Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 29, 2018

McCain isn’t a real patriot unless he lets Democrats win his seat

Whites fear a brown America

And apparently, brown people fear Jews



Should have gone with RUN-DMC

So progressive

I guess “Anti-American Commie Doucherocket” isn’t really a platform

Liberal’s biggest problem? They’re too pure. Yup.

Posting when you’re off your meds

Joke ’em if they can’t take a f*ck

Privilege Part One

Privilege Part Two

Basically, you’re stupid

Paid Interns…the stealth GOP plan to take over America

Stand, kneel, whatever

They prefer “Covert Campaign Observer Who Reports What He Finds”

DUmbasses in favor of families being sued for the actions of others

Insane comedian tries hand at directing others with mental illness

Hey! Free sex!

Straight White Guy Union members, did you get your check this month?

Trump – Evil Mastermind or Bumbling Putin Puppet?

Jersey Shore

Later, they call him a poopie head and steal his lunch money

You’re not Memorial Day’ing right

War on some women

Wow, how bad were they?

“Yeah, the GOP should have rigged the primaries like we did!”

…probably doesn’t have insurance anyway.

Locked 2A thread is full of win. Enjoy.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Roger in Republic

My brain hurts!


It’s too early for this… and I had a glass of red wine with dinner on Sunday… and the heat and humidity went away… and Alberto the Hurricane sent pending rain my way… and I’m running out of excuses now… but my brain hurts, too.

This gem caught my eye: Though harder to quantify than political donations, it appears that conservatives have built a recruitment, retention and leadership development apparatus that dwarfs that of the left. – from the ‘Paid Interns’ link.

Well, du-u-u-uhhh!!! I guess the Dumber-Than-Ever-Crats expect free labor from the peasant serfs. On the other hand, businesses (outside of politics) offer paid internships to high school and college students and invite them back every summer, and in some cases offer college scholarships and tutoring to prospective college grads, so how is the GOP paying interns to work for them a bad idea, again? Is there a compleat lack of understanding of the business world visible there, in that thread? Did I miss something in the angst in that twaddle?

Is this why Atlas shrugged?

See, I keep telling youse guyses that the more the Dumber-Than-Ever-Crats howl and gnash their teeth, the more voting people will slip through their fingers. I know, I know: it ain’t fair… but the world is a sordid, selfish, money-grubbing bundle of humanity, all interested in the same thing: a better life through hard work. And money does figure into it, consistently. It is an idea that the Dumber-Than-Ever-Crats cannot grasp: that not everyone thinks things should just be handed to them because: whatEVer!

Things may slowly be returning to normalcy. One can only hope.

‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.’ – Hamlet.


I could go into lots of depth here, but the biggest thing I have against the idea of white privilege is that, to its believers, logically explaining why you don’t have it actually increases the degree to which you have it. Seriously, try to tell a social justice retard that your life is great for reasons that don’t involve being white. They’ll flip.

Also, love the dreamy gun stuff. Leftism wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for absurd contradictions:

“AR-15s are insane weapons of war that have no purpose in civilian hands” to “the US military would crush them like a bug!”

Oh, ever heard of this thing called “guerrilla warfare”, by the way? Dumbasses.


They think the military and police will side with them, because in their minds only the feeble minded join either organization. Right…

You can tell their level of respect for law enforcement when they continually celebrate law breakers. Fighting with the cops is ok to them, as long as she says she’s innocent. Play your music as loud as you want, any time, as long as you’re black.


Well, they still think Bernie and whatsherface with the back brace are viable things. They can’t let go of that fantasy.
Let’s let them go on thinking those thoughts. The next election go-round will make them even sadder.


It sure doesn’t take much for the DUers to get all wee-weed up, does it?

Sean Gild

The Poster known as Hoyt on DU who hates guns and owners so much is a self admitted Felon who used to commit Home invasions.

Think of that

DU has no problem with a criminal felon bitching about people owning guns and stopping him from robbing them


I have significant difficulty discerning between sincerity and sarcasm over there. I read it all as sarcasm, but I’m terrified to admit that people actually think like that. The crazy is strong and deep over there.

When will the left quit with this “white privilege” line of BS? There are countless social engineering programs for every group out there but white males. I had to work hard for everything I ever got.


Challenging white privilege IS white privilege.

When I was in grad school, we did an activity (an idiotic one) on intersectionality. We had to fill out several boxes to constitute our “identity” (race, ethnicity, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc). We then had to identify and discuss which ones were most important to us. I raised my hand and said, “None of the above. The only identities I care about are father, husband, veteran.”

Some turd across the room informed me that that in itself constituted a form of privilege. I said, “Well, I suppose my life is more meaningful than a few biological fates I don’t control.”

For some reason, I don’t get invited to the class reunions.

Also, for those who are curious, my master’s was in educational leadership. Apparently, identity politics is crucial to running a public school. GMAFB.


I have a hard time discerning sarcasm from sincerity over there. They are that blasted twisted.

Commissioner Wretched

God, the stupidity runs deep in these people! I’m glad Claymore posts it, though … lets us see what the brain-impaired among us are thinking, on those rare occasions when they do indeed think.


I used to think these were the fringe…the far left dregs of the progressive movement…the truth is that now I think they represent a much broader cross-section of leftist dogma than I originally considered. In the end, I’m not sure if I’m amused at how impotent they seem at the moment, or if I’m saddened that their rhetoric is becoming mainstream. I suppose time will tell.


They may sort of represent some cross-section of the left, but not in the masses that THEY think exist. But you’re right: they are not the fringe. The DUers are just the worst whiners.

They were all EEEKK! about Gina Haspel being nominated for CIA Director.

The score was 54 for, 45 against when the votes were counted.

Must have squeezed the teensy brains of the DUers when that happened.


The post on “what is the Democratic party message” is hours of entertainment. Whatever the platform is it is super top-secret.