The case for slapping keyboards out of their hands

| February 26, 2018

Nothing gets the idiot class more spun up than a discussion about gun control. Take for example Harvard Constitutional Law professor Laurence Tribe who claims that, based on his own research, an AR-style rifle, fires 10 rounds per second, each bullet leaving the barrel at 2000 miles per hour.

He didn’t pull that out of the air, it came from his ample ass.

In Maine’s Press-Herald, Greg Bates tries to make the case for civilian disarmament, but I couldn’t read past this paragraph;

But a fuzzy demand for “gun control” will likely squander this opportunity to save lives. To end gun deaths, we need to ban all civilian guns.

You know as if Prohibition worked because we banned liquor, as if the War on Drugs worked, etc…

Bates continues;

Reviewing shootings that occurred in public places and killed at least four victims, Lankford found that the U.S. had 90 mass shooters between 1966 and 2012, and we have some 300 million guns.

Thems pretty good odds. 90 mass shootings in more than 40 years and 300 million guns. I don’t think that says what he intended to say, even if his math is correct.

We know that at least four Broward County sheriff deputies didn’t enter the school to stop the gunman eleven days ago. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office didn’t do any thing to prevent the gunman from purchasing his firearms in any of the 39 contacts they made with him because of an agreement the sheriff made with the school system to look the other way. But, somehow, it’s the fault of the National Rifle Association, and the NRA has been adamant about making the NICS check more accurate to prevent dangerous people from possessing firearms.

I’m watching Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General on the news and she says that the BCSO hasn’t been honest with her while her office is investigating the BCSO and this incident. The governor has been asked to fire Sheriff Israel – it was his failures of leadership that influenced the actions of his deputies that day. One deputy not confronting the gunman is the result of him being a coward – four deputies not confronting the gunman is a failure of leadership. Israel, however refuses to resign, like a good little politician;

The Associated Press tries to denigrate NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch with quotes from her detractors;

In response, David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, said students were focused on countering Loesch as they campaign for tighter gun laws.

“If you listen to her speak, she’s not really saying anything. She’s sounding positive and confident and that’s what she wants the people in the NRA to believe, her 5 million plus members,” Hogg said on CNN. “She wants them to think that she’s on their side, but she’s not. She’s actually working with the gun manufacturers.”

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, said she was not in the least reassured by Loesch’s appearance at last week’s town hall, especially after she attacked the media the following day.

“She’s younger. She’s a woman and a mom. She’s television-ready,” Watts said. “But her rhetoric is just as radicalized, if not more, than Wayne LaPierre’s.”

Talking to David Hogg is like asking Nanny Bloomberg, Hogg is clearly in the pocket of Big Gun Control and Shannon Watts. In fact in this discussion, he’s the face of gun control.

The gun control crowd still haven’t been able to educate themselves on that which they’re trying to regulate since their last big push to ban guns. Someone should slap the key boards out of their hands before they hurt someone.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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If the Broward Sheriff is an elected official like every Sheriff across the country i have ever heard of neither the Governor nor the Legislature can fire him or remove him. He has to resign or be subject to a recall unless there is a provision in Florida Law to remove a public official for illegal acts which i have not heard anyone alledge. Israel is you standard political hack shitbag


Oh, also lets not get caught up in immaterial details, Tribe. You know, small crap like the truth? Nothing like doubling down on stupid just to emphasize the point that you have no idea what you are talking about.



The Florida Constitution provides the governor with the authority to “suspend from office any state officer not subject to impeachment, any officer of the militia not in the active service of the United States, or any county officer, for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony, and may fill the office by appointment for the period of suspension.” Sheriffs are covered by this provision.


Im not sure we are reading that the same way. Doesnt read to me like it covers elected officials


Looks like it covers any public officer, provided they cannot be impeached. Must not be able to impeach the sheriffs there.


County Officer.


