Scared yet?
The Obama “Organizing for America” campaign sent out an email today to spread some more scare stories about the economy;
Notice that these “average Americans” take aim at “the last eight years” and the education system in a state that’s run by Republicans. The thing is; the bill is a sure thing as far as votes in the Congress, but the more people find out about it, the less they like it. Now that Obama is going to sign the POS, he has to reconvince us he’s doing for our own good.
I guess Judy T in Minnesota doesn’t remember that the economy tanked in March 2000 – nine years ago. And Betty Jo A. in Florida should have been concerned about the state of education for about the last thirty years while the unions took over the education system from the parents and local governments.
So this is the stategy – scare us into submission.
Category: Politics
Democrats have been successful with the politics of fear. Michener pegged them perfectly with his novel “State of Fear” which is why there weren’t sobbing starlets mourning his death as in Truman Capote, etc.
Fear works well on the uneducated masses, whips them into submission because they already believe they are victims and can’t take care of themselves. It rankles the rest of us because panic is a poor excuse for policy.
Unfortunately that is Obama’s plan. Get ’em scared enough and maybe they won’t notice that the emperor is naked.
In 1980 I had a great job at GM making these huge cars that no one wanted and got crappy gas mileage but they were made in America by red-blooded union employees who took four 15-minute breaks a day and a 2 hr lunch. Man those were the days. I got $45 an hour to put those little things on the floor that clicked on the highbeams…and I could smoke the whole time at my station. That was before Reagan and his crooks took office. Now it’s a different story. There’s some damn robot doing my job and I’m being told that the “economy” may put me completely out of work! Then to add insult to injury, they want to cut my benefits when they found out I’ve been smoking since I was 13 years old. How the hell can that be fair! Please Mr. Obama, help me! Kill the robots and give me free health care!
Rufus B.
Asbestos Springs, MI
Why in hell does a sitting President have a Campaign Manager in his FIRST year in office?…
You bet your ass I’m scared. I’m scared that something this massive can be rammed through both houses of congress without giving anyone time to read it thoroughly (or, you know, at all). I’m scared because it makes me question what else they’re going to try this shit with. I’m scared because we’re not even a month into President Asshat’s first term and he seems to have left his brain and conscience in a jar somewhere in Billy Ayers’ crawlspace. Oh wait, those have been down there for years, that’s why I didn’t vote for him.
Well Rufus B, sicne you admit to having smoked, I’m afraid the new Obamarrhoid Socialist Healthcare scheme will have to immediately disqualify you from any medical help, as well as notify doctors in your state that treating you would deplete the funds needed for people who will live longer and be more productive for The State. So you’re on your own, but good luck.
As far as the economy, and His Royal ButtF**k Hussein Obongo, I will admit that he is helping the economy greatly with the sale of arms and ammo, and also introducing multitudes of formerly clueless citizens to the concepts of standing up for their 2nd amendment rights.
Unintended consequences?
At least the House Republicans ALL voted against this crap.
And I just spoke to my local gun dealer, AR-15 is on a 6-month backorder…
Serious note here this time Y’all, no overstated attempts at humor. First, thanks for letting me spout off on a basically Military Blog. I never served. I regret that now, but it is what what is, and I have nothing but admiration and respect for all of you that did, or still do. I thank you with all my heart, and I Pray for all those who serve every day.
I honestly fear for the fate of our Country at this point, simply because there are so many uninformed, or missinformed people out there who just plain don’t pay attention. Good people, honest Americans, but they just don’t get it that they are buying Snake Oil.
The degree of propganda being conveyed as “News” is unprecedented since the advent of the Third Reich. We are experiencing the Mega-Goebble’s effectiveness of the Main Stream Media’s total change from being Journalists to being Liberal Shills manifest itself in the demise of the Principles on which this Nation was founded. Poor bastards are so wrapped up in themselves that I don’t think they themselves realize just what they are in the process of destroying.
I’ve said this to Cousin Scott on numerous occasions, the first shots in the Revolution have to be fired across the Bow of the Propogandists. Flood them with E-Mails, those of you who live where they live, in the cities, PLEASE organize demonstrations in front of their Corporate Headquarters. Demand a true “Fairness Doctrine”, aimed at such a “Media” that would so casually trash such wonderful Americans as Sarah Palin, or Joe the Plumber. Those of you who live in the “sticks”. like me, try to educate your friends. Gently, for they don’t truly comprehend how their opinions and beliefs have been so manipulated, and they so misguided. Quietly educate them. Get your facts straight and prove the point.
Instead of the 3-4 pudgy Code Pinkers that Jonn has shown us so many pictures of, let’s generate hundreds of truly concerned citizens. Conservatives MUST BECOME PRO-ACTIVE, NOW!! Squeaky wheel gets the grease, all that shit!