Magpul airlifts 30-round magazines to Vermont ahead of ban

| March 31, 2018

Recoil reports that they are involved with Magpul’s airlift of 1200 free 30-round magazines to Vermont after the legislature voted to ban the sales of the devices. The bill awaits the governor’s signature;

In anticipation of a legislative ban on standard capacity rifle magazines, the editors of RECOIL magazine are working with MAGPUL Industries to facilitate the delivery and distribution of 30-round PMAG rifle magazines free of charge to the citizens of Vermont in an overnight operation dubbed the “Green Mountain Airlift.”

In order to support the law-abiding gun-owners of Vermont and blunt the assault on their Second Amendment rights, RECOIL’s Rob Curtis will give away 1,200 30-round PMAGs on Saturday afternoon in front of the Vermont Statehouse in Montpelier starting at 2pm.

From VT Digger;

That law, which bans long gun magazines over 10 rounds and pistol magazines over 15, was passed by both the House and the Senate this week.

Rep. Martin LaLonde, D-South Burlington, who proposed the amendment that includes the magazine limit, said during debate on the House floor the provision “could mean the difference between life and death.”

“Let’s say a shooter has to use 10-round magazines instead of magazines that hold 30, 50, or 100 rounds,” LaLonde said. “In that case, for every 100 rounds fired, that 10-round limit would afford six to nine more chances for bystanders or law enforcement to intervene during a pause in firing.”

That would also mean more chance for something to go wrong during a magazine change, and more chances for potential victims to find safety during a pause in the fire, he said.

They should make 50- and 100- round magazines mandatory if they’re serious about gun safety. Those size magazines jam more than they operate properly.

Vermont’s law exempts magazines that have already been purchased from the ban, but would outlaw any purchase, transfer or possession of new magazines once the law comes into force.

The Vermont Office of the Attorney General said that because of that “grandfather” clause, the law would be “largely unenforceable,” as magazines generally do not have serial numbers or manufacturing dates imprinted on them.

So, actually, the law is largely symbolic, like everything legislatures do these days.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Vermont used to be the only shining example of freedom of the 2nd Amendment in the entire NE.

No the closest to the NE for freedom is Pennsylvania.

SSG Kane

New Hampshire…


Bravo Magpul!


Just look at all those votes the Democrats are not going to get in the fall.

Politicians, stop your dreaming
Can’t you see their rifles gleaming?
Just remember they can fire you
When November comes.

Should that be ballots instead of rifles?


That was until the Massholes, New Yorkers etc moved in to escape the hellholes they created and destroyed the state. Take a look at Maine. You have everything below Rt2 Progressive Crazy then the rest of the state. Same in NH


“Take a look at Maine”

Please do.

In Maine the crazy stops at I-95 mile marker 200. Thats 200 miles north of the NH border.
The 45th Parallel. The DMZ.
Aroostook County is the largest county east of the Mississippi.
Surrounded on three sides by Canada!
North of Nova Scotia!
Plenty of moonbats up here but they know their place and keep the local activism private. Everyone is armed. Very high vet population due to Loring AFB history and access to the deep woods.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Down in Florida, debbie wasserman “shitbird’ wants to institute a back ground check or 3 day waiting period for buying ammo. I forgot which one it was but it stands to reason, if there is a bacg ground check, then one would have to wait out the three days I think. The reason she said was that if one didn’t have any ammo, one could not shoot the gun. That I remember.

The Other Whitey

I have to swipe my DL to buy ammo in the Soviet Socialist Republik of California. Fucking bullshit.


Debbie Waffle-Head Schultz- she’s grandstanding. BGC for ammo won’t pass a Constitutional infringement test.


That is until Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox and Marion Hammer (not the rank and file NRA member) decide that they can fundraise more by selling out gun owners by incorporating ammo sales into their precious (and blatantly unconstitutional failure) NICS system.


That’s not right at all. Most of the wins in court we have as firearm and Second Amendment supporters came from the NRA supporting various law infringements.
They aren’t perfect, but they are the best in the business and without them we would have been buried under the anti-gunners laws decades ago.
Today’s anti-gunners are a redux of the old women and emasculated men that brought us prohibition and millions of individual nanny state laws.
Like I said, the NRA isn’t perfect and not the only game in town, but I am damn glad to be a member and damn happy to support them.