I’m not sure if they can impeach a sheriff there but after doing a little digging a Sheriff can be suspended by the Governor but it’s a pretty high bar to scale to actually remove him from office and seems to only have been done a few times and for criminal acts. Malfeasance or even Misfeasance would be hard to prove but Nonfeasance might work.
Thanks for pointing this out, AW1Ed and correcting something I had thought differently. I think the difference is that The Florida Constitution says he can so I guess if the State Constitution is silent then The Sheriff is safe unless recalled or quits


Impeached? I want that stupid fuck -indicted-

See my post way below. His incompetent minions held back the paramedics.

John Seabee

Having been an Orange County [Orlando] Deputy for 31 years…Sheriff cannot be impeached. He can be removed for criminal acts and for any of the instances enumerated above in AW1’s post. The Broward population is so filled with democrats that a recall would likely fail. On another note, there is radio traffic from someone up the chain of command ordering the deputies present to turn their body cameras on prior to entering the school… Problem is none of the 4 deputies had been issued body cams yet and interpreted that to mean ‘do not enter.’


Yep it said anyone “not covered by impeachment”!


If the entire law enforcement bunch for Broward County isn’t suspended, I’d want to know why. Per Fox News, the sheriff’s deputies on the scene would not allow EMS people to go into the building and try to get help to the wounded and/or get them out.

“But, somehow, it’s the fault of the National Rifle Association, and the NRA has been adamant about making the NICS check more accurate to prevent dangerous people from possessing firearms.” = TAH article.

The further we get into what really happened, the more poisonous this thing becomes, as if it were some kind of setup for a bloodbath that the Leftists could pounce on and point fingers, but which has now turned into a disaster that could easily have been stopped before it started.

The more they try to twist these things to blame ‘other’ and ‘thing’, the less successful they become at it. I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists, but there are lots of questions that need real answers, not some soothing drivel that no reasoning person will blindly accept.


You notice we aren’t talking about the Russian bot thing, the Dossier, Uranium One or any of those things now….
Gee whiz, I wonder why…
I’m not much of one for conspiracy theories, but this stinks to high heaven…


no…you don’t mean….like a…….FALSE FLAG EVENT? 🙂

Keepin' It Real

David Hogg has been in front of a few media stories including surfboards on trash cans in California.

He is 17 years old. I admire his passion but wonder if he wants a school shooting to define his life. Once the cameras stop rolling, will his passion cause him to stay with this issue? Or will he move on to the next bright, shiny object? Who knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they are 17 y/o?

As I said, time will tell.

Old Trooper

He wants to be a politician. He will glam on to the next “crisis” that the leftists come up with and be right back in front of the cameras.


See Cindy Sheehan on how this will end when the left is done using him


Isn’t she living under an overpass somewhere?

A Proud Infidel®™

Or maybe in a van down by the river!


I saw pics of him on a CNN VIP tour last year, and his mommy is a D-Rat and Trump hater/resister. Hogg claims his father is an FBI agent. Dr. Phil had Hogg on his apology show for the family housing the psycho, Cruz, so they could tell Phil’s viewers they din see nuffin and Cruz din do nuffin at their house. The family’s lawer was sitting with them to make sure they didn’t deviate from the script. Hogg, like the MSM, doesn’t want to blame the killer, just the inanimate object, the gun, and anybody that doesn’t want to ban guns.


Tribe is plenty bad. So is Israel. And I -hate- being lectured by a child.

Roger in Republic

Especially one who only a month ago was eating Tide Pods. Just another useful idiot with a mouthful of crap.


Tribe probably got his number from the cyclic rate of fire of an M-16. Which he was still wrong about.

I have no interest in listening to David Hogg. I’d say that as a shooting survivor, he has as much expertise on gun policy as I, an Afghan vet, have on that war. But that’s wrong- part of my job there involved understanding how the war was being fought and I did more than the necessary amount of homework.

