Antifa plans Gettysburg battlefield protests

| June 29, 2017

According to, those Anti-fascist protestors intend to create a stir at the Gettysburg Battlefield this coming weekend during the 154th anniversary of the Civil War battle.

Reports that the anti-fascist group Antifa plans to burn Confederate flags and desecrate graves have prompted calls on social media for other groups to gather in Gettysburg to counter those protesters.

The anniversary of the battle, which raged from July 1 to July 3, 1863, comes at a time when there is a growing movement to remove Confederate symbols from public spaces.

“There just seems to be a focus on that issue, when there has not been in the past,” Lawhon said.

There are no plans to change any of the 1,300 monuments on the park grounds, she said.

I guess they figure it’s easier to bully dead people than live folks.

This is what happens when we give in to their petty demands. They’ve been trying to alter history by tearing down all remembrances of the civil war south and because grownups would rather get along than get a backbone, these little twits want to make names for themselves and this seems like an easy way for the little stank-ass hippies to accomplish that.

Category: I hate hippies

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Really? REALLY?
I hope the real Ghosts of Gettysburg appear from the ether an make them shit their pants.
I know they exist because I’ve seen two.
Other than that, it’s federal land and I hope a BUNCH of police come and tear them a new ass.
If not I hope a bunch of REAL Americans take it as their responsibility to make the grass grow.


Ever heard of Point Lookout?

Doc Savage

I have a sneaking suspicion that this “next” Battle of Gettysburg wont turn out any better for the left than the last battle of Gettysburg did…..I’m bringing the popcorn.


Fix bayonets!


Exactly, and every infantry re-enactor will likely have his trusty spike bayonet handy. So, let the games begin. Wish I lived closer so I could watch the fun and games.


A volley of blanks at close range will ruin your whole day. Just sayin…..

But yeah, seeing a bunch of masked and hooded hoodlums fleeing from the bayonet charge of a pick-up squad of Blue and Gray would just be…


A Proud Infidel®™

Ahah, just the thought of the sight of a field strewn with bunches of beaten, broken up hippies howling and screeching in pain….


So, Antifa plans to get their asses beaten at Gettysburg, huh? Hope someone takes video so we can all enjoy it.

Deplorable B Woodman

Put it on PPV, help pay down the national debt.



If Antifa actually tries this, it goes without saying that it will not end well for them.

On the other hand, perhaps that is exactly what they seek.


While flag burning may be a protected activity (and I am not saying it should or shouldn’t be), grave desecration is a criminal offense.

Arrest them, throw them in jail and make them pay for any clean up to the graves. Better yet, have them pay for the clean up and also clean the headstones in the cemeteries up there.

As a side note, this type of criminal activity is why I hate the idea of “ban the box” on employment applications. While the person may be nice in an interview, I don’t want anyone who is so loathing of a creature to have intentionally desecrated graves working for me.



Hopefully there will be some re-enactors up at Gettysburg this weekend. Civil War era muskets and rifles make excellent weapons as clubs.


“Hopefully there will be some re-enactors up at Gettysburg this weekend. Civil War era muskets and rifles make excellent weapons as clubs.”

I’m sure that in one of the images, you’ll see someone swinging a musket/rifle in close quarters.

Doc Savage

If I recall my history, The 1st Minnesota Volunteers led a bayonet charge at Gettysburg….that alone would be worth watching, but I believe it would have an entirely different outcome against the Antifa crowd.


FWIW, a .50 or .60 musket muzzle blast, even sans miniball, will get your attention real quickly. And it is dangerous – the wad coming out of that muzzle at a high rate of speed can do some serious damage at point-blank range.

Not that I am advocating any of this. The re-enactors with whom I loosely associate are all very safety conscious. But if one felt the need to defend one’s life and safety from an attacker, that is an option available.


I just happen to cast .50 Minies…. would happily provide samples to Gettysburg re-enactors this year. Just sayin’.

A Proud Infidel®™

When firing black powder blanks one doesn’t really even need packing, but it makes for a louder noise when you fire, especially with my “Special Recipe” for blanks! When live firing a BP Rifle you only want to use FF grade of powder but for blanks I’ll mix a quantity of FFFF which makes a nice *BOOM!* when you fire, especially with a double load! And YES I’m meticulous about keeping my live and blank powder supplies segregated.


