Shocker! Pelosi lies.

| January 25, 2009

This morning, the Washington Times editorial staff targets House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her inabilty to be truthful with the American people she’s supposed to represent;

She claims – demonstrably incorrectly, it turns out – that the Bush tax cuts “at the high end” were “the biggest contributor to the budget deficit.” As evidence, Mrs. Pelosi asserted that a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report “when the Republicans had control of the Congress” demonstrated that these tax cuts for the upper income earners were primarily to blame for the deficit.

But when PolitiFact, the fact-checking service run by the St. Petersburg Times, looked closely at Mrs. Pelosi’s claims, her story fell apart. For one thing, the CBO report didn’t exist. The speaker’s office told PolitFact that the information had come from a left-liberal advocacy group called the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The CBPP prepared a chart using CBO numbers which purported to show that tax cuts were responsible for almost half of the costs of new legislation between 2001 and 2007. But that hardly proved Mrs. Pelosi’s point, because it lumped together tax cuts for all income groups – not just those for the higher-income taxpayers.

I went to the article at Politifact and they’re much more harsh on Pelosi’s selective use of diluted facts;

All of this indicates that Pelosi is mistaken. Although the wealthy did get big benefits from the Bush tax cuts, their benefits did not outweigh those of everyone else put together.

Maya MacGuineas, president of the bipartisan nonprofit group Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said there are three major contributors to the worsening budget picture presented by the Congressional Budget Office: tax cuts, the Iraq war, and the economic downturn.

“Within the tax cuts, the largest numbers went to the middle class, and those are the tax cuts that are most likely to be extended,” she said. “I don’t see how you could read the numbers to say otherwise.”

Kinda like the other day when she said her new bloated, costly and unnecessary SCHIP bill will insure 11 million children. The New York Times says it’s 4 million. And it’s all kids whose parents should be paying for the insurance and not the rest of us tax payers. It includes families that make 300% of the poverty baseline income, which according to the Census Bureau (.pdf) is about $65,000 for a family of four.

But, that’s all fine. Can you imagine what’ll happen to the Democrat Congress when they can’t fix the economy raising taxes on the most productive Americans and increasing funding on wothless social programs by November of next year. They don’t have Republicans to blame, they have to actually start producing results and they’re all on their own. Lie your wrinkled ass off, Nancy.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

I know it;s a shocka to many folks, but the truth is that leftists have never been known for allowing facts to get in the way of their storylines.

Pelosi, et all, will do and/or say whatever they need to in order to get what they want, facts be damned.

Style over substance, every time.


One error in your post. I doubt if Peeeloshi has a wrinkled ass. She spends more on plastic surgery and botox per month than a small town takes in with a high tax system. She is living proof that Botox shrinks the brain which is double bad since she had a very small brain to start with.

When did whoring your way to speaker of the house become a heroic act?

Did the sale of knee pads skyrocket when Chairman O moved into the white house? The biggest fight among democrats (male and female) in coming months will be for the ‘under the desk’ position. Right now Bechel seems to be in the lead.

AW1 Tim

Interesting slightly O/T comment..

Fox News notes that Pelosi is suddenly underwhelmed by the thought of having US Detainees transferred from Gitmo to Alcatraz…

Another classic NIMBY moment.


everybody head her comment and who is going to read the PolitiFact report?? I doubt the majority of the public even knows that PolitiFact even exists. So she can lie in their faces and they won’t know it. Nothing new here, unfortunately…


ugh, it should be ‘heard’


“Pelosi’s wrinkled ass”…. Gee thanks Jonn. Like I needed THAT image in my mind. LOL


“Pelosi’s wrinkled ass”… EWWWWWwwwwwww. You ruined my dinner with that one Jonn. But hey, plastic surgeons have to live too, and I’m sure her battery of surgeons won’t be forced in to universal health care. I’m sure there’s no chance of old Pelosi having to wait forever to get in for her botox injections.

richard wheeler

Tax cuts(across the board),Iraq War,economic downturn,are reasons bipartison committee gives for budget deficits.Do you think guys like Thain,Lewis,Massillo and Paulson should get tax relief?


if you read the ENTIRE quote from the Bipartisan Committee, they said the following:
“Within the tax cuts, the largest numbers went to the middle class, and those are the tax cuts that are most likely to be extended,” she said. “I don’t see how you could read the numbers to say otherwise.”
to the liberals’ beloved and much touted ‘middle class,’ not to the so much maligned and amorphous ‘wealthy’…
also, if you apply some logic, the tax cut should go to someone who actually pay the taxes, not to someone who does not.

richard wheeler

OLGA Most folks I know or know of make between $50,000 and $150,000 combined family income,pay taxes,and are the”much touted middle class” whose taxes won’t go up under Obama.If you’re hangin with families that make $250,000+ be thankful and pay your fair share.