Ruben Lopez; phony SEAL

| March 13, 2018

Our partners at Military Phonies share their work on this fellow, Ruben Lopez, who claims that he was a wounded Navy SEAL who participated in the Grenada Operation and Afghanistan in his more than 30 years of Naval service;

The Navy doesn’t remember it that way;

Ruben Lopez served in the United States Navy from December 1979 to November 1989. That is 21 fewer years than he claims. He left the Navy as a Construction Electricians Mate 2nd Class (E5). His medals include 2 Good Conduct Medals and one Expert Rifle Medal. His records show no schools associated with SEAL Training or a Purple Heart Medal.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Perfectly good, honourable service that he should have been proud of…..right down the shitter


Electricians earn good money, don’t they?

What do real SEALs do when they leave the Navy? Not hire themselves out as plumbers, right?

This is just silly. And stupid. And dimwitted. And I wouldn’t trust him to change my light bulbs or find the circuit breaker box or install the new blower motor in my furnace.

What an idiot!


Had an ex Ranger as a plumbera while back. Between disability from PTSD and master plumber’s pay, he is making more money than Bill Gates.


Do you have any idea how many jokes there are in an ex-Ranger turning to being a plumber?


Figured a few would have been added by now.


As I recall becoming plumbers didn’t work out so well for a few ex-“Three Letter Agency” types some years ago. (smile)


CE’s can be linemen, work in substations, power plants, etc.

And make well into six figures, unless you’re a total douchebag.

Like Ruben.

A Proud Infidel®™

A cueball-headed cocksucker with more hair on his head than brains.


Well played, well said sir! good laugh

Radioactive G-spot

A 10-year Bee, 2 good cookies, a few cruises/overseas assignments and he shits it away. I’ll never understand the need to be something/someone else.


Yep, shit bag, not a real Bee. He will be posted all over our pages.

John Seabee

Light his sorry scum sucking ass up Chief. What a complete bastard. Good service record and has to go FULL RETARD with that bullshit. I am doubly pissed… 1 He was a Bee and 2 He was a CE. If he is in an Island unit, they should be made aware.


I agree, But If I put on Operation Seabee online guy doesn’t want this stuff on there, but I will post it.


What he meant to say was that as a CB he was stationed in Rosey Roads (RR) and saw some SEALs from NSW Unit FOUR at RR and then he promoted himself to a retired MCPO SEAL after his failed attempt as an honorable Sailor.


Well the NMCB camp is next to the NSW camp. PW where he was, is also near it not next to it. We NMCB partyed with them alltime also had a project on the camp in 89. We would also fight from time to time, just to do something. We had a bar on our camp. I had key to the passage gate between both camps does that count. Also did Dive test in the compound, so that counts.


Where was all of this in relation to the Bundy Barracks and the flight line?

We’d come down from NAS Cecil Field quite often to bomb Vieques.


Way over on what was called the Green side, and near the Docks. You can see the Seabee Camp and NSW camp from the enlisted Beach. I am sure some of you came over to our club we had on camp.


I probably did…I don’t remember a whole lot of what happened while on Liberty at Roosey Roads.

I do remember ending up at Don’s Lighthouse once…

Guard Bum

He did study at the “naval Collage” though…..

Wilted Willy

Just another phony cocksucking poser that couldn’t wipe a real SEAL’s ass! I say drop him off at Coronado during Hell week and the the SEAL’s have a new beach toy?


What is this…have we hit double digits on fake SEALs yet this year?


25 last WOT, by GB’s count.


Correct, AW1Ed.
He brings the total to 27 to date, the 2nd since WOT last Friday.


Interesting that the last line on his record of assignments is completely blacked out. That’s unusual.

In fact, the only time I can remember most/all of a line on a record of assignments being blacked out in a FOIA reply is when context indicated the blacked out entry contained something that could be considered derogatory. Dunno if that’s the case here or not, though.

E4 Mafia For Life.

That’s because he was part of REAL TEAM 6 and the Shadow Government redacted the information.


Yep, Sig is a three-year assignment for Seabees. He left NMCB 62 early because they decomned in 89. He has to olaserve for three years for overseas Sea duty. So he probably got kicked out or is cleance that he needed for the COMSTATION was pulled.



John Seabee

That billet at the NavCommSta is a good billet. I was there for a year [76] before I went to McMurdo. Rat bastard like him doesn’t deserve a billet like that. You’re like correct in that he failed his clearance.