So you segregate your black powder?

Racist bastard!

(j/k of course.)

A Proud Infidel®™

I kinda have to because when doing live fire, FFFF is only usable in the flash pan of a flintlock, using it to propel a bullet is begging for a blown barrel, ditto if you use smokeless powder in a BP firearm.


API: Do you use true BP or Pyrodex?

I’ve never put real BP in my muzzleloader, honestly. But 50g with a paper wad firmly tamped down on it makes a nice bang for re-enacting.

A Proud Infidel®™

Real BP, Pyrodex only makes a fizzing noise whenever you use it for blanks.


amen… if it ain’t Black it ain’t worth it


Makes a real good BOOM with a patched .50 ball on top, though.


‘Civil War era muskets and rifles make excellent weapons as clubs.’

Yes they do.

And those weapons also still work pretty well when they have full-length Civil War-era socket bayonets affixed to them.

Carlton G. Long

And any flag burning being done is criminal if that flag belongs to someone else.


There is this little matter of desecration of graves, damage to a National Monument, and a few other laws that are enforced in those regions – unlike what the Antifa fascists have come to expect in places like Berkley.

I believe some re-enactors will be there as well. While I know they are much to civilized to make full use of their accoutrements, it would nonetheless make a pretty picture to see them engaged in a for-real skirmish with these socialists.


I would hope that a few of the Patriot Guard Riders would show up to Gettysburg. Like about 1,000 of them.


Where is the makeshift field hospital that might treat any possible injured protestors? It should be made as authentic as possible, in the spirit of re-enactment.


Sorry, I wouldn’t do any period-authentic amputations on an antifa fascist – no telling what types of diseases they carry.


We don’t need to amputate them. We only need to scare the crap out of them.


You take the fun out of everything, don’t you?




Scaring the crap out of protestors has got to be plenty fun! Once they are encircled (if they ever are) they’ll think twice about coming back to disrupt any re-enactment.


These cheesey little crapweasels really do need to have their asses handed to them, in spades.
Since they really are cowhearted creatures, they may run at the first sound of cannon being fired.


Oh no, Ex-PH2. They’re turning into bad asses, they even have their own martial arts training classes and all that.

Course from what I saw of their training I am pretty sure my six year old could whip their asses single handed and not break a sweat.


Snerrkkk! I think any kid in kindergarten could whip ’em, Instinct!

The Old Maj

Something does not smell right here…

Deplorable B Woodman

Yep. The AntiFas definitely need a bath.




The Second Battle of Gettysburg.

The Union and Confederate armies join forces, then proceed to whip Antifa ass.


^^^ +10^10 ^^^


Would LMAO!.Both Blue and Grey, fixing bayonets and charging skinny jean wearing beta males.


All you have to do is encircle them, that will be enough, they will piss their pants!


Considering the fact that there are NO Confederate graves at Gettysburg (so says the Park Service people) this could be an interesting week-end for some of the children. I reckon that there IS room for a few antifa graves however….


You are correct, sir.

“Gettysburg National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 3,500 Union soldiers killed in the Battle of Gettysburg, a Union victory often cited as a turning point in the Civil War. Numerous monuments stand in both the cemetery and battlefield to commemorate the Union and Confederate troops who fought there.”


You needed to read a little further, AW1Ed:

“Confederate burials did not receive placement in the national cemetery. Efforts in the 1870s by Southern veterans’ societies eventually relocated 3,200 Confederate remains to cemeteries in Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas, such as Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. A few Confederates do remain interred at Gettysburg National Cemetery.”


one of the largest confederate cemeteries is right here in Fayettenam.

it has been the subject of numerous vandalisms


Sad to hear.


It’s a great cemetery…it even contains continental soldier’s graves.


My kids and I walked through several times. Every time someone visits me from out of state I take them there.

One plot is particularly interesting. When you look there and realize by paying attention to the dates and the epitaphs is that what you are looking at in that relatively small area is a family that served the military consistently over 4 generations.

Just An Old Dog

“A few Confederates do remain interred at Gettysburg National Cemetery.”