Hogg, on the other hand, shows the same level of intellectual depth as any other 18 y/o, which is to say, not much. Nor has he apparently done any research on this issue to enable him to discuss facts and not simply regurgitate hyperbolic logorrhea from Michael Bloomberg.

If this is who the MSM wants to trot out there to make the case, all emotions, no facts, the answer is still NO.


Talk about radicalized rhetoric… Hoggs parents have done a great job of radicalizing him.. and yeah, he has done nothing more than spout Bloomberg talking points.


If Hogg researched what he posted, as he claims, why doesn’t he cite his source? Without any backup, he’s only producing answers based on hysterics, not facts.

I got this from Quora. The response comes from a firearems instructor: 12 to 15 rounds per minute.
Here’s the link:

I don’t know how accurate that answer is, but it seems more likely reasonable than what Hogg said.


Sorry – left this out, an answer down the page, from a gunsmith:

The advised sustained rate of semi-automatic fire that can be maintained indefinitely for the AR-15 is the same as for the M16. 12 to 15 rounds per minute. That rate will not excessively overheat the rifle barrel, or any other component, even in the most extreme arid conditions.

Essentially, the AR-15 can theoretically fire up to 600 rounds per minute, but that will probably cause it to overheat and ham, if I understand this correctly.
(I mean ‘jam’, not ‘ham’, but I’m leaving it.)

This is probably where Hogg got his info – half-baked, not backed up with a source, just ‘Oh! that number looks scary!’ and off he went. Either he does his research properly and cites his sources, which most of us do, or his twitterpating panic-stricken rants are invalid tripe.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

EX; Ham, half baked and now I’m getting hungry.


Cut some fresh bread, add lettuce, onions, spicy mustard, several thin slices of ham and chow down. Thin slices of ham are easier to bite into than thick slices. Also, add pickles and radishes and some kind of chips.
Now I’m starving, too!


Put some mixed olives chopped up real good, and I’m on it like white on rice. IBYP, is that rascyss in our world today.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Thanks for the eats tip EX, and I will check my SIBO chart on the veggies although I’m better now than like 4 weeks ago and took a 15 pound weight loss. Remember in the Navy, all the cold cuts were cut too thick for some reason. Ugh, I never got used to thick cuts like that. We called those
Horse c..k sandwiches. I hope I am not being vulgar when I typed that last one.


I never ran into that in the chow hall at NAS Anacostia, but at Great Mistakes. you were better off going to McDonald’s, and that was before McD’s had breakfast stuff.

E4 Mafia For Life.

YouTube IraqVeteran8888 melts down firearms (testing, not protesting) on a regular basis. He will borrow full auto lower M16’s, place various uppers and fire at full rates until the barrel melts or the action stops. Some catch fire.
He’s done it with Glock 18’s and AK47’s as well.
Worth checking out as well as using it to argue with fools:


I can’t see any rifle doing 12-15 rounds a minute on a sustained basis without heating up enough to either cause a jam, destroy the barrel necessitating a change or the accuracy going to hell.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

So Down at Fort Dix back in 75/76 when I was in the ARNG, we were doing live fire/maneuver, And when I got up from the prone position, I picked up the barrel and it was hotter than a 2 dollar pistol. From the Navy into the Guard, still a little slow learner left in me.


An AR-15 is not capable of firing 600 rounds per minute, because that would require a 600 round magazine which doesn’t exist. Also an AR-15 does not have a full-auto cyclic rate. With 30 round magazines, it would require 19 magazine changes. In the article you linked, they say an experienced Three-gun competitive shooter can fire three aimed shots in a second, but most can only get off two in a second. Hogg (or Tribe) is full of hog shit just like his mommy and the progtards he associates with. A full-auto fired M-16 would likely have a cyclic rate of 600 rounds per minute if one could fire one for a minute without changes magazines, which one can’t. The rate a full-auto fired M-16 can empty a magazine was merely extrapolated out to a minute because that is how rates of fire are measured and expressed for full auto firearms. For example, the fastest single barreled machine gun is the German MG-43, which had a 1200 round per minute cyclic rate, but it would have been impossible to fire 1200 rounds through one in minute because the barrel and action would severely overheat and lock up. This whole rates of fire non-sense is about as relevant and accurate as the contention that a pistol shooter can’t counter someone with an AR-15 because the .223 bullet travels over two times faster than the pistol bullet.


