Toby Haynes; phony Green Beret
Our partners at Guardians of the Green Beret share their work on this fellow, Toby Haynes, who thinks he’s a special forces soldier. I guess these pictures were taken at his wedding;
He’s wearing the 12th SF group flash on his beret – the 12th Group was deactivated in 1995.
He also claims special forces training in his LinkedIn profile;
Apparently, the only killing he has done was when he drove intoxicated and had an accident;
According to his records, he did deploy to Afghanistan with the 10th Mountain Division;
GOTGB compare his records to his uniform;
CIB ?True
MFF Wings False, Not even Airborne
Special Forces Long Tab False, never even attempted the SFQC
Airborne Tab and USASOC Patch False, never Airborne or in that unit.
Corporal False, He ETS’d a PV-1
Row 1:
Distinguished Service Medal False
Row 2:
BSM x 2 False
Purple Heart False
Row 3:
Joint Service Commendation Medal x 2 False
Army Commendation Medal with V Device True
Row 4:
Army Achievement Medal True
Navy Combat Action Ribbon False
Combat Readiness Medal False
Row 5:
Good Conduct Medal False
Berlin Airlift Medal w/o device, issued from 1948-49 False (LOL)
National Defense Service Medal True
Row 6:
Afghanistan Campaign Ribbon True
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal False
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal True
Row 7:
Air Force Military Training Instructor Ribbon False
Army Service Ribbon True
Army Distinguished Civilian Service Award Ribbon False
Row 8:
Overseas Ribbon True
Air Force Small Arms MarksmanshipRibbon False
United Nations Ribbon False
Row 9
NATO Medal True
NATO Training Mission Iraq Medal False
Multinational Force Observer Medal (V device) False
Basic Parachute False, never attended much less graduated Airborne school
Air Assault False, never attended much less graduated Air Assault school
Expert in Everything False
SCUBA False, never attended much less graduated Combat Diver Qualification Course
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Berlin Airlift Medal.
— sigh —
Just when you think that you’ve seen it all in the Wild, Wild World of Poserdom, another phony ups the ante again.
He single-handedly fought off an entire Soviet tank army and kept the Reds at bay as the C-54s landed and unloaded at Templehof…
Not only that, he caught entire loads of airdropped stuff with his bare hands and carried it all on his back to distribution points!
Whatta guy!!!
A minor correction to the GOTGB’s analysis of this jackass’ ribbon rack: one of the decorations he’s wearing without authority is not named the “Berlin Airlift Medal”. The correct name of the medal is the “Medal for Humane Action”.
The device referenced in the same part of their analysis was a miniature replica of a C-54 cargo aircraft and was named the “Berlin Airlift Device”. The Berlin Airlift Device was not worn on the Medal for Humane Action; it was worn on the Army of Occupation Medal/Navy Occupation Service Medal. If one was awarded the Berlin Airlift Device and did not have the Army of Occupation Medal or Navy Occupation Service Medal, one also was awarded the AOM/NOSM at that time.
Both decorations were awarded for service in Germany in support of the Berlin Airlift. However, it was possible to earn the Berlin Airlift Device without qualifying for the Medal for Humane Action – and vice versa. The Berlin Airlift Device required 92 consecutive days service ISO the Berlin Airlift during the Berlin Airlift, while the Medal for Humane Action required 120 days cumulative service.
I know a bit about these two. Dad had both – because unlike this tool, my dad actually participated in the Berlin Airlift. My guess is that this jerk probably confused the Medal for Humane Action with the Humanitarian Service Medal.
On behalf of my late father, Haynes: GFY.
Ballad of the Green Bidet
Dedicated to Toby Haynes, fake Green Beret
Faking assholes, like this guy,
The fat slobs, who always lie.
Men who failed in every way,
Try to steal the Green Beret.
Unearned bling on pudgy chests,
Doo-rag and dog, check out the vest!
One hundred times, they’ll boast today
“Believe me man, I’m a Green Beret!”