I believe there are 8 that were mistakenly interred there following the battle because their temporary graves had been marked poorly and became illegible.
A gentleman named Greg Coco (Army Vet and Park Ranger) wrote several books on the battle and area. One of them was called ” Wasted Valor, The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg” and he went into detail about the areas the Confederates were temporarily buried and how most were removed. Scores of them were never recovered and lay in unmarked graves through out the park.
Antifa needs to do their homework. Better yet they just need to go away.


agree with AW1Ed. I walked the battlefield in 2001 and 2002 and was told repeatedly that there are no Confederate dead buried there. Also, no Confederate flags are allowed in the memorials and statues. Reenactments are not conducted on the battlefield, though there may be small unit demonstrations. Since the Union decisively won this battle, the point is moot and continues to reveal what happens when public schools stop teaching US history. Anti-Fas……go to your local free library and study up.


Im saying something not right here. Nor that Id be that surprises a gepup is that dumb, just something off…


I get that vibe, too.

A Proud Infidel®™

I used to do Reenactments and the NPS does not allow them on the battlefields themselves because it is considered as Hallowed Ground.


I believe that they made an exception to film “Gettysburg”.

I recall an interview with a participant, who was moved deeply by the honor granted to him as one allowed to stand on that ground in that manner.


I was in that movie. I was one of the 79 mounted cavalry re-enactors portraying Gen. John Buford’s Cavalry troopers. I still have the T-shirt they gave us that has the movie logo and says, “Background Artist.” Only a few scenes in the movie were actually shot on the battlefield park. Thirty to forty acres of farmland adjacent to Cashtown were used to recreate portions of the battlefield, where most of the movie was filmed. All the Union cavalry scenes I was in were shot there. Shooting near and on portions of the park was problematic for the film crews because of all the monuments all over the park. In a few scenes near the park, they had to drape some monuments with camouflage netting. I believe most of the long shots of Pickett’s Charge were shot on Park property. I didn’t get to witness that part of the movie being made because it was shot the week before I arrived. It was a great experience, and I enjoyed meeting and talking to Sam Elliott. He kept our cavalry camp supplied with keg beer during most of our two week shoot.


You, sir, are a lucky man.

Perry Gaskill


Buford was somewhat unique for his time in that he apparently had his troopers trained to fight as dismounted infantry in addition to the standard mounted cavalry skills. This would prove critical in holding off the Confederates as they approached line-of-march from the east side of the gap in Seminary Ridge. It was like putting a cork in a bottle, and stopped Lee long enough for Union reinforcements to arrive.

Meanwhile, Jeb Stuart’s cavalry on the Confederate side was running around all over the place which made Lee effectively blind in terms of recon at a crucial stage. There are two interesting questions about what might have happened if Stuart had been better at taking care of business: 1) Would Lee have continued on into Gettysburg to launch an assault against Cemetery Ridge if he had a better idea of the disposition of Union forces, and 2) Even if he had decided to engage, knowing in advance the weakness of the Union left flank might have caused things to turn out differently in terms of tactics.

The film Gettysburg was also based on Michael Shaara’s novel The Killer Angels which apparently was, at least at one time, the only work of fiction ever made required reading at West Point.


The movie was originally titled, “The Killer Angels,” and the script was very faithful to the book. The name was changed to “Gettysburg” because the Hollywierd movie marketing gurus decided people would think it was about a certain renegade biker gang and not bother to see it. Anyway, that is what we were told after the movie was shot. I guess we would have to check with Traitor Jane’s ex to find out for sure.


Not true. Despite Stuart’s absence, Lee still had several squadrons of cavalry with him the entire time.

Folks like to blame the loss on Stuart, or Longstreet, but are oddly diffident about placing any blame on Lee. He had begun to regard the Union infantry as not competent, always a fatal mistake.

While the Union troops didn’t have the elan of the Army of Northern Virginia, they were capable of winning battles, provided good leadership.

Perry Gaskill

Point taken, Casey, but I’ll stand by the original comment based on the timing of things. Gettysburg took place over a three-day period. Buford’s engagement happened on July 1. Stuart probably should have been aware Buford was going to be in the Seminary Ridge gap, as well as a general idea of the disposition of Union forces just starting to fortify Cemetery Ridge and the rest of the Union troops coming up from the southeast.

