You can pry the coffee cup from my cold, dead hands

| March 31, 2018

The Associated Press reports that Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle has determined that coffee contains the carcinogen acrylamide and so coffee packaging must have a warning to consumers.

In 2016, the cancer agency of the World Health Organization moved coffee off its “possible carcinogen” list.

Studies indicate coffee is unlikely to cause breast, prostate or pancreatic cancer, and it seems to lower the risks for liver and uterine cancers, the agency said. Evidence is inadequate to determine its effect on dozens of other cancer types.

Coffee companies have said it’s not feasible to remove acrylamide from their product without ruining the flavor.

This how the legal war against tobacco began, a warning on the packaging. So begins the war against Big Coffee. This lawsuit was mainly aimed at Starbucks, because the lawyers want access to deep pockets and Starbucks probably has the deepest pockets – well, not as deep as Juan Valdez’ burro’s pockets, but deep.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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First, it’s cigarettes, then it’s whiskey, then it’s beer, and now it’s COFFEE??

They tried it with butter, too, but it didn’t work.

Tea is next. I can see that coming.

Start hoarding coffee. If you don’t, before long, there will be a black market on coffee. You can store it in sealed containers filled with nitrogen, in a dark corner of the pantry. No one needs to know….


P.S. I want a couple of cups like that one.


“here come da judge, here come da judge!” As the Irish say “Fook da judge”!!~!


They are trying to declare coffee hazardous to your health. How long before the military bureaucrats jump on board and tell service members that they can no longer consume coffee.

Fuck it. REVOLUTION!!!

Roger in Republic

On another forum I said that I could not think of a single reason that would make me flee this country. Not crime, war, insurrection, or political upheaval. Well, this might be the only reason that I would flee. I would fight first, but without coffee I’m afraid that my fight might be short. How does one start a day of blood, guts, and mayhem without his morning coffee. This just might be the way the limp dick snowflakes finally beat us.

(not that) Mike

I’m reminded of what Ferenbach wrote regarding the special interest types back home taking issue with beer rations – can’t recall the exact words, but he quotes two Joes in Korea and then says all the other surviving responses are not fit for print.

(not that) Mike



I already have a decent supply of a dark black elixir, sealed in cans and topped off with nitrogen. Wait, that’s Guinness.

Never mind.


Don’t blame the butter for what the bread did!


You can have my Dunkin Donuts coffee when you pry it FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS!!!


Dunkin Donuts coffee is some damn good coffee. We buy the large bags, 40 ounces and costs only about $18 at Sam’s. It’s actually cheaper than many other coffees sold. We’re coffee fanatics. We particularly enjoy certain single source whole beans from Africa. But they are expensive so we buy a bag infrequently. Another good yet inexpensive coffee is McCafe. It’s supposed to be the same as or very close to the coffee served at McDonald’s. It, too, is actually cheaper than more commonly known coffees.


Don’t be dissing on Juan Valdez and his mule (Pepe). Fuck CALI, trying to dictate to everyone else what is healthy… surprised that they haven’t made it mandatory to put warning labels on toilet paper.

I’m gonna be getting another cup of Joe…


“WARNING” Toilet Paper MAY Cause Paper CUTTS!!

Guessing it’s back to leaves, butt oh wait a minute, better pick correct leaves or you’ll end up with Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac, et al..on the nether regions!!!

Bill M

“…butt oh wait…”

I see what you did there – well done.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I have an aerosol of Birchwood Casey Gun scrubber solvent/degreaser and it has the warning that it could cause cancer in california but I live in Florida so no need to worry. Same with the yoga mat that has the warning on it that it could cause cancer in california from one of the products that was used in the manufacturing of the mat, but no need to worry since I don’t live in california. WTF.


A lot of products will cause cancer in California, but I don’t live there so I don’t give a crap.

Bill M

Must definitely be something wrong with California since being there can cause some many otherwise innocuous things to cause cancer. Perhaps we should have a label on the entire state, warning that being there can cause cancer. I suggest adding it to the signs at the state line. “You are entering California. WARNING: Entering may cause cancer.”


What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 40 in California?

Your Honor.

