Battle of Norfolk; 27 years ago today
The Battle of Norfolk was the cousin of the Battle of 73 Easting. Objective Norfolk was just the other side of that invisible line in the sand. Wiki says of that battle;
No less than 14 divisions participated in this particular battle. In reality this makes it quite possibly the largest battle of the entire war, however, the Battle of Medina Ridge involved the largest American and Iraqi divisions. Another factor was the media seemingly overlooked the details of the coalition ground campaign for some unknown reason. It would also be over a decade after the conflict before quality references would become available on most of the battles that took place during the 1st Gulf War.
Task Force 1-41 passed through elements of the 2d ACR at about 30 minutes after midnight in total darkness after a day-long march to get to the battle. The horizon in front of 2/2 Cav was dotted with burning armored vehicles, hundreds of Iraqi prisoners sat in tiny groups waving white flags so they wouldn’t get shot by the advancing armored vehicles. We could make out them and their flags through our thermal optics. As soon as we passed through the Cav’s vehicles, it became a 360-degree battle. Bravo Company’s commander became disoriented and led a platoon diagonally across the battlefield where they were mistaken for Iraqi armor by M1 gunners who immediately destroyed three of the Bradleys. Remarkably, only six of that 35-member platoon were killed.
The rest of Task Force 1-41 watched the sun come up six miles from where they had passed through 2/2 Cav’s line.
The two attacking brigades of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, including the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Armored Division, were positioned along the 75 Easting, 2,000 meters east of 73 Easting. The Brigades clashed with the Iraqi Tawakalna Division of the Republican Guard, including the 37th Brigade of the 12th Iraqi Armored Division. The 12th Iraqi Armored Division would be destroyed during this engagement. A total of 80 Iraqi armored vehicles would be destroyed in the process.
4-3 FA Battalion, 2nd Armored Division(FWD) conducts artillery strikes on Iraqi positions during the 1st Gulf War. 4-3 FA was the primary fire support battalion for Task Force 1-41 during the 1st Gulf War, February 1991.
British Army Challenger 1 main battle tank during Operation Desert Storm. The Challenger proved to be a deadly opponent at the Battle of Norfolk.With air support from the 2nd Battalion, 1st Aviation’s attack helicopters and fire support from both the 4-3 FA Battalion and the 210th Field Artillery Brigade preventing Iraqi artillery from interfering, the U.S. 1st Infantry Division conducted a passage of the 2nd ACR’s lines. In the following three hours the U.S. 1st Infantry Division methodically crossed the 6.2 miles (10.0 km) of Objective Norfolk, destroying Iraqi tanks, trucks, and infantry through thick fog. The 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Armored Division destroyed 60 Iraqi tanks and 35 AFVs along the IPSA pipeline. In the thick of the fog of war, U.S. units became mixed with Iraqi units dispersed throughout the desert. This confusion led to some friendly fire incidents.
By dawn, the U.S. 1st Infantry Division controlled Objective Norfolk and the Tawakalna Mechanized Infantry Division had ceased to exist as a fighting force. A total of eleven Iraqi divisions were destroyed. American casualties were six soldiers killed (all but one by friendly fire) and 25 wounded.
We reconsolidated after a sleepless night and set out for Kuwait from there. Eventually, we began running out of fuel and the whole Brigade lagered up the night of the 27th and waited for the fuelers – and we got our first real sleep since we’d crossed into Iraq three days before only because our fuel tanks were nearly empty. I laid on top of our TOW missile launcher while I waited for the troops to get their own sleeping gear situated and woke up with the sun in my face the next morning with a few hours left before the ceasefire so we mounted up and moved out.
As the ceasefire deadline approached, we engaged with remnants of the Iraqi Army left behind by their leadership (which had fled back to Iraq on the nearby Highway One – the Highway of Death) and at 0800 local time, we turned left and stopped firing.
Task Force 1-41 was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation which read;
For extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy. Task Force 1-41 was the first coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border on 15 February 1991 and conduct ground combat operations in Iraq engaging in direct and indirect fire fights with the enemy on 17 February 1991. The Task Force was part of the VII Corps main attack beginning 24 February 1991 as it conducted a forward passage through 1st Infantry Division elements and began a mission to clear a zone which again resulted in enemy contact. On 26 February, following a 60 kilometer road march, the Task Force immediately engaged in ground combat with armored and dismounted enemy of brigade size. For six hours it was involved in continuous combat with a tenacious and determined enemy occupying extremely well prepared and heavily fortified bunkers. Task Force infantry elements dismounted and engaged the enemy in numerous short range fire fights while methodically clearing the extensive bunker complex. By morning the Task Force had systematically reduced the entrenched enemy positions in zone. Continuing as part of the VII Corps attack the Task Force travelled 85 kilometers in less than 24 hours while engaging at short range multiple, dug in enemy tanks in ambush positions. The Task Force reached its final objective 28 February 1991 with a push which continued the destruction of enemy armored vehicles. During the entire ground campaign, involving their attack through Iraq into Kuwait, Task Force 1-41 travelled over 200 Kilometers in 72 hours and destroyed 65 armored vehicles and 10 artillery pieces, while capturing over 300 enemy prisoners.
Category: Historical
Yep. Remember it well. We had C-130’s near there supplying things like tanks. Maybe even some people. And stuff.
Those of us left behind a bit south of there had all volunteered to move forward with the aircraft, but most of us got left behind. Oh, well.
Left out the most important part – y’all did good without us.
Well Done!
Well done Jonn and all those who fought. Damned well done Sir. God rest those we lost.
Indeed, well done. Also, you do a valuable service in posting these reminders. Thank you.
As stated before, “In 1990 Saddam had the fourth largest army in the world. In 1991 he had the fourth largest army in Iraq.”
A shame we don’t have drone footage of such a battle. That would have been something to see.
[…] 50! The Jawa Report: Find Your Center, also, Free Free Heather Locklear! This Ain’t Hell: Battle Of Norfolk – 27 Years Ago Today Victory Girls: And Right On Schedule, Assault Weapons Ban Introduced Weasel Zippers: Rosie […]
Find, fix and finish.
vivid memories of the battles…such fun from the gunner’s hatch of an M2A1…what is amazing to me is that I really do not have a good understanding of which battle/s my unit was involved in…
It was the best of times….
Straight and Stalwart!!