Mr. Pete


No gun control laws would pass a constitutional infringement test if we had judges who understood what “shall not be infringed” meant.


It’s obvious that Debbie whaaaatatwiiit schultz never does her own shopping.

If she did, then she’d know that any time there is a sale, people stock up on stuff that they use a lot of, including ammo, waaaayyyy ahead of running out.

Her theory has more holes than a mesh colander.

How do these stupid people keep getting elected to office? Shouldn’t there be some kind of ID tag or microchip they have to wear once they get elected? Something needs to set off the beepers!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex; when my liberal friends ask why I buy ammo in bulk, my reply to them is, when you buy toilet paper, do you buy just one roll? I go to the range twice a week and use 50 to 100 rds a pop but lately, only 50 rds trying to get my trigger pull and grip under control. More than 100 rds is a waste since my arm starts to tire.


Jeff LPH 3, you are in need of that arm exercise which strengthens the arm and had you use for firing. I suggest getting a latte-sized coffee cup or a 20-oz soup mug and filling that with hot, dark, caffeinated beverages regularly, and keep refilling and emptying it.

At some point, those muscles will no longer tire and you’ll be able to fire 150 rounds with no impediment.

Also, remember that when any politician says or does anything publicly that indicates the possibility of a shortage in supplies of ammo, as happened with the prior administration at least once, there will be a run on ammo and that will make it more difficult to replace used brass.

I make not use all the canned tomatoes that I have on hand, all at once, but they are there when I need them.


“I make not use all the canned tomatoes…” should be “I MAY not use all the canned tomatoes…”

I’m getting tired of Google’s FU autocorrections turning stuff into illogical nutso copy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Autocorrect is a real Mother Forklift sometimes, ain’t it?


Autodistort… fixed it.


Ask not what your canned tomatoes can do for you…


…ask what you can do with your canned tomatoes!
Cake Boss’s family recipe is tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt, and basil.

Simplest pasta sauce ever.


Maybe a law to stop her from shooting off her ignorant mouth would be more appropriate?

A Proud Infidel®™

Debbie Washedallup Schluz never met an infringement on our freedom she didn’t like, she’s a Grade AAA Scumbag.


Go ahead, ban them, Vermont!


Every New Hampshire gun shop.

The Other Whitey

California has such laws. Luckily, Arizona and/or Nevada are within reasonable driving distance.


Get caught bringing a more than 10 round magazine back across the border into Mexifornia and the authorities will charge you with a felony count for each magazine. I am familiar with a case where the state DOJ agents and the Highway Patrol stopped and arrested a CCW holder who had just purchased two 13 round mags for his Glock 23. One of the DOJ undercover agents had seen him purchase them in the Reno gun show and followed him back to his car with CA plates in the parking lot. As soon as he crossed the border, he was stopped and arrested.


Assuming he kept his mouth shut, how do they prove that the two he had at arrest were not previously owned?

Are only newly acquired ones prohibited, or all/any?


The undercover officer could testify he watched him buy them. Also, the 10 round mag law went into effect over 20 years ago. Any mags not owned at that time are illegal to possess. In addition, I don’t think the Glock 23 existed when the law went into effect over 20 years ago.


Not sure when they first produced em, but I bought my 23 in 1990..


I thought the 23’s were more recent. However the magazine ban may have gone into effect in the late 1980’s at the same time the AR ban went into effect. In any event, the fellow in question could not claim he owned the mags at some earlier point in time because DOJ had proof he bought them at the gun show and carried them into CA the same day. My info on this case comes from the attorney who was defending this poor sod.


Assuming he unwrapped them, maybe scuffed them a bit with a rough object like a flashlight or keys, and perhaps placed them with one or more others, empty and in compliance with transport laws:

Officer, of these five magazines you siezed, which two did you observe the accused purchase? Which are the legally possessed ones?

Can you point them out please?

How do you know these two were the ones illegaly purchased? Did you follow him into the men’s room to see if he handed them off? Did he discard them along with the packaging you did not find and sieze? Perhaps he had an associate ship them to a third person in some other state?

Remember sir, you are under oath. -how- did you identify these two supposedly new magazines?