“…changing magazines….” This is what happens when one types faster than the brain carrier group operates (with its lower cyclic rate). Also, I suspect Lawrence Tribe’s mommy is no longer with us, unlike little Davie Hogg’s mommy (Dedicated D-rat who has proglodyzed her boy).


Read your link. Could not find your numbers (12-15 rds/min), which would be less than one old fashioned 20 round mag./minute. That is waaay too low. Even for aimed shots.


By the way, that is “read” pronounced “red”, as in I have read…


Oops! I meant ‘Tribe’, not ‘Hogg’.

Too early, not enough caffeine.


“He didn’t pull that out of the air, it came from his ample ass.”


The stupidity of these “intellectuals’ constantly astounds me. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damn serious.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There is much about the Florida case that lays the responsibility for the shooter possessing a firearm at the feet of law enforcement.

Over 30 calls (closer to 40 according to some accounts) over the last 5 years which means about every 8 weeks they were dealing with this asshole. FBI failure to pass on information and BCSO failing to act on a tip from Massachusetts confirming those 30-40 calls were for someone with a serious mental health problem.

Had it been one call from us here in the Bay State I understand no action, but tied together with three dozen calls or so previously one would think there might be some substance to these constant calls.

Once again they think guns make a difference, ignoring the facts of previous killings like the Bath school bombing from 1927…

No one seems to want to discuss hardening the schools to resemble at least the same level of security we provide for our court officials, many of whom are completely fucking worthless. We talk about how precious our kids are, but after 9-11 and subsequent shootings we still do nothing to protect them except put up a sign claiming gun free zones that act like a beacon to murderers.

Even if their jerkoff fantasies of a total gun ban were to come true I wonder what these fucking morons would say after the next tragedy involved an F-350 mowing 30 kids down while they are exiting the building to get on their buses…soft targets are called that for a reason.

A lack of firearms doesn’t change the simple fact that soft remains soft….fucking idiots.


The F-350? That’s too “normal”, VOV.

Why not instead make it an angry trucker cruising around for vengeance of some kind (maybe he was passed too many times by some guy in a Dodge 4-door sedan)?

That would do a lot more damage than a pickup truck.


Or in a Plymouth Valiant?


I had that car! Mine wouldn’t go as fast, even downhill, and it started to float at about 60.

Mine had a smarter driver, though.

The Other Whitey

Like I keep saying: if they’re right, then why do they have to lie?


They were never punished for lying, TOW. That’s why they think it’s okay now.

Perry Gaskill

Something to consider is that the commentary by Greg Bates which ran in the Portland (Maine) Press Herald was a guest editorial. Bates is apparently “a freelance editor and publisher at Common Courage Press.” For what it’s worth, Common Courage Press is a self-professed publisher for SJW authors too radical for the usual means.

One of the things that struck me about the Bates editorial is how the hysteria du jour can allow for intellectual laziness that wouldn’t otherwise be acceptable. For example, Bates wants to eliminate all private ownership of firearms, but nowhere does he mention the Second Amendment as a consideration. What he also fails to consider is that a ban on firearms amounts to a seizure of personal property.

It’s not much of a stretch to imagine Bates has no problem having private property seized just so long as it’s not his own.


Would Bates be comfortable with members of the military being housed in his home without compensation or his permission?

Would he be happy with unwarranted and unreasonable search & seizure, based only on suspicions?


This morning, the jerk-off, Moanin’ Schmoe Scarborough, told the world that, based on his experience, the AR-15 is “more lethal” than an M-16.
We can laugh at his inadequacies, but there will be morons, like Joey the rock-humping hero, who believe the spew he spouts.