E-bay wings, upon his chest,
Trying to look, like America’s Best,
One hundred men, he’ll blow today
B’cause Toby is, a Green Bidet.
Tip ‘o the chapeau to 11B-mailclerk and
That’s pretty good!
It only comes out for fake Green Berets, of course.
Pretty good? It was … OUTSTANDING!!!
Well Done!!!!
Very well done! And thanks for the shoutout.
The Green Bidets are fast approaching the phoney SEAL’s.
Wow, what a piece of work, proudly served and received CIB and ARCOM w/ “V” device….PX/ BX Super Dooper Wannabe Paratrooper Shopper Extraordinare…..would someone please double or triple flush and drown this turd before he populates the world with his offspring
An individual with that name began serving a 10 year sentence in relation to the Aug 2010 intox manslaughter event in Oct 2011. And it appears he doubled down on stupid in Dec 2010 with another drug related crime that earned him a 7 year sentence also beginning in Oct 2011.
What a shitbird.
I’m just going to assume from now on when a guy gets married in a uniform, but he is not on active duty, he is a poser. How many of these guys roll out their best fakery on for their wedding? Has to be a half-dozen or so since I starting following TAH.
I can just imagine his pre-weeding checklist:
Unsuspecting female-check
Duped family & friends-check
Trip to flea market to pick more bling-check and double check on the sweet Berlin Airlift Medal…that sounds too cool to pass up
Find another guy in uniform to be my wing man (another phony perhaps)-check
They wear the gear because that’s part of their appeal to these ladies who think that they got a real hero. Grounds for an annulment/divorce if you ask me.
Ole Round Ranger comes to mind.
First time I got married, I was on AD.
But I sure as shit didn’t load up with medals, Trident, etc.
Las Vegas in July. 109 degrees and in my dress blues. Dafuq was I thinking?
Almost the same here… but I was Hellllll no on wearing my blues
Im suprised he wasn’t wearing a Blue Max and Iron Cross.
Super shitbird, complete with vehicular manslaughtering and felonious narcoticking…
I’m sure he’ll spend the rest of his miserable life in and out of prison.
Toby’s expert qualifications ladder appears to be missing its “douche nozzle” device.
That’s got to be the longest one I’ve seen.
He will be wearing them as earings once the bride figures it out.
For the expert douche nozzle qualification one has to get closer to a vagina than sniffers row. Which I doubt this guy has done.
Toby Dillon Haynes was denied parole last June so he is still a guest of the Great State of Texas.
Yes, and it appears he is up for parole in June. It was denied last year. Hopefully, he will remain where he is this time as well.;jsessionid=f83c036fdf984cddcfde317938d5?sid=06102018&tdcj=01772400&fullName=HAYNES%2CTOBY+DILLON
I also found a video greeting from him supposedly while he was in A’stan.
I wonder if there are any vets on the parole board that might take an interest in Haynes’ stolen valor?
I sure hope so.
Looks like 3+ years left on his sentence… and the all he WILL eat buffet at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD-FAMOUS COCKMEAT SAMMICH and GHEY WHEY SHAKE).
I hope Bubba & Thor literally go up his ass every day if y’all knowhutimean!
Heck, this guy was an offender in my part of Texas. I notice one of his charges came from Hood county. I live in Hood County. I remember this guy coming up for charges. Nothing was mentioned locally about his poser status if I recall. The other charge, from Somerville county, is one county south of Hood and is probably the smallest county in Texas. We do have a meth problem in this area and for a small Texas County, I believe we have more than our share of drug problems.
ARCOM w/ “V” device. He actually did something noteworthy during his short service time. It’s too bad that it ended with an early discharge as a PV1. I’d love to hear the story from someone who was there.
That’s what I was thinking. He had a busy year and a half to get kicked to the curb. No purple heart, so no combat injury. He wouldn’t have been reduced to E-1 if he was medicalled out for any other injury.
