Discussion is good; dissention is not so much

| October 23, 2007

Ahh – Islamofacism Awareness Week, the brainchild of David Horowitz founder of FrontPageMagazine and the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. I was inspired in college by Horowitz’ story – a New York City Red Diaper Baby and one of the founders of the New Left movement in Berkeley in the 60s turned conservative. Horowitz began the dialogue about the atrocities of the Soviet Union and the moral bankrupcy of the Left. I first heard of Horowitz in my comparative politics class when his later (mature) opinions were compared to those of Noam Chomsky.

Within a few years after I graduated college (at the age of 39), Horowitz was writing books – controversial books like his autobiography “Radical Son” and “The Politics of Bad Faith” that warned Americans about the war being fought against our Constitution and our way of life using the “gay rights” movement and the AIDS epidemic as cover. Horowitz is an excellent writer and his books are riveting.

I met Horowitz on January 20, 2001 in front of the Supreme Court building at a Freeper rally in support of President Bush’s impending inauguration (I know it’s hard to remember, but the Left and the various factions were protesting President Bush before he even became President – before there was a war). After reading nearly all of his books, I expected a vociferous, passionate man – but all I met was a quiet, typical, little Jewish guy who was shivering from the cold, drizzling January morning. I was disappointed.

I’ve seen him several times on television since then and he always comes off as this smart little guy who figures that if you don’t see things his way, he has no interest in talking to you. Well, that’s why, when I read Uncle Jimbo’s recounting in Blackfive of last night’s Islofacism Awareness Week event in Madison, WI, I smiled a bit, because Uncle Jimbo was just as disappointed as I was that wet January morning nearly eight years ago. Horowitz is a brilliant guy, but his presence is kind of weak. He should really just stick to writing.

But the Islamofacism Awareness Week event has the Left pretty worked up, according to Ishmael Vera at Front Page Mag. The Kokesh merry band of tools and idiots has rewritten their flyer, spread it nationwide and they explain why they hate Americans – but don’t worry, it’s just a parody. Nothing worth punishing anyone over, I’m sure.

Spanish Pundit writes that there is a plot afoot by Iran and the Saudis to disrupt the IFAW events – and they’re spreading out money to groups like Kokesh’s. They’re in good company – the Clinton Soros cabal is doing the same according to Horowitz. Gateway Pundit has complete coverage of the week’s events at his Incorrect University website.

Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) takes Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs) to task for sounding like a CAIR press release. It’s sure getting muddy out there.

I guess no one like to hear an opposing view – Horowitz just tells you you’re stupid for disagreeing, while the Left, typically, throws money at other people to tell you you’re stupid. MAS and CAIR tell us they want to have a discussion, but they don’t want to hear opposing views – we should just sit there with our hands folded and bleat out agreement sounds while they tell us what to think. That’s why people like David Horowitz have to use their same tactics to get attention. There is no discussion – there’s only CAIR and MAS megaphones.

Kokesh and his bunch come right out and call us facists before a word is spoken for wanting to talk in public about the extremists who happen to be Muslims. That’s how the small-minded leftist leaders keep the smaller-minded students on the plantation – call the other side names first and keep calling names. Well, as long as Kokesh calls names from behind a police barricade with lots of armed protection. Can’t have those facists grabbing him by his scrawny neck and doing what his polo pony pushing Daddy should have done about 20 years ago.

So I guess discussion is good, but dissention is good not so much. Discussion is much better than the alternative – as illustrated by Bloodthirsty Liberal.

Kesher Talk reports that “Calm Breaks Out at Princeton” IFAW event.I guess most important is the fact that stuff is being said at all – ten years ago it couldn’t. Amazing times we live in.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Society, Terror War

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I gave my 2 cents here: http://sfcmac.wordpress.com/2007/10/24/still-looking-for-moderate-muslims/

An excerpt: These muslim morons passed up a prime opportunity to show their opposition to the very extremists that give them all a bad name.

Instead of getting involved to show support for so-called “moderate” Islam; to denounce and distinguish themselves from the 21st Century Ottoman wannabes, they gave permission to the leftwingnuts to be their mouthpiece as they sat back and watched. Doesn’t look as if there’s any room for “moderate” in Islam.