An AR-15 is more lethal than an M-16? Really. Wish I had known that in my Infantry days. The shit that comes out of some folk’s mouths.


This is what passes for “facts” for the cretins that watch his and likeminded broadcasts. The stupid is strong in the MSM outlets.


That is only one of the reasons that CNN and MSDNC are slap-fighting it out for dead last in TV ratings.


What can I add that hasn’t already been added?


He need some MILK!

That made me snort coffee through my nose!


“Don’t get hung up on the immaterial details.”
In other words don’t worry about the truth.

“She’s younger. She’s a woman and a mom. She’s television-ready,”

If that were said of any leftist liberal woman, the claws would be out for sexist blood.


Not only is it sexist, but they’re basically saying because she’s attractive, she is either stupid, just squawking party lines, or both. So you cannot be attractive and smart in the leftist world.


“So you cannot be attractive and smart in the leftist world.”

NO! And the liberal warthog ladies prove it too.



Dana Loesch, Lila Rose, Tomi Lahren, the list goes on. The left doesn’t have nearly the talent pool in brains or looks.


But they have screeching ninnies of all gender identities covered!


Michelle Malkin.


And, on the left, we have Richie Madcow and his/her twin, Chrissy Hayes, Andrea the Walking Corpse Mitchell, Whoopsi Goldberg, Joyless Behar.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

UpNorth, did you know that Whoopsi Goldberg is a gun owner? awhile ago I caught the view which I really don’t watch and gun control came up and she admitted to owning firearms. I don’t know if she voices her opinion on “Assault” Rifles or not. One of my Conservative neighbors is pro 2A but not pro “Assault’ rifles probaly because they do not know why the 2A was written.

The Other Whitey

Paul Joseph Watson has a pretty solid video on that very topic.


Israeli likes parading around in those 4 stars but doesn’t display the positive qualities I like to associate with them…


Like every town I’ve seen. A small community north of me has one Police Chief and One, count em’ one duty Officer. The Chief wears…you guessed it, four stars.


Go to a chiefs or sheriffs association meeting. Four stars, admiral’s cuff insignia, and a stack of medals that make them look like Marshal Zhukov are common. Seems like the smaller the dept, the more bling.

Don’t know if it’s true, but the BCSO wiki page shows their rank insignias. Sheriff rates four, under sheriff three, then colonel and lt colonel two and one star respectively. Majors and captains wear the traditional insignias. So looks like somewhere along the line, the sheriff wanted more stars or thought the colonels’ eagles were cooler looking.

John Seabee

Inasmuch as the sheriff, n Florida is the chief law enforcement in the county, they typically wear four stars. All of the municipality chiefs of police tend to wear four stars as well,so the sheriff doesn’t wan to appear to be outranked by one of the chiefs.

John Seabee

The high sheriff thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. There isn’t a microphone or video camera he doesn’t like. The only thing, in life, that really bothers him is that his arms aren’t long enough to reach around to pat himself adequately on his back.


Cochise County AZ had Sheriff Larry Dever, I don’t think he ever put on the 4 star uniform unless the Governor was visiting. His uniform was jeans and a button down shirt. He didn’t need the bling to make everybody know he was in charge.


We should not let the Left change the subject. Because the reality is not guns, or one thug slipping throug the cracks. It is -monsterous- .

There was an -active-, -deliberate- effort to -not- prosecute criminals in Broward Couty, for the purpose of falsifying statistics to make it look like incarceration was on a downward trend. The “official” reason being that incarceration is bad for folks, so we need to “divert” kids away from crime and the criminal justice system.

Link courtesy of Ace of Spades:

And from that one, this little tidbit of “YGBFSM!”:

Of course the -crooks- would -never- notice! Nor would they exploit the “no report” system by staging greater crimes in the last art of reporting periods.