(Shamelessly stolen from another blog)


the real problem with lawyers is that 99% of them make the rest look bad…

Perry Gaskill

A lawyer friend of mine used to collect lawyer jokes:

“Know the difference between a dead lawyer in the road, and a dead snake?

The snake has skid marks in front of it.”


The snake wasn’t flying an airplane?


What’s the difference between a lawyer and a flounder?

One is a slimy, cold blooded bottom-feeder. The other one is a fish.


What’s the difference between a lawyer and a hooker?

The hooker stops screwing you after you’re dead.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s a definition of tragedy?

A busload of Lawyers going off a cliff and there’s an empty seat.

What do you call a thousand Lawyers buried up to their necks in sand?
Not enough sand.

What do you call 10,000 Lawyers at the bottom of the Ocean?

A good start.

BlueCord Dad

What’s the difference between a buzzard and a lawyer?

A lawyer can take off his wingtips


OK. I shall vow to not consume Starbucks coffee since obviously THEY are the problem.

On the other hand, I have drunk some trendy dark roast brews that taste like the coffee beans were steeped in burnt motor oil. Those may very well contain carcinogens.

Reverend Pointyhead

Me either. A cup of axel grease wuth a splash of Hoppes No. 9 garnished with a rusted razor blade will remain my morning routine. That coffee stuff sounds too dangerous for me.


Isn’t it interesting how a leftist always seems to believe that what they don’t like must be prohibited by force? And that they want the most incompetent organization on earth to enforce said prohibition?

What amuses me most is how angry their pointy little heads get when it doesn’t work out at all…


Considering the amount of coffee consumed in the population vs. the incidence of Cancers minus those with genetic and environmental (two hit theory)causal links, this seems to be a little absurd.

Oh wait…California

Perry Gaskill

Strong the legal sleaze is in this one, Luke.

The attorney bringing the lawsuit against Starbucks is Raphael Metzger with the Metzger Law Group. Metzger claims to have sued on behalf of his non-profit client The Council for Education and Research on Toxics.

It so happens the Metzger Law Group, and The Council for Education and Research on Toxics, apparently share the same office in Long Beach.

Bernie Hackett

Lawyers gotta lawyer. Always looking for a deep pocket, and cooking up some twisted logic to separate the $$ from their current target. All out of benign altruism, of course.


Well, if they’re going after Starbuck’s as their primary target, the there are many, many other sources of coffee, some of which are veteran-owned and should be supported way ahead of Starbuck’s.

I’m waiting for the “scarey story” on black tea.


I knew I should have bought a Bronco instead of an Escape.


Maxwell House™ “French Roast” perked in a Farberware™ 1-4 cup percolator. Four scoops of grounds to one cup. Every morning for the last five decades.
Go ahead..try and take it away.

Roger in Republic

How late in the day do you stop shaking, Limabean? That coffee would make me vibrate like tuning fork. And my booger picker finger still has a permanent crook in it from my days as a Chief ET.


Dad always taught me to use a spoon to test the coffee strength. If it won’t stand up in the cup, add more grounds.


Pro Tip- add a small pinch of salt to the grounds before you brew the pot. You’ll be surprised how much this smooths out the brew.


If anyone wants that coffee mug in the photo, I found it here:

It holds 16 ounces of hot, steaming, luscious, hunky… wait a minute. I was talking about a coffee mug.

Anyway, that’s where you can get the mug.

2/17 Air Cav

If coffee caused cancer, I would have been dead a long time ago. I have been drinking it daily since 2nd grade and usually down a pot before 8 a.m.. Then, throughout the day, I put down another pot. I also clean paint from my hands with gasoline or charcoal lighter fluid, whichever is closest and when I burn plastics I do not wear a mask. Pretty much most everything I do would make most Californians scream in horror.

Roger in Republic

In California you can’t buy a can of wood stain larger than four ounces. The rational being that the volatile solvents in it COULD cause cancer. I’ll tell you what causes cancer, Genetics. My father and all six of his sisters died of cancer. Two of the three of us have had it. It killed my younger brother because he was too cheap to use the free healthcare his wife’s employer provided. He refused to pay the co-pay required. My cancer was found during a routine CAT scan related to other conditions. I had cancer for one month from detection to surgery. Little brother had a collapsed lung and the cancer had gone to his brain before his lung let go from the rot.
PS my liberal brother supported Obamacare.