On July 2, Lee sent two regiments of Alabama infantry against the Union extreme left flank at little Round Top then held by the single regiment of Joshua Chamberlain’s 20th Maine. When the 20th Maine eventually made its downhill bayonet charge, it was because the regiment, told to hold at all costs, was out of ammunition. It can be argued that with better recon a single additional Confederate regiment from those in reserve could have turned the Union flank, and there would not have been a third day of the battle as it turned out.

On July 3, Lee ordered Pickett’s charge against the Union center. Indeed, it was probably a mistake, but Lee had no way of knowing, for example, the effect of the prior loss of Stonewall Jackson, or what the limit of Pickett’s troops would be. It had never been shown before. Longstreet argued for restraint, but was overruled. It could have gone the other way.

An additional interesting aspect to this is that the Union’s best general was probably Ulysses S. Grant who would accept the surrender of Vicksburg the day after Gettysburg ended. He would become the commander of the Army of the Potomac in the weeks to follow.

Bill M

“Anti-Fas……go to your local free library and study up.”
This requires the ability to read, a fact not in evidence with the Antifa segment of the population. And we don’t need them using their crayons in the library.

A Proud Infidel®™

Studying is actual work and we all know just how allergic hippies and hipsters are to that!

A Proud Infidel®™

So Antifa now wants to do to Confederate graves just like how Hitler’s SA desecrated Jewish graves and cemeteries. A .58 caliber Minie Ball coming from the muzzle of an Enfield (main battle rifle of the CSA) or a Springfield (main rifle of the Union Army) will do very massive damage to whatever part of the human body it hits not to mention the non-sealing wound the three-sided bayonet will inflict and it doesn’t need to be attached to a rifle to be used, and many Reenactors also carry either a Bowie Knife or an “Arkansas Toothpick” as well. If very many of those little human cockroaches show up they’ll be in for a very rude surprise because many Reenactors are also Veterans. I’m all for a “National Beat a Hippie Week” during which any legit Veteran can beat as many hippies as he or she pleases in a day but will be limited to twelve hippies a day for the rest of the year.


Can we relatives of veterans come play, too?

A Proud Infidel®™

I say YES, especially for next of kin.


As the son of a WWII Army vet, brother of an Army and a Navy vet, and proud father of an Army Iraqi war vet, I’d be proud to come play “Cowboys and hippies.”


Unit motto for the gathering: “Play ball with the Veterans, or they will shove the bat up your ass.”

A Proud Infidel®™

CORRECTION “… National Beat a Hippie MONTH…”


So, it would be a sort of no-bag-limit week? That is a capital idea. Would this require licenses and tags? Just asking for a friend.


I am confused.

Wasn’t the Battle at Gettysburg considered a victory for the Union? What are these people protesting, a Confederate loss? It would be different if these protests started taking place in the South where CSA had quite a few victories, but everyone knows how that would end :).

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie’s Land I’ll take my stand
to live and die in Dixie.
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.


A song purportedly written by an Ohioan (or two) and used in minstrel shows, and a favorite of Abraham Lincoln.

I rather like the sentiment Lincoln expressed in his Second Inaugural Address:

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”


I’m more a fan of “The Bonnie Blue Flag”


A good choice as well.

Forest Green

Actually the favorite marching song of the Army of Northern Virginia


From “Gods and Generals” one of my favorites.


If you need a good Chuckle, check out how this group trains in self-defense (am seeing a pattern here):


They better stay away from the 26th North Carolina Infantry Regiment Monuments that are there. Have a personnel issue with that. My Great-Great Grandfather served with that Regiment and was wounded and taken POW on 1 July. The Regiment suffered a big loss of personnel from E and F Companies.


I’ve seen tai chi performed by grandparents which looked more intimidating.


Those grandparents could probably kicked their little behinds all the way to the SEARS Tower (and with grace as well).



I have that flowered cap. I will set fire to it before I ever wear it again. Or just toss it in the trash where it belongs.




Id kick one in the balls but i doubt i would find a pair in that group of pansies


Queers doing calisthenics. Someone pass the eye bleach.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHEN do those candyassed pisspants fleabags ever get bold enough to get physical other than when they outnumber their intended victims by over a dozen to one?


Never. Even when the intended victim is old and crippled.