John Seabee

Actually, his assignment indicates NAS Sigonella, so perhaps he went to the Public Works Dept. vice CommSta.


Yeah, I caught that, but orders usually say PW on them, if that was the fact.


You guys got it all wrong.

He failed the most important test.

He can’t cook.

John Seabee

SOB couldn’t boil water without burning it.


What the hell? What is the thought process behind this idiocy? He’s done his service for 10 years now living in LV doing his thing. Why start lying about your service all these years later. He punched the day I commissioned, so I can say I never served with the fool.


I hope that RUBEN LOPEZ will drop on by and regale us with his phony stories of SOOPER SEEKRIT SQUEAKHOLE OPS while he was a PHONEY E-9 and NAVY SEAL!

Fucking cocksucking assclown…




Well Ole Ruben blocked me,,but not before I shared his TAH link on all his reviews,,,,which he cannot delete.


I’ll have to remember that.


Dude has an affinity for wearing fucked up hats

Combat Historian

Ten good years flushed down the sewer…now just another lying POS…too bad…


One of the Cowboys I shoot with monthly is a retired SeaBee. (And at 80+, can still shoot pretty darn good) He gets tons of respect.

Why on earth would someone not believe CB to be boast-worthy service ?



Is he a Korean era and Vietnam, that’s cool..


Ruben Lopez…Dude, you were a Seabee. That in and of itself is nothing to be ashamed of. Had I not gone into the Aviation side, that is probably where I would have wanted to go.

Damn…now you done pissed off all your whole hive.


Yep, I think we get one a year, and when we do, we blow them up.


It’s better to be a private e-1 with an OTH who served in combat arms than be a Navy vet with 10 years of service and an honorable discharge and be a phony Navy Seal.


Wow, lily – two transparently obvious troll comments today. Yer on a roll!


Trying a bit too hard.


Bitch, did anyone ask for a blowjob?

Then why is your fucking mouth open!

A Proud Infidel®™

Lily, it is better to keep your mouth shut and let others wonder what kind of idiot you are versus running your mouth and removing all doubt!

I think ignoring lily like one does an obnoxious stray dog is just what he needs and deserves.


You must be talking about being the E-1 with the OTH, huh lily?



Personally, if I was a Bee, I would brag about being a Bee. When I was at NCTAMS (the big commstas) I used to drink with the Bees attached to us and heard pretty cool stories about the job. The RMs/ITs I know that went Bee seemed to love it as well. I thought about going Bee, but they sent me to the sandbox another way instead. Go Seabees!

Oh, yes the Bees at TAMS had cake jobs. Make sure the generators work, the batteries work, and the phones worked. The only requirement was they had to either have TS or S, I forgot which….I remember we still had to sanitize when they came into our spaces thought.


His spousal unit made an appearance on the military phonies blog.
Her excuse is that we only have the first 10 years of his service record.


Highly doubtful. The Navy was using SSNs for ID numbers by the time this guy served. Any subsequent service would use the same SSN – and would show up when records were first checked. In fact, I strongly suspect his records (or a copy thereof) would have been requested from archives and “married up” with his newer ones after a break in service.

Plus, USNR service is Federal service. So if he’s trying to claim RC service, that would be listed there also. And last time I checked, the Navy was the only service (AC or RC) that had SEALs.

Of course, he could always prove his claim by sending (or having his spouse send) a copy of “the rest of his service records” to either Jonn or to Military Phonies. I’d love to see precisely what “the rest of his service records” looks like.

If they exist, that is. I’m guessing they don’t.


10 years of service would put him on the edge(likely over)of the maximum age qualification requirements to apply for BUDS…if there’s any significant out time after 89′ even if he went in when he was eighteen, he would have needed an age waiver for BUDS training.

Green Thumb

Ruben Lopez might be a phony SEAL but he is a real-deal Turd….!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Hey Ruben; How long is a short circuit. Is he from Florida??????


One of the screen captures above says he lives in the Vegas area now, but was originally from Hialeah, FL. But given his apparent false claims concerning his military record, maybe those claims are false too.


I was a 31M. That’s pretty much an Army Ranger, or a SEAL, or Space Shuttle Door Gunner.

2/17 Air Cav

Fleet dominoes champion 1981 and 1982. That’s nothing to sneeze at.


My sergeant in Okinawa was roommates at an off-base apartment with a Seabee, and I got to know a few of them through him. They were pretty impressive guys who did some amazing things. Why being a Seabee isn’t enough for some people, I’ll never understand.