2/17 Air Cav

Cancer hits some families, and particular generations of families, hard. Why does it skip this generation but not that one? I have no idea. Why does it not skip multiple generations? I have no idea. Why do some people get certain cancers and are dead in months and others go into remission and live for years longer? I have no idea. If anyone knows, there are several billions of dollars awaiting you.


I get four different lotions/potions from the VA each month. One requires a signature for receipt. The small print says it contains an ingredient that ‘might’ cause cancer to lab rats if used in excessive quantities. No mention as to the excessive quantity required. The ingredient is about 19 letters long and perhaps two people in the world are aware of its existence. Oh, it has to be mailed separately and cannot be combined with other meds in the same shipment to, say, save on postage. Only in California would a twink think of this. California is a beautiful place which, unfortunately, has been ruined by idiots.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO California is proof of how liberals are not unlike a parasitic infection. Liberals have rendered CA unlivable so they have migrated to infest and infect other locations like Oregon, Washington and Colorado.


Hand Receipt is prepared and waiting for signature from whoever comes and wants to take my coffee away.

Some assembly required. Components listed are:

7310-144-4707 Coffee Maker, Percolator
7350-223-7760 Cup, Drinking
8955-272-1923 Coffee, Roasted
8955-01-406-6777* Coffee, Roasted, Deca
H2O available through local procurement

* Use of National Stock Number authorized due to item being demanded only by modern age Special Snowflakes or Unicorn Herders.


Additional information may be annotated (upon request) to the Hand Receipt strictly on a need-to-know TS/SCI basis:

7330-242-3506 Opener, Can, Hand, Folding, Type I (P-38)

7330-01-289-8827* Opener, Can, Hand, Folding, Type II (P-51)

* The Type II underwent a materials specification revision in 1988 (after many complaints were received regarding T-Rations) and is authorized to be listed as a National Stock Number, not a Federal Stock Number.

Perry Gaskill

Death before decaf, Claw.

And for the record, only special snowflakes would try to control unicorns with “herders.” Unicorns respond well only to “wranglers.” Just sayin’…


In doing a little research to find alternative sources for coffee (even though I don’t drink the stuff), I found several that may be of use, and are veteran-owned.

This guy’s a retired sailor:

This blog page has a list of 10 veteran-owned brands that could use your business.

This one has some good products in addition to coffee. They’re supporting Gold Star families.

I agree, Starbucks should be out of military bases and these vet-owned companies supported instead.


Starbucks is a ripoff and the company is run by a bunch of progs. Buy your coffee from Blackrifle or deesprssoliber.


I’m getting Navy Joe’s messenger bag. It’s less expensive than Bean’s, exactly the right size, and supports a veteran-owned company.

Bill R.

Thank God I won’t be going to California. As a coffee addict for many decades now, I sure am glad I won’t be drinking any of their coffee.


Only in the people’s communist republic of California do they
Spend the time to come up with stupid rules and regs like this


I subscribe to Black Rifle Coffee Company. I’ll not post a link but they are easily found- the videos are hysterical, and the coffee is great.


Some folks have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands …

but … it’s California, so …


Knowingly infect people with HIV, no problem.
Try to sell coffee without cancer warnings, OH HELL NO!!!

California logic.


The “lawers” in Commiefornia are more numerous and worse than whores. At least whores perform a socially useful service for their money.

A Proud Infidel®™

Some damned lawers ran out of ambulances to chase so they came up with this shit.

Hack Stone

On the positive side, when all of these Starbucks locations close down, they can be repurposed as safe shooting galleries for heroin addicts.


Simple solution: Any company that produces a product that requires a Prop 65 label to be sold in California should immediately stop shipping that product to California.

It’s for their own safety really.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like how Barrett now refuses to do any business whatsoever with the State of California.


I guess by that logic, companies should stop shipping gasoline to them too. Then listen to the whinning…..

Rosalee Ann Adams

No doubt the same knot heads will soon be declaring::
“No coffee drinking in any public building….
“Proof of age must be presented by any consumer before purchase.”

Reverend Pointyhead

But if it saves one child…

jeff monroe

what kind of medical, science degree does this idiot judge have? also he is just a lowly superior court judge.