A Proud Infidel®™

Very TRUE Greybeard, I laughed my ass off watching those effeminate metrosexual candyassed cream puffs talking like they think they could engage someone like me or other fellow Vets that have done time in the litter box.


That guy with the pony tail is going to find out why long hair is not allowed in the military. It has nothing to do with fashion.


As long as you wear insect repellent, you should be okay.

A Proud Infidel®™

A flea collar might come in handy as well but I doubt they make one for a 17″ neck like mine.


What the heck did I just see? Spazz Do?

Those folks give “Queer” a bad name. Several acquaintances are gonna bust a gut when I show them that video. They learned early that if one is going to be an “alternative” lifestyle type, one had better have competence in an alternative martial art. (Like Krav Maga and/or Gun-Fu) Or just know how to freaking -box-.

Did they maybe think that, just perhaps, a -competent- instructor might help the effort? Or is that to “normative” of something?

Those folks in the video are -not- typical so-called “Antifa”. Many of the hard-for are more like skinheads or “slam dancers”. The core of that bunch are neither unacquainted with mayhem, nor unskilled in its use.

Like the main clique of a gang, expending hang-arounds and prospects to conserve the core strength for bigger fights, and to select new core members from the survivors.


Damn, video is blocked now…


A few period field artillery pieces charged with canister and grape should clear their decks…


Why waste the canister & grape? The noise itself should drive those little snowflakes to their safe spaces with their tails tucked between their legs.

Bill M

…while dripping brown liquid.


You guys are all talking about musket shots and minie balls.

I disagree. My great-grandfather, his three brothers, their uncle and my grandmother’s uncle all fought in the Civil War. I think they would agree that other things can be done and get the same effect.

I strongly suggest that people with shotguns show up with loads of rock salt and use it on these dweebbzz. I would be quite astonished if more than one busload actually showed up. If not shotguns and rock salt, then paintballers loaded for bear.

Since it’s a national park, the Park Service should have extra staff on hand, preferably on horseback, to repel these cucarachas, along with VA state and local police and maybe county mounties.

I don’t know if gunpowder is as irritating to the eyes when fired as teargas is, but since everyone will be firing blanks anyway, I also suggest that a full cannonade be fired in the general direction of the antifas, mostly to scare the pants off them.

It woudl also be appropriate for someone to bring hand cannons, also known as harbor cannons (fired to signal the Harbormaster that the ship is in port and ready for inspection), and fire those off. They are loud and intimidating. This would be far less expensive than using a Civil War reproduction musket, and probably more effective.

As dumb as those morons are (which is apparent in that video), they have no idea what they are getting themselves into.


Here’s a nice video of a replica hand cannon being fired.


I made one of those once as a kid.
3/4 inch piece of pipe mounted in a wood stock with an end cap slotted for a fuse.
Insert the match tip filled CO2 cylinder
into breach, screw on the cap and light the fuse. Makes a nice thru and thru in a 55 gallon drum. Coat the cylinder tip with some contact explosive and you have minature “thumper”
Ok, I lied. I never did such a thing.


breech dammit


As in “once more into the”, right?


“And teach them how to war”


Here’s an antique harbor cannon. I don’t know why they call it a thunder mug. It does make an impressive noise, but they are correct that it’s a signaling device.


OMG..when he was over the maw trying to light it, I thought he might go the way of Phineas Gage.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or simply become a “Vapor Head”. IMHO using blasting powder was also a mistake, the granules are too big, IMHO they should have used say, F or FF grade BP and NOT wet swabbing the bore in between firings is a BIG MISTAKE, just one unburnt ember and you’re history when you reload! Another faux pas is just dumping the powder down the bore, doing it properly would be to bag the powder before dropping it in and then puncturing it through the fuse hole with a Primer pick, then inserting and lighting the fuse. I wonder if they timed the burning rate of the fuse as well so they knew how much to cut in order to ensure sufficient getaway time?


I did say it was both comical and very, very scary. Someone should take that thing away from them.


