“We need urgent”

| February 13, 2009

Yesterday, we discussed Julio the Disk Jockey, a nineteen-year-old who had been dealt a tough life by being forced to work a dead-end job at MacDonald’s for FOUR WHOLE YEARS – here he was at middle age and trapped in poverty while he went to college to pursue another dead-end career.

Well, today let’s find out about Henrietta Hughes, the only woman in America who doesn’t have a kitchen or a bathroom in her car;

Over at Babalu Blog I learned that her story isn’t what it appears, either;

The director of We Care Outreach Ministry, Tanya Johnson, says just last month she offered Henrietta Hughes permanent housing and a place to stay free for three months, but Hughes refused.

“We would have allowed her to stay for the first 90 days, no income. You know free,” said Tanya Johnson.

We Care Outreach Ministry is a faith based organization in Fort Myers.

Johnson says she also gave Henrietta and her son Corey, money, food and offered Corey job training courses, but it was refused.

“We have extended a lot of her services to her,” Johnson said.

For added entertainment, watch the video again and pay close attention to this nutjob as Obama promises to have staff help Hughes;

She must’ve drank a tank full of koolaid at the door.

Category: Politics

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There’s a Rochester connection with Henrietta Hughes and also her son, Corey. My blogging partner, phantomlord, found this with a hat tip to Michelle Malkin:

Henrietta Hughes has a Rochester connection

Small world, even amongst the hand-out leeches! 😈 Henrietta and her son, Corey, have a long history of playing the victim.


You know, I don’t know anyone who would turn away someone in need, but in that same token, these same people would demand that the person in need try to help themselves in the process. Where did this entitlement mentality come from? Somewhere, Ayn Rand is weeping.


Claymore posted:

Where did this entitlement mentality come from?

In Rochester at least, it came from an alliance that was made with a couple of inner-city Revs., Franklin Florence and Ray Scott with Saul Alinsky in 1965. The Revs. learned will from the training from the master of radical socialism and are still preaching victimhood and entitlement and crying victimhood and entitlement, holding their own people down.


So, in essence, we’re screwed since this seems to be the prevailing attitude amongst our fellow citizens…enslave me, but feed and clothe me.

Adirondack Patriot

This whole production was a fraud. Obama needs to surround himself with groupies and sycophants. He’d wilt under the slightest whiff of scrutiny.

He’s a lightweight, and his followers are mere cultists.


…problem is, the cultists and their fair leader are running the show. Plan your exit strategy now, kids.


The story made me puke…
They decided to leave Rochester without having any job offer and that’s in the early 2008 – when EVERYBODY knew that the economy was slowing down. Who the heck does that, except a very stupid teenager?? Then, when the FL dream did not work out instead of coming back to Rochester they decided to become homeless and stick it in FL until the President came by?? And everybody is sorry for them?? WHF?!


Wow… He did everything but go to her, lay his hands on her and shout “I KNOW you can walk without that chair! Halleluja!”

Snake oil’s sprayin all ovah da place!



Henrietta and her son, Corey Hughes are professional victims. If you followed that link in my first post to this thread, there’s an article from 2004 about those two and per their MO that they used on Obama, they were crying victimhood back then.

My wife suffered from cancer back in the early 90’s and lost her job. I worked two jobs to try to stay afloat. Things were tough and our kids were 6, 2 and newborn at the time, but we worked our way through them and didn’t ask for handouts from the gubmint!


I want to know if anyone is getting the scoop on Julio the Disk Jockey? I believe this was a staged event – like everything in the public eye concerning the Obama administration.


Hey RV…
I have just elevated you to hero. Good for you. But don’t try telling the COW’s monkeys that you did it. They’ll call you names! 🙂



Thanks man, but you made me blush! 😳

Those were rough times though. I was working 4pm-midnight on my regular job, then I’d fly out of there and work 1am-7am at my second job, then go home to sleep and I’d end up dreaming about work! 😆

A man’s gotta do what we he’s gotta do and the victim/entitlement class has no clue on what true freedom is and what it entails.



Thanks man, but you made me blush! 😳


Please accept my apologies!



I did read the 2004 article and my anger at these professional “victims” demonstrated itself in that I could not even type straight – hence the screwed up Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot at the end of my previous post LOL


hence the screwed up Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot at the end of my previous post LOL


Henrietta and Cory Hughes have been playing this game for many years. I get worked up about stuff like this too, but also the MSM who celebrates professional victims, like they’re some sort of saints or something.

Southern Democrat

You all are right..we should just kill her and her son so we dont have to worry about them.

Heck, lets feed them to the dogs at the pound and save money that way too!

Even better, lets take their organs and give them to rich white people who might be dying…

Honestly…people suffer, it happens…so you attack them instead of the situation…


Hard work never killed anyone, just scares the living daylights out of liberals.


At last the SD Troll had a good idea! She *would* probably feed a couple of mastiffs for a day or two. Unless they puked after consuming so much BS.
Somebody call the WAAAAH-mbulance for this self-made loser.
Nobody else has ever had a hard time in this country, have they? Nope. Only this one.
So – the morial is, sit around on your do-nothing arse demading that other people sacrifice for you and if anyone asks why you don’t do something for yourself, blame Bush, or just say it’s Da Man Keepin Ya Down.


PS to Rochester Veteran –
I humbly salute you. You have my deepest respect.
All my best to you and your family.

Defend – you have my second on the hero nomination for Rochester Vet.


