Julio the Disk Jockey vs. Joe the Plumber

| February 12, 2009

You’ve probably seen this video, but, in case you haven’t, here it is;

Young Julio Osegueda star-struck youngster that he is, thanks God that Obama takes time out of his day to speak to the people of Ft. Meyers, FL. “Time out from his day”? Of doing what? Making rainbows and herding unicorns? Julio, the President’s job is to talk to the people who elected him.

Michelle Malkin calls it a “Savior-based economy“. Julio complains that he has to go to college and work at MacDonalds and he can’t get ahead. Probably because he’s spending too much time asking God and Obama for a job instead of doing it on his own. A lot of us took crappy jobs when we were in college because that’s the only kind of jobs college students can get.

I worked as a security guard on a construction site and as a VA counselor in our campus office – I was 39 years old when I finally went to college full time, had three teenagers and a wife to support on a full time minimum wage job and a part time minimum wage job. There were entire days I never saw my bed. I certainly didn’t go to the President and beg him to make my life better. And, neither, I’m guessing did you.

Julio is a star now, for the Left – he’s been on Olbermann’s show, HuffPo loves him, I even saw him on Al Rojo Vivo last night on Telemundo complaining that people like him have to work too hard. Huh? What’s too hard? There are probably illegal immigrants with less language skills than Julio with more gumption and ambition than Julio (who wants to be a disc jockey on the radio when he grows up).

So the Right has Joe the Plumber who just wants to keep more of his own money and the Left has Julio the Disc Jockey who wants us to lift him above his own capabilities with our money. An excellent contrast in ideologies.

Category: Politics

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Stay tuned for the internet release of a secret sex tape featuring the mutually smitten twosome….

Adirondack Patriot

So 19-year-old Julio has been working at a fast food restaurant for four-and-a-half years? That means he started working when he was 14? Looks like a case of Stolen Valor in the fast food world.

This guy is a Jerry Springer prop. The liberal media is so gullible that they bought his story hook, line and sinker.

When asked the simple questions as to what his major was, he said “I’m looking to go into communications.” Looking to? Pal, you have no clue as to what you want to do with your life so now you want the taxpayers to pay for your cluelessness?

Obama’s snake oil tent revival brought to you by CNN.

What a scam.


Wonder if FL officials are looking into this guy like the OH folks did Joe? Oh, that’s right – he has the right ideology so it doesn’t matter if he’s lying, and in keeping with lefty tradition, he probably is.

As a manager of people I wouldn’t want this guy on a silver platter. It doesn’t matter how smart you are – you can’t train initiative and without it he’s just a pain in the butt day in and day out.

And no amount of money will ever fix it.


You’ve gotta be kidding me, right? This guy is 19 and has been working, by his own admission, since he was 14? Something wrong with that…

People ask me often how I can be of South American origin and not support Dems. I should just point them to this video and tell them that everything this kid says is exactly the OPPOSITE of what I believe. Somebody interview Tito the Builder from VA, who is also from Colombia, has worked his BUTT off and succeeded. He might be able to teach this kid a thing or two…

And Jonn, did you expect anything else from María Celeste no sé cuántos?


Kathy posted:

Wonder if FL officials are looking into this guy like the OH folks did Joe? Oh, that’s right – he has the right ideology so it doesn’t matter if he’s lying, and in keeping with lefty tradition, he probably is.

The same thought occurred to me when I heard about his guy on Rush the other day.

The contrasts are the exact opposite between Julio the Disc Jockey and Joe the Plumber, even in the way they interacted with the “One”. Julio just about drops down on his knees in worship of his “Awesomeship” and Joe ask a probing question about Obama’s socialist policies, something the MSM should have been asking.


Honest to God, the guy must have gizzed himself. That’s was my only thought every time I hear it. And how about the woman who said she needs her own bathroom, kitchen and bedroom? These poor bastards have been so snowed by The COW, and there he stands completely oblivious to the caricature he has painted himself to be- Savior. Even Jesus Christ himself couldn’t pray for money and make it materialize. Good God almighty may these people wake up.


Good God almighty may these people wake up.

For sure man!

I’ve been concerned about the “One’s” cult of personality because of what it drives people to do. Looking back into history, there’s numerous examples of heads of state whose cult of personality was whipped up by their “true believers”, and it never went well for the country that they headed. For the most part, Americans have had a hefty dose of skepticism towards political leaders. It’s not a good thing for freedom to put forth such adulation for a political leader. The MSM refused to report in the “One’s” climb to power with the help of dubious relationships who were Marxists (his own mother and grandpa) or Maoists (Ayers) and acted as his politburo.

Adirondack Patriot

And another thing: Julio the Collej Stoodent needs to learn some respect. Take your damned hat off when you’re indoors, and especially when you’re addressing the President of the United States (even if he is your personal guidance counselor and job placement specialist.)

With apologies to Dean Wormer from Animal House: Rude, lazy and self-entitled is no way to succeed in life.

Except if you’re Barack. . . . oh, nevermind.


Well, in Spain something similar has happened. A young woman with Down Syndrome has gone to Zapatero to tell him that she didn’t have a job. So Zapatero has offered to employ her at Moncloa palace (his residence) or somewhere else in the Administration.

The only difference is that this guy does not have Down Syndrome. So it’s worse in all accounts to be asking for a job because the situation is very bad for all… What would happen if all the rest of “students to be communicators or diskjockeys asked Obama to give them a job? 🙁



And he votes. Excuse me now, I’m going on vacation this summer and I have to go ask Obama for funding for it. This country owes me a vacation, you know.


He’s wasting space in college to study “communications”…what a world we live in.


I’ve been stuck at my dead end job at IKEA now for 11 years while I went to trucking college. I want to know if President Obama is going to lower the requirements for CDL’s so I can then earn the money I need to go to school to learn how to pilot space shuttles…or maybe be a bartender at Applebee’s.


Much as I shouldn’t say it, but Ol’ Julio had an *earth shattering orgasm* getting to *talk* to Obama…Muhbe its the sick twisted freak in me….Anyone check the floor for *piddle* puddles?



Ehhhhhh…defend ol buddy? “Good God almighty may these people wake up.”

Are you sure want ’em to wake up? It might be a cataclysmic(?)event or so to speak…..


The Apocolypse!!!
But, seriously. Can you honestly imagine that these people truly believe the COW is thinking of them??? They don’t even know how idiotic they sound every time they open their mouths in defense of him.


oops, that should read apocalypse…


OMG… a real, no shit, nationally televised Obamagasm. I think Julio had to go change his shorts. Move over Chris, Julio’s moving in on your leg tingle.

Just… wow.


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