like he was cloned from a vial of DNA labeled ‘DEFECTIVE, DO NOT USE”.
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like someone that should NEVER be allowed around Women, Children, or Civilized People,
CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS looks like a Dutch Rudder Gang Prospect.
Hey CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS, may your headlights suddenly be stuck on high beam while your car or windowless van’s horn is stuck in the “On” position while you are right behind a band of the meanest and most vicious Outlaw Bikers that have ever existed.


You know, some people just do NOT know when to shut their stupid mouths.


I bet he cradles a lot of balls on that chin.


“Can I use my friend’s DD214?”

Yes, assuming you have any friends after these posts demonstrating your cowardice … and

Assuming your ‘friend’ has the same morals as you do, specifically the morals of pond scum.

Now, call up those you know and who you know to have morals and ask if their opinion of you has changed.

Sucks to be you. Stick around, if only for entertainment purposes, you coward.


Muslim, anti American cockroach anyway.


Coward: If you’re low on cash, you can make up the discount you might have received by sucking extra dicks behind the Circle K. That way you maintain your honor by not cheating Home Depot and Lowes and also come up with extra cash. It’s a win-win. Hey, you don’t have to thank me. I’m just looking out for your best interests.

I don’t know when I have so despised someone.

Trapper Frank

This tool is a smegma dipping, taint licking POS.



First there was Pajama Boy, now we have Pajama Man…smug, self-satisfied, “free shit” kind of leech…probably pissed that Starsucks is closed today for “hug a person of color” training so he can’t use the shitter or WiFi free of charge


Oh, how long before we get the “IT WASN’T ME I WUZ HAXED!” defense?

Cameron Kingsley

That better not be Kings Dominion in that picture with the roller coaster. Because it looks like the Dominator.

Cameron Kingsley

Nevermind, it is Kings Dominion. This idiot was in Virginia at some point. Probably close to Doswell.


May some of the Rolling Thunder fellows can drop by his place to celebrate the 4th of July.


He’s either being a troll, or he’s actually a part of the fringe. Reads like Johnny Elmo Sheppard “Johnny Bea”, that was talked about on this site on July 14, 2014.

2/17 Air Cav

This guy is great. He is a Muslim, posts pics of family, strangers using Old Glory to wipe their butts, and has comments fit for posterity, all of which will bite his progeny dead in the ass one day. The name, after all, is hardly Smith or Jones. Easy pickings.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

This guy’s twitter page is pretty offensive… he needs his ass kicked for sure!


Dude…life as you know it is about to end.

Asshole, enjoy getting your shit pushed in on every social media platform you troll you POS

John Seabee



Jonn, what’s up? It is Tuesday and we haven’t had our first fake Navy SEAL. This Greek not bearing gifts, but trying to wrangle gifts and discounts is weak sauce compared to most of our phonies profiled here. It must be the slow Tuesday after holiday weekend effect.


GS-11 Step 10 clearly…jesus.

Guy is a troll?

2/17 Air Cav

If it’s true that this POS is a Federal employee, this is outlandish. Incredible. Anyone who hasn’t seeen his page and read his sickening comments and eyeballed his disgusting pics needs to have a look. This POS may work for the Federal gov’t?

Green Thumb

Its about to be a big deal for you, loser.


The Twitter picture looks like a spitting image of his Facebook page pictures. If the VA investigates and does their due diligence, I’m sure his IP address will be matched to each time he logged in to that Twitter account.

He should not be working with patients at the VA. Being a provider at the VA, I see Dietitians on a regular basis. They are around many infirm patients (think CLC patients) and this really concerns me that such a person could be around our most vulnerable Veterans.

Also, as a Veteran myself, I would like to say that this guy can go to hell.


Damn Chip, That was kind of like our graduation speech at Ft. Knox after Basic.


CONSTANTINOS FOTOPOULOS Shit is hitting the fan

2/17 Air Cav

Been too long w/o giving him his due today. Costa Fotopoulos is a POS. I’m looking forward to learning whether he is actually employed by the Federal gov’t. Costa’s comments indicate to me that he is one screwed-up guy. He’s a snake, as I see him, slithering around social media, pretending to give credit to our Armed Forces on Veterans Day by displaying a picture of some other POS wiping his ass with Old Glory. He thinks he’s cute. On the same pages he posts pics of little kids and refers to them, sarcastically, as his terrorists. Again, he thinks he’s cute. He’s just a POS.


I do believe he may actually have served in the Air Force
Is a Muslim recently converted I also have some other info once
I can 100 percent verify him he may have another or should I say multiple
Other social media accounts also


FBI NY and NYPD notified and on it.

Sucks to be him.

Yeah, I am that guy.



Fuckin’ A *High Five* Master Chief


Scroll down to the second to last page –


And one more, just for the heck of it –

2/17 Air Cav

No update. That will come one day. For now, this is just a reminder that Costa Fotopoulos remains a POS.


Costa Fotopoulos doesn’t get the Google prominence he really should have because of Google’s tendency to auto-correct to Kosta Fotopoulos, a notorious Florida murderer.

We might want to keep the news of COSTA Fotopoulos coming so he gets the internet recognition he so richly deserves. I know I’d like more info on COSTA Fotopoulos. Because COSTA Fotopoulos is, indeed, a special kind of POS. Yes, COSTA Fotopoulos, is a subject of real interest. So, 2/17 AC if you get more information on COSTA Fotopoulos, please share it with us, as then we can know more about COSTA Fotopoulos.

In summary,
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
COSTA Fotopoulos
And, yes-
COSTA Fotopoulos


Costa is famous at work and NYPD and FBI are laser focused.

Sucks to be him.



We are counting upon those who resolve such things on our behalf that this clown be held fully accountable for his despicable actions. Among other things, he has no business being an employee of ours in any capacity much less as an advisor to veterans.