How exactly are they going to -prove- illicit possession in CA? Assuming he didn’t speak to them.


Read my lips, the copper watched him buy them. They were confiscated just accross the border of CA when they arrested him and found them in his car. He only had those two 13 round mags he just bought. There is no chain of evidence issue, they were continuously in possession of the popo from his arrest and search of his car, plus the cop watched him buy them and carry them back to his car. Been watching too many episodes of Matlock?


base on what you have told me, i am not beyond doubt that -those- two unmarked, mass-produced, lrge span of time items, most of which are perfectly legal to own, were the same two, based on what you have told me. It is an inference, since they are unmarked.

The Other Whitey

I’m a bit curious regarding constitutionality of that one. California state LE guy operating plainclothes/undercover in Nevada, following some guy seen making a legal purchase to his car, etc. Sounds like something that should run up against the 4th Amendment to me, maybe even an Interstate Commerce violation.


Nope. He could legally purchase them in Reno, but as soon as he crossed the border with them, they had probable
cause to stop his vehicle and search it. The crime was complete when he crossed the border with the prohibited item.
It is the same if you buy legal weed in CA and transport it into a state where it is illegal to possess. The Commerce clause does not entitle one to import prohibited items from one state to one where prohibited.


Slight quibble. Your example is an easily identified absolute contraband.

If one or more such magazines could be legally possessed,how can you tell an illegal one from a legal one?

That is pretty importantly ant, I believe.

Because the buy is legal. They have to prove that the ones siezed were not previously bought legally in CA.

Unless dipstick spoke to them about it.

I have a set of grips for a revolver, still in the original box. If I am someday arrested with two, when were they bought? They have no date codes or serial numbers.

Assuming I say nothing, and let Counsel speak for me, how is it -proven- one is newly acquired versus has had all along as grandfathered?

What happens if neighboring states stop allowing the non-free states reciprocity of LE credentials over these BS investigations? A badge is not a patent of nobility. Outside CA, they are just more non-residents.

I could even see some interesting non-CA lawsuits to stop the slave-catchers in non-CA.

Lawyers? sherrifs? I see some potential for Pro-2A lawfare.


For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone, especially gun owners would live in that state.
It has turned into an unlivable mess.
A lot of the morons that wrecked that place have moved to Texas. They are talking about making them wait five years before they can vote here in Texas.
To me, anyone that has lived in California and voted demonrat should not be allowed to move out of that place, period.
It’s your bed, lay in it…


Build the wall, at the Cali border?

When it implodes, we may have no choice.

The advantage of not trying to stop a secession movement, is that the US Government can then use well established prior precedent to -invade-, and stop the Cali madness before it racks up seven figure fatalities. The problem children do -not- get re-enfranched by default.

Harsh. But the lunatics in California are rapidly working on leaving the sane little choice.

And I really hope we get this fixed before it comes to that. Californians, do please regain control of your state from the lunatics.



Hey! What if you were born there and decided to move back after many decades? Why should anyone who was born there and moved elsewhere with her mommy and daddy have to wait?

That is just wrong.


The statute he was charged with makes it a felony to import a more than a 10 round magazine into the state, period. Many items are unlawful to possess that have no serial numbers or other marks showing when made. Get caught in possession of a switchblade knife in most states and they can prosecute you for a felony. Saying I acquired it fifty years ago before it was prohibited by law is no defense. Good thing you aren’t a criminal defense lawyer as most of your clients would end up in the hoosegow.


They actuall PAY that DOJ prick for doing mindless shyt like that? put his name out, lets see what the a.h. looks like! imo

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Right after 9/11 we were issued S&W 4046’S (.40Cal)
And sometime between 2001 and before I retired in 2007 there was a ban on semi auto handgun mags holding more that 10 rds. The Smiths we had held 12 rds so we were only allowed to load up 10 rds. Of course the Brink’s suits where I worked could have gotten a waiver like the NYPD to hold the amount of rds that the mags were designed for but of course since they were not out on the street like we were, they did not give a shit or no one mentioned about getting a waiver.


“during a pause in firing”

Yeah ok. I’ll take a pause in firing and wait for more targets. Or maybe I will coordinate my fire with my buddy. Or maybe I will pause for a smoke…ooops, already banned those.