I have viewed that about a half dozen times since I found it, and the ineptitude from the start is both screamingly funny and freaking scary.


probably much like hunting with Dick Cheney. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

Hunting with Dick Cheney is FAR SAFER than riding with Ted *HICCUP!* Kennedy.


not anymore

A Proud Infidel®™

Ex-PH2, the blank rounds for the muskets are loaded into paper cartridges which the shooter bites the end off of and dumps the powder into the barrel before priming and firing. An 80 grain load of FF gives off a nice *POP!* while one of mine with 50/50 FFF/FFFF will make a nice *BOOM!* and a double charge of that sounds off like a cannon, I’d love to be able to supply some of those Reenactors with some of my custom rounds to let loose at those shittyassed fleabags!


I once watched a safety demo at a civil war re-enactment that showed what a 3-inch Parrot Rifle (it’s a cannon) would do to a raw chicken at 5-7 yards firing a blank charge. It shredded that chicken sufficiently for some chicken fajitas.


One of the problems our canoneers have at our local reenactment is that folks think that they are safe down-range at just 100′. Trying to get them to move is a challenge – they want to get the photograph!

The other side of a pond is not far enough away, idjits.


Here’s what an 8-inch siege mortar can do with a 45-pound load. Extreme range up to 2,000 yards. (Am I showing a preference for artillery?)





“scrapes the bore”

I’ve done that many times for altogether different reasons. 🙂


I now have an an 8-inch siege mortar in my pants.

just some feller

I’ll see your mortar and raise you a field piece.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ex-PH2, are you saying you’re a Short Gun Aficionado? (Mortar vs. Artillery Gun)?


Might just be the BOOM!,API.

HT3 '83-'87

I anticipate a whole lot of nothing. Considering US Parks Police, Penn. State Police, and local LE offices will be on hand to keep law & order.

Thousands of reenactors & visitors won’t allow a few hippie douchebags to ruin one of the most important moments in American history. There won’t be any Berkeley PD “stand downs” happening this weekend. Just a few thousand men with muskets and cannons including mounted cavalry. Just look at some of the videos on YouTube like this. Those losers won’t know whether to shit or go blind.

A Proud Infidel®™

Thinking about the attitude and demeanor of some of the groups I’ve done reenactments with when it comes to the sanctity of memorials, the “Po-Po” should be the least of the fleabags’ worries, especially the Confederate Reenactors, piss them Southern Boys off and they’ll find out what PAIN really is…

John Robert Mallernee

@ HTS ’83 – ’87:


Thank you for posting that.

Mark Lauer

I don’t think the re-enactors, the visiting tourists (especially the cops), or the Park Police (not to mention the good citizens of Gettysburg) will let these ass monkeys get away with any of this bullshit. They are not going to find an easy target. And God help them if they try to do anything to the Confederate graves or monuments, them Southern re-enactors are a hard edged bunch. I think some of ’em carry live ammo, just in case the War of Norther Aggression ever heats up again.


All they need to load live ammo is a Minnie ball in their cartridge box along with the blank paper cartridges. Been there done that (but not at the re-enactments). At one of the Gettysburg battles I attended some stupid Frenchman who came over for the re-enactment accidentally shot an opponent with his ramrod. Because of that, most re-enactor clubs barred their infantry troops from carrying their ramrods onto the battlefield.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s why everyone on the Battlefield at every Reenactment I took part in was absolutely forbidden from having a ramrod on their rifle before going onto the field.


Yes, that rule became nationwide and was a result of the incident with the stoopid fwench re-enactor, and IIRC it occurred at the 130th Gettysburg re-enactment. Before that incident the infantry re-enactors in my club used their ramrods to tamp down the charge before firing and we never had a mishap.

The Other Whitey

This is low, even for those twats. They respect nothing, because they understand nothing. And of course, they hate and fear that which they don’t understand.

I’ve visited Gettysburg. I’ve seen the Wheat Field and the Railroad Cut. I’ve hiked the trail on Little Round Top and seen the spot where COL Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain led the 20th Maine downhill. Those Yankees had some extraordinary balls to make that bayonet charge. I’ve seen the High-Water Mark from both sides of the field, and walked halfway to the old fence from Lee’s line where Pickett’s Charge jumped off, imagining how much that would suck to march just that far–much less all the way–while under artillery and small arms fire. Those Rebs had some extraordinary balls to make that assault.