Sounds like he went downrage right out of OSUT, blew shit up and became a hero. Got back home and became a piece of shit leading up to killing a poor woman, did some drugs, stole some valor and ended up on the internet. Some soldiers do well downrange and just can’t reintegrate. It is also possible he was always a huge piece of shit, performed like a champ downrange and continued being a piece of shit when he returned.
This guy looks real familiar. Hasn’t he been featured here before? Or maybe there are just so many of them getting married with a tricked out uniform that Hack cannot tell the difference anymore.
What about the soldier he is shaking hands with? He is wearing a Mountain patch, stands to reason they served together in the same unit. If that’s the case then again, it stands to reason he knew he was full of shit wearing this uniform.. maybe I don’t know.
How the hell would the spc 4 standing next to him not call his ass out? It’s obvious bullshit.
On a separate note, can Army wear the Navy CAR on Army uniforms if they earned it in prior service?
No, as far as I can recall, the Army does not permit the wearing of any other services CAR, regardless of weather or not you were a member of that service at the time of award. I seem to recall seeing a memorandum reminding everyone in the division that CARs and Marine Corps combat patches were not authorized for wear.
Thanks! I know of a KIA Army NCO (Silver Star in Ramadi Iraq) who was a combat Marine in Desert Storm. Rare case to have a previous CAR and current CIB. I didn’t know him or serve with him. I just know about him through a friend who did.
The CAR is authorized for wear on Army uniforms but can not be converted to a CAB/CIB. There is no such animal as a Marine combat patch. Army combat patches are issued for Army service only, not previous Marine service. They can be earned by a Soldier being attached to or serving under another service.
What? No Antarctic Service Medal w/Wintered Over Device?
Toby Dillon Haynes (DAM*) 28 x 4 = 112
* Dumb Ass Move
“Plus he’s a goofy looking little shit, got tickle monster written all over him”- Direct quote from the Whiz Wheel.
Is there anything in the Whiz Wheel for Tobyboy being a DAMx5 (triple jelly filled donut eater, Valor thief, drugs, alcohol, and being hatched/born)??
Hopefully Texas adds more time to his current visit for Stolen Valor
Whiz Wheel says the multiplier of five (5) applies only in the case of a BLDAM (Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move) that results in DRT/DOT (Dead Right There/Dead Over There).
I don’t make the rules. The KAL-55B Whiz Wheel is all powerful, all knowing, rules with an iron fist and doesn’t cut anybody any slack.
“So let it be written, so let it be done.”
Claw is it possible that we could have two candidates for Vietnam/era MOS 66C Trainman in the same weekend?
my SGM sense is tingling…there is a far deeper backstory to this dude.
Isn’t he also claiming to be Delta Force with the unit patch on his left shoulder??
Feel sorry for him if any of the “D-Boys” get a hold of him. Nahhhhhh, he would deserve it. Scheißsack!!
I was only 3 years old when the Berlin Airlift started in June of 1948. Now the pic of this guy looks a lot younger than me. Could it be possible that he is from Boca Raton Florida and had one of those “Boca Babe” Botox face lifts??? Just wondering.
“Boca Babe” Botox face lifts
In the pundhimintheassprison, they call it a “man mayo facial”
Senior Chief; Sometimes we hang out down at the Boca Town Center Mall and check out the over 70 Boca Babes trying to look like their 20 again.
Or’ Bukkake Target’
Quite the whirlwind 18 months of service. I wonder what dick stepping caused his separation?
Must indeed have stepped on his crank pretty damn hard to get booted as an E1 when he’d been awarded a legit valor award (ARCOM w/V Device). ‘Course, his post-service activities appear to support that being the case.
Yeah, I’d love to know the full story on this tool.
IIRC in 2006-07 they wanted to keep every warm body they could thus he HAD to have done a heavy duty dickstepping to get thrown out, maybe he pissed hot?
Yeah, the timing on his getting tossed (during the Iraq surge, when in-country units were getting in-country tour lengths extended) occurred to me well after I posted that.