Southern Democrat,

If Henrietta Hughes were a fetus, you’d be first in line to kill her.


as an immigrant who came here with just 26kg of my previous life from a completely different language and culture and political system and who is now a practicing attorney and a proud on-time-mortgage-paying homeowner, this kind of sorry stories make me very angry. When we came here, my mother who has 2 science-intense bachelor degrees and had a quite high managerial position until we left, went to clean up houses in order to earn her living and not to be a charity case, she also was learning English. I started working as a volunteer so I can get an “American work experience” and move to a paying job. And that was during the time when economy was down, too… These people are not disabled and therefore, should get off their fat arses and start taking care of themselves.

Southern Democrat

Olga, perhaps if America hadn’t of given her and her sons jobs away to immigrants, they could be working right now.


SD; Think Ms Olga is esplainin’ to those of us not conversant in ehhhh, her native Russian that her mother and family upon arrival in the USA set out to earn their place not ask for a handout??

Am I right Olga? Hope so…Believe I got what you were getting at with relative ease so to speak.

The lesson SD is, Hard work pays off. Don’t bother giving Olga any of your leftist crap. Lord knows I won’t take it, *grin*


for your education:
Family-sponsored (meaning there is a USC or LPR sponsoring a member of the family to permanently come in to the States) – 226,000 a year
Employment-based (meaning there is a US employer who needs people with advanced degree or people who have extraordinary achievements in their field or people with bachelor degrees and many years of experience or athletes or artists) – 140,000 a year.
Green-card lottery – 50,000 a year.
The spouses, parents and unmarried children under 21yo of the USC have no visa quota.
the quotas account for grown-up able bodied people PLUS their little babies and elderly parents who cannot take jobs from your beloved Henrietta and Cory.


Though tempted by SD, I commit myself to not feeding trolls any longer. If you ignore the trolls, they eventually crawl back under the rock they oozed out from under.


SD…So you might finally get it!!

The illegals are working and Henrietta and her son want hand-outs. What’s wrong with that picture? Illegals are breaking the law, and getting taxpayer funded shit, and Henrietta is a lazy woman who is ready to rape the system rather than work.

This is okay with you bleeders, but not with me.

PS…perhaps you should go to the nearest hospital and tell them you are bleeding. Maybe they can hook you up to some coumadin. If it stops the bleeding, perhaps some more 02 might get to that cavity which holds the brain…might stop your diarrhea of the mouth…Or not.


RV- no need to blush.
DefendUSA, Qty 1 female!!


Yes, we did not want to be a charity case and wanted to work and own an American dream and we did not think ourselves above starting at the so-called bottom of the ladder (I was a library director before I came to the States) and work our way up.



You sound concerned. Invite them to live with you. 🙂

Southern Democrat

Defend Usa…Youre a buffoon. Coumadin is a blood thinner. It is the same chemical that is found in rat poison. It would NOT stop bleeding, but rather would cause it to increase. Before you try to use the big word you learned on your daily desk calendar, please research its meaning. Also, dont try to say you meant it that way, because we all know you did not.

Second, we need to worry about the people we have here in the Americas..thats North and South America. We need to keep the jobs and the care and compassion for those at the top of the list, rather then ship jobs off internationally. I do care about taking care of all people..however we need to worry about our side of the world first.

Ray, rather then have them live with me, I go on missions during the summers to impovershed areas along the border, and we help to build homes for these people. YOu all would never know the gratification of taking care of a people that want nothing but to succeed, and just need our help to allow them to do that. You all would rather go kill them overseas, then to help them here…



I think a large dose of coumadin with a Potassium IV bolus would be best. 🙂


SOuthern Dem..youre a fkin moron…why dont you just go shove all your sanctamonious crap up your own arse and leave america to us republicans who fight for it and for you to sound so sutpid and such


Ray….My bad, Coumadin definitely wouldn’t stop it. I should have said platelets!

But you are right, extra K would stop his heart quick like. (You think that was southern enough for him?)


I think the only way to cure SD is to give him a plexiotomy. That’s a surgical procedure used on liberals to treat their chronic Cranial/Rectal inversion syndrome (CRIS). The surgeon installs a pane of plexiglass in the liberal’s abdomen so the Lib can see where he’s going with his head up his ass. 🙂

Frankly Opinionated

Southern Dhimmicrat: “Ray, rather then have them live with me, I go on missions during the summers to impovershed areas along the border, and we help to build homes for these people. YOu all would never know the gratification of taking care of a people that want nothing but to succeed, and just need our help to allow them to do that. You all would rather go kill them overseas, then to help them here…” You ignorant socialist ass! Above you address yourself to Ray and then “You all” other sentences. That suggests that you are talking to me as well. You sound like those politicians who show up at a Habitat for Humanity site, drive one nail,(crooked), and then tell us that they are helping to build homes for the needy. And what in the Phuck gives you any idea that I or any of the other readers here wouldn’t know the gratifiction of helping others? I would wager, that across America, we conservative sorts give of ourselves to help those who only need help, (not a handout), more than 2 to 1 to you sorry liberals. We conservatives, by and large, are very interested in seeing our neighbors, both down the street and across the border, succeed. And so long as they are trying, we do all possible to see them continue. It is when they become slackers and leeches that you liberals come into the picture. A conservative will give someone a ride to work, but will usually pass by someone on their way to the welfare office. Seen it, done it. My personal mentoring is done with youth; youth who are achievers. I don’t give a damn about the slackers, and wouldn’t give them the time of day. I know full well that there is a liberal program somewhere that the only criteria for benifit is that the applicant will swear not to try to succeed. I live on my “old age pension” and my wherewithall,(that part is non-taxable), and donate 10% of my small stipend to the achiever that I sponsor. Do you hand 10%… Read more »


southern dem is a loser. he harps about the obambi being his new god. well, in less than 1 month his god has spent more than bush did in 8 years. southern dem’s inbred rat bastards will be paying that bill, so who really won? stupid ass sucking liberal democraps. e s a die