The Other Whitey

Show them a video of Jerry Miculek speedloading his wheelgun and watch their heads explode.


!0-4 on that!


Up in Vermont? They’re just afraid that skiers won’t keep coming up there for the skiing.
Well, it’s possible they won’t, because Chile has great ski resorts and truly great food, and they’ve been having bumper crop snow early every year, which brings in the snow bunnies like moths to the flame.
I sure hope they don’t have any issues with forest fires up there in Vermont. I’d hate to lose the leaf peeper season to idiots.


“…they’ve been having bumper crop snow early every year…”

Because Global Warming!!!!

/sarc, and *grin*

The Other Whitey

“I sure hope they don’t have any issues with forest fires up there in Vermont.”

Tree-hugger management, i.e. “Don’t do anything, let nature take its course,” always leads to unhealthy forests, mass tree mortality, and heavy dead fuel loading, which leads to catastrophic fires.


Yes, I know that, TOW, and you know that, and the local DNR department knows it, but the psychobabbling nutballs who claim to be eco-friendly have no idea what they are doing. They don’t recognize the differences between native species and non-native invasive species of plants, insects and animals, which has led to enormous compromising of habitats. They think deer shouldn’t be hunted, but without apex predators like wolves or humans, deer become an out-of-control nuisance that destroys habitat and food resources for other plant-eating critters.

I think that these so-called eco-friendly hippies are more dangerous than an arsonist with a gallon can of gasoline and a box of matches. And I mean every word of that.

Some of them want to get rid of all humans on this planet.

They are N-U-T-Z.


You should’ve seen the jackrabbit swarms in southeast Idaho in 1980-81. Literally rivers of rabbits. Prederators had all been trapped out.


And in 1988.


Missed that one, I was in Korea at that time.

The Other Whitey

Back in 2007, I went elk hunting with my uncle in the Nez Perce country around Grangeville, Idaho. Game was everywhere. The following year we went back to the same place, nothing but wolf tracks, including a few that took a disturbing interest in our movements. We asked around and found that some out-of-state treehuggers has sponsored a wolf reintroduction program the previous summer. Except that these fucking dickheads didn’t reintroduce the native wolves. Nope, they brought in a pack of non-native Canadian Timbers from northern Yukon, bigger, more aggressive, larger pack size. In less than a year, the sons of bitches ruined the local deer, elk, and moose populations, and were now picking off cattle. The ranchers were being threatened with lawsuits and prosecution (protected species) by the treehuggers if they shot any wolves—as usual, “shoot, shovel, shut up” was the norm.


The timber wolves in Northern Alberta are massive and very aggressive. In late winter, it is particularlyfoolish to enter the woods unarmed.
I once had to fight off a pack while dressing a whitetail! They finally left me alone when the gut-pile was available.

The Other Whitey

They never got too close, but we found their tracks all over ours. Fuckers were definitely sizing us up for dinner. After we saw that, we made damn sure to stay in the middle of the meadows and clearcuts, well back from the treeline, all the way back to the truck.


Wolves are hard wired at “predator”.

The blissninnies seem to think they are just large cute dogs.

Two very-left friends of my sister once lectured me, with complete confidence and sincerity, that stories of “man eating” animals are myths, because

“Human flesh tastes bad to animals”


Both are educated, and demonstrably intelligent.

All those wolf/tiger/whatever stories are -myths- and superstition!

I asked about a then-recent Alaska story involving a bear expert and girlfriend having been devoured by Grizzlies.

“Well they must have been starving”

Well documented WW2 shark versus survivors events?

“Well only because they were hungry. ”

Response; “when is a wild animal not hungry or half starved? Been to Florida? Wild pigs, buzzards, and gators all dine on incapacitated people. Do we magically get tasty when we have decomposed a bit? Do mosquitos and sharks not notice the bad taste?”

I asked them if they would camp in Grizz country in springtime.

This convinced them that I was unreasonable. Because they “knew” I was wrong.

This is why lefties do so much damage. Any reality that conflicts with what they know must be wrong or a deception or superstition.

Can we teach them that proper lefties can fly like Superman? They congregate in cities….


