Shane Ladner to be sentenced on October 3rd

| September 27, 2017

Folks are telling us that the sentencing that we’ve all been waiting for, the stolen valor case against Shane Ladner, whose wife was gravely injured in a train collision in Texas a few years ago, when he was honored for a Purple Heart he was never awarded, will happen on Tuesday at Canton, Georgia, Mills Justice Center, Superior Court, 90 North Street, Room 270.

It is rumored that Judge David Cannon won’t be giving any jail time for the convicted former police officer who lied on his job application, displayed ill-gotten Purple Heart license plates on his private vehicle and presented the court with forged federal government documents.

Ladner even took a local reporter and his TV station to court in an effort to pull wool over the eyes of the public – luckily, the judge in that case didn’t believe him either. Ladner was unsuccessful in his attempt to sue his way to a Purple Heart Medal.

If you’re in the area, and you have the time please make an effort to be in the courtroom for sentencing to represent the rest of us.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Daisy Cutter

“Ladner was unsuccessful in his attempt to sue his way to a Purple Heart Medal.”

Nice line!

Green Thumb

Much like Forgin’ Frank.


It’s amazing how some people must feel that since this is ‘Murica, they are entitled to their lies.


IMHO, he deserves jail. His wife deserves a divorce with 100% of the property going to her.



Agreed. I hope the judge decides to give him at least a couple of weeks behind bars “pour encourager les autres” – and preferably 30 days or more.


For costing his wife her leg, a couple of weeks seems like a light sentence.
Couple of years would be better.

Retired Commander

It appears that the Judge is probably going to give him nothing. He feels the “gentleman” was an ex-deputy and has a disabled wife (caused by the POS). The Judge made that statement at the close of trial when they were talking about sentencing. He said that he needed time to think about it. That was end of April and the sentencing is in October. I’m sure he hasn’t changed his mind.

Concerned Citizen

That is ridiculous! Vets need to be in the courtroom for this sentencing….


He needs to sample the buffet at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD FAMOUS COCKMEAT SAMMICH).


Speaking of sentencing, wasn’t an ex lawyer we know supposed to be in court around this time? Let me guess, he got a continuance because of the hurricane?

Silentium Est Aureum

Bernath, lying?

This is my shocked face.

Have fun in jail, Danny-boi.


Very interesting!

I hope everything works out well with him.


Hope this means there will soon be a post re the results.


Scheduled for Friday the 29th, correct?


I wish that I hadn’t taken vacation time last week.


And my birthday is the next day. What a nice, early birthday present!


Waiting breathlessly for the results.


Ah! My best wishes to you, as always!

MSG Eric

For what purpose would the judge NOT give him jail time?

Retired Commander

The Judge was very sympathetic toward Ladner. Gave him all kinds of liberties during the trial. When he was found guilty of 5 of 6 counts and it was time for sentencing, the Judge, (who reminded me of Clinton’s running mate), said this man is an ex-deputy and has a disabled wife I have to think about this sentence.


There is a story about “Hana’s Suitcase” – Hana being a young Czech who was first sent to Terezin and then Auschwitz-Birkenau where she was murdered. Her suitcase was found and ID’ed after the war – on it she is labeled an ‘orphan’. Conveniently the Nazis did not mention that by executing her parents they MADE her an orphan.


Kind of like all the sympathy in the press for the Menendez brothers being orphaned when they orphaned themselves by murdering their parents to get an early inheritance.

Silentium Est Aureum

About time.


Still hoping that a few somebodies are out there waiting for adjudication of these criminal cases before filing civil cases against him.


Sentencing? Good. I’d like to hope that he gets hammered somehow, but if it isn’t jail time, then what?

Frankie Cee

Stiff Dollar fine, strict probation, including a sandwich board stating his crimes, and ordered to stand in front of DAV, AM LEGION, MOPH, and VFW halls on Meeting nights; would be a start, in lieu of actual jail time.

Retire Commander

Write to the Judge and mention that. Judge Cannon has no idea what it is to serve in the military.

Green Thumb

I would like to see about 2000+ hours of community service down in the ‘hood.

Retired Commander

Everyone should write to Judge Cannon and express their views for this POS’s sentencing. Not much time to try to change the Judge’s mind, but it may do something than just getting a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again! Write letters and let the Judge know what real heroes are. I don’t think this Judge served in the military! He was kind of a clown during the trial!

A Proud Infidel®™

I sincerely hope he gets some jail time, I hear that ex-Cops are about as well liked as kiddie pervs in lockup!


Still a queef.


I would hope to see some jail time but rumor is that this judge didn’t want it to even go to trail.The way Judge Cannon was whining about how busy his courtroom was and how much time he had to spend on the Ladner trail was pathetic. Why didn’t he just sentence him right after the jury found him guilty ? There is a thing called taking accountability for ones actions but that doesn’t happen with Ladner ! Ladner has cost Cherokee County hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses and man hours. Ladner has cost and inconvenienced hundreds of people jurors lawyers, witnesses, FBI agents ,army records custodians, detectives, reporters and even a Judge or two !!! Ladner has shown zero remorse and is still claiming he is a Purple Heart recipient. So really he hasn’t learned a thing and is still committing the crime of stolen valor. I get that Ladner is POS , but he was in the Army he was a police officer and I get that he wasn’t very good at either ! But aren’t these people held to a higher standard ? The judge in case,judge Cannon needs to make an example of Ladner. And believe me if he doesn’t when he comes up for reelection next year he will not have my support like in the pass. I will be supporting his opponent…Believe Me !!!

MSG Eric

Maybe someone should remind the Judge that the reason he’s “wasting his courtroom’s time” is because of Ladner?

We all have better things to do, but because of douchebag mcfucklestuff we are spending time on the issue, just as he is.


And to think, some would say stolen valor is a victimless crime
This proves otherwise again