Shane Ladner guilty

| May 2, 2017

Our ninja who is in the courtroom in Cherokee County, Georgia tells us that the verdict in the Shane Ladner stolen valor case has just been read and that the jury found him guilty on six of the seven counts. So the state of Georgia has decided that this DD214 is forged;

But we knew that.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution confirms, as does CBS46

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Bye, Bitch.

I can’t wait for sentencing.


Gee. That’s . . . just . . . too . . . bad.

For your sake, Ladner, you’d best pray for either solitary or protective custody – or a suspended sentence/probation. I understand ex-cops don’t do so well in jail.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve kinda heard the same rumor….


I like that you used the term ex-cop. It’s kind of like former-Marine. Unless you earn the ex-. Then you aren’t former. There is a mile of difference.


May I be the first to say “Good”?!?!


Yes Ma’am!

And I’ll pile on with a stupendous


(Speaking of which, has anybody seen ex-OS2?)


Yes, yes, YES!!!!!

Can we have a round of applause, a few happy dances, and pass the celebratory beer and whatever?

And where did that ornery OS feller leave the popcorn this time?

Yep, yep, yep, it’s a good day for jury decisions.

Planet Ord

Well, thats over. Not even the duty he had to care for Meg could compel him to tell the truth.

Goodbye old buddy. I think the state means to keep you for a minute or two.


Well I watched all but the last minute when they said “Take him into custody (for processing) They raised his bail to $40,000 and then they’re going to stay late (apparently) this evening for sentencing if I heard it correctly it was kind of faint.

Currahee John

Sentencing will be sometime this summer, date not set yet.

2/17 Air Cav

He will be “inducted” into the jail, processed, and placed on home detention with GPS monitoring (i.e., ankle bracelet.) He will be sentenced at a future date and will remain at his residence pending sentencing. No Pre-Sentence Investigation was ordered and the idea was pooh-poohed by Ladner’s defense attorney. I will be pleasantly surprised if Ladner goes to jail at all, let alone prison. He just isn’t jail material. I’d say justice was done. He is disgraced. He is a felon six times over. He’s out thousands on his defense and thousands more if he appeals. There will be a hefty fine and some years of probation. He’s done.

A Proud Infidel®™

But if he does get Probation and fucks up afterward,..

HEY, I like to think positively! 😀

Planet Ord

I just watched the ADA say they intend to take some time from him. He is at home until then with a bracelet.

MSG Eric

Six felonies and no prison time? What do you think, he’s some kind of DC politician?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, it’s the type of felony and the fact that while each transaction constituted a separate crime, it was more like one crime with a a renewal several or more years running. Also, he has no prior record and the Texas tragedy and his duping people into giving him free shit, including a free amputation of his wife’s leg, are not at issue here. The DA can ask for any number of months or years, but that doesn’t mean he’ll get a day. On top of that, it may well be that he is, legally speaking, experience an incarceration right now, albeit at home. Hey, I don’t have a crystal ball but the judge didn’t seem to be telegraphing the likelihood of jail or prison to me. He worried that there might be a problem b/c Ladner is a former P/O and the DA said the jail would segregate him. And he let him go on a slightly higher bail (from 25K to 40K) post conviction.


You’re probably right, 2/17 – and you’d be in a position to have an expert opinion here. I’m guessing the most we can hope for is a short (a few days) period of incarceration followed by probation. Would be nice if the probation was max and consecutive, but I don’t know that GA law allows that.

But you never know. Maybe the judge and his wife will have a nasty argument the night before sentencing and the judge will arrive in court the next day p!ssed-off at the world. (smile)

Planet Ord

Cannon wasn’t the first judge the prosecution wanted. They thought he was ambivalent to the prosecution’s position.

The DA will ask for time. I think it could go either way. I’ve heard 10-12 years, which is fantasy in my opinion. I’ve heard what you said of a probated sentence, which is plausible, considering the crimes and criminal history of Ladner. My money is on a few symbolic years. 1 or 2, followed by lengthy probation that he will not have any problem complying with.