Those fuckheads applied “dont ask, dont tell” to -crimes-. As in “catch and release”. As in “where the fuck are the indictments of the maniacs that made the orders to implement this as government policy?”

Because -that- is why the assholes are shrieking “gun control”! They deliberately stopped enforcing the law in order to pretend their fantasies were real, ad seventeen -kids- were murdered.

And that bastards want to keep up the “pretend”!

Of course they are picking a gun control fight. Otherwise, what might an angry population do?

Folks, dont let the subject change. This was the government abdicating its -job-. SCOTUS said that law enforcement, the government, has no duty to protect an -individual-, but does have one to “society as a whole”. if they quit enforcing they law, broadly, how long before the whole damn system falls apart?

And -who- might actually -want- that, eh? Crooks?

At an absolute minimum, relieve that Sheriff and any others that willingly participated in this lunatic scheme. grand Jury -soonest-. If this shit want “obstruction of Justice”, then what is?


This info might interest you. Quote : “WillS68 | February 25, 2018 at 3:44 pm Finally something my education and experience gives me a leg-up on Legal Insurrection! The Promise program. The DOJ pushed schools and juvenile courts to address “disparate impact” during the Obama years. This lead to many courts setting up juvenile assessment centers and many schools to use great discretion in addressing minor criminal behanvior. The goal was to end the so called, “prison pipeline” andand divert misdemeanor offenses to community based programs (counseling, mentor, job training and so on). I know, I am a case assessment social worker who does this for a living. Kids arrested for menacing, assault, domestic violence, ccw can and are “diverted” daily to community programs. However because the case against them has been kept “unofficial” we have no real hammer to go back at the families when they don’t follow-up with the recommendations and after 60 or 90 days we close the case “unofficial without progress”. It would seem logical to imagine kids who’ve been seen once or twice for similar offenses (assault, domestic violence) that if they come in again they’d be charged officially and forwarded for disposition. But this simply isn’t the case and I’ve seen youth with three, four and even five or more assaults, menacing, domestic violence contacts remain “unofficial”. Sometimes the explanation is the youth has a mental illness or the youths family is in crisis and while both maybe true we never ask, “when do we protect the community”? With all of that as a backdrop and looking only at Broward County, I’d like to play devils advocate. Several years ago a young man at a Broward County HS was found by a Broward County Deputy to be in possession of a small amount of Marijuana, burglary tools and a zip-lock bag full of jewlery on school property. The items were to taken into custody and the young man was suspended from school. Although there were reports of home break-ins near the school there was no query done by the deputy to see if the… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

The impact of the President Red Line’s regime on the justice system is something relatively few people know about. Most have heard snippets but, the truth is, the DOJ and Bureau of Justice Assistance ($$$$) have helped states change how they speak about, treat, and sentence criminals; how they are being diverted, back-doored out of prison; not subject to bail or, if so, low bail. It’s remarkable.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

My friend who is the foreman in the Long Beach Long Island NY School District told me that there are roughly 60 hands off students in the system.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The above should read that there are roughly 60 hands off students in the “Long Beach School” system.

John Seabee

Unfortunately 11B, that is the case in many school districts in Florida. Dade County is in lock step with Broward and Orange County as adopted many of the same provisions. This is a trend which took wing in the previous national administration.

A Proud Infidel®™

That idiot excuse of a perfesser reminds me of that fool politician who babbled about a “Ghost Gun” with a “30 clip magazine”


Whenever I hear about ghost guns I think of Scooby Doo. They rip the mask off a ghost gun to reveal a regular gun. “And I would have got away with it, if it weren’t for you meddling kids.”

A Proud Infidel®™

THIS is the mega-idiot I was referring to:


I remember that scene, API, and I wondered who in the world was dumb enough to let him get his hands on that weapon.


And guess who just received a higher percentage of votes than Di Fi for State Senator from the CA DNC get together this weekend?