I’m thinking he may have stepped on his crank twice – once in-country, and a second time afterwards. He was busted to E1 in late Apr 2007 – but he wasn’t sent home until sometime in mid-Jun 2007 (well before his 12 month tour would have normally ended), and he wasn’t given the heave-ho until late Sep 2007.
I’m thinking he stepped on his male appendage twice: once in Apr, and a second time in Jun. And after the second time, he got sent home for a Ch13 discharge.
He should have stuck to making men’s underwear. “Call him drunken Toby Haynes, he won’t answer his BS lies anymore, not the whiskey drinking shit bird nor the embellisher that went to war” Note- No relation to Iwo Jima Marine Hero Ira Hayes Flag raiser.
Stupid question, but are there even any guys who aren’t at least Sergeants by the time they finish the Q-course?
Green Beret Corporal just kinda screams NO!!! to me.
You are correct. If you are not already at least a Sgt/E5 after completing SFAS, you get sent to PLDC, or what ever name they have for it now, and you will be a Sgt when you begin your SF training.
Just to bring you some useless trivia. PLDC (primary leader development course) was replaced by WLC ( warrior leader course) which has been superseded by the new and improved BLC (basic leader course).
And all those replaced BNCOC, right?
Really drives home what I once heard from an O-6: “Every time an acronym changes, a lieutenant colonel gets his wings.”
Those schools were replacements for PNOC. The progression was: PNCOC, BNCOC, then ANCOC. Around 84 or so, they changed PNCOC to PLDC for some reason.
I seem to recall being told that back in the day, PNCOC was just for the combat arms (11, 12, 13, and 19 series) at least that’s what I recall 17 years after going to PLDC wayyyyy out there in the woods at Ft Stupid.
There were in the early 1980s – as I recall, it was an enlistment option at the time (that was pre MOS 18). The individual was sent directly to jump school and SFQC after finishing basic and AIT, then assigned to an SF slot. So you’d occasionally see a PFC or SP4 wearing a beret with the full group flash.
At the time, policy was that all personnel assigned to SF wore the green beret. However, the recognition bar – AKA “candy stripe” – was worn on the beret at the time to denote individuals assigned to SF who hadn’t been to SFQC. It was a small bar in group flash colors about 1 3/4″ long by 1/2″ wide, worn horizontally on the beret below the unit crest by enlisted personnel and below the rank insignia by officers.
This was well before the creation of the SF “long tab”. Looking at an individual’s beret thus allowed you to tell who was SF-qual, and who was not. Policy changed some years later (mid-1980s, I think, but it was after I left Bragg) so that only those who were SF-qual wore the green beret. Not sure if that coincided with creation of the SF career field (MOS/AOC 18) or not.
Also as I recall, those junior SF-qualified personnel often ended up in support slots for a while before getting assigned to teams.
Dunno if the program exists today.
Why is he wearing a Navy combat award?
Because it’s SOOOOO purty, it is! That’s why!
What the heck – why not add the Glider Badge to the collection?
Hell, he shoulda added a WWII Victory Medal for extra measure!
My dad asked for and received duplicate medals for his WW2 service. He passed about ten years ago and I’m STILL going through his stuff. I found his certificate for glider school, heavy weapons school (machine guns, I presume), paratrooper school, etc. I stumbled upon his discharge in 1953. Seems he served in WW2, was discharged and was recalled or volunteered for the Korean Conflict. I had no idea. I knew about WW2 but nothing about Korea. He didn’t say 100 words bout his military service in all the time I knew him. Also had CIB, Bronze Star (no V), bunches of other stuff. He never told me.
I had a Great Uncle who served in the Pacific Campaign during WWII that saw all kinds of shit and he never talked about it at all, I never even knew he served until after he passed away. The ones who did the most talk about it the p\least.
“…least”, I need to proofread better before hitting “post”.