Men from every state then admitted (including California) and most of the territories were present at the Battle of Gettysburg in Blue or Gray, and were also among the casualties. I bought a t-shirt there with a slogan that summed it up appropriately: our country’s common ground.

Any cocksucker that desecrates that place deserves an express ticket to their assraping in Hell.

A Proud Infidel®™

All of my Civil War Ancestors that I know of were Union, but that wouldn’t stop me from knocking, beating, kicking and stomping the shit, piss and snot out of anyone I caught desecrating a grave, PERIOD.

The Other Whitey

Indeed. According to the family’s oral history I have at least one ancestor who was in the Irish Brigade under Thomas Francis Meagher, though we know very little about him now. Evidently he wasn’t big on war stories.

But modern protesters demonstrate their utter ignorance every time this comes up.


well whatever happens I hope they get it on youtube


I really expect a lot of nothing happening.

Like the “Antifa” threat to take down the statue of Sam Houston in Houston. The locals held a pretty big demonstration there the day they were supposed to show up – and they were a no-show.

Could be that someone was jerking the chain to see if the dragon was awake. I suspect anyone inclined to follow through on this threat will rethink it upon a recon of the AO – or sneak in their vandalism at night.

The Other Whitey

The folks I met in southeastern Pennsylvania certainly weren’t the type that takes kindly to hippies shitting on their lawn.

A Proud Infidel®™

They don’t seem very eager to try their shit anywhere in the Deep South, especially in smaller towns where the local folks WOULD NOT only refuse to put up with their shit, they’d give those fleabags a lesson in what pain is!


And I suspect are kinda hoping for the chance.


Frankly, I’d be surprised if they do show at all, but it’s best to believe that they will.


If they do show, I suspect they will be terrified to do anything once they see there will be about 20,000 armed re-enactors there.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like I said earlier, not only do the Reenactors carry rifles and bayonets, a fair share also carry Bowie Knives and “Arkansas Toothpicks” and that’s not counting the Mounted Cavalry who carry swords, pistols and carbines as well as the Officers carrying swords.


I used to carry all three, plus a double edged period sheath knife. They might also find out what it feels like to get hit in the face with the dry Cream-of-Wheat packed into pistol cylinders for blanks. Plus, you do not want to mess with a well drilled, mounted cavalry platoon with drawn sabers.


An old timey bayonet charge would be entertaining

A Proud Infidel®™

Let the Mounted Cavalry use them for sword practice as well.


The 4th of July weekend is when the new interns rotate into emergency rooms across the country.

You could just rough the little bahstids up and legally get a higher mortality rate than a battle by just sending them to the local hospitals.

…and the interns get some practice in the process.


That’s neat!

Deplorable B Woodman

If any reenactor were to ACCIDENTALLY load ball into his musket or rifle, and ACCIDENTALLY shoot an AntiFas hippie, well, I wish the police good luck in finding the shooter. I have a feeling a whole lot of other reenactors would do the same, just to muddy the evidence. Then again, the police might not look too hard anyway.
“What ‘re you whining about, boy? Jess’ get up an’ walk it off. Quit’cher bitchin’, fer I give ya somethin’ to bitch about. And don’t you DARE bleed all over my park grounds! Now SCOOT!”


And take your blanky with you.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another piece of gear that many a Reenactor carries is a Nipple Pick, it’s a thin piece of sturdy wire with a sharpened end used for de-fouling the percussion nipple on the rifle. it’s about 4″ long and while it won’t produce any ghastly wounds IT WILL cause lots of very intense pain when shoved into any human limb.


Or ear.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND IF I was one of the Reenactors present there this weekend I would visit the Sutlers and buy at least a few more nipple picks so I would have some as a backup pain-causing weapon that is very easily concealed. Nipple Picks are usually carried on the hat but just as easily on a sleeve or collar for quick access.


I learn all sorts of nifty stuff on this blog…..



This seems -way- out of character for the so-called Antifa.

They cant possibly believe that shit-stirring around hundreds of armed -non- cops is a good idea. Unless someone told them the re-enactors are all armed with toys, or soem other BS.

Is it -possible- that they are being set up? They come out to taunt, play some head busting games, and some loon leftie starts sniping at both sides, to provoke the reasonably predictable result?

To quote Luke:
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this….”