John Seabee

That’s right………… Kevin Leon. He added the De because he thought it would not point back to his parents [who may or may not have immigrated properly into the country]


And don’t look now, but this dipshit is taking on DiFi in the primary this year.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Interesting, but how would one fit an M1 Garand 8 rd. clip or a 40MM bofors AA clip into a 30 rd mag.


Yeah and when they do get all their facts straight your last resort is some name calling. Either way you’re not happy unless someone completely agrees with you.


“Yeah and when they do get all their facts straight…”

I guess we’ll never know, now, will we? You can have your own opinions, but you can’t have your own facts.


But they do have their own “facts.” They make them up, then lie. And any facts that are inconvenient to the false narrative at hand, they ignore or cover up.

Five Beers

What on earth are you babbling about?

You and your statements don’t make any sense.


Welcome to Lily’s world, 5.


No I think you’re the crazy ones. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Five Beers

Like you said, UpNorth, lily’s world. Must be a piece of real strange.

A Proud Infidel®™

FACT: You’re a complete and total IDIOT, Lily!


I accept you have distorted views of me, you’re allowed to have them. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡︵ ┻━┻︵ ┻━┻

A Proud Infidel®™

Like I said earlier Lily, YOU remind me of a guy who was in one of the AD Units I served in and he was booted out on a Chapter 13 which is Failure to Conform to a Military Lifestyle and I wonder if you weren’t Chaptered out as well. I’m still sure you spent your fair share of time on Gym and/or Post Library Detail, that’s how we got rid of most slugs and dregs in that day!


Now you’re having fantasies about me, get help.


Also, it’s ironic Jonn Lilyea is such a stout defender of the 2nd Amendment, but his title shows his contempt for the 1st Amendment. “The case for slapping keyboards out of their hands” = take away 1st Amendment.


Apparently the concepts of both hyperbole and subtle comparison are beyond lily’s comprehension.

Here’s a clue for ya, lily: how about we require journalists to get state or Federal permits to publish? Or we allow states or the Federal government to ban articles criticizing certain government officials (but not others)? Or we ban discussion of one religion – while allowing all others?

I’m guessing you wouldn’t support those, since it would violate freedom of the press, speech, or religion. Yet last time I checked, you’re perfectly OK with doing something similar regarding firearms.

So please explain to me the difference. And don’t give me that “firearms are more dangerous” crap. Ever heard of “inciting a riot”?


Last time you checked? I already said I’m for repealing all gun laws the next 20 years. Let the kids have them if you want. Lets see what happens.

A Proud Infidel®™

We rarely see fools as dedicated to being a 24K idiot as you are.


This joker is nothing but a progtard troll from a Commiefornia university. The best way to deal with him is to ignore him.


Best thing to do is click the ‘report’ button, because it is getting out of hand, trying to pick fights over nothing and redirecting comments to take control of the subject away from the blog owner.

Old Trooper

Fact: The school and the sheriff had long standing agreement to look the other way when it involved troubled students.

Fact: Four deputies were ordered to stand down while kids were being butchered inside.

Fact: Those same deputies stopped EMTs from going into the school, to treat the wounded, until it had been cleared (kinda hard to clear the scene when your pussy ass refuses to enter)

Fact; The smoke hadn’t even cleared before some sniveling little bitch named David Hogg is in front of the cameras blubbering about gun control.

Fact: The sheriff knew his deputies were outside the school during the shooting, before the CNN “town hall”, but left those facts until after it aired.

Fact: The shooter should have never been able to purchase a firearm had the proper authorities done their jobs.

Fact: All the leftists and ignorant anti-gun types are blaming the tool i.e. gun and the NRA, which is comical since the shooter wasn’t an NRA member.

Ignorance is bliss and arrogance is the platform that the leftists are using to propel their agenda without using any facts whatsoever.

If you truly are a Vet, then tell me you would have stood down like these deputies did. I can pretty much tell you that 99% of the Vets and AD/Reserve/Guard members on this site would have ignored the stand down order and done the right thing without a second thought. The 1% that wouldn’t have gone in would have been because the battery in their hoveround was too low. Hell, that probably wouldn’t even have stopped them.

