Re: The recent comments of LTG Sanchez

| October 12, 2007

Not surprisingly, the Mainstream Media latched right on to his comment:

“There is no question America is living a nightmare with no end in sight,”

Sadly, that is NOT all General Sanchez had to say. Army Times published an article on General Sanchez’s comments Army Times managed to note a few things the MSM didn’t:

Jaws dropped as Sanchez glared out at the room, and then eyes rolled as he spent an hour blaming everyone but himself.


He said some poor strategic decisions in Iraq had become “defeats because of the media,” and that some reporters feed from a “pigs’ trough.”

He lamented the media’s treatment of Federal Emergency Management chief Michael Brown during Hurricane Katrina. Brown resigned from FEMA after accusations that he had mishandled the hurricane.


He said the partisan politics of Congress are “killing soldiers,” and that the focus needs to be not at Capitol Hill, but in Iraq. And, he said, the media’s coverage of partisan politics was driving a wedge in democracy. He called for newspapers to run corrections more prominently and noted that television and Internet outlets often don’t run corrections at all.

The Bush administration, he said, failed to plan economically and politically for Iraq, and has continued to fail in expressing its plans and strategies to the American people. The best the administration could hope for with the current approach is to “stave off defeat.”

When asked for specific names involved in failures he cited, he said, “I’m not into second-guessing decisions of our political leadership.”

This sounds like a bitter guy who feels he got the stinky end of the stick and is now interested in seeing others dragged through the mud he feels he was unjustly drug through. Come on, now, invoking Katrina should be a clue, shouldn’t it?

Category: Media, Politics, Terror War

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Jonn Lilyea

I guess the Mainstream Media didn’t feel it was newsworthy to report that Sanchez blamed them (the MSM) and the Democrats as much as the Administration. That doesn’t fit in the headline, does it? In fact, if you compare the Army Times article to the CNN article, it looks almost as if they’re reporting two different press briefings.


This is the same General who also (rightfully) criticized the media for their lopsided reporting. Sanchez committed a few blunders himself, one of which was doing very little to stop the Sunni insurgency during his watch. He should focus his anger on the leftist morons who cared more about the college-hazing “torture” at Abu Grahib than what the terrorist scumbags did to earn one of the 8×10 cells.