I always wanted the glider badge until I read about what happened to them. I believe they suffered a higher casualty rate than the guys that actually arrived by parachute. And being a pilot wasn’t much better. If they survived landing they were on their own. They became infantrymen without the benefit of much training. The were told to stay out of the way as much as possible and wait until the front lines moved beyond them.
That’s correct, Roger, but they got the job done.
They had to have balls of steel. Imagine being in one of those carts on D-Day. Flying over the channel, if something happens to your tow plane, you better be a good swimmer. Those gliders were made of wood and canvas, so not much protection from anything. For those that made it to the ground, it was essentially a controlled crash, right behind the German lines. I feel like being called a sitting duck wouldn’t even begin to describe it.
It all comes together if you ever get a chance to visit Pegasus Bridge in Normandy. They’ve marked where the noses of each of three gliders stopped when they crashed (I mean landed) on the objective. You are essentially standing on the objective, but on a narrow strip of dry ground with a river on one side, swamp on the other, and the potential for a lot of armed Germans on the third side.
My Dad has the glider badge. He went through jump school in 1947 and you needed 3 glider rides to qualify. The graduation cert mentions “… and gliderman” or words to that effect.
When he saw my Air Assault badge he thoutht it was a glider badge!
This is the first time I have EVER seen a V device on the MFO ribbon. He must have been at the OP up on the mountain and drove down the road in one of the POS trucks that they gave us.
Somewhere Geroge is crying because of this POS. (People who know anything about 1/32 Infantry get the reference).
Do you remember that land whale of a phony Master Guns who wore the American Defense Medal with Desert Storm medals? Maybe this is his clone, what with the Berlin Airlift Device and GWOT Medals.
Ashame he ruined his service. Even though he got the boot he still did something. Arcom with a V and CIB.
A shame he killed a woman.
Toby Haynes is a free faller like a cow turd
I’ve been seeing this coming since I retired
We have so many more yet to see LMAO !!!!!
He’s missing the Ruptured Duck pin that were given out to WW2 Vets.
This phony pony is so effed up he is almost reaching Soup Sandwich Androsky level of the Stoopid. First, as I have repeadly said, one doesn’t wear the Blue Rope of Doom with the green beret, even if you are assigned to a SOCOM unit. Second,five ladders on his Expert Marksman bade, really. Third, green leadership tabs on his epaulets as a corporal; I guess he is pretending he was/is a fire team leader on and SF ODA (tip for non-Army types: no fire teams on a SFODA (10 to 12 EM)). Finally, that green beret looks like it has less than 2 hours wear on it (not shaped or ever
worn regularly for months on end). Haynes, you are a lying SOS valor thief who was obviously a serious dickstepper during your brief service in the 10th Mountain.
Regarding the beret, that is how it was worn in the ‘60s and ‘70s — not like a limp pancake covering the entire right side of the face as is done today [yuck]. I recall my Dad saying they would cut out the lining and soak the beret in hot water, then let it dry out on a fire extinguisher so it wouldn’t shrink so much. if you didn’t shrink it, it would look like what out poser-of-the-day is wearing. I have personally seen many like that growing up at Bragg.
Didn’t the wear it like this during your time in SF? I think you wewe in about the same time as my Dad (1954-7; 1963-68).
I also recall Dad wearing green tabs wheb he was in Training Group until ‘68, but need to look at some photos to make sure.
I guess things changed…or my memory is getting creative. (^__^)
oops — in moderation for fat-fingering my name.
Not even close how this douche is wearing it, since I wore one for over four years in the 1970’s, I am familiar with how they were worn. This clown’s beret looks like he just took it out of the plastic wrapper. I agree the current berets are oversized, with the pull completely covering the right ear. Also, the green tabs are for people in leadership positions. I might add there is no TOE position for a corporal in a SF unit. Spec. 4 yes, corporal no. As someone else has observed, anyone who is fully qualified as SF, is at least an E-5. Never heard of a “weapons corporal” in SF.