So, let’s concentrate on the facts and not try to distract with bumper sticker pablum.

There are enough failures to the dead and wounded before the first shot was even fired. Then, the failures were compounded by gutless deputies and a political hack pretending to be a law enforcement officer (BCS).


I wouldn’t ever believe every single vet would haven’t done what the sheriff did. The sheriff was there because to be the one who was armed at the school in case of this scenario. Also, it’s funny people here keep calling me liberal when the other day I was the one saying we should repeal all gun laws for the next 20 years.


This just in:

David Hogg Vows Not to Return to School Until Lawmakers Pass Gun Control

Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg says he will not return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School until more gun control is passed.

Hogg made the comments Sunday during a gun control rally held at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey.

The New York Daily News reports that Hogg said, “I’m not going back to school on Wednesday until one bill is passed.” He did not specify which law he wants most, only that he is not going back until at least one law garners the support of lawmakers.


OK, show of hands please. Who here gives rat’s ass if this attention whore goes back to school?

Anyone, Bueller?

The Other Whitey

Good luck with the truancy, dickweed.


There were some pictures floating around a few days ago that were claimed to be of David Hogg. Personally, I’m really in doubts of his age and his attendance in the school – he seemed to pop up way, way too fast for just a normal student (although I do know that CNN has played a huge part in that). I wish some of the other kids there would just thump him and be done with it all!

The Other Whitey

I wonder how many of his classmates would jump at the opportunity to beat his ass.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Here is something to discuss-The Mil. M4’S and variants do not fit in as an Assault Rifle since one of the criteria’s is that an Assault rifle uses an intermidiate size cartridge like the Russian 7.62X39 short. The length being in between a pistol and rifle cartridge.


5.56 seems intermediate to me.

The Russian round has reduced bullet velocity. Ours has reduced mass.


The definition dates from the time when typical rifle cartridges were .30-06/8mm length. Almost all military cartridge cases were roughly 55 mm +/- in length and about 11mm at the base.


Oh my God, what are we going to find out next?

Paramedics kept out of school by Broward deputies

Not responsible for that either, “Sheriff” ?

Turn their guns, gear, and badges over to the JROTC folks. Would have done better, beyond doubt.


I couldn’t get that link to work, 11B-mailclerk, but this Fox News link supports what you said.

The real questions are waiting to be asked, e.g., what the hell is wrong with that bunch of (incompetent) cops? What was the reason for NOT sending the EMTs into that building? Police are supposed to have shields for exactly that kind of thing, that could have blocked the shooter.

There’s a whole lot of strange crap going on here.

Looks like the gun grabbers ran off at the mouth too soon to me.


Too soon? The organized stuff is an intentional diversion.

-anything- but “Why was that freak not in the system?”

Because they -cannot- allow questioning of their “programs”.


A teacher questioned security at a Philly school. Now he has to get a psych exam.

Very Soviet, eh?


Should we conclude that the deputies were prepared to shoot the paramedics if they attempted to treat the wounded? Makes about as much sense as everything else about this clusterf**k.


I have been wondering that same thing myself, OWB.

Just what in the blue-eyed world was going on there?

This stinks rose than a rotting carcass, and I don’t engage in conspiracy alarmism, but there is something extremely peculiar about this entire episode of public dysfunction.

A Proud Infidel®™

One thing that keeps popping up in many of these stories is the video of him cutting himself. Seems like that is a show stopper right there. Doesn’t take a political philosophy to see that as self destructive behavior and worthy of treatment.

Lots of opportunities missed. So many that it begins to look like a deliberate effort to contribute to the eventual inevitable outcome.


Second that, OWB.

This disaster almost seems to have been orchestrated to create the most damage possible so that the media could pounce on it and milk it. Now it’s backfiring.

There are far too many questions that start with ‘Why wasn’t XXXX done?’