Venezuela prepares for war with US

| September 27, 2017

Typically, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, has alerted his military to prepare for a war with the United States, according to Newsweek after President Trump’s administration has banned lending money to Venezuelan government borrowers and the state-owned oil company and passed sanctions against public officials;

“We have been shamelessly threatened by the most criminal empire that ever existed and we have the obligation to prepare ourselves to guarantee peace,” said Maduro, who wore a green uniform and a military hat as he spoke with his army top brass during a military exercise involving tanks and missiles. “We need to have rifles, missiles and well-oiled tanks at the ready….to defend every inch of the territory if needs be,” he added.

It’s a page from the Hugo Chavez book, blaming everything bad about the country’s descent into financial ruin on the United States – it couldn’t be communism that is the reason for Venezuela’s soaring inflation and mismanagement of resources.

The Russians, of course, are doing their level best to interfere;

Russia has defended Maduro in recent months, going so far as to accuse Trump of preparing for an invasion of Caracas. “We are strongly against unilateral sanctions against sovereign states,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in August.

Yeah, they can all take a breath. I can’t imagine the US making any military moves against Maduro’s government.

Category: Foreign Policy

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‘…it couldn’t be communism that is the reason for Venezuela’s soaring inflation and mismanagement of resources.’

No, communism couldn’t possibly be the problem in Venezuela.

There’s nothing to fear from communism.

Everyone knows that.


That, or communists will try to defend communism by saying “It’s not real communism!!1!” or “It’s not real socialism!1!!”. They do it when anyone brings up a country where communism/socialism didn’t work. They then promptly blame capitalism and countries like the US for its failure. Fuck the lot of them.


Yeah, we’re going to need a fleet of helicopters if we want to get rid of communism. Pinochet had the right idea.


A Proud Infidel®™

Communism ONLY killed about 120+ million people during the Twentieth Century and libtards just want to give it ONE MORE CHANCE.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, you could set your watch by it. Communism/socialism fails anywhere and everywhere it’s attempted, every time, without fail.

“Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?”


But…but…but…WE’RE smart enough to make it all work this time!

The professors at UC Berkeley said so!

(shouted with ‘The Internationale’ blaring in the background)


Including our resident “I’m not a communist, I’m a socialist” and that proud communist ring-knocker 2LT.


Yeah, fuck that guy


This simple minded communist prick must be studying under the other simple minded, communist prick, “Phat boi Nork!


“We are strongly against unilateral sanctions against sovereign states,” Russian Foreign Ministry

Like annexing the Crimea? Oh, wait…


It is different when they do it, because reasons.

I weep for the Venezuela I knew.


I have good friends with close family in Venezuela. I’m praying they can and will get out in time.

The Dead Man

Look, Ukraine shouldn’t have dressed that way if it didn’t want to taunt the Russian army, okay?


Crimea might not be a good example. Crimea was part of Russia from the time the Russians took it from the Ottoman Empire/whatever Khanate until Khrushchev unilaterally moved it administratively to fall under Ukraine in the mid-1950s. If I recall correctly, Crimea is still ethnically majority Russian today.

That said – yeah, given the recent Russian actions re: Crimea the hypocrisy is kinda blatant.


Where is Lars to sort this out?


The “Omniscient and Infallible” One can’t sort out the fact that Communist governments (1) universally degenerate into authoritarian dictatorships with no respect for freedom or human rights “for the good of the proletariat, and to promote the Socialist cause”, and (2) during the 20th Century alone murdered – excluding war casualties and in cold blood – 140+ million of their own countrymen while “furthering world Socialism”.

That shows he’s using industrial-grade political lenses to view the world. Do you really expect him to have anything worthwhile to say regarding Maduro and his gang of fools?


I don’t expect him to have anything worthwhile to say, but I do need a good laugh so I hope he shows up. 🙂


Not me. I tired of him long ago. He hasn’t had anything new to say since about his second post here.

The Other Whitey

Fuck Lars straight to hell. Has anyone actually lamented the absence of TAH’s regular long-winded apologist dipshit with delusions of genius?

The Other Whitey

Appreciate you dropping the hammer, boss.


I was wondering what happened to him. I’m guessing it was during one of my absences… ahh well..


As do I. It’s so tiresome to see his interminable blather infecting thread after thread.


He is probably on his way to Venezuela to help prep for war.

charles w

He better pack some shit paper.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been enjoying the absence of him.


Lars the Dim can just stuff it up his bum.

If he thinks it’s so wonderful, he can move to Venezuela and annoy that fat basterd Maduro with his advice on how to make a commie state run better.


I agree. After all, he is a trained political officer, or as the Army CA branch designated him, a Civil Governance Officer.

