Hanoi Jane, the rash that won’t heal

| February 15, 2009

1stCAVRVN11b and someone else wanted me to tell you about the Jane Fonda re-emergence last week (from NY Post’s Page Six);

Here’s part of the transcript of a 1995 Wall Street Journal interview from former North Vietnamese General Bui Tan who now lives in Paris because of his dissatisfaction with the Vietnamese government;

Question: How did Hanoi intend to defeat the Americans?

Answer: By fighting a long war which would break their will to help South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh said,
“We don’t need to win military victories, we only need to hit them until they give up and get out.”

Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi’s victory?
A: It was essential to our strategy. Support of the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.

Q: Did the Politburo pay attention to these visits?
A: Keenly.

Q: Why?
A: Those people represented the conscience of America. The conscience of America was part of its war-making capability, and we were turning that power in our favor. America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win.

From US Veterans Dispatch;

In late 1987, when it became known that Fonda planned to film her new movie “Stanley & Iris,” in Waterbury, Conn., there was a huge backlash from local veterans. Veterans held rallies, promising violent demonstrations if the filming began. Many bumper stickers reading “I’M NOT FONDA HANOI JANE,” begin appearing throughout the community. On June 18, 1988, Fonda flew to Waterbury in an attempt to pacify the veterans. She met with them for four hours. Fonda later recalled “I told them my story – why I was antiwar and why I had gone to Vietnam.”

A few weeks later Fonda appeared on TV with Barbara Walters and apologized saying: “I’m very sorry for some of what I did…I’d like to say something not just to the veterans in Waterbury but to the men in Vietnam who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of the things I said or did. I feel I owe them an apology…There were times when I was thoughtless and careless…I’m very sorry that I hurt them.”

And now she’s fund raising for IVAW.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Politics, Terror War

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Frankly Opinionated

The bitch! The punishment she brought to the Prisoners in North Vietnam alone was enough to bring traitor charges against her. Handing notes written from one American to another to the enemy. How much worse can one get. Never, through her last breath will she be able to right that wrong. What a flippin’ snake! I don’t give a damn how young, how ignorant, whatever, she might have been. She is a traitor to America, and doesn’t deserve to draw breath here. American soldiers were beaten, deprived of food, exhibited to locals, just because of her handing their notes over to the guards. That is over and above the mis-treatment they were already being given. And today, she and her ilk, would protest about conditions at GITMO? That is a 5 star hotel compared to where John McCain and his friends were. There is no good that she could do, no apology that she could make that would absolve her of that wrong.
Anyone disagree with me? Bring it on!
nuf sed


F..that woman and those like her. They are a major cause of the problem with the United States today. Those old leftists are trying to relive their glory days through shitbirds like the IVAW.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, maybe should could fork over the money I had to pay out to replace a set of Class “A”s that got covered in blood, red paint, spit and Lord knows what else by some of her comrades during one of their “Peaceful” protests.

She and her fellow travelers will say or do whatever it takes to get what they want. Just like our new president.

Southern Democrat

The right to protest is one of the things that you all will sit and say you provide to Americans. She used that right, and now you crucify her for it?!

So, all people are created equal…just you republicans are more equal????


As much as I dis like Fonda it should be noted that she never gave our POW notes to the enemy.


The thing that Fonda did is considered way past protesting. It goes in to abetting and aiding the enemy.


Another NVA Commanding General Nyguyen(?) Giap confirms this Generals story about the use of the anti-war movement in an interview he did for a magazine article back in the 90’s before he passed away.

I forget the title of the magazine….

In the same article (it was a long one) he also stated the US Troops had pretty much decimated the VC & NVA regulars by the TET Offensive of 1968.

They (North Vietnam)began relying heavily upon the anti-war movement to do what they did’nt or couldn’t.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

Hey you fuckheaded southern DUMBocrat, that bitch buddy of yours didn’t use her freedom of speech in that fucking hellhole of a communist country; she ABUSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And good men died as a result!!!!!

And for the record, I’m NOT a republican or a conservative!


Anyone within reach of the NY Metropolitan area should join us this Saturday for a “Show the Love” rally outside the theater where Hanoi Jane will be performing.


