Laurie Lynn Botbyl avoids jail for assaulting vet

| October 10, 2017

Laurie Lynn Botbyl, a former caretaker at Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, lost her patience and shoved the wheelchair of 83-year-old Army veteran Maynard Mathers into a desk during the evening hours of March 27, 2016 according to MLive. Mr Mathers was an Alzheimer’s disease patient and he sustained minor injuries. He died a year later after leaving the home.

Botbyl was found guilty of fourth-degree vulnerable adult abuse in October and sentenced today;

She was ordered to complete a 56-hour work program and pay $1,275 in fees, rather than the potential one-year maximum jail sentence.

Yeah, I know Alzeimer’s patients are a tough crowd, sometimes, but caretakers are supposed to be the adults in the room. This one got off light.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Veterans Issues

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I couldn’t find any mention of which of the weak judges in 61st District Court gave Botbyl the slap on the wrist. But, most of them are now in the “don’t send them to jail” group of judges.

Wilted Willy

She is the lowest of the low! I can only hope she suffers the same fate someday?


As a VA Volunteer, working directly with our hospitalized veterans, I have been cursed at and in some cases spat at. I don’t take it personally. If the patient wants me to go away, I will leave.

MSG Eric

And if I ever saw a VA worker physically abuse a veteran I’d visit the same on them and then hang them out a window on the 3rd to 4th floor. That’s about the distance you can still survive a fall if I remember right. You just get really broken up.

But, thanks for doing what you do. I’m sure it can be tough, especially with some of the more ornery ones.


I help out in our VA CLC (Hospice and extended care), Spinal Cord Injury (paralyzed veterans), and from time-to-time I am up in intensive care. My hat is off to our VA nurses who do this full-time.


God bless you! You have a gift.


One of our Intensive Care (MICU) nurses said something interesting to me last week. “Are you very religious” she asked. This was after I had spent some time with one of our veterans who has been in a long-term comma. His parents have asked me to visit their son whenever I am at the VA Hospital.

The answer to the nurse’s question, “not really.”


Balls. Of. Steel.

There are some jobs I know I just don’t have the stones for.

Bless you.


Not sure that this sentence even reaches the very low threshold of a slap on the wrist. It’s disgusting. She is disgusting. Abuse of the elderly is inexcusable.

The Other Whitey

My Grandma suffered senility in her final months. Not the same as Alzheimer’s, but close enough. I checked in on her every couple of days (between me and her other 25 grandkids, she averaged 3-5 visits per day, not including my Mom and aunts), and the staff there were absolute saints. Even when she got disoriented and defensive, they still took wonderful care of her. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to do that job right, but they did.

This bitch really wouldn’t enjoy five minutes in a room with me.

Mr. Pete



Needs to have a couple of vets pull her in an alley and beat seven shades of shit out of her.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hereby motion for The Official TAH Wall of Insults to be raised on Laurie Lynn Botbyl.

The Stranger



I encourage your enthusiasm, however,
as a male TAH member (he said “Member” huh huh huh), I had the same feeling about another SV female here and started the process. I was then gently counseled by Hondo that were I to go nuclear on the woman, it may be viewed as being somewhat misogynistic, so we both decided that it would be in our better interests to leave the clawing of females posed on TAH to the lionesses of TAH.

I hereby motion for any of the lovely ladies here to light her ass up!!



I don’t often disagree with Hondo, but in the big bright world of equal rights, equal lumps should befall those who screw the pooch without regard to race, creed, color, gender, etc. Just my $.02.

Green Thumb



Hopefully she can no longer be employed in unsupervised direct patient care…
In Wisconsin, something like this will result in being banned from direct patient care for the rest of their lives.
I saw one slimebucket slap an female Alzheimer’s patient. He was physically removed from the patient care area by me and fell down into a corner of a wall and ended up busting out a couple of teeth just before he was arrested…
I still wonder how he got so clumsy that day…

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, accidents happen…


No excuse for this.

She may get shoved around when she’s at that stage of life some day. She needs to be reminded of that.

Just An Old Dog

Speaking of Jails, Berscum’s time in from of the Judge Yesterday didn’t go well for him.
He is back in the loony bin for further evaluation.
His next scheduled appearance is Dec 15th.
This will give the shrinks plenty of time to peel his onion and see what makes him tick.


Taking care of Alzheimer’s patients is, granted, trying work.

But there is no excuse for abusing an elderly patient. None.

I spit at the name of Laurie Lynn Botb. May she regret ever losing her patience.