Ah, yes, the grizzly guy and his idiot girlfriend – they were there in the summer when the bears are grazing on grasses and flowering plants, not in the winter when bears either den up or forage if they aren’t pregnant sows. Those two died because he brought a female and was challenged by a local male grizzly, and guess who won? Not the humans.


A few years ago, the genius now sitting in the mayor’s seat in Chicago listened to the Good Idea Fairly and agreed to bring in Eastern Coyotes to clear out the rat population. Up to then, alley cats had done the job.

Unfortunately, the Eastern Coyote is half Canadian red wolf, is also known as the Tweed wolf or bush wolf, and will go after any small game including cats. But the rats got well ahead of the bush wolves, which migrated to the forest preserves, and now the rat population is as bad as ever, the bush wolf goes after pet dogs and children, and we also have cougars and bobcats to deal with.
The deer population has to be reduced by human hunters every fall and they can’t keep up with the cloven hoofed buggers.

It would be better if people stopped building homes where they back right up to the forested areas.

Haywire Angel

Asking people to stop building homes right next to forests? That is Common Sense. Hard to find that these days.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHat they cliam to be FOrestry Management these days is little more than NEGLECT, letting massive amounts of fuel build up on the forest floor which all but guarantees a Crown Fire when the SHTF.


Yes, and that is what caused the horror known as the Peshtigo Marsh Fire. Sloppy lumbering practices, leaving trash and piles of saw shavings in place, not cleaning up the messes made, and leaving fires burning instead of putting them. out. If the Chicago Fire, which happened at the same time, had not been so local, the Peshtigo fire might have gotten more publicity than it did.
But it was a firestorm worse than some of the fire season fires in California, because there was nothing – not even the waters of Green Bay – that could stop it. The fire did, in fact, jump Green Bay over to the peninsula and go on until it ran out of fuel.

And this is what will happen if the nutball ecohippies have their way.


The PDRofMD tried a hi-cap mag buy-back and ultimate ban, but fortunately it died in committee.



A long line a criminals has appeared and is growing in front of Vermont state house.

One such non-law abiding slug said, “this is great, we don’t have to steal gun clips today and we soon will out gun law a bing gun owners”.


Abiding …

Sgt Fon

Ironic, VT is a Full Auto state, i mean you can own a fully automatic rifle, sub gun or pistol. was thinking of moving there from New York, but i guess i will have to start looking at Pennsyltucky now instead.


Most states are- it’s the federal hoops and exorbitant price of admission that prevents Joe Average from owing one.

That and feeding the beast- ammo ain’t cheap!

2/17 Air Cav

West Va’s law is pretty much: If you can carry it, you can carry it. No license/permit needed.


Alaska is the same way. The main reason we even have a CCW permit is so that you can carry in States with reciprocity.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Subject: Ruger Names New Gun “Politician”

Ruger is coming out with a new themed-pistol
in honor of US Senators and Congressmen.
It will be named the “Politician”.
It doesn’t work, and you can’t “fire” it.


When it does anything though it whines like an arthritic old man.

At least it’ll be self oiling since it is always surrounded by slime.

The recoil, henceforth known as “kickback”, can be hard, but only if the weapon is crooked.

I could go all day like this. 🙂


Your link……
does not work….page not found.


And then one realizes that the Parkland shooter used 10 round magazines.


Apparently shall not be infringed is meaningless.

Ban plastic celebrate people cutting their dicks off. This is America now.


So minus serial numbers, who wouldn’t just head across the state line, buy what they want and as many as they want, bring them back and declare it was pre-ban?

This is liberal nonsense. Sound good solutions to feel good issues, at its worst.


But… but… they’re AFRAID, Sparks.

They’re AFRAID that someone might think they’re worth the cost and waste of a bullet, and not one of them is worth even 10% of that cost.


Gov Scoot can chock on a bag of dick$!


If they wanted to go ‘full libtard’, they would allow 30, 50 or 100 rnd mags and mandate that they are ‘permanently’ limited to 5 or 10 rnds by a sole, apparently enchanted pop rivit.

Thats how it is for us Canuckleheads. Absolutely laughable that our Gov considers a rivit that takes 5sec to drill out, is permanent!!! Lol

As if any crim or mass shooter would be foiled by a single pop rivet.