The felony convictions are the real punishment. He is over 40, has a bad back and an invalid wife and his money is running out. He has no life skills other than law enforcement and hunting. That’s a tough job market to enter as a novice laborer.


Yeah, there isn’t much market for LEO’s or any occupation dealing with weapons – for felons. Enjoy the floor mopping or dirt shoveling. Oh, forgot, bad back. Well, there’s always truck-stop restrooms…


Yea, that hunting thing. He can get a bow, but nothing with propellant…


Pretty much my take on it, A Cav. Justice (finally) done. Really don’t care if he’s incarcerated or not. He’s a total disgrace. Brought it all on himself. All over the news and internet (and TAH, of course!) famous. Bet his wife is proud. What are his employment prospects? Slim? None? Ooops, better not get caught with that boom stick either, felon.

A Proud Infidel®™

Correct me if I’m wrong, but with a felony conviction he couldn’t even get hired on as a parking lot rent-a-fuzz, thus he’s stuck with mop-slinging and emptying trash cans, maybe he can even use his buffer-swinging skills from Basic if his bad back doesn’t interfere.


Nope, probably not anything with an employer that does any sort of background check. I’m sure he has enough connections to gain some type of employment though. And I hope he does. Life is going to be different for him, that’s for sure. Whether he goes to jail or not, he lost his job as a LEO, lost the respect of his peers/family/community. He’s a used-to-be. That’s going to be the hardest thing he’ll have to get over. That being said; He earned every bit of


CWO Ret……your statement that he is a “used to be” yea that ain’t working for me…..He never was anything, except a liar and he wasn’t even good at that.

Retired Commander

Did you noticed he never turn to comfort his sobbing wife? He’s going to claim she needs him. She should be changing the locks! Hope the State lkeeps me busy for awhile. M


Any idea which charge he was acquitted of? The linked news articles were silent.


Randy Travis says that it was one of the license plate deals.

Non Cedo Ferio

Justice is served in my state. Let this be a warning to every braggert who takes it to the next level and defraud the state and more importantly Desrving veterans . As some of you know. I live in Hinesville , home of Fort Stewart. Lots of PH plates here. Lots of heroes . Here. I’m very gratified. Of the outcome

Combat Historian

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…to the nth degree…(sigh)…


Bye, bye to this Shane Ladner guy.
His Chevy wasn’t heavy,
Now in jail he will cry.

The good ol’ boys are drinking whiskey and rye and singing:
Rot in jail the rest of your life.
Rot in there the rest of your life.


Well played!

The Stranger

Aaah yes, time for the happy dance!


y’know, it’s gotta suck to know that at the moment of your sentence thousands of service members and vets worldwide are going to be rooting for you to take it in the ass.

2/17 Air Cav

By the way, his poor wife was not in court to hear the witnesses against him. She will eventually learn what they said under oath but, of course, that doesn’t mean she will accept it. I guess it’s hard to accept that the person you loved and respected is a low-life liar whose Big Lie put you on a float that met with disaster and cost you a leg. I can’t and wouldn’t speak ill of the woman. . And then there’s HER family members who testified for the prosecution. Her hell continues. I am sorry for that. I wonder if Shane Ladner will ever realize just what he has done.


Meg will be fine! What the jurors didn’t see was that wonderful tape paid for on their second trip to Midland. It showed Meg bowling! She is capable of all things great and small! She has been taught by a psychotic that she can’t do anything anymore. It will take awhile for her to be deprogrammed. She doesn’t realize that she has been on a level of abuse rarely seen. It might take awhile, but hopefully he will serve some time to get away from him. What a slime bag.


Good to hear, SMH.

Hope she recovers 100%.


100% is doubtful…..considering she is still missing her leg because of his lies….She will never be whole again. He took that from her. He deserves a special place in HELL. You didn’t even see him cry crocodile tears. He is pathetic.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think the same way you do while wondering just why she hasn’t gotten herself fitted with a prosthetic leg while thinking that Shane Ladner has been keeping her as dependent upon him as he can thinking it might help him escape jail time.

Planet Ord

Her leg was amputated at the hip. My understanding is it is difficult to get a prosthesis for her type of injury.

