US conducts successful missile intercept test.

| May 30, 2017

Fox News is reporting the successful shoot-down of a mock nuclear warhead from a ground based missile interceptor. The event occurred over the Pacific Ocean, where a simulated ballistic missile was launched from the Marshall Islands and the interceptor was fired from Vandenberg AFB.

This is the first test of this type in nearly three years, and comes on the heels of a North Korean missile launch this past weekend, firing a Scud-like missile into Japanese waters.

“This system is vitally important to the defense of our homeland, and this test demonstrates that we have a capable, credible deterrent against a very real threat,” said Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director Vice Admiral Jim Syring. “I am incredibly proud of the warfighters who executed this test and who operate this system every day.”

The US fields two other anti-missile systems, the Patriot Missile System and the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD. Both are designed to counter short and medium range ballistic missiles. The system under test today has the long range capability, but has only about a 50% success rate thus far. But that’s why we test.

More here.


Category: Politics

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Test one and see if you can hit the phat nork’s one man resort!!


damn…now that’s shooting

Bet you couldn’t drive a nail up Fatboi’s bunghole with a sledgehammer after that news


Awwww, ya just made Fatty Kim da T’ird look bad!!!

He’s been claiming that the US sent a B-1B bomber over Norkiland yesterday or this morning my time, or something, but I couldn’t find anything anywhere to confirm that any bombers went near his camping ground.

I’ll check for his crackling angst later this evening. Or tomorrow. Or something.


How does it make him look bad? We didn’t shoot down a NK missile nor did we demonstrate a capability we had not already demonstrated in the past.

I think it is great we renewed testing this capability, but the propaganda spin you are trying to make is absurd.

Every failed NK missile makes the regime look bad. But our shooting down our own test missile does not.


It was poking the bear…especially after he made his recent remarks.


You really cannot read plain English, can you, Lars the Dim?


And once in a while, get your head out of your own ass, will you?

A Proud Infidel®™

Excuse YOU Babbles McButthead, but haven’t you been keeping up with ANYTHING other than the Marxist babble and drivel that your Perfessers spoon-feed you?

IMHO you are completely allergic to facts, logic and common sense.

Just An Old Dog

He launches a missile and beats his fat chest about how dangerous he is.
We shoot down a missile that is similar to what he is bragging about.


Der Commiesar, every failed test does not make the regime look bad. Some of those tests could have been conducted to prove the operability of certain components in guidance or propulsion. It’s in open source documents that the NorK’s pack these missiles with explosives so they can be remotely detonated thereby keeping the US and ROK from examining their parts. Every time the NorK’s pickle one of these missiles off they learn something. They’re smart, not monkeys with sticks. See how far they’ve come in the last five years, under crippling sanctions no less. Laughing when they fail, or believing that the US has some kind of “left of launch” ray gun that makes their missiles go boom right after they light the wick, after which the Dear Leader shakes his fat little fist at the US, is denial of the obvious. They will eventually develop a solid fuel ICBM that can be hidden, can carry at least one nuclear warhead that has enough explosive force to ruin your day, and be rolled out and launched quickly making targeting and launching interceptors very difficult. What to do, what to do.


Why don’t you take your freaking medication and STFU? No one wants to hear your mindless drivel!!


I did find an article that says the US sent a B1-B from Anderson AFB in the Marianas over SOUTH Korea, somewhat near Norkiland.

I think the real problem with Lardbutt the Flabulous is that he simply cannot measure up to his daddy or his grandpa, and he knows it, so he makes claims that feed his empty, cheese-besotted ego.
Someone should send him home to his mama.

Just An Old Dog

“I think the real problem with Lardbutt the Flabulous is that he simply cannot measure up to his daddy or his grandpa”

I’m curious if there is some sort of psychopathic genocidal maniac scale that can be used for this.


Would WW I have happened if Kaiser Wilhelm hadn’t been self- conscious about his arm?


Better yet, send him to hell with his daddy and grand daddy!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Aw, shit.

Somebody is having a bad day.


Thug life!


Around the Dustoff household Kim Jong Un is referred to as “Fat Bastard”( Note to self…. Got to ask Miss Dustoff how you say that in Korean)


Side note, now that South Korea elected a liberal President who wants to play nice with the North, they’re discussing removing the THAAD systems that were and are being set up in the ROK. Not sure what motivates them to not want a missile defense system, seems rather stupid all things considered.


Pat, of course it’s stupid, but you already said that the new president is a liberal, so….


Go figger….


BEYOND STUPID, that is suicidal!!

OSC(SW) Retired

Well now we have 4 successful shots out of 10 tries. Not bad, only $10,000,000,000.00 each. Good work Boeing, CSC, and Raytheon. I hope your CEOs get big fat bonuses.

Hamilton Nolan

Making North Korea great again, bitches.

Just An Old Dog

Here’s a question. If the nuke missle gets knocked out at high altitude does the payload detonate, or does it simply splash down.
Not that weapons grade uranium is not dangerous but it beats a huge cloud of crap floating over the ocean.

John Robert Mallernee

As I understand it, nuclear weapons cannot be triggered by an external explosion.

The old Nike missile systems in Germany used nuclear warheads designed to detonate at high altitude near incoming Soviet missiles, thereby destroying one or several missiles at once.

But, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to scrap their anti-ballistic missile programs, removing all protection, and instead, a program of Mutually Assured Destruction (i.e., “MAD”) became our national policy.

In other words, in the event of a nuclear war, neither the United States of America nor the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would survive.


Thus leading to the Police song I hope the Russians love their children too


And the critics of the Strategic Defense Intiative should have big bowl of crow on the White House lawn.