Daniel Barrett Swecker; repeat DWI offender gets 6 months for killing vet
Bert sends us a link to Fox News which tells how Daniel Barrett Swecker, who had been convicted of DWI offenses twice before, struck and murdered Afghanistan veteran Nelson Marvin Canada.
When Swecker struck Canada with his car, Canada was launched 120 feet from the site of the impact. Swecker left the scene on foot and called his wife from a pay phone despite the fact that he had a cell phone in his pocket.
Oh, by the way, he should have been jail from his last conviction when he was driving drunk at 80 miles an hour and at double the legal BAC.
Court records show Swecker had two previous DUI arrests.
A judge originally sentenced Swecker to six years in prison but he appealed his case and remained free. The appeal allowed for the six-year prison sentence to be reconsidered, a decision criticized by District Attorney George Brauchler.
“I respect the court and the process the court employed, but I respectfully and strongly disagree with the decision,” he said in a news release. “He ran over and killed an active-duty soldier, one who had survived a deployment to Afghanistan only to be run over by a repeat drunk driver.”
The judge sentenced Swecker to six months for his murder of a veteran and his third conviction for Driving While Intoxicated. He blew a blood alcohol level of 0.118, more than double the legal limit.
Category: Crime
They don’t need to lock him up. They need to stand him up on a rural road and let someone bounce his ass off the front of their vehicle and see how *he* likes it.
Injustice system strikes again. This is why you can’t allow judges to determine sentences any longer. Everything should be mandatory so no fucksticks that give zero fucks about the public can let scum go to eventually kill people when they should be behind bars.
1. Rope.
2. Pickup Truck.
3. Bumpy Gravel Road.
4. Daniel Barrett Swecker.
Some assembly required.
Rope? infidel, you are living in the past. Metal tow cable! Attached to a sensitive part of the body. Then drag, remember to use diesel so we are friendly to the environment!
The usage of a hemp rope would be friendly to the environment. A hangman’s noose made of that stout fiber could be reused several times.
You are very correct. Hanging someone with a rope other than hemp is not enviro-friendly. Hanging with manila rope is cruel and unusual; it leaves unsightly rope burns on the corpse.
6 months…for killing someone. Makes me reconsider all those people I’ve wanted to kill before
I’ve gotta little list…and they’d never be missed…
But if I do the math at six months per…
Maybe my list isn’t that little after all.
Just completed the index to my list. It’s roughly the length of the US Tax Code.
Colorado. If he had been high on weed instead of drunk a stiff fine would have been all he got.
Yep, assholes from Californication have f’d up my state but good.. I’m sure this judge is a dim, like our governor…
Gather the friends and family of Nelson in a gymnasium, give them all a medium sized walking stick, and then lower Swecker through a skylight to the waiting friends and family and watch as they play human pinata with the shitbag.
If he survives that, I am all good with a death by scaphism.
HEY, That’s MY go to.
And on a side note, I will not be defending my WOT First title this week due to a honeydo list that includes an appointment to have an estimate on replacing the roof.
While on the one hand I understand that mandatory sentences have their drawbacks, cases like this make a strong case for them.
The problems I can see off hand for mandatory sentences are that a) we run the risk of a ‘not guilty’ finding if the jury doesn’t think the mandatory punishment fits the crime and b) we take away the chance of a judge tailoring a sentence to the circumstances as they are before him.
That there are abuses (and I think we can all see this as an abuse) does not change the other issues here.
Daniel Barrett Swecker needs to be tied nude to a rock in the desert during summer and denied anything to drink for 5 days, to help him overcome his drinking problem.
In my opinion, whether we have mandatory sentencing or not is not really an issue.
The issue to me is that idea that people under the influence are not culpable for their actions because being drunk limits their ability to think and reason.
Well, no one forced you to open your mouth and drink down the stuff. There is no one who doesn’t know the dangers of drinking and driving and yet we excuse those who do it by saying “he wasn’t able to make rational decisions.” (The part where he wasn’t able to make rational decisions because of his own choices, actions and foreseeable consequences doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to vehicular manslaughter while under the influence, but it applies to every other manslaughter case where the actions that led to the death were foreseeable.)
As a side note, the cited article states that the victim was out of the car on the interstate because he was changing places with the driver of the vehicle he was in who was intoxicated as well.
As another side note, the cited article states that the victim was SOBER, a husband, and a Dad.
I was noting the irony, not making a position on the deceased.