The Other Whitey

I’m still curious about the dirt that was dug up on him by TAHers who asked around. Asshole tendencies aside, it’s been my experience that people who claim as often as he did to be “very good at what [they] do” rarely are.


“… well oiled tanks.”


Well, I hope Maduro’s asshole is well oiled when we shove the freedom cock into it if he tries to start a war. I would pay to see that happen.

Of course, he just loves to saber-rattle like KJU does, so nothing will probably come of it.

RGR 4-78

If there is an embargo on their petrochemicals then that should not be a problem for them.


Why invade? They are doing a pretty good job of cutting their own throats.


When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interrupt him.

Or something to that effect.


A wise man once told me the best revolutions happen organically. Let’s hope they have their own Thomás Jeffersones!


Deflection doesn’t work well when the person you’re targeting is already eating dandelions and wiping their ass with leaves.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Now is the time for all shit bird men like Spenser Rapone LT. USMA graduate to join up and fight for the Venezuela Army.


Didn’t Argentina try something like this a while ago? I’ve lost track of all the stuff that goes on down there.

Chile’s Rapel Valley has some good vineyards. They’ve got a red wine that is bodacious with steak and fries.

Green Thumb

I keep thinking of the game “Risk”.

I also keep thinking of “Spies Like Us”.

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, I’m guessing that the starving peasants might take up arms, but not against the US.

Careful what you wish for, Maduro.


I’m thinking he may be gearing up for a major purge. He will do the normal communist political purge and claim that all the people killed were agents of the great imperialist Satan to the north.

The Other Whitey

Bucharest, 1989?


December in 1989 in Romania, in Bucharest, was the year of Ceaucescu’s demise. He was overthrown and he and his wife were executed. If the Venezuelans want to get rid of Maduro, they will have to have the military on their side.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember listening to the radio and hearing that Romanian media had released the statement “It’s Christmas and the Anti-Christ is dead” referring to Caucescu’s execution.

Bruno Stachel

Execution of the Ceaucescus = good riddance.

Nicolae Ceaucescu was a monstrous, genocidal communist dictator, and his wife Elena was evil incarnate.


I watched this happening, even thought the broadcast was a video smuggled out. When I saw the crowd in the square, my first thought was Hungary in 1956, and what happened after the tanks rolled into Budapest.


I think we should load up the B-2s and fly over Venezuela dropping roll after roll of toilet paper.

After all they need it.

The Other Whitey

Sounds brilliant to me! A humanitarian aid mission that also demonstrates our opinion of Maduro.


And do not forget the poptop cans of food like Spam, beans, deviled ham – whatever can be dropped without the need for a can opener.

SSG Kane

I’ve got a stack of veggie MRE’s they can have…

A Proud Infidel®™

Humanitarian help, NOT wanton cruelty!!!


K-rats left over from Vietnam, no doubt, but certainly better than nothing.
I checked the most recent stuff I could find on Venezuela a couple of days ago. About half of the military is eroding away from Maduro. He may not have enough support to keep going.


“We are strongly against unilateral sanctions against sovereign states,” Russian Foreign Ministry

Said no Chechen ever.


He kinda reminds me of Saddam, only taller. What happened to that guy anyway? :-/

SSG Kane

Saddam died taller…


He died while doing stretching exercises.

A Proud Infidel®™

I THINK he kinda fell through a trap door with a rope around his neck…

The Other Whitey

Guest of honor at a neck-tyin’ party.


The Norks would revolt if we could get a McDonald’s franchise to work there.

Silentium Est Aureum

Imagine what they’d do for a Five Guys.


Five Guys, hell – try a full bowl of rice and some pickled veggies or kimchi. I’m guessing they’d go bonzo for that alone.

Outside of the military and party elite, damn near that entire nation is malnourished as hell.

But it us a sterling example of the reality of a Socialist state that uses central planning and command direction to manage it’s economy. Historically, that’s been much the case in any such state: periodic or chronic shortages of foodstuffs and other goods due to central economic direction gone awry.


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So how about we raid our stocks of “humanitarian” MREs, add a pocket pistol and a box of ammo per case, bundle them up into 20-packs with Spanish language copies of books on Guerrilla warfare, and air drop them all over Venezuela?

Too simplistic?


You’d have to create a distraction first, to send the Vennie Army in the wrong direction.

Then do a quick flyover, faster than a speeding bullet, in the areas where the po-folks are trying to stay alive. Just a drop-and-run.

That might be a good start, but they still need regular food drops. Almost forgot, bomb Maduro’s hovel.


US vs Venezuela……

That could be a tough morning 😉