Agree with the other stuff. I looked again at the example photo above — you’re right, it looks like it came right out of clothing sales. I was just overcome (I guess) with the fact it wasn’t a “pancake.”
I looked at the photos of my Dad and the others, the berets looked smaller … similar to how the SAS wear theirs.
Actually, I have several British Army berets, they were all made in Canada. Also have one of the original U.S.Army green berets issued in about 1965. They are all smaller in diameter for the same size current one. Thus, they don’t cover most of the right ear, even when shaped and broken in. I also have a Bancroft made one from Army Clothing Sales I bought in the early 1980’s when I was still in the reserves. It is only slightly larger in diameter than the one from 1965 made in Canada. The current ones are likely made in China, like the ones Shitsheki bought for the whole Army.
Ahhhhhh— Canada. Yes, that’s where they were made — I remember that on the manufacturer’s stamped label. As I recall, the stamp was in white ink. They did not have the C broad arrow.
I just looked at my two Brit ones dated 1955 and 1964. I was mistaken. Both were made by Kangol and have the broad arrow signifying Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MOD). The two others I have were made by Fleur de Lis in Toronto, Canada. It is stamped on the lining in white ink. I think they were the principal supplier of the green ones for SF in 1960’s through the 1970’s.
Save your breath. I don’t think that he has internet access where he is currently residing.
Yes, I know he is in the slammer; I was posting for posterity.
Well, his posture is probably taking a pounding at Spring Dance of the correctional facility that he is residing in.
He is a pudgy little purty=boi, and I’ve heard every day is Man-love Thursday in the big house. Maybe we should send him the economy cell-clock size tub of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not KY” to show our apreciatiion for his fake SF service and fake bling.
cell-block size…ddamn typoss
A Special Forces Delta Trooper with 8 rows of ribbons and only an E-4 Corporal?
It does not compute.
Very low speed, high drag.
Hell, according to his ERB above he was even lying about ever making CPL/SPC.
There are DORs listed for PVT, PV2, and PFC. There’s no date for CPL/SP4 – so his high rank apparently was PFC, from which he got busted all the way down to E1 some months before getting booted.
What a bunch of sad mother fuckers. Making fun of retrards in order to make themselves feel relevant.
Yo, Johnson: is your hobby acting like an ignorant prick – or are you simply an idiot who also happens to be a prick?
Well, someone has got to do it, might as well be us.
Go blow some hobos at the local truckstop, Joe…
Fucking assclown
I’m sure he hasn’t advanced to that from blowing winos behind bus stops.
Small “j” on Johnson? Freudian slip perhaps?
The Whiz Wheel says:
Joe johnson (FRP*) 27 x 7 = 189
* Full Retard Points
“If not us, then who?”
Now kindly GFY and AMF.
you damn right we are!! And we are going to make fun of your fake ass Jerimiah Johnson name -Go have a tube steak sandwich!!
what a lowlife sausage chopper you are!!
Left service an E1. Took to (or returned to) drugs. Killed an old woman who was just riding down a road in a car driven by her daughter. Was convicted of that crime and another drug-related crime. Was in prison. Is in prison. End of story.
Texas doesn’t mess around. He’s not eligible for parole and his release date is 7 October 2021.
First he got popped for intoxicated manslaughter and then 4 months later possession of a controlled substance.
Hopefully he’s learned one thing in prison… Bubba don’t like going in dry.
Who are the guys in uniform next to PVT. PX Ribbon Bin?
lol @ CAR. Where was a Marnie when needed….
The Guardians investigators likely know who he is, but even if he is also a valor thief, they won’t out him because he is not falsely claiming to be Special Forces. They only go after SF POSers.
Do the Guardians offer referrals?
Yes, but only if you are known to Rocket and Groot.
Doughnut-guzzling meat gazer.
