Abigail Hernandez, Dreamer arrested for threatening school

| February 26, 2018

WJLA reports that 21-year-old Abigail Hernandez was arrested in Rochester, New York last week when she threatened on an area high school’s Facebook page “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya b—-es.”

Hernandez was arrested and charged with making a terroristic threat. She was remanded to the Monroe County Jail at the time in lieu of $15,000 bail.

As officers were investigating, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents determined Hernandez was an illegal immigrant who was in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Officers found a shotgun in her residence when they arrested her.

Hernandez was moved to a federal detention facility in Batavia and will be held there until a hearing is scheduled.

[Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric] Alexander said he is unsure if Hernandez is being charged as an adult. She has no prior arrests.

“The quick thinking of school staff and the tenacious work of the investigators of the police department following through on this Facebook post lead to the arrest of Abigail Hernandez and the recovery of a shotgun,” a statement from the Rochester Police Department said.

The threat was made from a fictitious Facebook account, but the Rochester Police Department was able to track it down in a matter of days. Perhaps they should show the Florida FBI office how they did that.

Warning: If you go looking for pictures of Ms Hernandez, you’ll want to put on your beer goggle filters beforehand.

Category: Crime

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“When asked why a 21-year-old woman would be a student in the Rochester City School District, city officials would not clarify.”


“AW1Ed, you’ve hit the Daily Double! The answer is “Ignorant and Unassimilated.” What is your wager?”

$1000, Alex. Easy money.


Man, even beer goggles aren’t enough! Maybe tequila goggles.


Mescal with Olde English 800 chaser


WHOA…..someone sprinkled an extra chromosome or two over those cornflakes.


Thank obozo, the wart on the ass of humanity for DACA…take this broad and fly her home and drop her off at 30,000 feet! she won’t come back here again…you don’t get the promise with any other action!! imho


“Alexander said he is unsure if Hernandez is being charged as an adult. She has no prior arrests.”
Who is Alexander?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Alexander is THE great…that’s who he is.


Why would she NOT be charged as an adult?

Ship her to Gitmo. She’s a terrorist of the foreign national variety.


Not sure if charged as an adult? The bitch is 21 years old!!!


Why would she not be charged as an adult? She’s years past the age of majority.

Perry Gaskill

Other news sources have reported that Hernandez is apparently retarded. Such might explain why her charge status is in question, and also why she is enrolled in a high-school level vocational school at age 21.


I see.

In that case, let’s start a gofundme page for her.


You can’t make this stuff up.


And what WAS her reason for making this threat?


I’m blind. Lord help me, I’m blind.


I’m sorry, I really hate to pass judgement based on a picture, but she doesn’t look like the type to have the mental or cognitive resources to pull off a school shooting or even use an anonymous Facebook account.

The girls a special education student for crying out loud and she looks like Cartman from the episode of South Park when he faked retardation in order to join the Special Olympics, except she’s the real deal retarded.

Is she an illegal? Yes. Was her mother’s statement incredibly painful to read due to her misuse of the English language? Hell yes. Is this girl truly retarded? Yes, and I think that someone else in that house committed this crime.

Old Trooper

I’m leaning towards your way of thinking on this. I believe they need to do a lot more investigating.


From my experience, special ed students need to be handled differently.

That said, a death threat, even from a special ed student, is serious and should be taken seriously.

Rosalee Adams

Looks like she is not rowing with both oars


Her happy meal is short the fries!


She’s an illegal, how did she end up in possession of a shotgun? She’s prohibited. Did someone purchase it for her? Did she steal it? Was she also charged for that crime?


We need another law to stop this stuff,don’cha reckon.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I was telling a libtard student assistant that there are over 27,000 firearms laws in the US and all it takes is for the government to enforcement them. And he is brainwashed by shills and people like Soros and Bloomtard.
Alas, arguing with a libtard is like arguing with a pile of cow shit. And the result is the same; walking away smelling the stench.
I also explained to dumb-ass that AR means Armalite Rifle, showed him a picture of the first produced with the Armalite stamp and serial number 000001. No luck.


It’s almost as though criminals don’t follow gun laws….



There was also a juvenile (15) female arrested for the same thing (although she threatened multiple schools) in Scioto County-Portsmouth, Ohio, a couple of days ago. And two different males (unknown ages at this time) were arrested in the Lima, Ohio, area around the same time frame, for the same thing… in two separate incidents/threats.


Thats the thing: every time there is a mass shooting it seems there is a bunch of ‘copy cat’ kids trying to be “cool” and do the same thing, only for cops to not file/pursue charges due to them being ‘hoaxes’. Fuck it….you want to stop that shit, hook those little boogers up with some REAL charges, that will nip it REAL quick


All three were arrested and charged in these cases… so, YEP… hook them up with some REAL charges. If I remember correctly the 15 year old in Scioto County received five charges of making threats and one of making terroristic threats, but I could have those backwards, or the numbers incorrect, and they’ll probably be consolidated down to one or two charges anyway.


I did forget to add, the 15 year old female used a “fake” Snapchat page/identity, and the other two (males) used “fake” Facebook pages/identities, when making their threats.


Brainless morons playing the “copycat”


So another DACA “Best and Brightest” the Dems keep talking about?


If Obama had an illegitimate daughter …


Jonn, if you hadn’t put the last warning in, I would not have been tempted.

My sweet Lord! What a fugly, fugly person.

Going for eye bleach.


Sticking lit cigarettes in my eyes worked faster than eye bleach… thank goodness fo voice to text lol.


Ugh it’s like the retarded daughter of Grimace from those McDonald’s ads…


Wow…. Looks like Bubbles(Trailer Park Boys) inbred, mongoloid cousin.
I couldn’t make THAT pretty with all the Mezcal in Mehico.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

By any chance, is NYS a sanctuary state and if it is, shouldn’t the liberal Como hang her picture on his office wall next to Castro and Che?????


Charge her with illegally owning a firearm too, convict her ass, then deport it.


Holy crap it looks like a gender-bent version of Blazing Saddles’ Mongo.

Haywire Angel

Mongo only pawn in game of life.


I finally found her mug shot. Holy moly!

No, Mongo and Sloth were prettier and not quite so humongous.

Someone please take the time to stop her caloric intake. She might explode.


– Jeb!

2/17 Air Cav

It’s not often a bad odor emanates from a picture on the www but, I swear, I looked at her and got a whiff of stink.

E4 Mafia For Life.

That odor is the fumunda beneath her 3rd chin.
And I think she has a 5 o’clock shadow… that is 5 AM…


I doubt that mong could take herself away from eating crayons and licking the windows on the shortbus long enough to plan an attack.

Hopefully she would have held the shotgun backwards.


This DACA thing has to be perpetuated indefinitely. We obviously need more illegal real tards to go with our prog-tards.


OK Fuckers with all these comments how can I not look……..
I mean it can’t be all THAT bad, I’m sure IDC SARC would hit it……