Fame kills

| June 29, 2017

According to the New York Times, Monalisa Perez of Halstad, Minn. and her boyfriend, Pedro Ruiz III sought popularity on YouTube with some harmless pranks, until their last one. The pregnant Ms. Perez, at the urging of Pedro fired a .50 caliber Desert Eagle handgun at a thick book he held in front of his chest. The .50 proved it’s reputed power by passing through the book and into Mr Ruiz’ chest, killing him.

Ms. Perez was arrested and booked into Northwest Regional Corrections Center on suspicion of reckless discharge of a firearm, the sheriff said. Then, on Wednesday morning, prosecutors charged her with second-degree manslaughter. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, a fine of up to $20,000, or both.

Ms. Perez, who is pregnant with her second child, appeared in court on Wednesday afternoon for a hearing and was released in the evening after $7,000 bail was posted.

The department has video recordings of the shooting, the sheriff said, adding that he would not release them.

I guess no one taught the pair that you shouldn’t point a weapon at anything you don’t intend to kill.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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No not Fame, stupidity.
Stupidity here, killed.
I wouldn’t have tried that stupid shit with a BB gun.


I wonder if the book was War and Peace?



Probably “What Men Know About Women”… 10 blank pages.


The linked article says the book was about an inch and a half thick, so it may have also been “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.”/smile

The Other Whitey

Likely a comic book.


They don’t call them “comic books” now, TOW. They are “graphic novels”.

Gotta keep up with the Newspeak, y’know.

CC Senor

Well, the results were graphic enough.


A Farewell to Arms

BlueCord Dad

Darwin wins again. Too bad he already reproduced

Deplorable B Woodman

Yep. Too late, the gene pool is already polluted with their offspring.


How do we know is his kid?

And she had already someone else’s kid. This one would be her second.


No, no. Stupid kills.


Another Darwin Award winner….


Nope, the g/f is preggers, presumably with his child.


I read that one of their You[S]Tube[d] videos is of the visit where they find out the sex of her unborn baby – and he says “that’s my boy”.

It seems that with one child already between them, and another on the way, they were in a pretty serious and stable relationship.


But not married. And I doubt he had life insurance. Another “single mom” and two children on welfare.

some guy

Is the hoosegow now considered a form of welfare? Well, I guess you do get free food, free clothes (fashionable orange!), a roof over your head, and free use of exercise equipment, so you might be on to something. 😀


Assuming she goes to prison, the two kids probably become wards of the state. After she gets out of prison, so will she.


Who says you cant fix stupid?


And a rather permanent fix at that.

Well, for one of them, anyway.


.50 cal? He didn’t even get to say a few last words.

Interesting how specifically written the Minnesota statute is. I am not sure they will get a conviction if she fights. But it really is in the best interest of tge state to let her plead with a very minimal sentence.

Minnosota requires that she be consciously aware that she was recklessly putting his life at risk. I dont think she had a damn clue that books dont stop bullets nor had a clue what caliber it was or what a.50 cal is.

Proving that she acted in conscious reckless disregard is a challenge when it is pretty clear that neither of them would have done this if they had a clue that the book might not stop the bullet.


That is a good point, Lars.

I don’t know where they got a Desert Eagle, or whether she’d ever fired it before. It is pretty clear that they didn’t have any idea of the power and penetration of the round.

I sincerely feel for her – their joint stupidity has left her marked for life.


I’m not sure where, but I read earlier that they experimented first by shooting the .50 into a similar book and concluded it would stop the round.

I’m skeptical though. I doubt a 1.5″ book would stop a 9mm unless it was soaking wet; and then only maybe.


.50s are not that hard to find; similar to finding used .44 Magnums several years ago. Its just too much gun for most people to enjoy.

They should have gone to the Box O’ Truth site https://www.theboxotruth.com/the-box-o-truth-31-the-books-o-truth/ on which, among other things he tested how much book it took to sop various rounds. A round more or less equivalent to the .50, the old .45-70, penetrated over 16″ of paper before its soft cast bullet fragged.


You keep using the word “clue”.
I do not think it means what you think it means.


Well, IMO Findlaw would seem to disagree with you.


Maybe it’s just me, but IMO pointing a loaded weapon at someone and intentionally pulling the trigger seems more inherently reckless (and negligent) than the example Findlaw gives of throwing rocks at someone as a practical joke while they’re rockclimbing and causing them to fall to their demise.


That, then, is possibly why they charged her.


I read that they had fired at a similar book and found the bullet wouldn’t penetrate. It may have been an exact copy, dunno because the article didn’t say. They also made it seem like the testing used a very small number or even singular test before they actually decided to go hot. The amount of stupidity is amazing.


…or she said…see, you’ll be fine.

evil I tell ya 🙂


That’s her story and she’s sticking to it.

