Bi-partisan my foot

| February 15, 2009

Apparently Gibbs and Axelrod see that their boss’ stimulus plan is doomed because the went out to tell the world that it was a bi-partisan effort. Bi-partisan because three linguini-spined Republicans voted for it?

If they thought that it was going to work, they’d be hogging the credit instead of trying to spread the blame. How stupid do they think we are?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Unfortunately, the majority of the electorate is stupid enough to believe the MSM’s statement that this disaster was, indeed, bi-partisan…

BT in SA

“How stupid do they think we are?” That’s rhetorical, isn’t it?

Although, Olga, has a point. “Unfortunately, the majority of the electorate is stupid enough…” That would be the same “majority of the electorate” that voted for the catastrophe that is now residing at Pennsylvania Avenue.


I guess what surprises me is the sudden combativeness evident in Lindsey Graham. Between telling Maxine Waters that the “stimulus” bill was enough to make most Americans throw up, to the comments in the above article about how the nation is “screwed” if this is Obama’s idea of bi-partisanship, I have to say, I like the new Lindsey, but I’m willing to bet he won’t be around long…I’m sure his sissy-ass twin will be along any moment now, ready to bend at the waist and take one for bi-partisanship.


Of course it is bi-partisan. The lefties have totally collaborated with the extreme lefties.


Read your Karl Marx you dummies, you voted for that idiot for the last two terms. Your the reason we are here now! Choke on it BABY!! Dumb-asses…. Keep complainin’…. I’m a-laughin’ ……S.