The Old Maj

Has to be at least a stump or it is a non starter. I thought he got fired though so maybe no insurance?

At least he will never be a cop again. That would just make me sick if he got off and was passing out speeding taxes again.


Perhaps he knows full well, 2/17 – and doesn’t give a damn.

We all hate to think about it, but there are indeed psychopaths among us. I have no idea if Ladner’s one of them or not.


HER FAMILY MEMBERS testified for the prosecution? He’s not a family favorite that goes to church every Sunday, helps old ladies cross the street and is not a “pillar of the community”?

Retired Commander

The wife heard closing arguments along with videos of of his lying to the Fox 5 counsel! Saw her testify for him and frankly she needs deprograming. She’s listened to his lies so long she acts like she has that Stockholm Syndrome . Someone should step up and help her get rid of him.


I’m guessing he’ll get time served + probation for a few years.

The real punishment will be the black mark on his record. Felony convictions = Bye bye to any law enforcement career, no right to own or possess firearms, and good luck finding a decent job.

I see a lot of construction work in his future.


Just don’t buy a house he has worked on.

Just An Old Dog

I believe the prosecuting attorney pointed out he has served no time at all. He has been out on a 25,000 dollar property bond ( his house as collateral) although the judge bumped it up to 40,000 the house should still cover it.
I’m with others in believing he will never set foot behind bars. Even his defense attorney knows this, that’s why he is pushing to get the sentencing moved up.
When it boils down to it he’s a lying sack of shit who didn’t have to pay a full registration fee for his car. A theft of 500 dollars is small potatoes when you have murderers, rapists drug dealers and pedophiles that need to be locked up.
I would think the Max fine and a year or two probation will be what we see in the end.
Ladner appears to have had some expendable cash after his wife’s lawsuit came through.
He probably could have pled out and got the same thing years ago, but know his has 6 felonies and has probably put a sizeable dent in the nest egg.
He can forget any future employment, suing for wrongful termination and even owning a firearm.


That isn’t HIS house…its Meg’s he wasn’t even on mortgage. She made all the money working hard. He had a part-time policeman job….it has always been Meg’s money…..he is a scam artist. He snaked his way into her life on lies….she said it on the stand. Jury saw through the lies. I’m thinking a boy toy….maybe now someone’s in jail? We could only hope.


He never planned on working again! His wife got a settlement! Dirt bag!

Planet Ord

The DA’s argument is that he hasn’t served any time. Well, he served a few hours while the bond paperwork went through and however long it took to get fitted with an ankle monitor yesterday.

Entering the labor force as a laborer will be tough. Bad back, over 40, no skills. Those felonies are going to be punishment.

Frankie Cee

I see that his wife is crying. I pray that some of those tears, and much of her thoughts are about why in hell she ever got involved with this lying piece of shit. Shane Ladner, you are dirt.

Just An Old Dog

The sad thing is that she probably thinks that since she is disabled she cant find anyone else.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if Shane Ladner hasn’t been psychologically abusing his wife along with his other scumbaggery? Regardless of that he’ll now have to give up all of his firearms due to his now being a convicted felon, things will also suck for him any time he has to deal with Law Enforcement because they have a very dark view of any and all of their community that “went dirty”.

Retired Commander

I live in the area and hear stories. People said she talks like she’s programmed. He keeps repeating whatever he wants her to know and she parrots it. I’d call that some kind of mental abuse. She was at the closing arguments the day I was there and heard a lot, shaking her head no. She testified one day, but left quickly. Btw, did the felon ever turn today to comfort his wife? Didn’t see anyone but her Mother with her! She deserves for him to get time so she can on with her life.


It’s about time for this Shit Bird !!! It’s to bad that his wife still believes in this POS,and for what I hear there were a lot of people in the court room believing in this Turd to.I would have loved to see the faces on the crowd.
lets see if you can get the money back on the appeal you started on the civil case with Fox5, I would doubt it !!! I’m just hoping they sue you for all the money they spent defending themselves from your lies. Well have fun with that MISTER ONE LEG and remember keep making your mother proud !!!


Well, my day just got a whole lot better. I’m happy. I don’t know why I’m so happy. I’m just happy!