Wimmen be cray cray


Maybe not crazy at all. One does have to wonder if perhaps Pedro had a little “side action” going – and Monalisa got wind of it.

Not saying that’s the case. But such a situation isn’t exactly unknown.


Crazy in that a woman thinks UA wick dipping rates a firing squad. 🙂


The idea isn’t completely crazy. At one point, in some states catching one’s spouse in flagrante delicto with another individual was an affirmative defense against charges of murder. Might still be for all I know.

Not saying I agree with that, but many people do seem to take their spouse “stepping out” on them VERY seriously.


Called “The Unwritten Law”, I believe.


I thought that was “finders, keepers”


I want to know whether her tardo husband had life insurance with her as the beneficiary. If so, she may have just pulled off a very clever murder of her husband. The $7,000 bail shows the prosecutor is not looking at this as voluntary manslaughter, let alone murder.


Based on the apparent level of stupidity of the individuals involved, and the fact that they were not married, I doubt seriously either of them was forward thinking enough to have life insurance..


It’s what happens when you make them go “WOOO WOOO WOOO”!


50 cal DE.

Go big or go home

BlueCord Dad



🎼🎵🎶🎶”Fame…I”m Gonna Live Forever”🎶🎶🎵

Sadly, not in this case.


Or, with apologies to the late David Bowie:

Fame, what you get is no tomorrow . . .



That was smooth…


From another source, it was a “hard bound encyclopedia”……i’m thinking it’s the only time either one of these two winners held an encyclopedia. It was also a gold plated desert eagle. At least dude went out in style.

Roger in Republic

If you were going to pull a stunt like this, wouldn’t you test fire the gun into the book first? If only to see if you are going to need a thicker book.


According to the linked article, Pedro showed Monalisa a similar book he had shot with the DE where the round did not penetrate the book.

Also according to the article, he had to talk her into it over several days. With two video cameras running there will be ample evidence for the prosecutors and defense attorneys to use.


Apparently according to things I’ve read, Mr Genius here did that in his test attempt was successful and that’s what initiated his stunt thought process.
I don’t know if he used a thicker/denser book or a different caliber weapon. Either way, he won’t get a second chance.


Some mistakes you only get to make once.


Could be. If you solidly affix a book to a solid object (say a concrete driveway) and then shoot it, it will penetrate less. The book pages will compress and not blow out the back as easily. But a DE .50? That would have had to have been a helluva a book.

Hack Stone

He was holding a copy of “Internet Pranks For Dummies”.


They should have used a bible.


Dumber than using a stolen dead credit card.



Bill M

He got a bang out of it.

The Other Whitey

Oh dear Jesus. Well, dipshit obviously got what he deserved. Unfortunately he’s already polluted the gene pool with his stupidity, as has the girlfriend. This is the culmination of a long line of very-obviously-bad decisions.


So, when’s the video going to be released?


Mark Lauer

Gives my state a bad name.

I wish they had moved to Florida before trying this idiotic stunt.

Dave Hardin

I promise, if I get that .338 Lapua that “some guy” got laying around collecting dust, I will never shoot books.

Well, maybe only one or two.

A Proud Infidel®™

GOD, Jesus, Joseph, Mary and Haile Selassie, shit like this furthers my theory that THERE IS NO END to the depths of human stupidity.


The postulate, I believe, goes “Only the universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I’m not sure about the universe.”


Or as the late Robert A. Heinlein put it:

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Hack Stone

If they wanted to try a real wacky stunt that could lead to serious injury or death, they should have gotten into an airplane with Daniel Bernath.


Plus, how’d she know she could hot the book? If she hadn’t fired that bug of a gun before, it could have gone anywhere.


Damn autocorrect. Hot=hit. Bug=big

A Proud Infidel®™

Auto-correct can sometimes be a real Mother Forklift.

Eric the OC Tanker

To paraphrase Margret Sanger: Some people should not be allowed to breed.

chooee lee

Just God’s way of culling the herd. He takes the stupid ones.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I guess the judge will, are you ready for this “THROW THE BOOK AT HER” Any one out there remember the famous.44 AUTO MAG that was out there during the 1970’S. Some guy at the range had one and what a flame shot out of it.


Yep, made from a .308 case…


Famous last words…
Here… Hold my beer and watch this !!!


This is so sad I have nothing ‘funny’ in response. Please, people, freaking THINK. Unfortunately, the ones who need this advice are not the ones reading this message.

Lee Beswick

Really?!?!? An inch and a half book won’t stop a .22 let alone a larger slug. As a friend once said; physics wins …..


How can these retards afford a .50 Desert Eagle when I can barely feed a .22 Ruger?

One the other hand it probably paid for its self.