Tuesday morning feel good stories

| May 8, 2018

From Lansing, Michigan;

However, police are currently investigating a death in that same area.

On April 27 a man allegedly broke into a couple’s home on the same block and died.

Police say the alleged intruder was fighting inside the house with the homeowner and when officers arrived, he was found deceased.

The homeowner and his wife were outside with minor injuries.

From St. Louis, Missouri;

Just after 4:30 p.m., police said a man in his 20s was shot in his side after attempting to rob a man in the 900 block of Switzer Ave. He was taken to the hospital and listed in critical, unstable condition immediately following the shooting but was later pronounced dead.

The victim was shot in the neck by the alleged robber and is stable condition.

From Tucson, Arizona;

Sgt. Dugan with TPD says the male suspect walked inside the store on Sunday and immediately pulled a mask over his face.

When the suspect pulled out his handgun, another customer pulled out his own handgun. That’s when Sgt. Dugan says gunfire exchanged between the suspect and the customer inside the store.

Some of the windows of Metro PCS were shot out during the gunfire.

Police say multiple rounds were fired by both people. The suspect ran away and it is unknown if he was injured by the gunfire. No one inside the store, including the customer who fired his handgun, were injured.

From Baker, Louisiana;

According to Police Chief Carl Dunn, the victim was working on a house he’s been building when a man with a handgun rode up to him on a bicycle.

The armed robber forced the victim go to an ATM to get cash, but Dunn said the robber was not satisfied with the amount of money he got.

The victim then told the robber he had another ATM card at his house in Baker. They went to the house and the robber allowed the man inside to get the supposed second card. But, the robber got antsy while waiting and went into the house. Police say the victim had his own gun inside the home and shot the robber once as he walked inside.

Dunn said the victim showed quick thinking and restraint.

“This guy to me is a hero,” Dunn said.

He kept a cool head under pressure, protected himself and then stopped firing when the threat was removed, Dunn said.

When the attacker dropped his gun, the victim stopped firing, Dunn said.

After being treated at a hospital and released, the robbery suspect is expected to be booked into Parish Prison.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Man, dead dirtbags…that is better than coffee.


That reminds me: I need new Surefire batteries.

Sister Mary Grace casts a weather eye on this: ‘Sgt. Dugan says gunfire exchanged between the suspect and the customer.’ Out comes the No. 15 yellow pencil and a double thump on the reporter’s head for failure to use the helping verb ‘WAS’. It is GUNFIRE WAS EXCHANGED.

Some day, they may learn how to write clearly. I hope their ambitions are modest.


My first thought upon reading that the victim was stable was ” yeah, dead is pretty stable. Most likely no change, either.”

Roger in Republic

Glaringly obvious grammatical errors aside, America is shooting back. I call that crime control of the first order.