Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 8, 2018

At least they didn’t force them to bake a cake

So she’s a Democrat?

So apparently Wypipo is a thing now?

Joke. Parody. Virtue signalling.

Rooting for failure

…then everyone applauded.

D’Bag and Associates

More of this Wypipo nonsense

Even more…WTF

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

Maybe Rosie O’Donnell?

Disease ridden

A classic…you’re all Nazi racist Klansmen

Make him famous

Geez…they’re stuck on this Wypipo thing, aren’t they?

The best speller. Just amazing.

They just simply underestimated how stupid and angry you all were

Semantics, m*thafu**er, do you speak it?

Compete? Take responsibility for your own crap?

McCain regrets the one thing that drew any attention to McCain

Mighty White of you


Is she in jail? Then the bitch has gotten away with it.

Only hurt the ones you love

So Russians voted?

Wypipo is a trick by Wypipo to make a racial slur against Wypipo

Depressed DUer watching racist movies to feel better?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Obsession with an invented word is no way to go through life.

You just didn’t know? Then get your heads unstuck from your asses, stupids!

We haven’t had anyone here die of ebola… so far. It’s more likely that you’ll all die of complications related to the next strain of The Flooo.

8 people have more wealth than half the planet? So now you’re jealous because you can’t figure out how to climb into that category? Yeah, that makes sense.

Yes, pray continue with the racist crap. But while you’re at it, remember that the KKKers were all Democrats, and the murders of three civil rights workers during that summer in Mississippi were done by Democrats.

Anything else?

$3,500 for a bottle of 40-year Glenfarchlas may be the cheapest thing I can find.


That first link – isn’t that kind of the big fat pot calling the kettle ‘white’?

Jonn Lilyea

Or Wypipo.

2/17 Air Cav

When I first saw the term Wypipo, I thought, “Wypipo? Never heard of that Indian tribe.” So, I googled it. And that’s one more piece of worthless shit I learned, c/o DU.


Straight out of Orwell’s 1984, Jonn – e.g., NewSpeak.

Can’t adequately make your argument or get your point across using accepted standard language? Just change the language so that you can!

Minitrue approves.



I lift my morning tea to The Master in salute!!!


You know where I don’t see constant racism? Places like this, dominated by right leaning people. Go to a lefty site like DU and it is constant.


“We just didn’t know that so-called Christians would turn their backs on the God they allegedly adore, in order to worship a man whose entire life’s history is fraught with behaviour that is the antithesis of Christian values.”

This is actually one of my favorite things about Trump.

Leftists, who despise Christianity and everything about it, and everyone who espouses it, are desperately trying to appeal to the decency of Christian values to turn people against Trump.

Oh, I get it…they’re using it as another cudgel to point out the supposed hypocrisy of Christians, further justifying their hate, but the basis of all of it is that Christians are supposed to be good.

Haywire Angel

I can’t even try to read this stuff this morning. I don’t need high blood pressure lol.


“Teresa Jo Burchfield, the wife of an ethics attorney to President Donald Trump’s business organization.”

Irony much?


To be fair, she wasn’t the ethics counselor. 😉


Huh. Who knew that I could agree with a lefty on great movies of the 70’s. We finally agree on something. Namely that Caddyshack and Blazing Saddles are worth watching!

I literally had to Google “wypipo” cause I’ve never heard it. Does that make me wypipo? Guess I’m not very woke.

I also think I have an idea for a summer project. I’m going to register a username over there and post the most outlandish, wacky stuff I can conjure and see how well I fit in. I might even be able to make a Claymore list!


good luck… getting thrown off DU is considerably easier than getting wet in a rainstorm. Logic and facts are especially unwanted.