We have very odd gun laws. I.E. we cannot saw any rifle or shotgun barrel below 18.5″.
However, it is totally OK if the gun is manufactured with an 8″ or 10″ barrel as long as the gun is atleast 26″ overall. This is still classified as Non-restricted for us.


I also have a Martini carbine rebarreled to .44mag that is not even legally cosidered a firearm in Canada!!( no licence required)
Only, because the receiver was made prior to 1898!
Figure that one out 😲


We have the same law. Any firearm made before 1899 is not subject to federal firearms laws. If made before 1899, UPS can drop it on your doorstep in most states, and there is no background check.


I once had Canada Post leave a boxed Mosin M44 and spam can of 54R on my front porch. Even though it clearly stated ‘Signature Reqd’. I was not impressed.
I lived 2 blocks from a school 😕

NR Pax

that 10-round limit would afford six to nine more chances for bystanders or law enforcement to intervene during a pause in firing.

The Florida school shooter used 10 round mags. The police and bystanders did nothing.

The Virginia Tech shooter used guns instead of a rifle. The police and bystanders did nothing.

Tell me again what difference you think this would make? Oh, and I can drop a magazine, slam a new one home and chamber a round in less than ten seconds. How confident are you?


Yeah, that is really believable. The Russkies really want us to have more guns and our 2A rights unimpaired. When they try to take over our country, they want the civilian population well armed, just like the Japanese did in WWII.


A likely Russian goal is “shit stirring”, following Sun Tzu’s maxim to sow dissent and disruption in the enemy camp.

Who profits from an upheaval or outright war on American soil? Who might have been the target of prior-administration -overt- shit stirring?

Well, thanks to our prior administration’s bungling, a whole -bunch- of suspects…

The Russians are noted for trolling efforts.

Mike W.

VT “representatives” can etadik along with the Gov. if he signs off on the legislation.
Arizona WILL be a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State in the near future !


Just a thought:

“Standard capacity” has been -thirty- rounds for over fifty years. Examples go back even further.

-standard- capacity = 30


Well, since you guys are all grumbling about capacity this and volume that, you should know that there is a firearms auction at Rock Island Auction Company, Rock Island, IL on Apr. 13, 14, and 15, which will include the collections of Allan Cors, the 63rd president of the NRA; arms from the 19th century collection of Robert M. Lee; and other collectors.

This will include a documented and historic Cased Colt Civilian Walker revolver (estimated $800,000 to $1,300,000) and a WWII Singer 1911A1 semi-automatic pistol with a pre-auction estimate of $85,000 to $130,000.

There’s also a 1902 US Army Cartridge Counter American Eagle Test Luger Ser. #22447 estimated at $30,000 to $50,000, and Max Fleischmann’s Parker Brothers A-1 Special double barrel shotgun 28 gauge, with gold inlays, a mere $190,000 to $250,000. (Fleischmann is the “Yeast King” – Fleischmann’s Yeast. He made a fortune from selling mold that makes bread rise.)

You can get a free catalog online now.


Pop collected early and war vintage 1911s. The “Singer” is one of the crown jewels of such collections. If I recall correctly, there were only about fifty unaccounted for. Almost all recorded as made are in known collections.

Thus, most are fakes. A real one is ….. pricey.

Walkers…. wow. 1100 total Walkers made, of those 100 went to Civilians. The tended to blow up if fully charged, and the steel used was not very durable. Complete and original cased sets are absurdly rare.

In 1988, I was allowed to handle a collector’s Walker, original, intact, and in good working order. The owner had the correct case and all the bits and pieces of the set, but it was a put-together, not the original set.

He offered to trade it, even, for a medium sized house in a nice neighborhood.

I handed it back at that point, -very- carefully.

Magnificent bit of Western history, and I am still highly grateful he allowed some geek to handle that near-priceless heirloom.


Get the catalog. It’s available online at

If you click on the ‘catalog’ where it says ‘catalog now online’, it will come right up.

However, sometimes the print catalog is more alluring…. something you can shut yourself in the bathroom to read….


Oh just effin’ great, Ex. How am I supposed to get to sleep tonight now?

I want that one and that one and that one, two of those…
