California Democrats craft bill to capture tax cut windfall
I guess that companies that have passed on their expected tax savings from the Trump tax cut to their employees – you know, people who actually work for them – isn’t good enough for California Democrats, according to SFGate;
A proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment by Assemblymen Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, and Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, would create a tax surcharge on California companies making more than $1 million so that half of their federal tax cut would instead go to programs that benefit low-income and middle-class families.
“Trump’s tax reform plan was nothing more than a middle-class tax increase,” Ting said in a statement. “It is unconscionable to force working families to pay the price for tax breaks and loopholes benefiting corporations and wealthy individuals. This bill will help blunt the impact of the federal tax plan on everyday Californians by protecting funding for education, affordable health care, and other core priorities.”
California lawmakers are suddenly concerned about California taxpayers? Funny, I don’t see them cutting spending to give taxpayers a break.
Someone should tell them that their tax hikes don’t happen in a vacuum – businesses can leave the State, businesses ARE leaving the State – then who will they tax? Luckily, the Democrats don’t control enough of the legislature to get this bill through, but, this is an election year.
Category: Taxes
What is unconscionable, Ting, are mouth-breathers like you.
I think the sam ting as you Oldsoldier.
Isn’t that Sum Ting Wong’s brother?
That’s Bang Ding Ow’s cousin.
Any relation to Ho Lee Shit from Al Phuk Tup?
What are you smoking ting?
Not surprising. Remember when Kalifornia went after the retirement pay of any military member thhat ever served in the state? If you were stationed there for 5 out of 20 years, they felt you owed them taxes on 25% of your retirement pay. Fortunately, the courts slapped them down for that.
Arizona tried to hit me up for back taxes while I was still active duty. I went to Korea and a couple months later I got a bill. I sent it back with a letter stating I was not a resident of their state and never had been. They sent me another letter telling me to prove it. I wrote back telling them to prove I was a resident. That was the last I heard. This was in 1990.
One year, I got a notice from Virginia saying I was guilty of being a resident of the state and that I owed this much in taxes and penalties. They had no proof and it was up to me to prove my innocence. So I sent them a copy of my LES clearly showing active duty status, home of record (WA), and a Virginia address. That stopped that, but then next year, it happened again. I called and asked why they couldn’t just use my reply from the previous year. They said they don’t combine records – they essentially start fresh every year when the IRS sends them new files. So, I got pissed and sent them a copy of my LES for every year I was in (plenty). I think they got the hint because I did not get another letter again.;)
In the two and a half years I was stationed in Taxachussets that state tried to tax me, claiming I was a resident. Every year I had to dispute that, as I was still a resident of Utah (home of record) and exempt from all their income and personal property taxes.
Hope the PDRofMD doesn’t hear about this; Democratic Annapolis denizens never met a tax they didn’t like.
Yeah, Maryland wants taxes for a year that I didn’t live there. In fact they have a lien on me for that. I don’t care, I ain’t paying.
CA tried to come after me for not paying registration fees for a vehicle I had.
Of course, they seem to had forgotten I had transferred my title and registration to another state before that, but who really expected the DMV and Franchise Tax Board to, ya know, have their shit in one sock?
AW, sshhh! Don’t stir up the SJWs. Taxes are our most important product, next to dumbassery and gerrymandering. My dead relatives keep voting for it, too.
Somebody recently asked me how I like being an employee of the state of California. I said that I love my job, but hate the scumbags I work for. This is but one example of why.
Why is anyone surprised at this? The so-called middle class won’t get a dime out of it. It will all go into the state’s pockets and GOV Moonbeams will make sure it never goes where the public statements say it will go.
Gotta find some way to pay benefits to the illegals, EX.
Not just the illegal aliens, Governor Moonbat has a lot of kickbacks to pay out on things like the high speed rail boondoggle.
Another nail in the coffin of Commiefornia.
Anytime I get a call asking if I’d be interested in a job in California, they get to, “Ca” before is tell them no thanks.
Seriously, I’d have to nearly double my income to pay the taxes and maintain the same standard of living I have now. Nobody is going to pay that.
I tell…
None of the multiple moving parts in this story cast Ting and McCarty in a favorable light:
The most obvious reason for doing the tax measure is as a matter of publicly flipping the finger at President Trump. It’s the kind of childish thing middle-school students do. My own view is that picking a fight with the feds is also ultimately going to bite the state on the ass badly. If it hasn’t started to already.
