Obama’s not divisive?

| January 24, 2009

I was stunned when I saw this headline at Yahoo/Associated Press;

The first paragraph reads;

Barack Obama opened his presidency by breaking sharply from George W. Bush’s unpopular administration, but he mostly avoided divisive partisan and ideological stands. He focused instead on fixing the economy, repairing a battered world image and cleaning up government.

When in the last week has he not been divisive? He defends his Treasury Secretary for not paying his taxes. Obama signed an Executive Order that freed up taxpayer money for committing abortions overseas. He signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo. He forbids the hiring of K Street lobbyists and the next day hires one.

There’s a more complete list at William Teach’s Pirate Cove and more at Blatherings.

How are none of those things divisive? They’re the most controversial subjects in today’s discourse and he took a partisan and ideological stand on each issue.

The AP ends the article like this;

In one Oval Office ceremony, Obama went through each executive order as he signed them, reading parts of each and methodically explaining them. He even halted a few times to ask for clarification from his White House counsel. That sort of deferral to someone else in a public setting and admission of a less-than-perfect command of the facts was never Bush’s style.

Or maybe it’s because Bush knew what he was signing before he went out in public. Whereas Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing from moment-to-moment. Can you imagine how the AP would have written the incident if President Bush had asked his counsel questions about the document he was about to sign in a public ceremony?

AP sucks.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Politics

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SSG David Medzyk

Without a teleprompter, 0 is clueless on what to say, when.


Dang Jonn, now YOU’RE just being divisive! Tsk, tsk.


I heard this from my better half..and who was that council? The freaking loser who defended Billy jeff during his impeachment hearings that every Kos kid, huffpo freak thought was about sex, as opposed to perjury.

GWB had more class and sense than the media ever gave him credit for and Zero, Teleprompter Jesus, The COW is going to be shown as a rank amateur if he doesn’t “change” the learning curve. We can’t afford it.

A shout out the the pinko leader—“Say Medea, I need a little shield from reality, can I borrow your triple strength rose-colored glasses for a day to see what it’s like to pretend life is Utopia under the COW?” Psych!!!


Indeed, the suckitude of AP is nothing new… they merely refine their art by constant practice.
Obongo is a steaming pile of disgrace. No one actually pays attention to what the man says!
Remember when he said that if one of his daughters became pregnant, he would not want her “punished” with a child??????
I could not belive that everyone jsut nodded and applauded. How would WE feel if one of our parents proclaimed us a ‘punishment’? Good God!!!
Oh- and let us not forget…he also stacked his deck with the most anti-2nd amendment crowd to float to the top of the DC toilet bowl since Billary. Holdovers from the Waco and Abduction of Elian days ( Erik “Urkel” Holder, for example), thus unifying the Brady Bunch and other assorted anti-gunners and collectivists; plus having the muzzie woman with ties to Hamas, offer ‘prayer’ at the National Cathedral, thus unifying the terrorist core within the USA; and of course, that grandly unifying move of having the racist black preacher at the unauguration inviting all them white folks to embrace ‘right’… at which time Obongo smirked for the cameras.
Yes, I would say he is batting 1000 in his efforts to alienate everyone who still belives in the values that made this country the (formerly) greatest in the world.


I’m definitely going to need prescription drugs to get through these next four years. Or…maybe he’ll make marijuana legal and I can go that route. Just a simple executive order slid beneath his nose by one of his minions and pot is legal. Right?


tankerbabe –
be careful joking like that; he may be fine with legalizing anything from which he or his cronies could get a kickback, but he may also mandate that we all pay enough extra taxes that the gummint can give all the poor and oppressed – who voted for him, of course – each an Escalade with 30 inch rims and bowel-cramp subwoofers.


I’m starting to feel a bit more ambivalent about this abortion business. Just think, if we could revisit the past, would you wnat to see poor Stanley Ann Dunham punished with a child?


THANK – YOU! I saw this headline and just about spit out my drink.


And, now, the Press is saying his numbers are starting to “normalize!!” RCG’s will abound, fer sure.
Call me, I share!! 🙂 But only if it’s legal,heh.


WTF, at least El Rushbo is constitutionally qualified to be President!