Both vehicles had drivers that were intoxicated. The passengers in one vehicle did something about it. The other killed someone.
And other than stirring the pot, the relevancy is…
Nonexistent. A drunk driver still killed an innocent person.
The irony is that a drunk driver in his vehicle put him in the position to be killed by another drunk driver.
Too bad he’s not in Texas. You would never see him again.
This is why we can’t have nice things…
Or at least not for a long time. Intoxication manslaughter in Texas carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Six months, huh?
Maybe the judge who made that decision should be on the receiving end of one of this drunken asshole’s DUI incidents. Maybe he’d change his mind about a 6 month sentence. But it’s Colorado, the Land of the Higher Than A Kite Is OK law.
Colorado where a rock n roll station use to use the phrase bouncing off the Rockies more than John Denver. They stopped using it for obvious reasons.
If this is Colorado, it is a land where you can go to jail for objecting to a man using the ladies room at the same time a 13-year-old girl is there.
And was it Bolder which made it legal to defecate in public so that illegal aliens would not be breaking the law?
A nice place to visit in my experience, but going downhill fast.
I am so disgusted with my former home town and birthplace! Colorado used to be a good Republican home. Now it is full of Yankee shitbags that don’t give a rats ass about a victim of drunken driving! 6 fucking months is all this asshole gets!!! This mother fucker should have got life! We used to have a very nice gas chamber down in Canyon City that would take care of this cocksucker very well! I just can’t believe that all this fucker got was only 6 months??? For crying out loud, what the fuck has happened to my birthplace??? I can’t say much better for Florida, look how many nutbags we get from here???
End of Rant
Wilted Willy
6 Fing months?!?
6 months – NOT LONG ENOUGH
Treat him like his victim was treated… fuck him and his “rights” (he lost them them minute he got behind the wheel drunk).
And in 7 months, when he’s out, he will go right to the bar and start his process all over again. SMH.
I think we found a new route clearance device.
Rest In Peace Mr.Canada
May Swecker be waterboarded….. With Flint tap water
It’s not waterboarding if you use either diesel or gasoline and a road flare.
But regs require that one start at the crotch in such cases.
What is justice? Certainly not this abortion…
The judge handed down 6 months, on a 3d offense, and killed someone?!
Fuck it. I’ll go to Colorado myself and run his ass over the day he gets out of jail.
I’ll probably just get a ticket.
Un. Fuggin. Believable.
(First sentence should’ve read, “The judge handed Swecker 6 months, on a 3d offense, and after he killed someone?!”)
Run the incompetent fucktard judge over. That is the one who is most guilty here.
There’s a good chance you won’t get a ticket, just a verbal admonishment.
I must be missing this ‘more than double the legal limit’ stuff. I know limits have been falling, but he was barely over the old 0.1 limit that I grew up with. Isn’t the .1 level generally in the area considered ‘tipsy,’ and not ‘pants on head’ drunk?
Someone correct me if my post-lunch sleepy brain is wrong but I think they have a couple of DUI tests out there.
As for my home country, The People’s Republik Of North Kalifornistaniraqkorea, alcohol intoxication is Blood Alcohol Content.
Legal limit cut-off’s:
0.08% or higher― 21 years old or older operating a regular passenger vehicle.
0.04% or higher―operating a commercial vehicle.
0.01% or higher―younger than 21 years old.
Years ago my daughter tried to out-drink her Ukrainian friend and reached a .40. That’s usually a coma level (no my daughter does not drink from sun-up to sun down). My wife’s side of the family has some weird genetics going on.
Her friend didn’t quite reach .40 but was heading toward the light. Wife got home just in time, threw her in a cold shower then off to the emergency room for a healthy ingestion of charcoal.
Have to add that ther were drinking at home, not while driving.
And they tried the old fill the vodka bottle with water trick.
And now she has a “stupid things I did when I was young that almost killed me” story.
Hope she learned her lesson.
Me, too.
Here is what Google says about 0.40: “0.40 BAC and up: You are probably in a coma. The nerve centers controlling your heartbeat and respiration are slowing down. There is a real possibility of death due to respiratory arrest.”
That person was borderline dead. Your wife saved her life. Another drink, maybe two, and it’s lights out forever.
Actually, nowadays, .08 is “under the influence” for driving, or operating a boat, ORV and other wheelie things. In some states, being under 21 lowers that level to .02.
Then there are enhancements for “super drunk”, which is being over a .17 in some states, .18 in others.