No expression on his fugly mug. I do feel sorry for the Mrs, though.


He is a psychopath….they don’t weep.Even for themselves.

Just An Old Dog

Oh, his hog jowls were quivering a bit.


This is one in which I get little pleasure. Yes, I’m glad a poser got his and is disgraced. But, he should have taken a plea, done his time and moved on with life. Either way he lives with knowing he is the reason his wife lost her leg. All of this brought about simply b/c he wanted to impress people with POW license plates, to get that warm fuzzy when people look at him. And for what? NADA. Jeez, man, I wish you had a do-over. Your lawyer should have told you that there is no way you could prevail in a trial.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Your lawyer should have told you that there is no way you could prevail in a trial.”

It could be that his lawer overlooked that thinking about a new set of golf clubs, some say that about 90% of Lawyers give the rest a bad name!


A lawyer is still required to do the best to defend his client even after he has advised the client to take the plea (which is what I assume happened here.)

Ladner has shown on more than one occasion that he is a maker of bad decisions, choosing not to take the plea was only his most recent one.

Retired Commander

This lawyer was as much as a liar as Ladner! He had witness prompted to commit perjury and they did. But, I guess that’s what you do when you have no case! The D.A. Pointed at him and told the jury they were both liars! The Bar Association should be looking at him.

Just An Old Dog

Ladner didn’t care. I’m pretty sure he and his lawyer both knew he’s going to get no jail time.
I hate to say it, but the “Stolen Valor” part of this is just something to get the newsies going and rile up the small portion of the population who actually care about it.
When it gets down to it the shit-head didn’t pay to properly register his vehicle for 5 years, scamming the state out of 500 bucks.
He took a long shot gamble. He was already going to catch a felony and probation.
If he had won he would have had grounds to pursue a lawsuit against the PD that canned hiom and the news station that “libeled” him.
He would have gotten another two big paydays.
The only thing he really lost was (his wive’s) money.


To call Shane Ladner a pig would be an insult to pigs.

He is, therefore, utter trash, the slimy stuff that sits in the bottom of the trash bag and stinks worse than fresh cat shit. He is fouler than foul and doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as the people he wishes he could be.


You got that right !!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Q:! What’s the difference between Shane Ladner and a carp?

A: One is a slimy bottom feeder and the other is a fish.


Well put ex-PH2.



Deal with that bit of fame, COCKSUCKER!

Silentium Est Aureum

To those who still ask what harm SV does, I give you Shane Ladner.


Just saw the story linked on Drudge. Very glad to see it. Now I only hope this piece of shit gets a good decade or so behind bars. the worst valor thief is one that served and should understand and appreciate the value of which he steals.


He doubled down on stupid, cost the taxpayers yet again for the cost of the trial. Living here in Georgia, I’d like to see him do a year and a day in the slammer with another 10 years probation.

I have a cousin here in Georgia who runs the jail in one of the smaller counties. Her grandfather had a Silver Star and Purple Heart. I wonder how she’d like to have him as a guest for a year.

Wilted Willy

I really hope this pos gets some hard time! He is really a low life cocksucker! I can only pray that someday my brother gets the same outcome!

Stephen McCartney

I’d save the space in jail for hard core assholes who needs no space to further commit crimes. This phony needs 90 days in jail, probation for 3 yrs, a felony conviction on his record and a required 24/7
3 x 5 ft lighted sign in his yard explaining his conviction to all who pass by. CAPT Bones

Retired Commander

There’s always space for this POS! He needs to be punished for the lies he told to Show of Support, Hunt for Heros to get the free trip. Maybe than the wife can be deprogrammed!


He made the NC paper.

2/17 Air Cav

Ladner got away with a lot of bullshit for a very long time. I particularly liked his Purple Heart explanation. It was a two-fer. First, it was just on his pillow when he woke up in a hospital bed after being wounded. That’s it. There it was, just pinned (presumably) to his pillow. Then, mysteriously, it was lost when he shipped it home. And this clown was a cop in three different places. One wonders how many citizens he ticketed and arrested based on what he swore to be true. Poor bastards.