The tax measure also has a creepy element of preaching to the legislative choir. California bureaucrats have long hated the old voter-approved Prop 13 tax limit, and for years have tried to dismantle it. This latest anti-business tax measure sends a clear message to others in the Assembly that Ting and McCarty are team players. Actual voters don’t matter.
Ultimately though, the voters are going to be the ones who need to approve things on a ballot. Which they likely won’t.
From a Ting and McCarty standpoint, what’s probably most relevant is the political preening and not good government. If the measure passes, it generates its own windfall. If not, they can virtue signal. Unfortunately, as a long-shot gamble, there will be a lot of time, effort, and money spent on a futile effort, and almost none of the cost of that will be paid by Ting and McCarty.
All the states are trying to offset the tax issue, not just California. I like your comment on flipping off Trump…He deserves it. He is a true example of a phony, talks big, does nothing.
Does nothing? then what do they have to offset?? ooh, and please stop eating paint chips…try a bag of dicks instead!
Does nothing…okay.
4 percent GDP. 31 percent rise in the Dow. My taxes down by 20-25%.
I’ll take his nothing over Obama’s shovelfuls of horseshit.
President Trump has done more for this Nation and its working taxpayer Citizens in one year than his jug-eared pencilnecked lying-assed narcissist predecessor did in eight.
You lose.
Amen, brother!
What the hell are you smoking? Look at the stock market you buffoon! Look at the numbers of people now employed, you wart on the ass of humanity, look at your NEW tax decrease, you ignorant clown!!
Clearly, not what you are smoking.
My apologies desert, that was directed at Nevada39.
The CA legislature were counting on having like-minded folk in DC, to keep them afloat.
YUGE Surprise!
Now, desperation is setting in. They have to change the free states, or their nonsense looks bad.
Highest poverty rate.
One in four are poor.
All of it self-inflicted.
The only reason the poverty rate is so high is because many of the “poor” illegally infiltrated across the US borders in the past 30 years.
I was stationed in Commiefornia for 2 years (TN home of record). They sent a letter to my bank and garnished back taxes for one of the years I was there. This was like 5 years after I left there. Got them all the right documents and they had to pay back not just me, but my bank’s legal fees for the mixup. They basically paid to make their own screwup. It’s a wonder they can’t manage their finances.
Just another episode in the Dummikkkrats playbook of “wealth distribution”.
Businesses don’t pay taxes, they collect them. Anyone who doesn’t understand that has never owned a business or is a clueless idiot.
End of rant.
This is not a rant.
It is a FACT.
IF ONLY we could let the liberal moonbat enclaves of The People’s Socialist Republik of Kalifornia secede…
-only- if that is a prelude to invasion and conquest of it.
We cannot allow a socialist hellhole to metastasize right on our own shores. The will freely import millions, who will take little time to again vote with their feet, and come here.
And it is just a matter of time befor that hellish state would start trying to enforce itself on us, such as demanding the return of departed producers, or at least their wealth. “Subsidy us! Or we will flood you with illegals.” (Etc) or, raising revenue by leasing bases to their fraternal socialist allies. Or just anyone who hates us. Think of all the “refugees” they might stage on our border.
Besides. That is -America-. Let the loons emigrate to wherever they best fit in.
I’m all for exporting liberal loons to North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba.
I’m for giving them a helicopter ride half way there.
Operating and maintenance costs are WAY too high for helicopters. C-130s are much more cost effective for those rides …
OH, for Pete’s sake!
Save the cost of transport and make them swim to Cuba.
You guys put too much angst into this. I see no reason to do anything other than cut off their source of cash.
But without angst, how will we summon drama?
The same type of lunacy was purposed by little girl governor Katie here in Orgyn. When the vote was taken it was turned down by the people.
Simple solution. Don’t let the people vote on it, just shove it through the legislature using some obscure rules that allow them to do it behind closed doors and all that.
You know, like the did for the high speed train and all that.
The California High Speed Rail project was pretty much a matter of bait-and-switch. Voters actually approved $10 Billion at the ballot with the assurance that amount, along with some available fed funds, would be enough to build the thing. It turned out the estimate was laughable; realistic costs are now estimated at around $65 Billion and climbing. It just went up another $3.2 Billion this week.
“Bait-and-switch” is the standard MO for political whores.
Though my mind tells me otherwise, I wonder, sometimes, if they were born to be LIARS.
Hey, it’s for the children, and the Dreamers, and all the other trendy gaggles of potential dimocrat voters.There is no self interest, anywhere, only benign altruism.
Yeah, ” …for the children” is another favorite of the lying political class.