You know what’s absent from the Denver Post article, from the prosecuting attorney’s statement, from Fox News, and, since he relied on the Fox News article, Jonn’s post? Go ahead, take your time. It’s something that’s absent from so many of these stories in which a defendant is treated with kid gloves and then, ever so grateful, goes out and commits another crime. The answer, if you haven’t guessed it is THE NAME OF THE JUDGE. Funny how that works…
And while I’m at it, the prosecutor blames lax laws. My ass. All of the tough laws with all of their potential punishments mean squat if judges have no stomach for tough (and just) sentencing.
^^^^^ This ^^^^^
Can you imagine if newspapers treated all players in a case they report the same as they treat judges. If so, here’s what we might read:
On Thursday, a judge sentenced a defendant to time served and placed him on three years probation for felony theft. The sentencing followed a heated exchange between a prosecutor and the defendant’s attorney which prompted the judge to recess court and meet, in chambers, with the two. According to an agreed statement of facts, the defendant entered a store on the 15th of last August where he placed jewelry, valued at $1500, in his pocket and exited the store. Once outside, he was detained by store security until a member of a police department arrived and transported him to a jail.’
Judges are public servants and main actors in our justice system. They should be named in news reports, the same as are police officers, defendants, prosecutors, witnesses, and defense attorneys.
Lazy Prosecutors have their fair share of the blame as well.
In this case, I wouldn’t go with lazy prosecutor (though that is often a problem) this is the guy that has pushed for the death penalty against the Aurora theater shooter, and took a ton of heat for it. He has, from what i’ve seen, a well deserved rep as a tough prosecutor. YMMV
Had a former brother-in-law, repeat DUI offender (2 that I know of) that got hooked up good by a serious prosecutor. Last time he got a DUI, his 8 year old daughter was in the car. State of AZ declined to prosecute for DUI, prosecuted for Child Endangerment instead. 5 years jail and 5 years probation. Actually was a big enough wake-up call that he got his shit together for the first time in his life. Jail works.
Rest in peace Mr. Canada and God be with your family.
Now then, pieces of shit like this Swecker are barely local ass wipe news. Yet, they want to take our guns. Really?!
Technology is available to prevent a car from running if alcohol is detected in the automobile cabin at all, in the smallest of amounts. I do not mean the ‘blow and go’ systems now used either.
But with drunk driving related deaths of the drunk and innocents FAR out numbering gun deaths. Yet we hear NO mention of using these technologies. Why? Freedom and individual liberty is usually the answer given. Hypocrisy knows NO limits it seems.
May daniel barret slurper rest in pieces after A Proud Infidel®™ gives him a ride.
I don’t get it. If a serial DUI asshole that kills somebody doesn’t make the judge want to channel the wrath of Roy Bean…WTF does?
Donald Trump.
Next question.
A docket that is too crowded.
or a donkey thats too crowded!lol 🙂
Morning session. All wait for judge, who is late again. All rise for judge, who arrives. One hour later = 15 minute recess. All rise again. Judge returns, seven minutes late. All rise. One hour later = recess for lunch. All rise. Judge returns from one hour lunch 25 minutes late. All rise. Court business conduced for next three hours. All rise. All done.
That read like you’ve been in a court room or two in your day, 2/17. One very minor correction, “Judge returns from one hour lunch 25 minutes late. All rise. Court business for next three hours”. It should be, Court business for 1 hour 15 minutes, 15 minute recess, which actually drags out to 25-30 minutes. All rise, court resumes until 4:15, court adjourned.
Yeah, I’ve been in a few. And I accept your correction.
I hated it when I worked 3d shift and got a subpoena for a circuit court case. My appearance was commanded for 8:30, when everyone in the prosecutor’s office knew that the judges never arrived before 9, and never got on the bench before 9:30. So, work the 9pm-7am shift, get to the prosecutor’s office at 8:15 or so, then sit around for two hours or more while we waited for the judge to arrive, then wait for the prosecutor and, usually the public defender, to haggle over a plea deal. Then, after the deal was made, and approved by the judge, get out of court by noon.
Not to mention a three Martini lunch.
Fuck this shit–I mean FUCK this shit. Thanks for serving, Soldier. But FUCK this shit!
Claymore mine.
Place on Swecker’s pecker.
Send remains to a rendering plant to be made into pig feed.
Use him for Medical Research.
Here is his Daniel Swecker’s linkedin. Looks like a USAF graduate in 1994 and some active duty time. Says he did 20 years in the Air Force?