Maybe -that- possibility is the lever they intend to use to provoke the Law Enforcement types to prohibit the usual reenactments, ban the muskets, etc. Produce a disarmed audience, -then- go on a wild. Or just make them go away, so the Iditjits can vandalize in safety.



You see, this is why I said paint balls and/or rock salt, not the real stuff. Those are mostly annoying, but the real stuff is not appropriate.
If they are being set up, I’d like to know how they plan to get there in the first place, and what inspires them to think that they can get away with damaging a national monument.
While there is the possibility that they’re being fed hokum, there is also the possibility that they are truly dumb enough to think they can do damage and get away with it.
There are still people who remember the 1960s and 1970s and won’t appreciate these lackwits’ behavior.


they make pepper balls…just saying


Coarse grind or powder?

Powder would stick better. Or mix it up with capsaicin liquid balls.


I’m saying they make capsaicin (pepper) paint balls commercially.


Oh, I understand that. I’m just speculating that balls filled with a truly hot dried ground pepper could also be very effective, mixed in with the capsaicin balls.

The powder would stick nastily. The sneezing and watering eyes would be – well, awesome!


Hot sauce works too. We used to make improvised non-lethal grenades using plastic gatorade or soda bottles, hot sauce and MRE heaters.

I gotten caught good with them myself….hated it.


The actual veterans of that battle got together in 1913…but they behaved rather differently.


According the Central PA Antifa’s FB page, THEY think it’s a hoax, a non-event fake protest, like the Houston fake protest. They also think it was started by Breitbart, because Breitbart is always fake news (aliens, UFOs and stuff), and they’re telling people to go to a different event on July 2 in Philadelphia.

So let’s just wait and see what happens. If it is a fake protest, then someone is intentionally stirring the pot for no reason other than to start trouble.


Trolling the Trump supporters more than likely.

HT3 '83-'87

Actually, I think its a change of plans on their part. Groups like this always want to attack a ‘soft target’. Those never want anything close to a fair fight. Better to pick on a Betsey Ross reenactor then some USA & CSA regiments.

All those cowards hiding behind their masks realized the only thing waiting for them in Gettysburg was a full serving from a can whoop ass.


Y’gotta wonder, don’tcha?

If folks show up to oppose them, then it’s “you’ve been trolled”. If not, then it’s “you’ve been told.”

If the antifa fascists ever dared show up at an event like this, I’d honestly be surprised. They are all cowards.


Let’s play on their historical ignorance and convince them to take on a Molly Pitcher reenactor instead…

On second thought, let’s don’t.


hell, they’d get their asses kicked at a Molly Hatchett reenactment.

11B-mailclerk a Molly Ringwald fan club meeting….

A Proud Infidel®™

Sooner or later a big group of them will get their asses beaten and stomped into next month, and i hope I get to take part in it.


This is going to go over really well. Those Civil War reenactors are a very patriotic lot and won’t take kindly to the destruction of historic landmarks or the desecration of graves.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

As the Crows once sang-Life could be a dream,SHABOOM, SHABOOM.

Texas Nomad

This is another fake Antifa protest like in Houston. A single Facebook account claiming to represent them starts commenting on feeds, but established Antifa in area have never heard of them.

Then it spread on social media and made ‘real news’. Here locally, hundreds of armed counter protestors showed up for a hoax.

Treat claims of offensive and nonsense Antifa protests like a new guy at a VFW with his DD214 on a leather jacket – skepticism.

The Old Maj

That is what I was thinking.


Skepticism is always in order (but look at all the fun stuff we dug up, too!). However, if they cry ‘wolf’ often enough, no one will believe them. Then we should ask, is that their entire strategy? What would they hope to gain, besides US despising THEM?
There are several results that can come out of the false alarm:
1 – They lose all credibility.
2 – The fake alarms make people angry enough to assault them on sight.
3 – Someone puts out an ‘official’ notice to gather for destruction, with mayhem as the result.
There are other possibilities, but you get the drift.

Texas Nomad

Just to follow up…

The protest was a fake. Several armed people showed up to counter-protest. One accidentally shot himself.


Get rid those pussies in a fitting way….. A couple volleys of minie balls followed up by bayo charge with a good ol rebel yell.
Hmmmm……if only