I tried to make a comment, but I thought the box for that was up top, and didn’t think(the company Commander in boot camp at Great Lakes,Company 201, Cheif Flovik’d have a few choice words with me, were I to have such a brain fart), but, even though I didn’t serve in combat, 74-77, even I know better than to claim what I didn’t earn. I was Vietnam Era, but I have enough self respect to make it a point which era I served in(ok guys, call me a chair warmer pussy for not being in the thud and blunder(heard enough stories from those who were there to not think that term, cf that it was for a lot of guys(and more than a few gals), but that’s not what upsets me, although I’d love to see his face during flight quarters, full chain bag on his back, getting ready to meet his A7, running out the line shack, and trying to avoid getting blown over the side when a Vigi pilot decided to do a touch-and-go, with afterburners lit. PTSD just ain’t for combat(again, call me a pussy, I don’t care).
This position don’t deserve to be in legal company.
Damn,I hate that silly ass spelling guesser software in my cell phone. My apologies. It was supposed to be pos, not position. Besides which, I never did say what was so upsetting about this pos. Recently, I buried my dad, and it wasn’t at any old cemetary, not even the one close to here, Alone Cemetary, but Arlington, and before the funeral, complete with Taps and 21 gunshots, I and my brothers and sister learned a few things about Cpl George Will. First off, he wasn’t just awarded the Purple Heart, but the Bronze Star. Now, I realize that that might not mean much to most everyone else in the country(because they never served), but, even though as his son, he was a hero to me, but he was a Hero. You see, he was at the opening of Heartbreak Ridge, way back in the misty past in a little known country known as Korea. And he wasn’t even part of a platoon, nor wasn’t even supposed to be holding a gun at all, because he was a clerk delivering supplies to somewhere else, but had the “luck” of driving through when the fun began. You see, he didn’t start out as an American citizen, but was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, just across the Detroit River where I was born and raised. And, us kids knew that he was a soldier, because he told us he was whenever one of us would ask about the scars on his back, one in each shoulder, and that while in the Army, he said he got a medal for it, a purple one(found out much later what that “purple one” was, and he wouldn’t talk about it or anything else around it. Well, eyes were opened just before the funeral. You see, he actually got two awards, the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. Now, I’m not going to recount word for word the award letter, but try to be as brief and understandable as I can(yes, it’ll take more than a few words, so please bear with me. I miss… Read more »
“I might’ve been a lowly plane captain…”
You guys doing the Daily and Turn-Around Inspections on my bird were my first line of defense for coming home dry and in one piece. Getting PC Qual’ed on the helo was big for AWANEd, ’cause then I could crew on cross-country “Good Deal” flights. It also improved my aircraft pre-flight inspection habits, making me (and the pilot’s) that much safer.
“Lowly” my ass.
My Dad was a AMM1 plane captain in WWII. He was part of the flight crew on a PV1 Ventura. He said it was his airplane and he just let officers fly it.
What’s wrong with being VN-era? I never got there, not my first hitch nor my second. And I didn’t sign up to sit on my backside while other people were getting shot at, but as I found out the hard way, if you weren’t a nurse (by the time I signed up) you weren’t considered “essential personnel”, so it was no go.
I don’t care. I still signed up, and that’s enough.
Even if he got busted and thrown out, his REAL awards are great enough to wear proudly ! What a complete bag of dicks this idiot is……
EVERYONE knows more than 2 tags hanging from a marksmanship badge is a LIAR ! lol
Was he wearing any medals and or ribbons from the “War on the Viet of the Nam?”
But I think he had a few from the Salvation Army.
And I do not think he volunteered….
Way to keep me busy on a Monday morning trying to score Phony Toby Haynes, who is not a Green Beret.
With the addition of the Berlin Air-Lift ribbon, he qualifies for the Full Retard as well as the Criminal and Round Ranger multipliers to up the score for the phony Green Berets/SFs.
Wow… what an over achiever! Earned an ARCOM with V device and a CIB, and managed to f*cked up his military service in 18 months and 22 days.
Are we sure the DD-214 is legit?