James Morales’ deal with prosecutors

James Morales, a former Army Reservist, stole six M-4 carbines and 10 M-11 handguns from the Lincoln W. Stoddard U.S. Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts in November 2015. He tried to use some of those guns to rob banks in Cambridge and Somerville, Massachusetts, after escaping from a facility in Rhode Island.
Morales was tied to the reserve center theft because, brilliant criminal that he is, he was wearing an ankle bracelet monitoring system – he was out on bail from a child rape beef.
Morales reached a plea deal with prosecutors, according to the Virginian-Pilot;
According to the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to recommend 14 years in prison for the charges stemming from the gun thefts and bank robbery attempts, and one additional year for the escape. The deal also calls for three years of probation. Morales faced up to 90 years in prison if convicted at trial of all the charges.
The judge isn’t bound by the prosecution’s recommendations.
Two people convicted of helping sell the stolen guns already have been sentenced. Tyrone James received nearly five years behind bars, while Ashley Bigsbee received a nearly 2-year sentence.
Maybe he can get the training he sorely needs while he’s behind bars and come out as better criminal after this little slap on his wrist.
Category: Crime
If he isn’t already, he soon will be.
Om nom nom
Child rape? HANG THE S.O.B.!
Firing aquad
Two in the hat.
Two in the gut.
And then one in the but.
Wow. Why are the prosecutors trying to help this guy?
What’s going on?
Don’t they have enough evidence?
It’s that whole ‘going to trial’ thingee. They can’t be bothered to take a slam-dunk to trial, this way they get a conviction with no effort on their part.
Forget that he’ll back on the streets in 15 years. The prosecutor, to show what a great guy he is, also dropped a stolen car charge, just for the hell of it.
And, nowhere in the article does it say if the M-4’s were recovered, or the pistols. My best guess is “nope”. This waste of skin should have gotten 20 years, minimum. My best hope is that the judge will throw out the deal, but, as it’s a federal court in Taxachusetts, that probably won’t happen. Maybe the state court will hammer him on the rape charge, and the sentences will have to run consecutively.
Maybe someone can teach him what it means to be a good citizen while he’s in the pokey.
Or give him a pokey to make him a good citizen!
He’s got that Child Rape hanging around his neck, IMHO all someone needs to do is let the lifers know about it and “accidentally” leave him alone around them.
It is in Massachusetts! Of course he was going to get a slap on the wrist! I know it is federal, but the Fed prosecutors here are all Extra Left. He will be out in less than 5 years, retrieve some of the guns he stole and resume his career. Why should we be surprised? If that was any one of us here, they would not accept a plea. Plus, he is a CHILD MOLESTER!!! Prosecutors up here love to go easy oh them. They are just misunderstood, especially if they are a state official.
We only send out speakers of the house to prison here in the Baystate, we are reluctant to let others serve any real time which is why Dukakis didn’t get elected. Well that and he’s a giant douchenozzle.
Dukakis isn’t a giant anything, he’s only 5’8″ and dumb as a box of busted Chinese metric sockets…
I assume these weapons were secured in the unit’s arms room. I would be interested in the details of how this lowlife pulled this off, Newspaper gives no details.
We wrote about that in November 2015. This last January we talked about his escape from prison.
So, escape from prison only gets you an extra year added to your sentence. Boy, I’ll bet that is a hell of a deterrent to a guy sentenced to over 10 years in the big house. I wonder what a second escape gets you in Taxachussetts, maybe another 16 months?
The only good thing about this case is it is a federal beef, so he has to serve 75% of whatever sentence he gets.
Back in the early 70’s, domestic terror groups started to rob armories, so the Huntington Station ARNGUS 1975-1977 I was a member of used to take out the bolts from the M16’s and 60’s and have them stored in a Suffolk County, LI NY police station until the next weekend drill.
Same with my former NG unit – however, new bolts are easily obtainable (for the AR platform – not the M-60 natch). Even for a genius like this one. Never understood how that was really supposed to help deter theft.
he’s a regular Wile E. Coyote: good on cooking up harebrained schemes but piss-poor on execution.
I like the part where he cut the ankle monitor off AFTER he robbed the reserve center.
Indeed a regular fucking Einstein this guy…
DOH !!!!!!!
Here’s to hoping he falls off a cliff and a large boulder then lands on him while he stands there frozen, with only a charred umbrella to shield him from said falling boulder.
From that steely eyed glare on his mug, I am estimating an IQ in the 80’s.
Perhaps if you punished real criminals more severely you would have fewer career criminals?
I know it is a silly concept but lets give it a try anyways.
Sadly, the powers-that-be in the incarceration business these days are going the other way, mustn’t lock anyone up, they want to give everyone probation.
I was once told by someone that most people who are in prison are there for probation violation.
And herein lies the problem. While the Dems and Progressives screech about those evil guns and diabolical automatic ammunitions, pos’s like this guy get a slap on the wrist for violating actual laws.
Enforce the friggen laws, hand down some serious shit on these guys and watch the crime rate drop
They never talk about all the crap he did and didn’t get caught for or there wasn’t enough evidence. These kind of guys cost society hundreds of thousands of dollars in theft, damages etc. I always thought it was a bargain to keep shitheads locked up as long as possible even if it costs 50-60k a prisoner. That is still cheaper than letting them roam free. Let them out when they get in their 60’s-70’s. If they still want to be badasses then it’s easier to catch them, just follow them until their mobility chair runs out of battery.
Maybe if the correction officers let it be known about the child rape charge he can get a spot on the prison football team as a “wide receiver”.
He definitely won’t be eligible for tight end after a couple weeks in the joint.