Pass this on to anyone you know who might want to return some of her ‘LOVE’ for the Vietnam era vets.


[…] Read “Hanoi Jane, the rash that won’t heal“ […]


Southern Democrat,

Your ignorance about Hanoi Jane and her crossing the line from ‘protest’ to treason is astounding, even for a scatterbrain like you.

(Note to Jonn: This guy reads like ‘quickbeam’ and ‘joelga’ on Right Nation.)

I was a teenager when Fonda made her ‘goodwill trip’ to North Vietnam, and I distinctly remember watching her regurgitate her pro-Viet Cong dogma on the evening news.

When American POWs told her of the torture and degradation they suffered at the hands of their NVA captors, she called them “liars and hypocrites”. She posed for propaganda films, including the episode behind the NVA gun emplacement, and also made radio broadcasts directed against the U.S. military encouraging them to desert. These recordings were used by the NVA interrogators in conjuction with the beatings and starvation applied to the servicemembers in captivity.

Oh yeah, she and her then husband Tom Hayden, who was a member of the terrorist Student for a Democratic Society (SDS), traveled to Hanoi as well. He also joined her in Czechoslovakia where they both declared “We are all Viet Cong”.

You really need to learn more about a subject before you try to debate on here.

It’s hard to tell if you’re just trolling or really that stupid.


Nothing but a dried up old douche bag trying to relive her glory days. She was probably good friends with Stanley Dunham.

Remember her statements:

On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michigan audience of some two thousand students, “If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist.” At Duke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding “I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. ” Washington Times July 7, 2000

Yeah, using Capitalism to spread Communism. What a dumb ass. And she has no acting talent like her father Henry. Just a totally misguided spoild brat daughter who got good men killed. She’ll meet her maker, the sooner the better.

Frankly Opinionated

Thanks for the enlightenment. I run most online claims through Snopes or other, more reliable sources; but I didn’t this one. Great photos n videos.
nuf sed


Well – mindless troll comments aside ( does SD really stand for “Syphilis Drippings” ? ) Hanoi Jane should have been shot or hanged for treason way back then… at least she would have ended her so-called ‘career’ without having the later distinction of being the only beeyotch sorry enough to be kicked to the curb by scumbag Ted Ayhole Turner. Can it get any lower than that???
BTW – Notice in the photo, she looks like Henry Fonda in very bad drag?


RV’s feelings about Hanoi Jane! 😈

I can’t stand the bitch and refuse to watch any movie that she’s been in. Hanoi Jane is a traitor and her actions provided aid and comfort to the enemy and misery for our POWs.


The Eagles UP NJ crew will be putting together a transportation pool for March 21st to support GOE in protesting this disgusting excuse for a human being.

Anyone in our area who would like to get on board, let us know!


I wish I were close enough to attend the “Show the Love” rally! I do not watch this bag’s movies at all. And I felt her ‘apologies’ sounded more like she was trying to sell a movie than that she was sorry for anything she’s done in her life.


That wasn’t a skeleton in Jane Fonda’s closet-it was JANE FONDA!


About 02:05 into the video is the actual July 1972 footage of Hanoi Jane in Vietnam encouraging our enemy. Watch her give the raised fist salute to the NVA. She’s grinning like a jackass eating briars. Just two months before we had a fellow American soldier captured. He never came home. Fonda should be hung on the capitol steps. I volunteer to pull the trap door lanyard.


This is the husband of your favorite sock puppeteer, Betty. I fought in Viet Nam and feel that Jane Fonda was a traitor and should not have been allowed back in this great country. I lost a lot of buddies over there and feel nothing but contempt for her. Sincerely, the “sock puppeteer’s husband” Richard


Snopes is only marginally more accurate than wikipedia. If I need to know something, I hit http://www.straightdope.com/
Cecil’s been doing since 1973. I was born in 1964 & my parents were UK immigrants. As a kid I remember asking my dad about the war and the protesters. “The only ones who can ever beat the Yanks is themselves.” He was one of the children moved out of Manchester during the Blitz and had zero tolerance for Jane. He felt her marriage to Tom Hayden was a little divine retribution.